Procedure dosmemfillchar (seg, ofs : Word; count : Longint; c : char) ;
Sets a region of DOS memory to a specific byte value
Return values: none
Notes: No range check is performed.
dosmemput, dosmemget, dosmemmovedosmemmove, dosmemfillword, seg_move, seg_fillchar, seg_fillword
Program textmess; uses crt, go32; const columns = 80; rows = 25; screensize = rows*columns*2; text = '! Hello world !'; var textofs : Longint; save_screen : array[0..screensize-1] of byte; curx, cury : Integer; begin randomize; dosmemget($B800, 0, save_screen, screensize); curx := wherex; cury := wherey; gotoxy(1, 1); Write(text); textofs := screensize + length(text)*2; dosmemmove($B800, 0, $B800, textofs, length(text)*2); dosmemfillchar($B800, 0, screensize, #0); while (not keypressed) do begin dosmemfillchar($B800, textofs + random(length(text))*2 + 1, 1, char(random(255))); dosmemmove($B800, textofs, $B800, random(columns)*2+random(rows)*columns*2, length(text)*2); delay(1); end; readkey; readkey; dosmemput($B800, 0, save_screen, screensize); gotoxy(curx, cury); end.