(C) Copyright MaxWare 1988, 1994. All rights reserved. Introduction What is Easy Professional Tools-Ezp2? Easy Professional Tools-Ezp2 is a product of MaxWare. Ezp2 is a set of highly integratable utilities, should we say PROGRAM OBJECTS, that supports multi-tasking operation, file and text data management for OS/2 Workstation, Client/Server application and Networking application environment. This set of Ezp2 is a unique set of utilities containing 30 powerful program objects. This ShareWare version of Ezp2 is fully fuctional for 30 days. After some evaluation periods, you should consider sign up as a registered user or the package will become limited functional. What can Ezp2 do for you? Most of the Ezp2 commands help you work with routine files and tasks management. They are not only work individually; these "PROGRAM OBJECTS" include integration tools and features to integrate multiple programs to a powerful function. You can also easily integrate this Ezp2 with REXX, GUI REXX or Basic command processor to become a new set of function. What's NEW? o Most Ezp2 command supports the file name specification or data from file, pipe, or Named pipe. So regular program can work as a SERVER, like: - "cp -- d: < file.lst" will copy files specified in a list o NMPIPE, WAIT programs are integration tools for Multi- Task, Multi-Session, Client/Server and networking application, o NMPIPE also can enable the communications between normal OS/2 and DOS programs, o CP is a smart copy, backup and compress program "CP -U" and TAR let you exchange files with UNIX, "CP --" and WHERE are tools for daily backup, o "GREP -rb" and WHERE are best tools to find the file or things, o WAIT, NICE, and SLEEP provide synchronization for multi- tasks or networking program, o Event simple "TOUCH" program have new feature to select the day or time to change the file's date, o And you can combine these tools with other OS/2 or DOS programs to generate new functions, o We use the UNIX basic command interfaces, because so many users are familiar with their basic functions, but many features included in here have never been seeing on the UNIX systems. Our user are including program developer, network user, UNIX user, user with a lots of data, manufacture user, daily event execution, batch program, network file synchronization, etc. Ezp2 includes: Ezp2 contains 29 powerful 32 bits OS/2 programs. Only VI.EXE is a common program between Ezp2 and Ez2 tools set. Ez2 is a 16 bits application set with most functions of Ezp2 that support OS/2 and DOS. o Multi-Task Management: ctime, etime, kill, klog, nice, nmpipe, sleep, tee, wait; o File and Text Management: cp, ls, mv, rm, sum, tar, touch, where, which; cat, cmp, ctags, grep, head, od, pr, strings, tail, vi, wc; SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS OS/2 2.X If you have purchased the OS/2 Ezp2 package, your software support both FAT or HPFS file system on OS/2, OS/2 LAN or Netware network files. Minimum Ezp2 requirements are 512K of user RAM, not including RAM used by the operating system, and 1.4MB of disk spaces. THE DISTRIBUTION MEDIA: README.TXT The installation disk in your Ezp2 package includes a file named README.TXT - this file. You should read this file for the latest information about this package. BBS: MaxWare BBS (415) 988-8835 You may download this ShareWare version of Ezp2a300.zip and Ezp2b300.zip files. This Shareware provides fully functional Ezp2 for 30 days evaluation time, after this time tools will become limited functional. Or you may register and download the Ezp2_300.zip and Ez2_250.zip files as a registered user. Disk Formats Ezp2 is available on 3 1/2 inches double density floppy disks ( Maxware part number 052-002 ) To order the 5 1/4 inch option: Just specify the part number when you first order Ezp2, or include $10 with your receipt of purchase to order the optional 5 1/4 inch media ( MaxWare part number 052- 003) INSTALLATION To install from floppy diskette, please find the diskette labeled 'INSTALL' and put it into floppy disk drive A, then follow the instructions in the next section. To install from hard disk, after you unzip the ezp2_300.zip file: Type "SETUP" in the directory that contains the Ezp2 files. You will be asked to give the SETUP program a complete drive and full directory pathname, it will make a directory on your hard disk and place the Ezp2 files in this new directory. LEARNING Ezp2 COMMANDS: On-Line Help and Examples Ezp2 has an on-line help facility. You do not have to look in the manual to find out the features of commands. If you need to find out about the 'ls' command, type: ls -? "cmd -?" to get Help The "-?" by itself after the command name tell Ezp2 you want to display the features of the command. Every utility of Ezp2 supports on-line help in this manner. Stopping a Running Utility To break into a running Ezp2 utility, you can press CTRL-C or CTRL-BREAK. Summary of the Commands: Program Descriptions: cal : display the selected month or whole year's calendar cat : concatenate or display the file content cmp : compare two files cp : smart copy, backup or compress files : can copy multiple subdirectory tree and volume : intelligently update the files : also support UNIX compatible "COMPRESS" data etime : report the elapse time of program execution grep : search the text or binary files for a pattern head : display the first few lines of the files kill : kill a running processor klog : execute a command with a logger ls : list the directory in selected format mv : move or rename either files or directories nice : start a command with different priority nmpipe : create a named pipe and redirect the stdin/stdout to it for OS/2, DOS, Window and network program od : display the file contents in selected format pr : print file in specified format rm : remove files or directories sleep : sleep for specified time strings : display the string in a file sum : sum of a file tail : display the last few lines of a file tar : archive files, UNIX compatible tee : duplicates the program output to both console and file touch : change the file date to selected date wait : wait for named pipe or files being updated wc : word count where : show where is the files or directories which : show which program will be used vi : visual editor ex : ex/vi editor ctags : index program for visual editor Once you have registered you can get a counter set of 16 bits Ez2 program, Either through the on-line BBS, by mail. or eMail. Ez2 are utilities for OS/2 and DOS: Ez2 are 29 portable programs for the OS/2 and DOS environments. You can move files generated in OS/2 to DOS and vice versa. You also can vi(ew) files in different sessions at the same time in OS/2 environment to take advantage of OS/2 multitasking features. Ez2 commands also provides on-line help to assist the user, so you have full command descriptions and examples right in front of you when you need them.