Harbour run-time preprocessing library. Felipe Coury How to create HBPP.LIB This file should contain preproc.c, hbpplib.b32, bldhbpp.bat, testpre.prg, bld32exe.bat and hbpplib.txt (this file). In order to create and test this library, you should put: - preproc.c in \HARBOUR\SOURCE\HBPP directory; - hbpplib.b32 and bldhbpp.bat in \HARBOUR directory; - testpre.prg and bld32exe.bat in \HARBOUR\TESTS\WORKING directory; - hbpplib.txt in \HARBOUR\DOC directory; Then, you need to run bldhbpp.bat to create HBPP.LIB on \HARBOUR\LIBS\B32 directory. Note that by now the only makefile is for compiling with Borland C compilers. I kindly ask who has other compilers/environments to write the missing makefiles please! To test testpre.prg you just need to go TESTS\WORKING dir and make it using HB32 TESTPRE.