═══ 1. Application - ClassBrowser ═══ This Presentation Manager based ClassBrowser allows all actions related to the SOM/WPS model of IBM. It doesn't need to be registered in the SOM/WPS class model itself because it's an EXE based application. Please take care before using these actions. Please take a backup of your system before using the more complicated actions. This is true for "Move Class". ═══ 2. Disclaimer ═══ This product is supplied with no warranty, either expressed or implied. The author Harald Wilhelm will not accept responsibility for any adverse consequences that may arise from the use or misuse of ClassBrowser or its associated program and data files. Such adverse consequences include, but are not limited to, loss of profit, and loss of data. The author specifically disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ═══ 3. Copyright ═══ ClassBrowser is Copyright 1995 Harald Wilhelm. ClassBrowser exists in evaluation and licensed versions. The product information dialog specifies the type of each copy. Evaluation copies of ClassBrowser are supplied for evaluation only. You may distribute them freely, but they are not to be used commercially. After 21 days of evaluation, you must cease using ClassBrowser unless you register it. Licensed copies of ClassBrowser may be used commerically, but not freely distributed. Only one instance of each licensed copy may be used at any particular time. The copyright of ClassBrowser is currently held by the author Harald Wilhelm. ═══ 4. Licensing ClassBrowser ═══ ClassBrowser is useful to almost the entire OS/2 community. It is particularly attractive to software engineers who need to build SOM/WPS classes. By bundling ClassBrowser with your software development system you could give your product the competitive edge. The author invites you to license ClassBrowser under negotiable terms. To contact the author, see Contacting the author. Alternatively, see How to register if you simply wish to continue using ClassBrowser. ═══ 5. How to register ═══ ClassBrowser is shareware. This means that you can use the program for a limited time (21 days) before you decide whether you want to keep it. If you want to continue using ClassBrowser after that time you are expected to register it. The registered version (which you will be sent when you register) is more uptodate, removes the sticky windows, but is otherwise identical to (or better than) the evaluation version. Once you have registered, technical support is available from the author via e-mail or mail. Voice support is not provided. Please see the file ORDER.TXT for order information. ═══ 6. Contacting the author ═══ You may register a single copy of ClassBrowser or initiate licensing negotiations with the author. You can contact him at the address below: Fax: +49 (0) 22 1 5 90 91 99 Mail: Harald Wilhelm Am Scheidweg 60 D-50765 Koeln (Cologne) Germany E-Mail: Harald_Wilhelm@hawi.de ═══ 7. Actionbar Choices ═══ ═══ 7.1. Actionbar Choice - Class ═══ ═══ 7.1.1. Pulldown Choice - Register ═══ Activating this action will bring up the dialog Register Class. ═══ 7.1.2. Pulldown Choice - Deregister ═══ After a security message you can deregister an existing class after pressing this option. Please be careful and don't deregister system classes. Please use this option with classes of your own only. ═══ 7.1.3. Pulldown Choice - Replace ═══ Activating this action will bring up the dialog Replace Class. ═══ 7.1.4. Pulldown Choice - Move ═══ Activating this action will bring up the dialog Move Class. ═══ 7.1.5. Pulldown Choice - Dump ═══ This option will dump the entire class definition hierarchie to the file HWICLASS.DMP. ═══ 7.2. Actionbar Choice - Module ═══ ═══ 7.2.1. Pulldown Choice - Replace ═══ Activating this action will bring up the dialog Replace Module. ═══ 7.3. Actionbar Choice - Instance ═══ ═══ 7.3.1. Pulldown Choice - Create ═══ Activating this action will bring up the dialog Create Instance. ═══ 7.4. Actionbar Choice - Help ═══ ═══ 7.4.1. Pulldown Choice - General Help ═══ Shows General help. ═══ 7.4.2. Pulldown Choice - About ═══ Shows the Aboutbox. ═══ 7.4.3. Pulldown Choice - Register ═══ This choice is only available, if this product is not registered. Activating this action will bring up the dialog Register Shareware. ═══ 8. Container ═══ The container does contain all the neccessary class related information. ═══ 8.1. Class ═══ This column shows the names of all class registered currently in SOM/WPS. This list is ordered with the first class registered at top position. ═══ 8.2. Filename ═══ This column shows the modulname of a registered class. It's possible to register a class without a filename. This is important if you want to predefine a class that will come to life when the corresponding file is copied to the system. ═══ 8.3. Size ═══ If the registered class has a corresponding module, the size of that file is reported here. ═══ 8.4. Date ═══ If the registered class has a corresponding module, the date of that file is reported here. ═══ 8.5. Time ═══ If the registered class has a corresponding module, the time of that file is reported here. ═══ 8.6. References ═══ This column shows how many modules (EXE or DLL) have this module in-use. You can only replace a module if it's in-use count is 0. ClassBrowser uses the undocumented API DosQProcStatus to query this information. ═══ 9. Dialogs ═══ ═══ 9.1. Dialog - Register Class ═══ This dialog allows to register a new SOM/WPS class. ═══ 9.1.1. Entryfield - Classname ═══ This is the name of object class you want to add to the Workplace. Type the class name exactly as it is built, case sensitive. ═══ 9.1.2. Entryfield - Filename ═══ Add a full qualified filename or an unqualified filename (without drive, directory and the extension DLL) if the LIBPATH does include the location of this module. This DLL must have been created by the IBM System Object Model (SOM). The author always recommends to use the unqualified method, because it's much more easier to replace or move an existing class to a different location then. ═══ 9.1.3. Pushbutton - Search ═══ This pushbutton starts the Open Filedialog to search for a classmodule in a comfortable manner. After this module is found, it's name will be placed into the corresponding entryfield. ═══ 9.1.4. Pushbutton - Ok ═══ Starts the desired action. ═══ 9.1.5. Pushbutton - Help ═══ Shows help for the selected dialog element. ═══ 9.2. Dialog - Replace Class ═══ This dialog allows to replace and unreplace an already registered SOM/WPS class by another SOM/WPS class. When replacing the class, the replacement class must be a descendant of the original class. ═══ 9.2.1. Entryfield - New Classname ═══ Enter the classname that will replace the original classname. The replacement class must be a descendant of the original class. Replacing an object class is useful for modifying the behavior of objects which are instances of the original class but are not aware of the replacement class. ═══ 9.2.2. Checkbox - Unreplace ═══ If this checkbox is selected the class will return to it's original state. The replacement class will be ignored. ═══ 9.2.3. Pushbutton - Ok ═══ Starts the desired action. ═══ 9.2.4. Pushbutton - Help ═══ Shows help for the selected dialog element. ═══ 9.3. Dialog - Move Class ═══ This dialogs allows to move the module of an already registered SOM/WPS class to a different location. After successful completion the class will always use the new location to access the module. Please shutdown after successful completion. Please make a backup copy of your current system before using that option. Sometimes this action will not bring success. There are some differences between using SOM-1 (OS/2 vs2.11) and SOM-2 (OS/2 Warp 3). ═══ 9.3.1. Entryfield - New Filename ═══ Add a full qualified filename or an unqualified filename (without drive, directory and the extension DLL) if the LIBPATH does include the location of this module. This DLL must have been created by the IBM System Object Model (SOM). The author always recommends to use the unqualified method, because it's much more easier to replace or move an existing class to a different location then. The current class will be replaced by the same class in a new file. This is useful when changing the location of a full qualified filename of a class. Please make a backup copy of your current system before using that option. Sometimes this action will not bring success. There are some differences between using SOM-1 (OS/2 vs2.11) and SOM-2 (OS/2 Warp 3). ═══ 9.3.2. Pushbutton - Search ═══ This pushbutton starts the Open Filedialog to search for a classmodule in a comfortable manner. After this module is found, it's name will be placed into the corresponding entryfield. ═══ 9.3.3. Pushbutton - Ok ═══ Starts the desired action. ═══ 9.3.4. Pushbutton - Help ═══ Shows help for the selected dialog element. ═══ 9.4. Dialog - Replace Modul ═══ This dialog allows to replace a module of an already registered SOM/WPS class with a new module. After successful completion the new module will replace the old module. Please shutdown after successful completion. ═══ 9.4.1. Entryfield - New Filename ═══ Add a full qualified filename or an unqualified filename (without drive, directory and the extension DLL) if the LIBPATH does include the location of this module. This DLL must have been created by the IBM System Object Model (SOM). The author always recommends to use the unqualified method, because it's much more easier to replace or move an existing class to a different location then. The current module will be loaded into the SWAPPER.DAT and free the DLL. The new file will replace the current DLL. If the DLL access count drops to 0 the next access will take the new file. If the current DLL is in use all the time, you'll need to reboot to take the new file into account. ═══ 9.4.2. Pushbutton - Search ═══ This pushbutton starts the Open Filedialog to search for a classmodule in a comfortable manner. After this module is found, it's name will be placed into the corresponding entryfield. ═══ 9.4.3. Pushbutton - Ok ═══ Starts the desired action. ═══ 9.4.4. Pushbutton - Help ═══ Shows help for the selected dialog element. ═══ 9.5. Dialog - Create Instance ═══ This dialog allows to create an instance of an already registered SOM/WPS class. ═══ 9.5.1. Entryfield - Title ═══ This is the text string you assign the object. The text string becomes the object title and appears under the object when the object is displayed on the Workplace Shell. When the object is in an opened state, the text string appears in the title bar of the window. ═══ 9.5.2. Entryfield - Object-ID ═══ You can assign an object-id to every object. You don't need this really, but it may help sometimes if this object is a folder for other objects too. ═══ 9.5.3. Combobox - Folder ═══ In this entryfield you can enter a complete filename (e.g. D:\DIR\MY.DLL) or you can select one of this predefined values from the combobox list. ═══ 9.5.4. Entryfield - Setup ═══ This is a series of keyname=value pairs (separated by semicolons) that change the behavior of the object. Each object class defines the keynames and parameters it expects to see. All parameters have safe defaults, so it is never required to pass parameters to an object. ═══ 9.5.5. Pushbutton - Setup ═══ This pushbutton will load the dialog Setup. This additional dialog allows to select setup strings in a very comfortable manner. ═══ 9.5.6. Pushbutton - Ok ═══ Starts the desired action. ═══ 9.5.7. Pushbutton - Help ═══ Shows help for the selected dialog element. ═══ 9.6. Dialog - Setup ═══ This dialog allows to select predefined setup strings. ═══ 9.6.1. Listbox - Setup Strings ═══ This listbox holds all the current setup strings for all known objects. You can select all setup options you need within one step and hit the pushbutton Ok. The selected setup strings will be placed into the setup entryfield on the parent dialog, seperated by semicolons. If the author forgot a setup string please let him know. ═══ 9.6.2. Pushbutton - Ok ═══ Starts the desired action. ═══ 9.6.3. Pushbutton - Help ═══ Shows help for the selected dialog element. ═══ 9.7. Dialog - About ═══ This dialog will show information to the current application. ═══ 9.7.1. Pushbutton - Ok ═══ Activating this pushbutton will leave the current dialog. ═══ 9.8. Dialog - File Open ═══ This dialog will be used to search for existing or to create new files. ═══ 9.8.1. Entryfield - Open filename ═══ You can enter a full qualified filename or a filename containing global search characters in this entryfield. ═══ 9.8.2. Combobox - Type of file ═══ This combobox will contain the types of files you are searching for. ═══ 9.8.3. Combobox - Drive ═══ Select a drive out of the choice of existing drives. The Listboxes Directory and File will be updated immediately. ═══ 9.8.4. Listbox - File ═══ Double click on a filename in this listbox to open the selected file. ═══ 9.8.5. Listbox - Directory ═══ Double click on a directory in this listbox to change the current search location. The listbox File will be updated immediately. ═══ 9.8.6. Pushbutton - Ok ═══ Activating this pushbutton will create a new or open an existing file. ═══ 9.8.7. Pushbutton - Cancel ═══ Activating this pushbutton will leave the current dialog. ═══ 9.8.8. Pushbutton - Help ═══ Shows help for the selected dialog element. ═══ 9.9. Dialog - Register Shareware ═══ This dialog is only available if this product is not registered. ═══ 9.9.1. Entryfield Registername ═══ Please enter the name you got from the author of this package. ═══ 9.9.2. Entryfield Registercode ═══ Please enter the code you got from the author of this package. ═══ 9.9.3. Pushbutton - Ok ═══ Starts to register the product. If this action is successfull, the titlebar of the application will change. The word "Unregistered" will disappear. This is true for the pulldown choice Register too. ═══ 9.9.4. Pushbutton - Help ═══ Shows help for the selected dialog element.