GUI-Kit Demonstration Disk for Win32s and Windows NT Copyright 1994 Visual Systems Corporation 12-28-94 Visual Systems Corporation 2512 Crosstown Blvd. N.E. Ham Lake, MN 55304 800-247-2108 612-434-6382 Fax: 612-434-6538 E-Mail: Internet: CompuServe: 73361,3131 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This document contains information on how to install and run the GUI-Kit demonstrations. If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-247-2108. GUI-Kit for Win32s and Windows NT is available for $249 (US) until April 30, 1995. After April 30, you can purchase it for $495. We also have an unconditional 60 day money-back guarantee; you can try it absolutely risk-free (excludes shipping and handling charges). Installation ------------ 1. This demo runs under Windows NT 3.1, Windows 3.1, or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (WfW). If you want to install on Windows 3.1 or WfW, you must have previously installed Win32s (this comes with Microsoft's and Borland's compilers and is also available on Microsoft Developer's Network CD). If you don't have Win32s, we have supplied a copy of Win32s 1.1 on the demo diskette. To install Win32s, or to get the latest version from Microsoft, see the section ``Installing Win32s'' below. 2. To install the demo, insert the demo diskette into a diskette drive. 3. Using Program Manager's File|Run menu option, run: A:\INSTALL (or B: depending on the drive you used). Follow the instructions on the screen. If you downloaded this demo, simply run the install program from the directory where you unzipped the file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing Win32s ----------------- If you have already installed Win32s, you may skip this section. We have supplied Win32s 1.1 on the installation diskette for you. However, there have been newer releases of Win32s (1.15, 1.15a, 1.20) since 1.1; we did not supply these releases because they would not fit on a single diskette. If you want, you can retrieve the newest release from CompuServe or the Internet as follows: CompuServe: MSWIN32 forum, Library 14. Files: - Win32s 1.15 - Win32s 1.15a As of 12-09-94, Microsoft has not posted 1.20 on CompuServe. Internet: FTP - This is Win32s 1.20. 1. To install Win32s 1.1 from the demo diskette, create a working directory on your hard disk and change to that directory. 2. From a DOS prompt, type A:\WIN32S (or B: as the case may be). This is a self-extracting file of the Win32s installation files. 3. Using Program Manager's File|Run menu option, run the SETUP.EXE program in your working directory. 4. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. 5. After Windows restarts, you can delete your working directory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Running the Demos ----------------- The demo is comprised of a series of executables and source files. These are actual GUI-Kit programs. We have included the source code for all of the programs so that you can see how easy it is to create GUI-Kit programs. For a good overview of GUI-Kit, we have included Chapter 3 ``GUI-Kit: Hands-On Training'' from the GUI-Kit Programmer's Guide and Reference on the diskette. This chapter will give you a good overview of what GUI-Kit is and how it works. The programs referenced in this chapter are also included on the demo disk. You can print the chapter if you have a PostScript or LaserJet compatible printer. For a PostScript printer, type: COPY /B C:\GKDEMO\CHAP3.PS LPT1: For a HP LaserJet compatible (PCL) printer, type: COPY /B C:\GKDEMO\CHAP3.PCL LPT1: If you cannot print these files, call us at 800-247-2108 and we'll send you a hard copy. The demos are designed to be run from the File Manager. Simply open the directory where you installed the demo and double click on the .EXE files. If you are running under Window NT, you can run them from the command prompt if you switch to the demo directory (e.g., C:\GKDEMO) first. A description of each program follows. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tutorial Programs PROG1.EXE, PROG1A.EXE, PROG1B.EXE, PROG1C.EXE, PROG1D.EXE PROG1.C, PROG1A.C, PROG1B.C, PROG1C.C, PROG1D.C PROG1D.GKR These are the examples from the "GUI-Kit: Hands-On Training" chapter. Print and read this chapter for more details (see above). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Employee Information Application EMPLAPPL.EXE, EMPLAPPL.C, EMPLAPPL.GKR CANCELX.XPM, EINSTIEN.BMP, EMPLAPPL.HLP, HELP.XPM, OKCHECK.XPM, SEARCH.XPM This is the skeleton code for an employee information application. You should note that the entire user interface is specified in EMPLAPPL.GKR, while the action (NotifyProc) routines are in EMPLAPPL.C. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls Demo DEMOCTRL.EXE, DEMOCTRL.C, DEMOCTRL.GKR DEMOBUT1.XPM, DEMOBUT2.XPM, DEMOBUT3.XPM This program demonstrates some of GUI-Kit's controls and automatic layout features. When you run the program, note the following: - The window has a bar menu. Highlighting or selecting a menu item will cause the edit control's (below the buttons) text to change. The Edit menu has a sub-menu attached to it. The first three menu items in the "Options" menu can be toggled on and off independently. The second and third groups of menu items can be toggled, but are mutually exclusive. - If you press the "Button" Button, its label will grow larger. Note how the other controls automatically adjust their positions. - The "Push Me" button illustrates a image with a text label. If you press this button, a simple dialog box will be displayed. - The "No, Push Me" button illustrates GUI-Kit's control of the keyboard focus and traversal. The button can be clicked, but you cannot tab to it. - The "Smiley" button is an example of a custom button. If you press it the image changes. Otherwise, it works like a regular push button. - The "Check" button is one example of how button labels can be positioned in GUI-Kit. In this case, the label is to the left of the check box. - The radio buttons show various label positions (right, center) as well as GUI-Kit's text capabilities. The "Radio 1" button has a multi-line label. The "Radio 2" button is multi-line and also includes a font and color change. - The "Off" button is an example of a toggle button. Press it once and it will change to "On", press it again and it changes to "Off". - The Edit control allows multiple lines and is scrollable both vertically and horizontally. - The last three controls demonstrate the three types of Combo boxes. Selecting an item in a Combo box causes the Edit control's text to change. - Pressing Alt+D anywhere causes the Edit control to be deleted. Notice how the controls reposition themselves. - Double-clicking in the item list of the left-most Combo box causes the font typeface and size to change. Again notice how GUI-Kit automatically resized the control and repositioned the other controls. - Pressing the right mouse button anywhere brings up a pop-up menu (the same "Options" menu used on the bar menu). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Clock Demo CLOCK.EXE, CLOCK.C,CLOCK.GKR ACLKMID.XPM, ACLOCK.BMP This wall-clock sample demonstrates some of GUI-Kit's graphics object (GfxObj) capabilities. NOTE: If you have the environment variable TZ set to something other than "GMT0" under Windows 3.1, the hour hand will indicate the wrong hour. If you do not set the TZ environment variable, the hour hand will work correctly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Animation Demo ANIMATN.EXE, ANIMATN.C EYE*.XPM, BULB.XPM, FGIMG.BMP This program demonstrates sprite animation. Sprites are non-rectangular images that can be moved around the window without flicker. Sprites also have a top-to-bottom order so that one sprite can pass in front of, or behind, another. The result is smooth animation that is typically used in games. In GUI-Kit, sprites make extensive use of the GfxImage graphics object. In addition, they utilize the GfxImage transparency feature which allows you to specify what parts of an image are drawn. Sprites also take advantage of the double-buffering feature in the Window class. Double-buffering allows an GfxImage, or other graphics object, to be moved or changed without causing unsightly flicker on the display. When you start the program, two figures will run around the window. You can see the effects of transparency when they pass behind the red circle or when one passes in front of the other. If you resize the window, they will constrain themselves to it. If you iconify the window, they will continue to run within the icon's image. ANIMATN takes two optional arguments. The first argument is the number figures; this defaults to 2. The second argument, if specified (e.g., a dash), causes the figures to run on top of a background image. ----------------------------------------------------------------------