═══ 1. README for the IPF Editor ═══ You have received an evaluation version of the IPF Editor for OS/2 2.x. The IPF Editor helps you create both INF files for viewing with the VIEW.EXE and HLP files for use with C or C++ applications you develop. This evaluation version lets you try the IPF Editor 25 times (i.e. you can start the IPF Editor 25 times before your evaluation period expires). You can get details on using the IPF Editor in the IPFEDOC.INF file supplied with this evaluation kit. The IPF Editor also has complete online help available for your convenience. You may also wish to reference the OS/2 2.x Toolkit's sample documents and reference. A sample project is supplied for your examination showing how to create online help for C program. You may load the project file using the "File Select Project" and selecting the project IPFEDEMO.HPR in the directory \IPFEDIT\CSAMPLE. A Second sample online document project is also available in the \IPFEDIT\DSAMPLE subdirectory. Use the "File Select Project" and select the project SHAKESPR.HPR to load the project. Feel free to change the source and use the "Compiler Compile project..." to test out the usage of various IPF commands. Please do not place altered files into the IPFEDIT.ZIP that you downloaded. You can use the "File New" option to help you create single file online documents and compile them using the "Compiler Compile document file..." option. Please view the LICENSE.INF to see the license agreement you will need to agree to before using this evaluation version of the IPF Editor. Note: You must view the PCS IPF Editor License Agreement and agree to it to legally use the IPF Editor program. ═══ 2. Ordering Information ═══ To order the registered version of the IPF Editor use the enclosed registration form IPFEDIT.REG (please print it and fill it out). To order by phone, please contact Perez Computing Services at (206) 428-5025 Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time. ═══ 3. Reporting Problems ═══ If you discover any problems with the IPF Editor or have suggestions for changes to the IPF Editor please feel free to contact us. Currently, the problems (and solutions) listed below have been reported and may be addressed in future versions of the IPF Editor: o The OS/2 2.01 Service Pack version of Trident video drivers can cause a protection error when the IPF Editor's dialog boxes are dragged across the editing window (and therefore causing a repaint of the editing window and dialog box). This is an problem with the Service Pack's Trident video driver. Updating to OS/2 2.1 or changing video drivers solves this problem. ═══ 4. Using the Supplied C Application Help Sample ═══ The Sample C application requires C Set/2 or C Set/2++ to build correctly. You may be able to create it correctly with other OS/2 2.x compatible compilers but we haven't tested it with any other compilers. To load the help project for the sample program use the "File Select Project" menu item and select the "CSAMPLE\IPFEDEMO.HPR" file (help project files have the extension .HPR). When you select a project file you will see a warning stating that the unregistered version does not automatically load definitions from C include files. The registered version automatically loads these definitions. You will need to use the "Application Load definitions include file" menu option. You can also create a Workframe/2 project to build this. ═══ 5. Installing the IPF Editor ═══ To install the IPF Editor use the INSTALL.CMD program supplied with this package. Type INSTALL where is the drive to install the IPF Editor on. The drive needs 700K free and REXX installed in OS/2 to succesfully install the IPF Editor. If you wish to manually install the IPF Editor perform the following steps: o Unzip IPFEDIT.ZIP into a directory called IPFEDIT o Create a folder entitled "IPF Editor Shareware Version" o Create program objects for the following: - IPFEDIT.EXE titled "IPF Editor Shareware Version" - VIEW.EXE with parameter value set to "IPFEDOC.INF" and titled "IPF Editor Online Reference" - IPFEDEMO.EXE and titled "IPF Editor Sample C Application" - VIEW.EXE with parameter value set to "README.INF" and titled "IPF Editor Readme File" - VIEW.EXE with parameter value set to "LICENSE.INF" and titled "IPF Editor License Agreement" o View the "LICENSE.INF" file to read the PCS IPF Editor license agreement. o VIEW.EXE with parameter value set to "SHAKESPR.INF" and titled "IPF Editor Sample Online Document" o Remember that you only have 25 free usages to try out the IPF Editor. o You may only install the IPF Editor on a single machine as outlined in the license agreement. No changes to your CONFIG.SYS are required. You may wish to adjust the HELP, BOOKSHELF, and LIBPATH path statements to include the IPF Editor's online help, reference, and DLL files in those paths. See your OS/2 2.x Command Reference for details on adjusting the HELP, BOOKSHELF, and LIBPATH path statements. ═══ ═══ Perez Computing Services (PCS) is a software development company founded by Mario Perez Jr. and Bill Perez. PCS specializes in software programming tools for DOS, Windows, and OS/2. We provide custom programming as well as having several retail OS/2 and DOS software packages available. If you wish to contact us you may via U.S. mail or Compuserve, Prodigy, or IBMLINK's OS/2 BBS. Please make all contacts "attention Bill Perez." ═══ ═══ IBM Workframe/2 is registered trademarks of IBM. ═══ ═══ IBM C Set/2 and C Set/2++ are registered trademarks of IBM. ═══ ═══ IBM OS/2 2.x Toolkit is a registered trademark of IBM. ═══ ═══ IBM and IBM OS/2 2.x are a registered trademarks of IBM. ═══ ═══ IPF Editor (C) 1993 Perez Computing Systems.