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Procedure Writeln [([Var F : Text;] [V1 [; V2; ... , Vn)]] ;


Writeln does the same as Write for text files, and emits a Carriage Return - LineFeed character pair after that.

If the parameter F is omitted, standard output is assumed.

If no variables are specified, a Carriage Return - LineFeed character pair is emitted, resulting in a new line in the file F.

Remark: Under LINUX, the Carriage Return character is omitted, as customary in Unix environments.


If an error occurs, a run-time error is generated. This behavior can be controlled with the {$i} switch.

See also:

Write, Read, Readln, Blockwrite

Program Example75;

{ Program to demonstrate the Write(ln) function. }

  F : File of Longint;
  L : Longint;
  Write ('This is on the first line ! '); { No CR/LF pair! }
  Writeln ('And this too...');
  Writeln ('But this is already on the second line...');
  Assign (f,'test.dat');
  Rewrite (f);
  For L:=1 to 10 do 
    write (F,L); { No writeln allowed here ! }
  Close (f);

Michael Van Canneyt
Thu Sep 10 14:02:43 CEST 1998