
What is H2Unit?

H2Unit reads preprocessor #DEFINE definitions out of C header file (.H) and creates a Pascal Unit (.PAS) with corresponding constants.

The assortment of the Pascal constants in the created unit can optional be carried out by name or by the value of the constants.

As version information for your projects, constants (with counter, date and time) are being set out in the created Pascal unit. (refer to 'Usage and options')

H2Unit is available for OS/2 and Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP (Win32). The OS/2 Version runs with OS/2 2.x, OS/2 Warp 3/4 and eCS.

H2Unit was developed with Virtual Pascal v1.1 and 2.0/2.1.


At the moment only #DEFINE instructions with constant values are read (eg. #DEFINE xyz 0815). Calculated expressions as #DEFINE xyz abc+10 are not processd. Maximum 4096 #defines are processed.

For whome is H2Unit:

H2Unit is for software developers, who develope under OS2 with Pascal (eg. with Virtual Pascal/2 or Speed Pascal/2) and who want to use the Thus you are able to use in your Pascal project the .H file, which is created by the URE (Universal Resource Editor ) or the CodeFx Designer (PD5) automatically.


H2Unit is free of charge and may be distributed freely under the following conditions: Copyright notices must not be removed, all files contained in the file inventory below must be distributed together (you may not remove any files), and you may not charge for the program.

Of course, no liability is taken for eventual damages which come from H2Unit.


The following files are contained in H2Unit.Zip:
H2Unit.Exe  The OS/2 program

H2Unit.Txt  This documentation

Usage and options:

              Usage:    h2unit Source[.h] [Dest[.pas]] [Options]

              Source:   The name of the C source file. If no

                        extension is given, then .H is assumed as


              Dest:     The name of the C destination file. If no

                        destination name is given, the name will be

                        taken from the soure file. If no extension

                        is given, then .PAS is assumed as default.

              Optionen: /sn   The generated constants are sorted

                              by the name.

                        /sv   The generated constants are sorted

                              by the value of the constants.

                        /o    Overwrite an existng destination

                              file without prompting.

If you use H2Unit without any arguments, than a short helptext will be shown.

Version Information:

H2Unit creates in the produced Pascal Unit additional constants which you can use as version information in your project.
Following constants are created:
                xxxBuild            A counter which is increased at each use

                                    of H2Unit for a certain destination file.

                xxxBuildDate        Date and Time, when the destination file

                xxxBuildTime        was created.

                xxxBuildDateStr     Date and Time, when the destination file

                xxxBuildTimeStr     was created (as Pascal String).

                xxxBuildDateFirst   Date and Time, when the destination file

                xxxBuildTimeFirst   was created for the first time.

                xxx stands for the Pascal destination file name.

In order to create this data, H2Unit creates a data file with the extension .H2U on the first use for every destination file. There, the counter as well as date and time are stored of the first use. For example if you create out of ABC.H the unit ABC.PAS, then the file ABC.H2U is created on the first use, the counter is initialized to 1 and date and time are stored.

Free Version

Download H2Unit110os2.zip
Version 1.10, OS/2 (49 kB)

Download H2Unit110w32.zip
Version 1.10, Win32 (56 kB)


In case you need a function urgently, or if you have suggestions for improvements or changes or you found a mistake, please contact us. We are pleased about any feedback.

e-mail an: w.schmid@ws-it.de

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First published: 12/15/1997. Last modified: 10/31/2001. Webmaster