Using dcc Here is a very brief summary of switches for dcc: * a1, a2: assembler output, before and after re-ordering of input code * c: Attempt to follow control through indirect call instructions * i: Enter interactive disassembler * m: Memory map * s: Statistics summary * v, V: verbose (and Very verbose) * o filename: Use filename as assembler output file For example, dcc can be invoked in the following way to produce an assembly file (.asm) and a C-like file (.b): dcc -a1 file.exe If dcc encounters illegal instructions, it will attempt to enter the so called interactive disassembler. The idea of this was to allow commands to fix the problem so that dcc could continue, but no such changes are implemented as yet. (Note: the Unix versions do not have the interactive disassembler). If you get into this, you can get out of it by pressing ^X (control-X). Once dcc has entered the interactive disassembler, however, there is little chance that it will recover and produce useful output. If dcc loads the signature file dccxxx.sig, this means that it has not recognised the compiler library used. You can place the signatures in a different direcory to where you are working if you set the DCC environment variable to point to their path. Note that if dcc can't find its signature files, it will be severely handicapped. Note that dcc produces C source files; dcc does not procude C++ source. The output is in a file with extension ".b".