ICAT Debugger

Table of Contents

About This Book

The ICAT Debugger

  • Before You Begin
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements
  • Minimum Software Requirements
  • Compiling and Linking Your Program
  • Viewing Symbol Information in Disassembly View
  • Environment Variables
  • Finding Source Files
  • Limitations
  • Getting Started
  • Setting Up the Target Network Computer
  • Setting Up the Host OS/2 Computer
  • Demonstration Session
  • Starting a Debug Session
  • Using the Tool Buttons
  • Helpful Tips and Hints
  • Troubleshooting
  • Ending the Debugging Session
  • Main Debugging Windows

  • Debug Session Control Window
  • Opening a New Source File
  • Opening a Source File to a Function
  • Locating the Execution Point
  • Saving the Contents of the Threads Pane View
  • Saving the Contents of the Components Pane View
  • Rebooting the Target Computer
  • Opening the Initialization Window
  • Setting Breakpoints
  • Setting a Line Breakpoint
  • Setting a Function Breakpoint
  • Setting an Address Breakpoint
  • Setting a Watchpoint
  • Setting a Load Occurrence Breakpoint
  • Viewing a List of Breakpoints
  • Setting Debugger Properties
  • Remote Page
  • Source Page
  • Modules Page
  • Setting Monitor Properties
  • Viewing Your Source
  • Source Window
  • Disassembly Window
  • Mixed Window
  • Executing a Program
  • Monitors Windows

  • Viewing Active Functions for a Particular Thread
  • Menus
  • Viewing Registers for a Particular Thread
  • Menus
  • Viewing Storage Contents and Addresses
  • Menus
  • Monitoring Local Variables
  • Menus
  • Sending KDB Commands and Viewing the Responses
  • REXX Command Files
  • Menus
  • Viewing Messages
  • Menus
  • Monitoring Other Variables and Expressions
  • Expressions Supported

  • Supported Expression Operands
  • Supported Expression Operators
  • Supported Data Types
  • Notices

  • Second Edition (November, 2000)
  • Copyright Notices
  • Disclaimers

  • About This Book

    This document contains information to help you install, get started, and perform tasks with the Interactive Code Analysis Tool (ICAT) debugger.

    If you need assistance from any window while using the debugger, press F1 from any window or choose the Help menu.

    The ICAT Debugger

    The IBM Interactive Code Analysis Tool (ICAT) Debugger is used for debugging OS/2 device drivers, kernel code, Installable File Systems (IFS), and applications that are running on an OS/2 Warp Version 4+ remote machine. The debugger helps you detect and diagnose errors in code written in C, C++, and assembler languages at the source level.

    The ICAT Debugger (hereafter referred to in this document as the debugger) is a source-level debugger which uses OS/2 Warp Version 4+ to assist in detecting and diagnosing errors in an OS/2 Warp Version 4+ system. It provides a graphical user interface and debugs PM and non-PM (single- or multi-threaded) applications as well as device drivers and other system-level binaries.

    This debugger has been designed to debug remotely an OS/2 Warp Version 4+ system. The Kernel Debugger (KDB) runs on a target OS/2 Warp Version 4+ computer and replies to debug service requests that are sent from the debugger while running on an Intel-based OS/2 Warp Version 4+ computer. The supported communications mode between the target and host computers is serial or UDP.

    Supported debug file formats include HLL (which is IBM VisualAge C++ (VACPP)) and CodeView (CV).

    Before You Begin

    This section lists the minimum hardware and software requirements, options for compiling and linking your program, environment variables, and limitations.

    Minimum Hardware Requirements

    Minimum Software Requirements

    There are software requirements for both the target computer where the programs are debugged and run and the host computer where the debugger runs.

    Target Computer

    OS/2 Warp Host Computer

    Compiling and Linking Your Program

    Before using the debugger, you need to compile and link your program.

    For VACPP programs, use the following options:

    Compiles your program to produce an object file that includes line number information and a symbol table in addition to the source code.

    Compiles your program with optimization off. This is the default.

    Compiles your program with inlining off. This is the default.

    Links your program to produce an executable file that includes line number information and a symbol table in addition to the executable code.

    Note: When you specify the /Ti+ option with the /DEbug option, icc passes this option to the linker automatically, so you only need to use it if you link separately from the compile.

    For more information about compiling and linking your program, refer to IBM C++ Tools Programming Guide.

    For Microsoft CL, CL386, MASM, and MASM386 programs, use the following options:

    Compiles your program to produce an object file that includes line number information and a symbol table, in addition to the source code.

    Compiles your program with optimization off.

    Links your program to produce an executable file that includes line number information and a symbol table in addition to the executable code.

    For Watcom wpp386 programs, use the following options:

    Compiles your program with full debugging information.

    Compiles your program emitting CodeView debug format (currently, the debugger only supports Watcom's CodeView debug format).

    Compiles your program with optimization off.

    For the Watcom linker, wlink, use this option:

    d codeview
    Links your program with CodeView debug format.

    The debugger supports a separate debug file (from your created application) for the Watcom compiler. For the Watcom linker, wlink, use this option to create a separate debug file if desired:

    op symf

    This creates a .sym file. Be careful not to confuse this file with a KDB .sym file. The debugger looks for debug information first in the application file. If it doesn't find it, it looks for the debug information in a .dbg file and then in a .sym file as a last resort. Most users rename the separate Watcom .sym file to a .dbg file.

    Viewing Symbol Information in Disassembly View

    The Debugger enables you to view limited symbol information in the Disassembly view of an executable file compiled with no debug information if a separate symbol file is supplied.

    Using the link symbol information from a separate symbol file (*.sym) function names are annotated to the disassembly lines for function calls and function entry points, making it easier for you to navigate through disassembly code.

    To enable viewing of the symbol information in Disassembly view:

    Whether the executable is located on the target machine, or both host and target machines, there is no difference in performance. Currently, the symbol file must be located on the host machine.

    If the executable to be debugged was compiled to enable a separate map file to be generated, then the symbol file is obtained by running the MapSym.exe utility on that map (.map) file. Make certain that the symbol file has the same name as the executable.

    Environment Variables

    The debugger uses environment variables to manage debugging sessions and remote communication. To set the environmental variables, edit the SETICAT.CMD file. The environment variables should be set in the OS/2 session where the debugger is to be run. Following is a list of the variables and a description of each:

    Serial Communication

    Specifies which host COM port the debugger uses to communicate with KDB and the baud rate for communication. This variable has the following form:

    where x identifies the port (for example, 1 for COM1) and nnnn specifies the baud rate. The following rates are supported:

    For speeds above 19200, you need buffered UARTs on both the host and target computers. For speeds above 57600, you need customized serial drivers such as SIO.SYS or the COM.SYS that ships with Warp Version 4+ (which can also be used with earlier versions of Warp).

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:

       SET CAT_MACHINE=COM2:57600

    Note: Ensure that your communication port is enabled if you use a ThinkPad.

    LAN Communication

    Specifies the IP address and KDB port number of the target computer. This variable has the following form:


    where x.x.x.x is the IP address and nnnn specifies the KDB port number.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:


    Sets the baud rate at which the debugger communicates with KDB in serial mode. When the debugger first attempts to communicate with KDB, it does so at the baud rate specified by this environment variable or at 9600 baud if this variable is not defined. If the communication succeeds, the debugger changes the baud rate to the rate specified by the CAT_MACHINE environment variable and proceeds. Otherwise, the debugger tries to initiate contact at the rate specified by the CAT_MACHINE environment variable. If neither attempt succeeds, the debugger issues an error message.

    In most cases, you do not need to set CAT_SETUP_RATE. It is primarily useful if you have been communicating with the target computer directly (for example, using ZOC or T) and have left the serial line running at a rate other than 9600 baud that does not match the rate specified by the CAT_MACHINE environment variable.

    This variable is ignored if the debugger communicates using the LAN.

    Additionally, if this environment variable is set, the debugger resets KDB to this rate when the debugger is closed.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:

       SET CAT_SETUP_RATE=9600

    Tells the debugger where to find your debug binaries (the .SYS and .EXE files with debug information) on your host computer.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:


    Tells the debugger the type of communication you want to use. This must be set to ASYNC_SIGBRK for serial communication and UDP for LAN communication.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt for serial communication:

    or type the following for LAN communication:

    Tells the debugger where to find your source. See "Finding Source Files" for more information.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:


    Causes a recursive search of the subdirectories below the subdirectories listed in CAT_HOST_BIN_PATH and CAT_HOST_SOURCE_PATH. For example, with CAT_HOST_SOURCE_PATH=I:\SDE\SAMDETW, the debugger searches the SAMDETW subdirectory and all subdirectories below SAMDETW as well as their subdirectories. The default is NULL, which means the debugger does not perform a recursive search. When the variable is set to any non-null value, the recursive search is performed.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:


    Causes a recursive search of the subdirectories listed in CAT_HOST_SOURCE_PATH. For example, with CAT_HOST_SOURCE_PATH=I:\SDE\SAMDETW, the debugger searches the SAMDETW subdirectory and all subdirectories below SAMDETW as well as their subdirectories. The default is NULL, which means the debugger does not perform a recursive search of source subdirectories. When the variable is set to any non-null value, the recursive search of source subdirectories is performed.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:


    If CAT_PATH_RECURSE is set ON, the debugger performs as if both CAT_BINARY_PATH_RECURSE and CAT_SOURCE_PATH_RECURSE are ON.

    Causes a recursive search of the subdirectories listed in CAT_HOST_BIN_PATH. For example, with CAT_HOST_BIN_PATH=I:\SDE\SAMDETW, the debugger searches the SAMDETW subdirectory and all subdirectories below SAMDETW as well as their subdirectories. The default is NULL, which means the debugger does not perform a recursive search of binary subdirectories. When the variable is set to any non-null value, the recursive search of binary subdirectories is performed.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:


    If CAT_PATH_RECURSE is set ON, the debugger performs as if both CAT_BINARY_PATH_RECURSE and CAT_SOURCE_PATH_RECURSE are ON.

    Tells the debugger about which modules to obtain information. By default, the debugger obtains information about every executable module (DLL, EXE, device driver, and so on) running on the target computer. As a result, it can take a few minutes to attach to the target computer. If the CAT_MODULE_LIST environment variable is defined, the debugger only obtains information about a module if its name appears in the environment variable string. (The debugger always obtains information about the kernel itself.) This can dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes for the debugger to initialize.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:


    The debugger only obtains information on the kernel and the two modules listed in CAT_MODULE_LIST. (If a program named LE.EXE were running, the debugger would also obtain information on it since LE.EXE is a substring of SAMPLE.EXE.)

    Tells the debugger to resume execution. During debugger initialization, the debugger stops the target computer in order to establish the desired baud rate. The debugger then continues its initialization and eventually allows the user to attach to the target computer. By default, the debugger does not allow the target computer to resume execution during this interval. This behavior is necessary to debug a system that has already reached a failure or that contains a hardcoded INT3 instruction (as device drivers often do).

    There could be situations where you want to initialize the debugger but somehow time your attach to the target computer using the Attach button. In this case, define CAT_RESUME, and then the debugger resumes the target computer waiting for your attach command to stop it again.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:


    Tells the debugger to set up the COM port specified by the CAT_MACHINE environment variable so that the debugger can talk to a modem. The debugger then issues the modem attention string (+++) followed by the string specified by the CAT_MODEM_INIT variable (if any) to initialize the modem. The debugger then issues the string specified by the CAT_DIAL variable (if any) and waits 500 seconds for the remote modem to answer.

    Note: The host and target computers can be connected directly (with a null-modem serial cable) or by a modem.

    The CAT_MODEM_INIT environment variable should be based on the string your terminal emulator uses to initialize the modem. This string presumably doesn't change very often. Once you have determined the correct AT commands, you can keep the CAT_MODEM_INIT environment variable constant and change CAT_DIAL when you need to place calls to different numbers.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:

       SET CAT_DIAL=ATDT4840

    Specifies a path that the debugger searches first to find the source files that were used to build your debug binaries. See "Finding Source Files" for a complete description of the process.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:

       SET CAT_OVERRIDE=e:\temp\updates

    Specifies the number of spaces between tab stops when source code containing tabs is displayed in a debugger window.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:

       SET CAT_TAB=5

    The debugger converts each tab in the source to 5 spaces when the source is displayed.

    Specifies the column positions for the tab stops when source code containing tabs is displayed in a debugger window.

    For example, typing the following command at the command prompt sets tab stops at the 6th position:


    Represents the default number of elements displayed for a variable or structure that has a substantial number of elements. The last element displayed for such a structure is labeled "more elements." Clicking on this entry displays the next n elements of the variable or structure.

    Note: CAT_DEBUG_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS is an environment variable that is set to an integer, n.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:


    The next 100 elements are displayed.

    Specifies a name that displays on the title bar of the Debug Session Control window to identify the debugger session.

    For example, type the following at the command prompt:

       SET CAT_DEBUGGER_NAME=target 1

    This is useful if you want to run multiple copies of the debugger from a single host computer to debug multiple systems.

    Finding Source Files

    The search path tells the debugger where to find the source file used in the source windows. The debugger searches for the source files in the following order:

    1. The path defined by the CAT_OVERRIDE environment variable, if specified.

    2. The directory where the object file was compiled.

    3. The path defined by the CAT_HOST_BIN_PATH environment variable, if specified.

    4. The directory where the executable file is located.

    5. The path defined by the CAT_HOST_SOURCE_PATH environment variable, if specified.

    6. The current directory.

    7. The path defined in the INCLUDE environment variable.

    8. The directory of the last source file found in this debug session.


    1. The CAT_PATH_RECURSE environment variable, if specified, causes the debugger to search recursively all subdirectories of the CAT_HOST_BIN_PATH and CAT_HOST_SOURCE_PATH environment variables.

    2. The CAT_BINARY_PATH_RECURSE environment variable, if specified, causes the debugger to search recursively all subdirectories of the CAT_HOST_BIN_PATH environment variable.

    3. The CAT_SOURCE_PATH_RECURSE environment variable, if specified, causes the debugger to search recursively all subdirectories of the CAT_HOST_SOURCE_PATH environment variable.


    The debugger has the following restriction:

    In serial mode, the target computer communicates over COM2 if COM2 exists and over COM1 otherwise. The COM port that the target computer uses must not be usurped by an application. For example, if the target computer is using COM2 and you issue the following command:

       mode com2

    you may disrupt communication. The device driver and executables associated with the IBM LAN Management Utilities (for example, LMUIPL.SYS) can also prevent the target computer from communicating. (Note that KDB can be directed to use a particular COM port by way of the KDB.INI file.)

    Similarly, the COM port the host computer uses in serial mode must be dedicated to the debugger. If the debugger fails to attach, make sure you're not running a terminal emulator (for example, T or ZOC) in the background that has the COM port tied up.

    Getting Started

    This section describes how to set up the target and host computers, includes a demonstration session to help you get started, explains how to start a debugging session from the OS/2 command prompt, includes helpful tips, troubleshooting and how to end a debugging session.

    Setting Up the Target Network Computer

    To set up the target network computer:

    1. Obtain or build an OS2KRNLD that has the debugger packet-handling code. This code is now part of the regular KDB builds.

    2. OS2KRNL is in the root directory of the target computer's boot drive but is hidden. Use the following command to make it visible:
         attrib -r -s -h os2krnl

      Use the following commands to back up the file and replace it with its debug equivalent:

         copy os2krnl  os2krnl.bak
         copy os2krnld os2krnl

    3. If debugging by way of LAN, obtain and install a copy of KDBNET.SYS as in the following steps:
      1. In CONFIG.SYS, locate the line containing PROTMAN.OS2
      2. After this line, enter:
           DEVICE=x:\y\KDBNET.SYS /V /Id.d.d.d /Ppppp

        where x and y are the drive letter and path to the directory where you wish to store KDBNET.SYS. The IBMCOM subdirectory is probably the most convenient place to store it.

        d.d.d.d is the IP address of the target machine

        pppp is the port number on which KDBNET accepts UDP data (1000 is the recommended port number)

      3. Locate the PROTOCOL.INI file, which should be in the IBMCOM subdirectory.
      4. In the stanza that begins with [IBMLXCFG], add the following line:
           kdbnet_nif = kdbnet.nif
      5. Add a new stanza to PROTOCOL.INI:
           Bindings = IBMFEEO2_nif
           DriverName = KDBNET$
           KDBIPADDR = "d.d.d.d"
           KDBSNETMASK = ""
           KDBPORT = 1000
           NMPORT = 1001
           BCASTNOTIFY = "YES"
           NNOACTION = "C"

        where d.d.d.d is replaced with the IP address of the machine.

      6. Look at the other stanzas of the PROTOCOL.INI file. If the value of "Bindings =" is something other than IBMFEE02_nif, use that value instead of IBMFEE02_nif.
      7. Copy the file KDBNET.NIF to the IBMCOM\PROTOCOL subdirectory.
      8. Reboot the target machine. If KDBNET is properly installed, you should see a "banner" during the bootup process.

        Note: Don't reboot the target machine from the debuggers File menu if KDBNET.SYS is installed on that target. The debugger, KDB, and KDBNET.SYS can't resync in this manner.

    Setting Up the Host OS/2 Computer

    To set up the host OS/2 computer:

    1. Unzip the ICATOS2.ZIP file into the directory where you want to run the debugger. This file contains the debugger, the target sample binaries, and the original source files.

    2. Set the environment variables. Refer to "Environment Variables" for more information.

    Demonstration Session

    This demonstration session demonstrates a very simple set of DevIOCtl calls being made from a sample application to a device driver. It explains some of the actions you could take to debug this scenario at the source level.

    To run the demo, follow these steps:

    1. Copy SAMPLEDD.SYS to the root directory of the C drive on your target computer.
    2. On the target computer, edit CONFIG.SYS so that it contains the following line:

      This loads the sample device driver when you reboot the target computer.

    3. Copy SAMPLE.EXE to your target computer.
    4. Reboot your target computer so that the SAMPLEDD.SYS binary and the debug OS2KRNL and OS2LDR binaries are instantiated.

      You can perform a quick check to see if the target computer is OK by running your normal terminal emulator (T, ZOC, and so on). This shows if KDB is communicating at 9600 baud.

    5. Shut down the terminal emulator before you run the debugger.
    6. Run the SETICAT.CMD file to set the environment variables on your host computer.
    7. Type icatgam. The Initialization window is displayed.
    8. From the Initialization window, select the Attach button.
    9. In the Debug Session Control window, make certain you see SAMPLEDD.SYS. Click the plus sign (+) located next to it and notice that one entry is displayed. Click that plus sign (+) and notice eight entries are now displayed.
    10. Click STRATEGY. The STRATEGY routine of the SAMPLEDD device driver should display in a source window.

      Note: This is MASM source, so you will see assembler directives, but it is source. We support both CodeView (CL and CL386) and HLL (IBM VACPP) debug formats for C.

    11. Set a breakpoint on line 209 inside the STRATEGY routine by double-clicking on the line number. Run the debugger by clicking the Run button.
    12. On the target computer, type sample. SAMPLE.EXE emits a DevIOCtl to open the SAMPLEDD device driver.
    13. When the debugger notifies you that the breakpoint has been encountered, open the Registers window and then open the Storage window. Edit one of the addresses in this Storage window by double-clicking the address and change the address value to that of the PC register (located at the top of the list of status flags registers in the Registers window). You will see memory that corresponds to the code space.
    14. From the Source window, select Passthru (located within the Monitors menu).
    15. In the Passthru window, type dg cs in the Command field and click the Send button or press Enter. This sends the command to KDB and the output is displayed in the response area. Notice that it provides information about SAMPLEDD's code descriptor. You can emit most KDB commands from the Passthru window. Avoid commands that cause the target computer to resume execution (for example, g and t).

      Note: If you change the state of the target computer with KDB commands in the Passthru window, you must click the Resync button to allow the debugger to reflect the changes.

    16. Set another breakpoint on line 275 inside the Open subroutine. Run the debugger until the breakpoint is encountered.
    17. Click the Step into choice or button to do a step into on the Ccall macro to SubrWFrame. You are in the SubrWFrame subroutine. Click the Call Stack icon.
    18. From the Call Stack window, select the Display style choice (located within the Options menu).
    19. From the Display style window, enable the Return Address choice, which is located under the Select items group heading. Click the OK button.
    20. Click the Step over choice or button and notice the change in the Call Stack window.
    21. Look at the Debug Session Control window and find SAMPLE.EXE. Click the plus sign (+) and notice that one part is displayed. Click that plus sign (+) and you will see MAIN.
    22. Click MAIN and set a breakpoint at line 44. Run the debugger by clicking the Run button. The breakpoint is encountered in the STRATEGY routine again.
    23. Run one more time and the breakpoint is encountered in SAMPLE.EXE in MAIN.

    After you have completed these steps, close the debugger. At this point, you can use your terminal emulator to communicate with KDB. If you did not use the CAT_SETUP_RATE environment variable, KDB is set at the baud rate you used to communicate with the debugger.

    Starting a Debug Session

    To start the debugger:

    1. From the OS/2 command prompt, enter the command icatgam followed by one of the following parameters:

      Use program profile information.

      Do not use any program profile information.

      The Initialization window is displayed.

      Figure 1. Initialization Window

      * Figure gaminit not displayed.

      Note: It's usually a good idea to have set up your environment variables by way of a SETICAT.CMD file before invoking the debugger. See "Environment Variables" for more information.

    2. If you're going to debug a program more than once, select the Use Program Profile check box to reactivate the windows and breakpoints.

    3. Click the Attach button to attach the debugger to the OS2KRNL.

    4. Click the Settings button to display the Debugger Properties window, which enables you to set environment variables. See "Setting Debugger Properties" for more information.

    Using the Tool Buttons

    A tool bar has been provided on the debugger windows for easier access to frequently used features. To display buttons in a window, enable the Tool Buttons choice (located within the Options menu). The following is a list of features that are provided:

    * Figure icon0 not displayed.
    Step over executes the current line in the program. If the current line is a call, execution is halted when the call is completed.

    * Figure icon1 not displayed.
    Step into executes the current line in the program. If the current line is a call, execution is halted at the first statement in the called function.

    * Figure icon2 not displayed.
    Step debug executes the current line in the program. The debugger steps over any function for which debugging information is not available (for example, library and system routines) and steps into any function for which debugging information is available.

    * Figure icon3 not displayed.
    Step return automatically executes the lines of code up to and including the return statement of the current function.

    * Figure icon4 not displayed.
    Run allows you to start and stop the program.

    When the debugger is running, the Run button is disabled and the Halt button * Figure icon5 not displayed. is enabled. You can click on the Halt button to halt the program execution. You can also interrupt the program you are debugging by selecting the Halt choice from the Run menu.

    * Figure icon6 not displayed.
    View changes the current source window to one of the other source windows. For example, you can switch from the Disassembly window to the Mixed window.

    * Figure icon7 not displayed.
    Monitor Expression enables you to type in the name of the expression you want to monitor.

    * Figure icon8 not displayed.
    Call Stack enables you to view all of the active functions for a particular thread including the system calls. The functions are displayed in the order that they were called.

    * Figure icon9 not displayed.
    Registers enables you to view all the processor and coprocessor registers for a particular thread.

    * Figure icon11 not displayed.
    Storage displays the storage contents and the address of the storage.

    * Figure msg not displayed.
    Messages displays printfs emitted by the kernel (diagnostic) code.

    * Figure icon12 not displayed.
    Breakpoints enables you to view all the breakpoints that have been set.

    * Figure merpass not displayed.
    Passthru enables you to send commands and receive responses from KDB directly.

    * Figure icon13 not displayed.
    Debug Session Control displays the Debug Session Control window. This is the main window for the debugger and runs during the complete session.

    * Figure icon14 not displayed.
    Growth direction enables you to change the direction that items are displayed on the stack.

    * Figure icon15 not displayed.
    Delete enables you to delete the highlighted item.

    * Figure icon16 not displayed.
    Delete all enables you to delete all the items in the window.

    * Figure icon17 not displayed.
    32-float displays the storage contents as a 32-bit floating point.

    * Figure icon18 not displayed.
    64-float displays the storage contents as a 64-bit floating point.

    * Figure icon19 not displayed.
    32-bit unsigned displays the storage contents as a 32-bit unsigned integer.

    * Figure icon20 not displayed.
    32-bit signed displays the storage contents as a 32-bit signed integer.

    * Figure icon21 not displayed.
    ASCII displays the storage contents in ASCII.

    * Figure icon22 not displayed.
    Hex and ASCII displays the storage contents in Hex and ASCII.

    * Figure icon23 not displayed.
    Change representation enables you to change the data representation.

    Helpful Tips and Hints

    The following tips and hints might be helpful:

    ICAT allows you to manipulate any thread running on the target computer. Because certain portions of the address space are not shared by all threads, you must be sure that you are in the proper context when you set breakpoints, display storage, and so on. The title of a thread-specific window includes the thread's identifier as shown in the Debug Session Control window (see "Debug Session Control Window"). To ensure you are in the context of the proper thread, select the thread from the Debug Session Control window's Threads pane.

    For example, you attach to the target computer and want to set a breakpoint. If the breakpoint is in a shared region (for example, in a device driver, a DLL, or the kernel), it doesn't matter which context you are in when you set the breakpoint. But if the breakpoint is not in a shared region such as in an EXE file, you must ensure that you are in the context of a thread that belongs to the process that owns the region before you set the breakpoint. Because the debugger does not necessarily have information about every EXE file in the system, a window may show source for a module even though the thread listed in the title of the window is not part of the process that is running the EXE file. If you set the breakpoint without first verifying you are in the proper context, you will actually set a breakpoint in a different module entirely.


    Following are some things to check when the debugger is not doing what you think it should:

    Ending the Debugging Session

    To end the debugging session, select Close debugger from the File menu in a debugger window. The Close Debugger window displays. Select one of the following choices:

    You can also end the debugging session by pressing F3 in any of the debugger windows.

    Main Debugging Windows

    This section introduces the Debug Session Control window and how to perform functions from this window. It also introduces the three source windows that offer different views of your source code.

    Debug Session Control Window

    The Debug Session Control window is the control window of the debugger and displays during the entire debugging session. This window is divided into two panes: Threads and Components.

    From the Debug Session Control window you can select menus that enable you to:

    Opening a New Source File

    You can open additional source files from the Debug Session Control window.

    To open a new source file:

    1. Click Open New Source (located within the File menu).

    2. Type the name of the object file you want to open the source for in the Source field.

      For example, to look for the source used to compile A123.OBJ, type the following in the Source field:


      If you are uncertain of the file name, click the File list button to view a list of files that you can select.

    3. Type the name of the executable file in the Executable field. The source files for the executable file are displayed in the Source field.

    4. Select the All executables check box if you want to search all the executable files. Clear the All executables check box to search for a particular executable file.

    5. Select the Debugging information only check box if you want to search only the source files that contain debugging information.

    6. Click the OK button.

    Opening a Source File to a Function

    You can use the Find Function window to open a source window to a particular function.

    1. Click Find function (located within the File menu).
    2. Type the name of the function you want to search for in the Function field.

      If the function that you specify is not found, the following message is displayed:

         No matching function found. Desired function could be static.

      This means it might be a static function or the function you specified does not exist.

      The debugger searches each object file for global functions that match the function name specified. If an object file contains the global function that was specified, then it also searches that file for any static function with the same name.

    3. Select the Debugging information only check box if you want to search only the object files that contain debugging information.
    4. Select the Case sensitive check box if you want to search for the string exactly as typed. Clear this check box if you want to search for both uppercase and lowercase characters.
    5. Click the OK button.

    Locating the Execution Point

    To locate the execution point in your source, click Where is execution point (located within the File menu). A source window is displayed containing the next line to be executed.

    Saving the Contents of the Threads Pane View

    If you want to save the contents of the Threads pane view in a file, click Save thread list in file (located within the File menu). This saves the view in a file named threads.out. To change the default file name, click Options, Window settings, and then Display style (located within the Debug Session Control window) and type the file name in the Threads output file field.

    Saving the Contents of the Components Pane View

    If you would like to save the contents of the Components pane view in a file, click Save component list in file (located within the File menu). This saves the view in a file named comps.out. To change the default file name, click Options, Window settings, and then Display style (located within the Debug Session Control window) and type the file name in the Components output file field.

    Rebooting the Target Computer

    To reboot the target computer while the debugger stays attached, click File and then Reboot target (located within the Debug Session Control window).

    Opening the Initialization Window

    If you want to start a debugging session, click File and then Initialization (located within the Debug Session Control window). The Initialization window is displayed. See "Starting a Debug Session" for more information.

    Setting Breakpoints

    You can control program execution by setting breakpoints. A breakpoint stops the execution of your program at a specific location, or when a specific event occurs.

    To set breakpoints, click the Breakpoints menu (located on the Debug Session Control window, or located on any source window) and then click the appropriate choice for the type of breakpoint you want to set. When you set a breakpoint in one source window, it is reflected in the other source windows. In addition, you can set a simple line breakpoint in a source window using either the mouse or the keyboard:

    Note: You can set as many breakpoints as you want.

    You can set either line, function, address, watchpoint, or set load occurrence breakpoints.

    Setting a Line Breakpoint

    A line breakpoint enables you to stop the execution of your program at a specific line number.

    You set a line breakpoint from the Line Breakpoint window. To display the window, from the Breakpoints menu, click Set line.

    Figure 3. Line Breakpoint Window

    * Figure gamlbw not displayed.

    The Line Breakpoint window is divided into two group headings: Required Parameters and Optional Parameters.

    Required Parameters:

    1. Type a component name or click a component located within the drop-down list in the Executable field.
    2. Select the executable file in which you want to set the breakpoint.
    3. Type the source name or click a source located within the drop-down list in the Source field.
    4. Select the source where you want to set the breakpoint.
    5. If the source you selected has include files with executable statements, type the name of the file in the File (optional) field or click the file name located within the drop-down list. All the file names that contain executable lines are displayed in the drop-down list.
    6. Select the file where you want to set the breakpoint.
    7. Type the line number where you want to set the breakpoint in the Line field.

    Optional Parameters:

    1. Click the drop-down list in the Thread field.
    2. Select the thread where you want to set the breakpoint.

      Click Every, the default, to set a breakpoint in all of the active threads in your program. The Every choice is thread independent. Select one of the individual threads to set a breakpoint in only one thread. Threads are added to the Thread list as new threads are activated.

    3. Type a number in the From field to activate the breakpoint the nth time the location is encountered.
    4. Type a number in the To field to stop activating the breakpoint after the nth time the location is encountered.
    5. Type a number in the Every field to indicate how often the breakpoint should be activated within the From and To range.

      Note: The Frequency fields (From, To, and Every) are used for location, address, and load occurrence breakpoints.

    6. If you are setting an address, function, or line breakpoint, you can also type in an expression. The execution of the program stops only if this condition tests true. For example, you could type the following:
         (i==1) || (j==k) && (k!=5)

      Note: Variables in a conditional expression associated with a function breakpoint are limited to any static or global variables that are known to the called function when the function is called. The debugger does not always evaluate local variables and automatic variables correctly.

      The maximum length of the condition is 256 characters.

    7. Click Set to set the breakpoint.

    Setting a Function Breakpoint

    A function breakpoint stops the execution of your application when the first instruction of the function is encountered where the breakpoint has been set.

    You set a function breakpoint from the Function Breakpoint window. To display the window, click Set function (located within the Breakpoints menu).

    To set a function breakpoint:

    1. Type a component name or click a component located within the drop-down list in the Executable (optional) field.
    2. Select the executable file where you want to set the breakpoint.
    3. Type the source name or click a source located within the drop-down list in the Source field.
    4. Select the source where you want to set the breakpoint.
    5. Type the name of the function in the Function field where you want to set the breakpoint or click a function located within the Function list.

      If a function is overloaded, a window is displayed with a list of all the overloaded function names. Click the appropriate function from the list.

    6. Select the Debugging information only check box if you want to search only the object files that contain debugging information.
    7. Select the Case sensitive check box if you want to search for the string exactly as typed. Clear this check box if you want to search for both uppercase and lowercase characters.
    8. Click or type optional parameters (if any).

      For a description of the fields under the Optional Parameters group heading, see Optional Parameters.

    9. Click Set to set the breakpoint.

    Setting an Address Breakpoint

    An address breakpoint enables you to stop the execution of your application at a specific address.

    You set an address breakpoint from the Address Breakpoint window. To display the window, click Set address (located on the Breakpoints menu).

    To set an address breakpoint:

    1. Type the name of the address or expression where you want to set the breakpoint in this field.

      For example, to set an address breakpoint for the address 0x000A1FCC, you would type one of the following in the Address field:

         0x000A1FCC or A1FCC

      The 0x is optional.

    2. Click or type optional parameters (if any).

      For a description of the fields under the Optional Parameters group heading, see Optional Parameters.

    3. Click Set to set the breakpoint.

    Setting a Watchpoint

    A watchpoint stops the execution of your application when contents of memory at a given address are referenced or when an instruction is fetched from a particular address.

    You set a watchpoint from the Watchpoint window. To display the window, click Set watchpoint (located within the Breakpoints menu).

    To set a watchpoint:

    1. Type a hexadecimal address or port or an expression that can be evaluated to a hexadecimal address in the Address (or expression) field.

      Note: If you type ABC in the Address (or expression) field, and there is a variable named ABC, the value of the variable is used instead of the hex value ABC. Also, you can type &a in the field to set the watchpoint on the address of variable a.

      For example, type the following in the field to set a watchpoint for the address A1FCC.


      Type the following in the field to set a watchpoint for the expression &variable.

    2. Click the Watchpoint Type.

      The debugger supports four types of watchpoints. They are as follows:

      Causes a break when the address is read.

      Causes a break when the address is written to.

      Read or write
      Causes a break when the address is read from or written to.

      Instruction fetch
      Causes a break when the instruction at that address is fetched.

      Attention: If you set a watchpoint that is on the call stack, you should remove the watchpoint before leaving the routine associated with the watchpoint. Otherwise, when you return from the routine, the routine's stack frame is removed from the stack leaving the watchpoint intact. Any other routine that gets loaded on the stack then contains the watchpoint. You can set up to four watchpoints.

    3. Click or type optional parameters (if any).

      For a description of the Optional Parameters group heading, see Optional Parameters.

    4. Click Set to set the watchpoint.

    Note: The debugger will monitor 1, 2, or 4 bytes for the type of watchpoint operation that you select. This choice is made for you on the Instruction fetch type.

    Setting a Load Occurrence Breakpoint

    A load occurrence breakpoint stops the execution of your application when a specific module is loaded.

    You set a load occurrence breakpoint from the Load Occurrence window. To display this window, click Set load occurrence (located within the Breakpoints menu).

    To set a load occurrence breakpoint:

    1. Type the name of the module in the Module name field.

      Execution stops when the module is loaded.

      To set a load occurrence breakpoint when MY.CLASS is loaded, you would type one of the following in the Module name field:

         MY or MY.CLASS

      Note: If the CAT_MODULE_LIST environment variable has been defined and the module's name is not contained in the CAT_MODULE_LIST, the module is not reported. If the module cannot be found in the module search path, the module name is not accepted. See "Setting Debugger Properties" for information on identifying modules.

    2. Click or type optional parameters (if any).

      For a description of the fields under the Optional Parameters group heading, see Optional Parameters.

    3. Click Set to set the breakpoint.

    Viewing a List of Breakpoints

    The Breakpoints List window lists all the breakpoints that have been set in your application. It also displays the state of each breakpoint.

    To display the Breakpoints List window, click List (located within the Breakpoint menu of the Debug Session Control window).

    Figure 4. Breakpoints List Window

    * Figure gamblw not displayed.

    The following information is provided for each breakpoint:

    From the menu on this window you can:

    Setting Debugger Properties

    Clicking Debugger properties (located within the Options menu of the Debug Session Control window) enables you to select how the threads and source files are initially displayed. The Debugger Properties window contains three tabs:

    Remote Page

    When you click the Remote tab (located on the Debugger Properties window), the following page is displayed:

    Figure 5. Debugger Properties Window - Remote Page

    * Figure gamrpg not displayed.

    From the Remote page you can:

    Note: The values for this window are dithered and cannot be changed after communication has been established with the target computer.

    To change your communication setting paths dynamically before communication is established with the target computer, adjust any of the Environment Variables fields. See "Environment Variables" for detailed information on environment variables.

    These fields correspond respectively to the following environment variables:

    If you select the Recursive file searching check box the debugger searches all source and binary path subdirectories recursively.

    Source Page

    When you click the Source tab (located on the Debugger Properties window), the following page is displayed:

    Figure 6. Debugger Properties Window - Source Page

    * Figure gamspg not displayed.

    Use this page to determine:

    To display the source view of all threads or a particular thread when execution stops, choose any selection located under the Display at stop group heading.

    In the course of debugging, the Old Source Disposition selections enable you to control the behavior of source windows following command execution. These radio buttons control the behavior of source windows within a thread.

    The dispositions that the views can take are:

    Leaves open the source windows that contain the components and threads that you select with Display at stop.

    Changes into icons the views that contain the components and threads that you select with Display at stop.

    Disposes of the views that contain the components and threads that you select with Display at stop.

    You can choose to display more than one source window for a particular source file. Enable the Multiple views check box located under Settings if you want multiple source windows open at the same time.

    To select functions you want to perform with the right mouse button, choose the radio button that represents the action located under Mouse Button 2 Behavior.

    Modules Page

    When you click the Modules tab (located on the Debugger Properties window), the following page is displayed:

    Figure 7. Debugger Properties Window - Modules Page

    * Figure gammpg not displayed.

    From this page you can add a module name to or delete a module name from the CAT_MODULE_LIST environment variable. See "Environment Variables" for detailed information on this environment variable.

    The Modules list box displays a list of the modules that the debugger obtains information about if or when they are loaded. If a module is loaded and it is not in the list, the debugger ignores the module.

    To add a new module, type the name of the new module in the New module field and click the Add button.

    You can delete a module or a group of modules, select the modules in the Modules list box that you would like to delete and click either the Delete button or the Delete all button.

    Setting Monitor Properties

    To select the settings for monitoring variables or expressions:

    1. Click Monitor properties (located on the Debug Session Control window). The Monitor Properties window is displayed.

      Figure 8. Monitor Properties Window

      * Figure gammonp not displayed.

      From this window you can set the following:

    2. Define the monitor window that opens when you select a variable or expression to monitor. The selections you can make, and the corresponding windows, are:

      Popup monitor
      Display the variable or expression in an expression window.

      Private monitor
      Display the variable or expression in the Private Monitor window.

      Program monitor
      Display the variable or expression in the Program Monitor window.

      Storage monitor
      Display the variable or expression in the Storage window.

    3. If you click Popup monitor, click one of the following radio buttons to specify how long the expression window is displayed:

      The monitor window closes when the next step command or Run is executed.

      New source
      The monitor window closes when execution stops in a new source file.

      This monitor window is associated with a specific source window and closes when the associated source window closes.

    4. Type a file name and extension in the Save file field to identify where all monitor windows will save their contents.

    5. The Number of elements to show field identifies the maximum number of structure or class elements that are displayed at one time for a given variable in the monitors.

    6. Select the Enable bubble variables check box if you want a bubble value for the contents of a variable to appear as you place the mouse pointer or the variable in the Source, Disassembly, and Mixed view windows.

    Viewing Your Source

    A source window enables you to view the program you are debugging. You can view your source in one of the following windows:

    Source Window

    The Source window displays the source code for the current function of the program being debugged. If source is available, the Source window is displayed with the Debug Session Control window when the debugging session starts; otherwise, the Disassembly window is displayed.

    A source window is thread specific. Executable lines are initially displayed in blue, and nonexecutable lines are initially displayed in black. Lines with breakpoints have a red prefix, and lines with disabled breakpoints have a green prefix.

    Figure 9. Source Window

    * Figure gamsrc not displayed.

    Disassembly Window

    The Disassembly window displays the assembler or bytecode instructions for your program without symbolic information.

    Figure 10. Disassembly Window

    * Figure gamdisw not displayed.

    Mixed Window

    The Mixed window displays your program as follows:

    Note: The Mixed window cannot be opened if the source code is not available.

    Figure 11. Mixed Window

    * Figure gammix not displayed.

    Each of the source windows have menus. The menus are the same as the Debug Session Control window menus (see the Debug Session Control window menus) with the following exceptions.

    Note: If you need help with any of the menus, press F1 while the menu is selected.

    Executing a Program

    You can execute a program from any of the source windows (Source, Mixed, or Disassembly) using step commands or the Run command.

    Step commands
    Step commands control the execution of the program.

    The step commands are located in the tool bar of the source windows and under the Run menu of the source windows.

    Run command
    The Run command runs the program until a breakpoint is encountered, the program is halted, or the program ends.

    You can start the Run command from the Run button (located on the tool bar) or the Run menu of the source windows.

    When you execute a program, a clock icon is displayed to indicate that the program is running and that the program might require input to continue to the next breakpoint or termination of the program.

    Monitors Windows

    To open Monitors windows, from the Monitors menu of the Debug Session Control window, click any of the following choices:

    These windows are also accessible from the tool bar of the source windows. See "Using the Tool Buttons" for more information about the tool bar.

    Viewing Active Functions for a Particular Thread

    You can view all of the active functions for a particular thread including system calls from the Call Stack window.

    The Call Stack window lists all of the active functions for a particular thread including system calls.

    To display the Call Stack window, click Call Stack (located within the Monitors menu) or click the Call Stack button * Figure icon8 not displayed. (located on the tool bar).

    Figure 12. Call Stack Window

    * Figure gamcstk not displayed.

    Each Call Stack window displays call stack information for one thread only. When the state of the program changes, such as when you execute the program or you update displayed data, the Call Stack window changes to reflect the current state. You can double-click any call stack entry to display the source code for that entry. The line that calls the next stack entry is highlighted. The remaining stack size shows the bytes left in the stack for the thread.

    Note: The stack may not display correctly if the code does not follow standard calling conventions or if you step into optimized code.


    From the menus of the Call Stack window you can:

    Note: If you need help with any of the menus, press F1 while the menu is selected.

    Viewing Registers for a Particular Thread

    You can view all the processor registers for a particular thread from the Registers window.

    To display the processor registers and flags, click Registers (located within the Monitors menu) or click the Registers button * Figure icon9 not displayed. (located on the tool bar).

    Figure 13. Registers Window

    * Figure gamregw not displayed.

    The contents of all of the registers except floating-point registers are displayed in hexadecimal. To update a register, double-click the register and a multiple-line field is displayed. Type over the contents and press Enter. If you decide not to change the value, press Esc.

    In the Registers window, floating-point registers are displayed as floating-point decimal numbers. They can be updated with a floating-point decimal number or with a hexadecimal string that represents a floating-point number.


    From the menus of the Registers window you can:

    Viewing Storage Contents and Addresses

    The Storage window shows the storage contents and the address of the storage.

    To display the Storage window, click Storage (located within the Monitors menu) or click the Storage button * Figure icon11 not displayed. (located on the tool bar).

    Figure 14. Storage Window

    * Figure gamstgw not displayed.

    Multiple storage windows can display the same storage. When you run a program or update displayed data, the Storage window is updated to reflect the change.

    To update the storage contents and all affected windows, double-click in the multiple-line field that is displayed. Type over the contents of the field. If you decide not to make the change, press Esc.

    To specify a new address location, type over the address field in the Storage window. The window scrolls to the appropriate storage location.


    From the menus of the Storage window you can:

    Note: If you need help with any of the menus, press F1 while the menu is selected.

    Monitoring Local Variables

    You can monitor the local variables (static, automatic, and parameter) for the current execution point in the program from the Local Variables window. The contents of the Local Variables window change each time your program enters or leaves a function.

    To display the Local Variables window, click Local Variables (located within the Monitors menu).

    Figure 15. Local Variables Window

    * Figure gamlvw not displayed.


    From the menus of the Local Variables window you can:

    Note: If you need help with any of the menus, press F1 while the menu is selected.

    Sending KDB Commands and Viewing the Responses

    The Passthru window allows you to send commands to KDB and view its responses. The window has a Command entry field where you enter the KDB commands, and a response area that displays the KDB output.

    The KDB response area can be scrolled, which enables you to review previous KDB responses from prior commands. This output area also appends a status icon for each line to indicate your input, the debugger's acceptance of that input, and text from KDB.

    Note: When you send KDB commands using the Passthru window, the debugger does not update its state. Thus, you should use this window for obtaining information instead of altering registers or data.

    To display the Passthru window, click Passthru (located within the Monitors menu) or click the Passthru button * Figure merpass not displayed. (located on the tool bar).

    Figure 16. Passthru Window

    * Figure gampass not displayed.

    To send a command to KDB, do the following:

    1. Type the command you want to send in the Command entry field.
    2. Select the Send button or press the Enter key.
    3. Select the Resync button to force the debugger to refresh all of its internal caches of the target computer state. Use this button if you used the Passthru window to alter the state on the target computer.

    Note: Avoid commands that cause the target computer to resume execution (for example, g and t). They can cause the debugger to lock up. The debugger tries to filter out the KDB commands that can cause a lockup, but you should always exercise caution.

    REXX Command Files

    The debugger supports the execution of DEBUGO REXX command files. To start a DEBUGO REXX command file, specify an * before the command filename in the Command entry field. For example:

       * memcount.cmd
    would trigger the execution of the DEBUGO REXX command file memcount.cmd.


    From the Passthru window you can:

    Viewing Messages

    Use the Messages window to view printfs that are emitted by the kernel (diagnostic) code. The contents of this window can be updated even while the debugger has control and your program is quiesced.

    To display the Messages window, click Messages (located within the Monitors menu) or click the Messages button * Figure msg not displayed. (located on the tool bar).

    Figure 17. Messages Window

    * Figure newmsg not displayed.


    From the messages window you can:

    Note: If you need help with any of the menus, press F1 while the menu is selected.

    Monitoring Other Variables and Expressions

    The debugger has four other windows that enable you to monitor variables and expressions. These windows are as follows:

    A Popup Monitor window monitors single variables or expressions. This window is associated with a specific source window and closes when the associated window closes.

    The Program Monitor, Private Monitor, and Storage Monitor windows are used as collectors for individual variables or expressions in which you might be interested.

    The difference between the Private Monitor window and the Program Monitor window is the length of time that each remains open. The Program Monitor window remains open for the entire debugging session. The Private Monitor window is associated with the source window from which it was opened and closes when its associated view is closed.

    Expressions Supported

    This section describes the expressions supported by the debugger, which is a subset of C/C++. This includes the operands, operators, and data types.

    Note: You can display and update bit fields for C/C++ code only. You cannot look at variables that have been defined using the #DEFINE preprocessor directive.

    Supported Expression Operands

    You can monitor an expression that uses the following types of operands only:


    A variable used in your program.

    The constant can be one of the following types:

    In the case of conflicting names, the program variable names take precedence over the register names. For conversions that are done automatically when the registers are displayed in mixed-mode expressions, general purpose registers are treated as unsigned arithmetic items with a length appropriate to the register.

    If you monitor an enumerated variable, a comment is displayed to the right of the value. If the value of the variable matches one of the enumerated types, the comment contains the name of the first enumerated type that matches the value of the variable. If the length of the enumerated name does not fit in the monitor, the contents are displayed as an empty field.

    The comment (empty or not) lets you distinguish between a valid enumerated value and a value that is not valid. A value that is not valid does not have a comment to the right of the value.

    You cannot update an enumerated variable by entering an enumerated type. You must enter a value or expression. If the value is a valid enumerated value, the comment to the right of the value is updated.

    Bit fields are supported for C/C++ compiled code only. You can display and update bit fields, but you cannot use them in expressions. You cannot look at variables that have been defined using the #DEFINE preprocessor directive.

    Supported Expression Operators

    You can monitor an expression that uses the following operators only:

    Table 1. Supported Expression Operators
    Operator Coded as
    Subscripting a[b]
    Member selection a.b or a->b (a->b for C/C++ only)
    Size sizeof (a) or sizeof (type) (C++ only)
    Logical not !a
    One's complement ~a
    Unary minus -a
    Unary plus +a
    Dereference *a (C/C++ only)
    Type cast (type) a
    Multiply a * b
    Divide a / b
    Modulo a % b
    Add a + b
    Subtract a - b
    Left shift a << b
    Right shift a >> b
    Less than a < b
    Greater than a > b
    Less than or equal to a <= b
    Greater than or equal to a >= b
    Equal a == b
    Not equal a != b
    Bitwise AND a & b
    Bitwise OR a | b
    Bitwise exclusive OR a ^ b
    Logical AND a && b
    Logical OR a || b

    Supported Data Types

    You can monitor an expression that uses the following data types:


    Second Edition (November, 2000)

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