list_commons - list the contents of a f77 common database.


       list_commons [-shv] -ddatabase -fincfile -ooutfile


       list_commons can be used to manually check the contents of
       a  common  database. It outputs every common it finds in a
       given database.  list_commons examines a  database  gener-
       ated with scan_commons(1).


       -h, --help
              Shows a short description of every option.

       -s     If  you  use  this flag, list_commons will sort the
              contents of the database per  file  that  has  been
              stored  in  the  database.   If  this option is not
              given,  list_commons  will  just  list  the  entire
              (unsorted)  contents  of  the  database. Using this
              option can take a while since the  entire  database
              has to be scanned entirely before the output can be
              sorted. The MS-DOS version might run out of  memory
              if you have a large database.

       -v     Show database version information. This information
              consists of the name of the user that  has  created
              this  database,  the  machine and system name where
              this database was created on, the date of the  last
              update   of  this  database,  and  the  directories

              Shows the version number of get_common.

              Name of the database to list.  If  no  database  is
              given, the value of COMMON_DATABASE is checked.

              This  is  the  same as the -s option, with the main
              difference being that only the commons for  incfile
              will be shown.

              Using  this option will cause list_commons to store
              its output in the  file  outfile.   If  not  given,
              list_commons will write it's output to stdout.


       list_commons  has run under HP-UX 9 and 10, SGI IRIX 5.2 &
       5.3, DEC OSF1, SunOs 4.1 and 4.3, Cray Unicos, IBM AIX 3.2
       &  4.1,  Linux and MSDOS 6.2.  list_commons also runs in a
       dos box under Windows 3.1, 3.11 and Win95.


              Points to the location of a common  database.  This
              environment variable is only used if no database is
              given on the command line.


       All utilities in  this  fortran  utility  suite  are  dis-
       tributed under the GNU Public License.


       If  a  bug occurs, it will most likely be generated by the
       MS-DOS versions of these tools. This will be mainly due to
       the 640kb memory limit MS-DOS has.

       If  you  think you have found a bug, you can send email to
       the author, describing what the bug is, how you  generated
       it  and if you can reproduce it. Also specify the platform
       where this bug occured.


       Koen D'Hondt
       (C)Copyright 1995-1996 by Ripley Software Development


       scan_commons(1),   get_common(1),   fflow(1),   ffscan(1),