═══ 1. Introduction ═══ Custom Design Software's IPF Builder - Online Help IPF Builder is a program that will assist you in the creation of IPF files. These files can then be either compiled into INF files or online help files. One of the hardest jobs when it comes to creating IPF files is remembering the numerous formatting codes you need to insert in your text as you create these files. IPF Builder eases this job considerably. Even harder is to keep track of the various headers you've created and building the hypertext links that allow a user to quickly move from one heading to another. Again, IPF Builder assists greatly in this task. Although IPF Builder will not give you the ability to use all of the various formatting options available to you with IPFC, it does give you enough to create some pretty decent INF and HLP files. See Changes from Previous versions for information on how the program has been updated from the previous version. For information on the restrictions of use with the DEMO VERSION of IPF Builder see Notes on the Demo Version. Double click on one of the topics below for more information. Especially important is understanding the process you'll need to use to create a new IPF file. ■ Getting Started ■ Saving Your Work ■ Creating a Header ■ Creating Links ■ Testing your work as you go. ■ Editing Controls ■ Using Bullets ■ Highlighting Text ■ Fonts ■ Bold Text ■ Inserting a BMP ■ Changing Margins ■ Adding Text from another file ■ Popup Menu for Quick Access ■ Creating Lists ■ Changing Colors ■ Creating Footnotes ■ Closing a File ■ IPFC Context Sensitive Help ■ Create a Table ■ User Installable Tags ■ Getting a Tree View of your IPF file. ■ System Requirements ■ Technical Support ═══ 1.1. Changes from Previous versions ═══ Changes from Version 1.0: Due to user requests IPF Builder has eliminated many of the buttons that were contained in Version 1.0. Having these buttons was redundant since the menu bar and popup menu offered all the capabilities plus more. This makes for a less cluttered interface. The following new features have been added: 1. Editing window is not displayed until a new IPF File is created or an existing one is loaded. 2. Once you are editing an IPF file, you cannot create a new one or load an existing one. These menu items are greyed out. 3. "Edit", "Actions" and "Compile" on menu bar are disabled until an IPF file is created or opened. 4. The ability to create Footnotes and link to them. 5. Addition of variously formatted Lists. 6. Addition of color tags. 7. Addition of "break" and "warning" tags. 8. Addition of "caution" tag. 9. Addition of "Note (single paragraph)" tag. 10. Checks for selected text when applying tags that depend on first selecting the text to tag. 11. Addition of a horizontal scroll bar in the edit window. 12. Queries you if you want to Save your file when Exiting to remind you to save your work. 13. Commenting when adding New Headings so that finding the sections is alot easier. 14. Updated Online Help to reflect the changes made in this new version. Changes from Version 1.1: Version 1.11 incorporates the following changes and enhancements: 1. IPF Files that you are editing can now be Closed and a new one created or opened. It is no longer a requirement that the program be stopped and started again to deal with another IPF file. 2. Context sensitive help for the IPFC online help is now incorporated making it easy to find specific information on the IPFC tagging language. See IPFC Context Sensitive Help 3. Since some large IPF files can take a long time to compile, IPF Builder now informs you that the compile process has started in the background. 4. VIEWINF.CMD has been changed to accomodate a second parameter. 5. A "Find" text feature that allows you to quickly find a text string in your IPF file. Changes from Version 1.11: Version 1.12 incorporates the following changes and enhancements: 1. Loading an IPF File into the editing window has been speeded up 300% by making the editing window visible after the IPF File is loaded into memory. 2. After an IPF File is loaded the cursor returns to the top of the file rather than remaining at the end of the file. 3. The menu bar has been changed so that "View" replaces "View INF". A pull-down menu under "View" now allows the user to view either INF or HLP files. See Testing your work as you go. for more information on viewing INF and HLP files from within IPF Builder. 4. When creating a new heading and you forget to choose the heading level, IPF Builder now defaults to a heading level of 1. See Creating a Header. 5. "Large Font" has been replaced with a "Fonts..." dialog box that allows you to select between Courier, Times Roman, Helvetica and default fonts along with selecting the point size of the font you want. See Fonts for more information on using the Fonts tag. 6. Level 1 headings can now be indexed. See Creating a Header for more information. 7. When inserting BMP files into your IPF file, IPF Builder now displays the BMP file that you've selected. See Inserting a BMP for more information. 8. Now you can create Tables in your IPF files using IPF Builder. See Create a Table for more information. 9. The online help files IPFBLDER.HLP and IPFBLDER.INF have been updated to reflect all new features and changes. Changes from Version 1.12: The MAJOR CHANGE with this version of IPF Builder is a DRAMATIC increase in speed in the operation of the program. Version 1.2 incorporates the following changes and enhancements: 1. Now you can customize IPF Builder by creating your own additions to the pop-up menu. See User Installable Tags for more information. 2. You can now get a graphical representation of the structure of your IPF file. See Getting a Tree View of your IPF file. for more information. 3. The file COMPILE.CMD is no longer required. IPF Builder creates its own CMD files each time it compiles either an INF or HLP file. Version 1.2 is able to operate much more smoothly when a compilation is taking place in the background. See Testing your work as you go. for more information on the compiling process. 4. The layout of IPF Builder has been changed. The editing area now sits in a window centered in the main IPF Builder window. The editing area can be re-sized along with the main window allowing you to size the window to the most comfortable size for your needs. 5. The file you are editing is now displayed on the title bar of the editing window and the "Save IPF File" button has been removed. See Saving Your Work for more information on saving your IPF files. 6. Speed enhancements have been obtained in the program by using VX*REXX version 2.1. The previous versions of VX*REXX had a bug in the cursor positioning in a multiline entry field that caused the slow "Find" procedure. Because IPF Builder is now compiled with version 2.1 the VROBJ.DLL runtime file has also been upgraded and replaces the previous VROBJ.DLL that came with earlier versions of IPF Builder. 7. The online help files IPFBLDER.HLP and IPFBLDER.INF have been changed to reflect all new features and changes. Return to Introduction ═══ 1.2. Notes on the Demo Version ═══ The DEMO VERSION of IPF Builder is functional in all aspects with the following exceptions: o You cannot save the IPF file that you are editing. o You cannot "Copy" text from the IPF file to the OS/2 Clipboard (as this would allow you to save your text) longer than 100 characters. o You cannot "Cut" text from the IPF file (for the same reason). o If you have created a new file with this demo version, you will not be able to save it. Therefore you will not be able to "Compile" this file into an INF or HLP file. If you want to test the "Compile" functions, load an existing IPF file. You'll then be able to "Compile" it into either an INF or HLP file. Any changes you make to the file will not be saved however. We suggest that you use a copy of your original IPF file to use with this demo version. Return to Introduction ═══ 2. Getting Started ═══ Click on "File" on the menu bar, then "New File" to start the creation of a new IPF file. You'll be asked to input the name of the IPF file. (Include the "IPF" extention) and to give a Title to the new document. (This Title will be displayed on the main INF window when you later VIEW it.) The first thing you should do when creating a new IPF file is take note of the fact that IPF Builder will create level 1, 2 and 3 headings with the formatting code of :h1. and :h2. and :h3. Secondly, when you first start creating your new IPF file you'll see that an "Introduction" heading is automatically created and assigned a resource ID of "10000". All additional resource ID's for the new headings you create need to have unique numbers. You should consider continuing with the resource ID's so that your next heading will be assigned "10001" and the one after that "10003", etc. Here is what is first created when you start working on a new IPF file: :* :userdoc. :title.Title of INF or HLP Document :docprof toc=123. .***************************************************************************************** .* Introduction [ 10000 ] .***************************************************************************************** :h1 res=10000.Introduction .********************************[ End of IPF ]***************************************** :euserdoc. You'll want to make sure that your IPF document ends with ":euserdoc." so don't enter in text beyond this point in your IPF file. You should start creating your documentation by first creating new headings and entering text under each heading. After you've created all your headings and entered all the text under each heading you can then go back to your Introduction and create the links to each heading. IPF Builder looks for :h1. headings to get a listing of the headings in your document to display in a list box when you click on the "Link" button. If the headings are not created first prior to trying to link to them, IPF Builder will not be able to find them of course and no link can take place. Since :h1 res=10000.Introduction is created automatically at the beginning of IPF file creation, you can always link a return to the starting point of your document anytime you are creating new headings and their respective text. See below: Return to Introduction ═══ 3. Saving Your Work ═══ It is important that you save your work on a regular basis as you develop your IPF document. Prior to Compiling an INF or HLP file, you should make sure that you've saved the IPF file that you are working on. Click on "File" "Save File" from the menu bar to save the file you are editing. Return to Introduction ═══ 4. Creating a Header ═══ When you start creating your IPF file the first thing you should do is start by creating the various Headings and accompanying text. (You can always go back and add text later or change the formatting of the text). Click on "Actions" "Create New Heading" on the menu bar or click mouse button 2 and "Create New Heading". You'll be asked to enter the text of the Heading and assign a resource ID to the heading. Resource ID's should be entered in up to 5 digits, as in: "10003". You also need to select a heading level. Levels can be 1, 2 or 3. The heading will be inserted into your IPF file at the position of your cursor. So you'll want to make sure your cursor is located on a new line in column one. Here is an example of a header: :h1 res=10004.Creating a Header :p. The line above creates the heading for this section of the HLP file you are presently reading. In fact, this whole document was created using IPF Builder and all that you see here can be duplicated by yourself when you create your IPF files using IPF Builder. Level 1 headings can also be indexed. When creating a Level 1 heading, IPF Builder will ask you if you want to index this heading. If you click on "OK" the following will be inserted into your IPF file: :h1 res=10004.Creating a Header :i1. Creating a Header :p. Note: Only Level 1 headings can be indexed. Return to Introduction ═══ 5. Creating Links ═══ Links allow you to create hypertext links to quickly move from one section of your INF or HLP file to another. IPF Builder creates links that take you to the various Headers that you've created. It is important to create the Headings prior to trying to link to them. Although this is the recommended procedure, you can still develop your IPF file by jumping back and forth and creating headings and links as you go along. To create a Link, click on "Actions" "Link to Heading/Footnote". This will display the headings and footnotes that you've presently got in your IPF file and you can select the heading you wish to create a link to. Clicking on the menu bar as described above opens a Notebook view of all the headers in your document. Note: A quick way to get to the Notebook headings list is to click the Right Mouse Button. This will open a popup window that will allow you to get quickly to any of the IPF Controls. See Popup Menu for Quick Access If you selected "Introduction" for example, the following line would be inserted into your IPF file: :link reftype=hd res=10000.Introduction:elink. The headings are divided up based on the Level that you originally assigned to them. Any heading and its text with a Level of 2 for example would be a child of the Level 1 heading immediately preceding it. When you start developing a document with more than one level of headings you want to make sure that you use a numbering scheme that will make it easy for you to locate the lower levels. Clicking on one of the Tabs will display all the headings you've created with Level 1 (One), Level 2 (Two), or Level 3 (Three) Links can be inserted anywhere in your IPF file. So to create the line "Return to Introduction", you'd type in "Return to ", then click on "Actions" "Link to Heading/Footnote" and then select "10000.Introduction" by clicking on it. Once "10000.Introduction" is highlighted, click on the "Select" Button . The result would be what you see below: Return to Introduction You can also link to a footnote that you've created. To link to a footnote you need to: o Make sure you've created a footnote that you wish to link to. o Highlight the word or phrase you want to link to a footnote. o Click on "Actions" "Link to Heading/Footnote" on the menu bar or use the popup menu. o Click on the "Footnotes" tab on the notebook. o Click on the footnote you wish to link to. o Click on the "Select" Button. Return to Introduction ═══ 6. Testing your work as you go. ═══ As your IPF starts to take shape, you can Compile and View. the resultant INF file or HLP file. This makes it very convenient to see just how your finished document will look and whether you are getting it all right. To Compile your work, have a copy of IPFC.EXE located in the same directory as IPF Builder. (or in your PATH) Use this directory for saving your IPF files and storing the INF and HLP files you are creating. Click on "File" "Save File" to make sure the latest version has been saved to a file BEFORE trying to Compile a new INF file or HLP file. Click on "Compile" "INF File" on the menu bar at the top of the screen. Compiling may take some time, depending on how long and complex your document is. When compiling is started, the VX*REXX Console will become visible on your desktop. The Console will display what has happened during the compile stage. You can look over the results to see if all compiled alright. Click on the VX*REXX Console window to bring it to the front so that you can see the results. Keep the Console on-screen so that you can see the results of future compiles and know when a compile has been completed. You will know compilation is complete when you see "Document title : " on the top line of the VX*REXX Console. Once your document has been compiled, you click on "View" from the menu bar to launch a VIEW of your newly created INF or HLP file. Now you can go through this file and make sure that the IPF file you have created is working as expected. Note: If you have chosen to View a HLP file you can return to viewing it at any time by pressing the F1 function key. If however you've looked at IPF Builder's Online Help since viewing the HLP file you are developing, F1 will bring up the Online Help, not your HLP file. This process of Entering Text, Saving IPF, Compiling and Viewing is the basic procedure you'll use to develop your online documents. Return to Introduction ═══ 7. Editing Controls ═══ To assist you with the creation of your IPF file, you can: 1. Undo your last action 2. Copy highlighted text to the OS/2 Clipboard 3. Paste the contents of the OS/2 Clipboard into your IPF document 4. Delete text you've selected in your IPF document 5. Cut selected text - use to move text by deleting and then Pasting somewhere else 6. Find a text string in your IPF file so that you can quickly move to a specific section of your IPF file. 7. Do repeated finds by clicking on "Find Again" after your first "Find". Any text that you highlight in the editing window can be copied to the OS/2 Clipboard by clicking on "Edit" "Copy" on the menu bar. Highlighted text can also be cut by clicking on "Edit" "Cut". When text is cut it is deleted from the document and placed in the Clipboard so that it can pasted (ie. moved) somewhere else. Any text that is already in the Clipboard, either by copying from your IPF document or some other source can be pasted into your IPF document. Place your cursor in your document where you want to paste the text and then click on "Edit" "Paste" on the menu bar. Return to Introduction ═══ 8. Using Bullets ═══ IPF Builder will let you easily add Bullets to your document. Click on "Actions" "Tags" "Square Bullets" on the menu bar. Doing so adds the following text to your IPF file: :lines. &sqbul. :elines. From here it is then a simple matter to start creating lines that start with a square bullet. Add the text for your line after the "&sqbul." formatting code. If you need to add more than just one line you can highlight "&sqbul." and click on "Edit" "Copy". Then you can add additional bullet formatting codes by clicking on "Edit" "Paste". Just make sure to keep all your bulleted lines between the :lines. and :elines. lines. You can combine bullets with links so that you can produce what you see in the Introduction section of this help file. The IPF code looks like this: :p. :lines. &sqbul. :link reftype=hd res=10002.Getting Started:elink. &sqbul. :link reftype=hd res=10003.Saving Your Work:elink. &sqbul. :link reftype=hd res=10004.Creating a Header:elink. &sqbul. :link reftype=hd res=10005.Creating Links:elink. &sqbul. :link reftype=hd res=10006.Testing your work as you go.:elink. &sqbul. :link reftype=hd res=10007.Editing Controls:elink. &sqbul. :link reftype=hd res=10008.Using Bullets:elink. :elines. Return to Introduction ═══ 9. Highlighting Text ═══ Once you've got most of your IPF file completed you can go back over it and highlight selected text. This will allow you to have text that is in Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Blue or Red. Drag your mouse over the text you want highlighted. The marked text will appear in white text on a black background. Click "Actions" "Tags" "Highlight Selected Text...". The following window will appear: Click on the kind of highlighting you want and that text will be tagged to create that highlight when your IPF file is compiled. Return to Introduction ═══ 10. Fonts ═══ If you want to change fonts in your IPF file, bring up the pop-up menu and click on "Tags" "Fonts...". This will bring up the following dialog box: Select the font you want and the point size of the font. To see samples of the font you've selected you need to select the font, set the point size and select the font again. Clicking on the button Set Font will insert the tag into your IPF file. Clicking on the Cancel button will cancel any font changes. Note: The new font you select will stay in effect until it is changed back to the default font or another window is opened. Remember to change back to the default font if you just want a block of text in another font. Return to Introduction ═══ 11. Bold Text ═══ This is just a little quicker way to get a selected block of text formatted as Bold. The other alternative is using the Highlighting Text procedure. This will give you more options as to how you want the selected text highlighted. Return to Introduction ═══ 12. Inserting a BMP ═══ Bitmaps can be inserted in your IPF file by clicking on "Actions" "Tags" "Insert BMP...". This opens up a new window that allows you to select the BMP file you want to include in your document. Click on "Select BMP" to make your selection. The bitmap will be displayed in the window. If this is not the bitmap you wish to insert, select another. When you are satisfied with your selection click on "Insert BMP". If you click on "Cancel", no bitmap will be inserted into your IPF file. You will also get the option as to whether you want the BMP aligned "Left", "Centered" or "Right". If you selected a file called "CDS.BMP" for example you would end up with formatting similiar to: :artwork align=Left name='E:\IPFBUILD\CDS.BMP'. Because the program inserts the complete path to the BMP you selected, your BMP file does not have to be located in the same directory as IPF Builder is located. Return to Introduction ═══ 13. Changing Margins ═══ If you want to change the margins in your IPF file you can click on "Actions" "Tags" "Margins" on the menu bar or right button click to bring up the popup menu. The following window will open: Using the sliders you can set the Left and Right Margins. This will insert the appropriate tags. Note: You need to be careful that when you want the margins returned to their defaults that you once again set the margin tags. Opening the Margins window a second time and clicking the button will insert the margin tags to return to the default margins. Return to Introduction ═══ 14. Adding Text from another file ═══ If you have text in another file that you want to incorporate in your IPF file you have two ways to accomplish this. Firstly, you can open the other text file with a text editor and then copy the selected text from that file to the OS/2 Clipboard. Once in the Clipboard you can "Paste" the text into your document. See Editing Controls Secondly, if you want to bring a complete file into your IPF document you can "import" the file. Click on "File" on the menu bar then click on "Import File...". A dialog box opens allowing you to select the file you wish to import. With either method, the text you import will be inserted at the point that your cursor is located in your IPF file when you invoked the procedure. Return to Introduction ═══ 15. Popup Menu for Quick Access ═══ For quick access to all the tags and for creating Links or New Headings you can click the RIGHT BUTTON on your mouse. A popup menu is displayed. Select what you want to do or what tag you want to insert in your IPF file. This saves you having to move your mouse over to the menu bar. Return to Introduction ═══ 16. Creating Lists ═══ You can create different kinds of lists by clicking on "Actions" "Tags" "Lists" or click the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON to bring up the popup menu then clicking on "Tags" and then "Lists". The following dialog box opens: Select the type of list you require and click "OK". You can cancel the process by clicking the "Cancel" Button. Return to Introduction ═══ 17. Changing Colors ═══ If you want to change the color of a block of text, click on "Actions" "Tags" "Colors". Select the Foreground and Background colors and click on "OK". When you want to set the colors back to the default colors, click on "Colors" again and then click "OK" without making any selections. You can also access the colors dialog box by clicking your RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON, "Tags" and "Colors". The color dialog box looks like: Return to Introduction ═══ 18. Creating Footnotes ═══ Footnotes make it possible to double click on a word or phrase and get additional information on that word or phrase from a window that opens up in your INF or HLP file. To create a footnote, click on "Actions" "Create New Footnote" or select "Create New Footnote" from the popup menu. When you click on "Footnotes" a dialog box opens in which you can type in the reference id for the footnote you are creating. Click the "OK" button to create the footnote or "Cancel" to abort the procedure. The following will be entered into your IPF file: :fn id=ddrives. :efn. Replace the "" with the text you want contained in the footnote. Note: You can place footnotes anywhere in your IPF file. It is probably a good idea to keep all your footnotes together so that you can easily find them should you wish to make any changes to their contents. See Creating Links for information on how to link selected text to a footnote that you've created. Return to Introduction ═══ 19. Closing a File ═══ If you wish to open a different IPF file or start the creation of a new IPF file you can close the file you are working on. Click on "File" "Close File " from the menu bar. You will be given the option to save the IPF file. If you cannot remember if you've saved the latest version it is a good idea to save it now. When you've closed a file, your editing window will be blank and no file name will be displayed in the "Editing IPF File:" field. From "File" on the menu bar you will be able to create a new file, open an existing file or exit the program. Return to Introduction ═══ 20. IPFC Context Sensitive Help ═══ Clicking on "Help" on the menu bar gives you the option to view the IPFC20.INF file that provides online help for the IPFC compiler. If you require help on a specific IPFC tag you can drag your mouse over the key word and highlight the word (or double click on the word) and then call up the IPFC online help from the menu bar. This will take you directly to help on the specific word you've selected. Note: Sometimes the context sensitive search may not work if the text you selected is not indexed in the IPFC20.INF file. You will be notified if a VIEW was unsuccessful. If this happens you'll need to either change your selected text and try again or bring up the general IPFC online help by not having any text highlighted in your IPF file and search out the information from within IPFC20.INF. Hint: If you require help for a tag that is not included in IPF Builder, just type in the tag and then highlight it. Click on "Help" "IPFC Help" to get context sensitive help for that tag. Return to Introduction ═══ 21. Create a Table ═══ With IPF Builder it is easy to create a table in your IPF document. Place your cursor on a new line and click on "Actions" "Create a Table". Follow the procedure outlined below to create your table: 1. Enter the number of columns you want in your table. The maximum columns you can enter is 5. 2. Enter the width of each column placing a space between each number you enter. Make sure to have a width entered for each column. If you are setting up a table with 3 columns for example and you wanted the first column to be 10 characters wide and the second column 20 characters wide and the third one 20 characters wide, you'd enter "10 20 20" (without the quotes). 3. Next you select the kind of ruling lines you want in your table. You have a choice between BOTH, HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL or NONE. 4. Next you select whether you want a BOX, RULES or NONE for a frame. 5. After choosing the type of frame you want, you can start entering the text you want in each Row/Column in your table. Type the text into the entry fields to the right of "ROW 1" under each respective Column. When you have entered all the text for each column for ROW 1, click on the "INSERT" Button. (The TAB key will take you from entry field to entry field as you enter your text.) 6. The contents of the entry fields will clear and you can enter your next Row which will now be named "ROW 2". Again, click the "INSERT" Button to insert the next Row of text. 7. When you've finished entering text into your table, click on the "FINISHED" Button. The "Create a Table" window will close and you'll be returned to the IPF document with the table tags created. If you entered "Create a Table" by mistake, you can click on the "CANCEL" Button to return to your document without creating a table. Note: If you want to have a particular Row/Column blank with no text in it, type a "." (period) in that entry field. Later you can delete this period leaving only ":c." on that line if you don't want a period displayed in that Row/Column of your table. Return to Introduction ═══ 22. User Installable Tags ═══ IPF Builder let's you create your own custom tags. You can create up to 10 tags or macros. This makes IPF Builder even more powerful than before! Clicking on Macros on the menu bar will allow you to create up to 10 custom pop-up menus. To create your first custom menu item, click on "Macros" "Edit Custom 1". This will present you with the following window: Fill in the Menu Caption. This will be the menu item displayed in your pop-up menu. Then fill in the Macro Text. Here you can place tags and text exactly as you want it to appear when inserted in your IPF file. When you are finished, click on the "Save Macro" Button. If you do not wish to save your new macro, click on the "Cancel" Button. Once you have created a new macro, you see it displayed when you click on "Actions" "Custom Tags" or "Custom Tags" from the pop-up menu. Try out your new macro. If it doesn't behave as you expected, go back to "Edit Custom 1" and change the text in the "Macro Text" multiline entry box. Each custom macro that you create is stored in a file called CUSTOMn.MNU where "n" refers to the number of your custom macro. You can create a macro file outside of IPF Builder by using a text editor and creating a CUSTOMn.MNU file. The first line of the file contains the Menu Caption and the remaining lines contain the Macro Text. The next time that you load IPF Builder your pop-up menu will contain this new macro. Note: If you want to delete a custom macro, you can simply delete the appropriate CUSTOMn.MNU file. Do this when IPF Builder is NOT running. Return to Introduction ═══ 23. Getting a Tree View of your IPF file. ═══ Clicking on "Tree View" on the menu bar will give you the following options: o View o Build Tree View Before you can "View" the Tree View of your IPF structure you must build a tree view. The view you see is always the state of your IPF file since the last time you built the tree view. In other words, if you've added or deleting a heading since your last "Build Tree View", the changes will not be seen in the tree view. Note: If you create a new heading or delete a heading or make any changes to a heading (such as renumbering it or moving it) you need to "Build Tree View". Double-clicking on one of the icons in the tree view will take you to that heading in your IPF file. So you can also use this function to move quickly around your IPF file. If you simply want to see the structure of your IPF file and not move to another heading section, double click on the system menu icon on the top left of the tree view window. Return to Introduction ═══ 24. System Requirements ═══ IPF Builder requires the following: ■ OS/2 Version 2.0 or higher ■ IPFC.EXE - Information Presentation Facility Compiler ■ 8 MB of RAM or higher ■ OS/2's REXX facility installed Return to Introduction ═══ 25. Technical Support ═══ Technical Support is available from Custom Design Software between the hours of 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Pacific Standard Time. See "Help" - "About" for the phone number. You can also FAX any questions you have to (604) 334-3125. Return to Introduction ═══ ═══ VX*REXX is copyrighted by WATCOM International Corporation.