GraphiC/OS2 Demo This demo shows some of the capabilities of GraphiC/OS2. The pictures displayed were all created using the GraphiC/OS2 library. The installation requires the latest version of IBM's UNPACK utility. To install the demo simply run INSTALL.EXE. You will be prompted for an installation directory. After the files are unpacked you will be asked if you want to run the demo at this time. If you answer yes, a new session will be started from which the demo will be run. If you choose no, you can run the demo at any time by changing into the installation directory and running DEMO.EXE or by starting it from the drivers folder. There is another read me file called READ.ME that contains a list of the GraphiC/OS2 functions and a brief discription of what they do. If you have any questions or comments please call. Our tech support number is: (615) 376-4146 To place an order call: (800) 998-1571 or FAX (615) 376-1571.