Information about Developer Helper, release 1.0Beta The Developer Helper Application Framewien is a framework written in C++ for use in developing high quality graphical applications for the 32 bit OS/2 (versions 2.0 and higher). Included in this framework are objects to assist in developing all types of applications (both character based and Presentation Manager), including object classes to handle threads, processes, abstract data types and user interface. The overriding design goal behind Developer Helper is to provide the most functionality possible, exposing the great primitives and API's provided by IBM to the application developer, and encapsulating much of the trivial and error prone of setting up the base of applications. To develop with Developer Helper, all a developer has to do is concentrate on their application, and not concentrate on wrestling with many arcane API calls. DHO currently supports IBM C-Set++, GCC/2, and EMX binaries, with source code available for adaption to other C++ compilers which are available for OS/2. Included in this package are C++ source and header files, library files, a tutorial, this document and some samples. =========================================================================== Installation: The DHO package is contained in a single zip file. Unzip the file passing the decompression software the option to retain directory structure. Assuming the package was decompressed in the root directory of a disk, all one has to do is to include the dho\include directory in your compiler's search path, and link to an approriate library found in \dho\lib. Source code is provided for debugging purposes in \dho\source. Examples of makefiles for the C-Set, GCC/2 and EMX- gcc compilers are included in this distribution. Using DHO in a DLL The DHO library can be used in a DLL, but the following two precautions should be taken into account. First, the utility function void setModule(char *modName) must be called in some sort of DLL initialization function is the DLL is to access resources which are bound to the DLL (use of Dialogs bound to the DLL are one example). Pass setModule the name of the DLL, and all additional resources will be loaded from the DLL. If for some reason the DLL code must use resources bound to the executable, pass a NULL string to this function, and DHO will then load all it's resources from the executable. Secondly, if classes are exposed or are passed into funtions located in a DLL, care must be taken to ensure that the version of DHO which is statically linked into the DLL and the version which is linked into the executable are the same. Again, use of the utility functions const char *DHOgetBaseVersion() and const char *DHOgetRev() can be used to ensure proper linkage. An example of this follows. --------------------------------------------------------- INT main(void) { initDLL(DHOgetBaseVersion(), DHOgetRev()); return 0; } APIRET EXPENTRY initDLL(const char *base, const char *rev) { if ((!strcmp(base, DHOgetBaseVersion())) || (!strcmp(rev, DHOgetRev()))) { // -- handle error condition gracefully exit(1); } } --------------------------------------------------------- In most cases, if the base version of the DLL matches the base version of the executable, the program will run properly. The base version of the library changes only when there are interface changes to the libraries. The revision number is increased only when there are internal bug fixes and enhancements which do not modify any interfaces. In the future, a DLL version of DHO will eliminate this need for version checking since it will be possible for the executable and the dll to dynamically link to the DHO library at runtime. =========================================================================== Licensing Information and Disclaimer This library is released as is, and carries no warranty. The author assumes no liability for dmamages which may vbe caused by this library, nor for does the author guarantee that this API will remain contant This release (1.0Beta) is provided free to any non-commercial developer provided that the developer sends comments and criticisms about this class library along with a brief description of the product developed with DHO to the author. Commercial Developers may contact the author for terms regarding DHO's commercial use. In any circumstance, the notice "portions (c) 1994-95 Tom Bednarz" must appear in the product information dialog box. =========================================================================== Package Contents: This development kit includes binaries for 3 major OS/2 compilers, header files for use with the library, full source for the library, a tutorial and a samples. There are 6 binary libraries included; they are: dhoiccd.lib -- Debug library for use with IBM C-Set++ dhoicc.lib -- Optimized library for use with IBM C-Set++ dhogccd.lib -- Debug library for use with GCC/2 dhogcc.lib -- Optimized library for use with GCC/2 dhoemxd.lib -- Debug library for use with GCC andEMX dhoemx.lib -- Optimized library for use with GCC and EMX =========================================================================== Known Limitations: The method void removeItem(USHORT item) in the class TContainerWindow currently does not work properly. A fix is in the works, and will be available in the next release of Developer Helper. Please remember that this is a Beta version, and that I will attempt to fix bugs and problems which are submitted to me. It is my goal to create a premier freeware application framework which can be used and adapted by developers to create high quality OS/2 software. =========================================================================== Please send any comments, bug reports, or questions to: Tom Bednarz 766 Elm Street Somerset, MA 02726 e-mail: this package is (c) 1994-95 Tom Bednarz, Jr. C-Set++ and OS/2 are copyrighted trademarks of IBM Corporatrion