Files: ------ DB2SQL.C Sample C program with IAppSqlXxxx calls. DB2SQL.Exe Executable version (Requires IBM DB2/2). VIOScr.C Sample C program with IAppScreenXxxx and IAppKeyboardXxxx calls. VIOScr.Exe Executable version. PrtList.C Sample C program with IAppPrintQuery and IAppMMFXxxx calls. PrtList.Exe Executable version. TCPEcho.C Sample C program with IAppSocketXxxx calls. TCPEcho.Exe Executable version (Requires TCP/IP for OS/2 or OS/2 Warp IAK). Notes: ------ - All files in this directory are distributed as sample programs. They do not serve as standalone, full featured programs. - These files are formatted with tab stops at column 3,6,9,12 etc.