I have uploaded the OS/2 2.x recompile of Ftnchek, version 2.8.4. Indeed, I can't call it a port since Robert Moniot (the author of ftncheck) wrote it in a portable fashion, so that it just recompiles under Eberhard Mattes' emx environment w/o any complaints. See the original 'readme' file. The OS/2 2.x recompile can be found on the usual sites: ftp-os2.cdrom.com: (CD-ROM) now: /os2/incoming/fchek284.zip move to: /os2/dev32/fchek284.zip ftp-os2.nmsu.edu (HOBBES) now: /incoming/fchek284.zip move to: /os2/dev32/fchek284.zip A brief intro: ============== ftnchek is a free Fortran syntax checker (some say, similar to a commercial product called FLINT, which I don't know). It allows to catch all kinds of problems Fortran is (in)famouse for: unassigned variables, type casts, too long lines, wrong number / type of arguments in calles to functions/subroutines etc. It can catch lots of problems many Fortran compilers seem to fail finding. To cut it short, it helps do what a normal Pascal compiler would do by itself on Pascal, for those of us who (still) need to use Fortran. Read the docs to learn more. The OS/2 port: ============== The only modifications I have made to the original distribution before recompiling with gcc 2.7.2 / emx09b + emxfix03 are: a) Applied the patches to bring version 2.8.3 up to version 2.8.4. The original sources are renamed to name.orig. b) Included a makefile for os/2, called 'makefile.os2' with targets for the OS2 binaries. c) Included two binaries, 'ftnchek.exe' and 'ftnchekS.exe'. 'ftnchek.exe' needs the 'emx09b' runtime system to work (can be found as emxrt.zip on many ftp sites, including hobbes (ftp-os2.nmsu.edu) and cdrom (ftp-os2.cdrom.com)). 'ftnchekS.exe' can be used w/o having emxrt installed. I compiled them with gcc 2.7.2 / emx09b + emxfix03. Read the files 'README', 'readme.os2', 'os2port.txt', and of course the documention of 'ftnchek' for more information. That's it. Have fun. Stefan A. Deutscher , 31-Mar-1996 sad@utk.edu / stefand@elphy.irz.hu-berlin.de