Generalised Bitmap Module, OS/2 PM extras


This document should be used in conjunction with the main documentation, and the source documentation.

The GBMOS2PM package consists of source code and executables for a few OS/2 specific programs and libraries, which make use of GBM.

GBMDLG - Bitmap file dialog box

GBMDLG is a DLL which programs may use to select bitmap filenames to load or save. Includes IPF help applicable to the process, and which documents the formats and levels of support given by GBM.

GBMV - Viewer

  usage: gbmv [-e] [-h] [--] fn.ext{,opt}
  flags: -e             error diffuse
         -h             halftone
                        -e and -h not allowed together
         fn.ext{,opt}   input filename (with any format specific options)
                        bitmap formats and options as before

GBMV is a simple PM program for displaying a bitmap. It can used error-diffusion or halftoning to improve the quality of image display.

GBMV2 - Viewer 2

  usage: gbmv2 [fn.ext{,opt}]
         fn.ext{,opt}   input filename (with any format specific options)
                        bitmap formats and options as before

This is the flagship interactive bitmap manipulation program. It can perform any of the functions of the GBM package, which operate on a single bitmap.

It has full online context sensitive help, and an undo option. Interaction with the PM printer and clipboard is possible also. The PM Desktop may also be snapshotted. Also included is export to Metafile capability.

GBMV2 uses the GBMDLG library when the user is required to provide bitmap filenames.

GBMVFSA - View Full Screen Animation

  usage: gbmvfsa [-l] [-p] [-s] [-t] [-P] n1 n2 n3 fspec{,opt}
  flags: -l             loop indefinately
         -p             set palette only once, assume same
         -s             single step the frames
         -t             annotate each frame with its title
         -P             display palette bar
         n1 n2 n3       for ( f=n1; f<n2; f+=n3 )
         fspec            printf(fspec, f);
                        filespecs are of the form fn.ext
                        bitmap formats and options as before

This program can be used display an animation consisting of a collection of individual bitmap frames.

It displays the animation to the OS/2 Full Screen 320x200 at 8bpp VGA screen mode. Because of this, GBMVFSA is limited to displaying bitmaps of 320x200 or less, and they must be 8bpp. Also, all the bitmaps must be the same size.

If all the bitmaps share the same palette (presumably enforced by using GBMCPAL) then specify the -p option.

If the bitmaps have different palettes then visual artifacts can be produced. This is because for each new frame, the palette is changed, and then the screen bitmap bits are changed. Thus there is a small window in which the old bits are displayed with the new palette. At this time I know of no architected way to synchronise the changes to occur with the vertical retrace, using the OS/2 Vio API.

One way to avoid the problem is to have each bitmap use 128 colours. Even bitmaps would use palette entrys 0 - 127, and palette entries 128 - 255 would contain the previous pictures palette. Similarly in reverse for odd bitmaps.

GBMCPAL (from the base GBM package) provides an attempt at solving the problem. Its rofreq and romcut options reorder palette entries to try to minimise changes between successive frames. This significantly reduces flicker. In most cases, flicker can be totally eliminated.

The important thing to note is that it is not GBMVFSA's job to solve this problem, it is the job of the bitmap generating program.

For example, here is what I did to make a spinning globe animation. First I traced a largish number of individual bitmap frames using my raytracer, RT. I wrote these out under the names globeNNN.tif where NNN is 000, 010, 020, ... 350 (ie: the angle of rotation in degrees). I used the ,lzw option to get the files written LZW encoded to reduce the disk space requirements. Then to map the data to a common palette, I used GBMCPAL :-

  gbmcpal -m freq6:6:6:256 0 360 10 globe%03d.tif globe%03d.bmp

To display the animation under OS/2, using fullscreen VGA, I use :-

  gbmvfsa -l -p 0 360 10 globe%03d.bmp

Obviously there are file formats specifically for holding animations, and algorithms for having animations where palette entries vary from frame to frame, but the simple example above is ok for many purposes.

As the program runs, certain keys can be used :-

  Space     advances a single frame
  -         steps back one frame
  0 .. 9    moves to 0/10 .. 9/10 of the way through
  s         enters single step mode
  g         resumes continuous play
  t         toggles titleing on/off
  p         toggles palette display on/off
  Esc,q,x   quits

GBMLOGO - Make Logo

  usage: gbmlogo [-e] [-hN] [--] filename.ext{,opt}
  flags: -e             error-diffuse to RGBI
         -hN            halftone to RGBI
                        N is a halftoning algorithm number (default 0)
                        -e and -h can't be used together
         filename.ext   640x400 bitmap
                        bitmap formats and options as before

At boot time OS/2 looks for the file \OS2LOGO and displays this as the boot logo.

This logo is in a special format, compressed using the EXEPACK algorithm.

The IBM OS/2 Developer Connection CDs have included a tool called MAKELOGO, which takes dumps of the R,G,B and I planes from the VGA frame buffer, and writes an \OS2LOGO.

GBMLOGO takes in a 640x400 bitmap in any format, and writes out the files needed by MAKELOGO.


Just unzip the GBMOS2PM package and copy all the .exe, .dll and .hlp files into a directory somewhere.

If you've already got the GBMOS2 package installed into a directory, you might as well put these new files in there too.

This directory ought really to be on the LIBPATH, and also on the HELP path, in the CONFIG.SYS.

Using the source

In order to compile the supplied source, you need the GBMSRC package, as this contains assorted GBM headers and libraries.

The gbm.h, gbm.lib and gbm.dll supplied with the GBMOS2 package are only sufficient from writing programs which only make use of GBMs file load and save facilities. If you want to do any image manipulation, you need stuff from the GBMSRC package.

The makefiles refer to the directory where the GBM source code is via the GBM make variable towards the top of the file. This will typically be \build\os2\graphics\gbm by default (as this is where I tend to put GBM on my build machine), but you will almost certainly want to change this for your setup.

The source can be compiled using VisualAge C++ 3.0 (with CTC306, CTD302 and CTU304).

The GBMOS2PM source is divided into a set of directories, each of which defines a sub-project :-

Simple 32 bit OS/2 PM bitmap viewer. Simply provides application whose client displays a bitmap.
Provides a derivation of WinFileDlg, which is designed to allow the user to specify the file for loading or saving. Has additional entryfield for "Bitmap specific options". Has "Bitmap", "GIF", "PCX" etc. in the Filetypes combo box. Includes help source to generate accompanying help text.
Sophisticated 32 bit OS/2 PM bitmap viewer with menu and dialogs to give access to bitmap manipulation tools. Full help.
OS/2 Full Screen animation viewer using 320x200 8bpp VGA mode. Written using the almost documented Vio calls.
Tool to make VRAM0.DAT, VRAM1.DAT, VRAM2.DAT and VRAM3.DAT for feeding into MAKELOGO.EXE as supplied on Developer Connection CD 6. MAKELOGO.EXE makes VRAM.DAT which can be copied over hidden file \OS2LOGO on the boot drive, to change the boot screen. Input to GBMLOGO.EXE should be a 640x400 bitmap.

The sub-projects should be built in the order listed above, because later sub-projects use headers/librarys etc. from the earlier ones.

Distributed packages

The GBM packages are best obtained via the links on my home page(s) :-

This documentation is written and maintained by the GBMOS2PM author, Andy Key