═══ Get in Touch with the Dude! ═══ ═══ 1. What's New ═══ Welcome to Version 2 of the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2. This release of the DDK provides updates and improvements of drivers from Version 1 of the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2. We are continuing to include a survey to help us gather data on customer requirements and satisfaction. We are asking you to print this survey, fill it out, and send it to us. Your input will help us plan future products for you. Be sure to see the Special Notice for information about the IBM Technical Interchange in New Orleans on May 21-May 25. The following new and updated drivers, tools, and books are provided: o Multimedia Device Drivers - MAD16 Physical Device Driver - MAD16 Virtual Device Driver These drivers initialize the MAD16 Pro integrated digital audio controller, which is found on many multimedia boards. - MPEG Video Playback Physical Device Driver Sample This sample provides a skeleton you can use to create PDDs for other video playback devices. - MPEG CODEC Hardware Interface This driver passes MPEG video data from the streaming subsystem to the hardware MPEG device using the VSD layer. o PCMCIA Device Drivers - Sample PCMCIA Client Services Driver The Sample PCMCIA Client Services Driver makefile has been enhanced to build with either Microsoft C 6.0 or Watcom C 10.0 B compilers. o DASD Device Drivers - Resource Manager This driver manages drivers, adapters, and devices, and facilitates the coexistence and cooperation of the device drivers. - ST506 Device Driver This driver has been updated. The source code for this driver that was included in the Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 Version 1 did not reflect the OS/2 Warp version. o Display Device Drivers - Base Video Handler BVHSVGA.DLL has been re-structured to be device independent whereas the PMI file is now device dependent with information specific to the video chip. The Warp version of BVHSVGA uses VIDEOPMI services to process requests. For more informtion refer to BVHSVGA.DLL file section in Display Driver Reference. o SCSI Device Driver - Virtual ASPI Device Driver This driver enables ASPI (advanced SCSI programming interface) support for ASPI applications running in a DOS session. o New Books - OS/2 Hardware Compatibility List This book contains a list of hardware that has been tested and found to be compatible with OS/2. - Graphics Adapter Device Driver Reference This book describes the new architecture for creating graphics adapter device drivers for multiple operating system services. o Updated Books - Printer Device Driver Reference There is new information on Generic Printer Library, Font Test, plotters, MiniDriver2, and PostScript. - Physical Device Driver Reference There is a new chapter describing the Resource Manager, a new DevHlp, RegisterKernelExit, was added, and TESTCFG IOCtls and the RegisterDeviceClass DevHlp were moved from the Storage Device Driver Reference to this book. - Storage Device Driver Reference There is a new chapter on Virtual ASPI Device Driver. - MMPM/2 Device Driver Reference There are new chapters on MPEG Video Playback Physical Device Driver Sample and the MAD16 drivers, MAD16 Physical Device Driver and MAD16 Virtual Device Driver. Also, a DDCMD and VSD state diagram has been provided. - Presentation Device Driver Reference Several new GRE functions and datatypes, and information on Enhanced Direct Interface Video Extensions (EnDIVE) have been added. - Display Device Driver Reference There is a new chapter describing the video protect mode interface. Special Notice IBM TECHNICAL INTERCHANGE Date: MAY 21-25, 1995 - NEW ORLEANS CONVENTION CENTER Registration Fees: Before April 7, 1995 - $895 (early registration fee) After April 7, 1995 - $1095 The 1995 IBM Technical Interchange brings together the very latest technology. There will be hands-on labs, and a large exhibition hall will feature the latest in hardware and software. In addition, there will be receptions, birds-of-a-feather sessions, and lots of premiums. The following is a sampling of the many elective sessions included in the conference: o Object Oriented Technology o Networking o Communications o Client-Server Database o Device Driver Development o Application Development o Multimedia o C++ For more information, call 1-800-872-7109. Outside the U.S. and Canada, call 1-508-443-4990. ═══ 2. README ═══ IBM DEVELOPER CONNECTION DEVICE DRIVER KIT FOR OS/2 - Version 2 =============================================================== This file contains information you need to install the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2, and additional information not included in the documentation. This README file is divided into the following categories: o Before You Install the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 o Installing the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 o Getting Help o Late-Breaking News and Special Notes o Your Satisfaction o Trademarks Before You Install the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 =========================================================================== Software Requirements --------------------- One of the following: OS/2 2.0 with ServicePak XR06055 (See Note) OS/2 2.1 OS/2 Warp NOTE: Without the ServicePak, your OS/2 2.0 installation will not return the correct results from application-specific exits even though the exit completes correctly. Also, Workplace Shell objects created during an installation will not use the specified icon. Hardware Requirements --------------------- 1. The SWAPPER.DAT file may grow during installation depending on the number of components you select. To do a full installation on an 8MB RAM system, at least 15MB of disk space should be available to SWAPPER.DAT. Systems with more RAM require less disk space (for example, a system with 16MB RAM will require 10MB of disk space for a full installation). 2. You must have at least 2MB of disk space on your boot drive. NOTE: If you are installing over a previous version of the DDK and you don't want any of your previous DDK files, you can use a special tool called DELDDK to delete all information related to the installed DDK. This file is located in the \DDKx86\SETUP directory on the CD. DELDDK will delete all .INI information, the old DDK folder on the Desktop, and the specified DDK tree. WARNING: Make sure to BACK UP any files that you want to save BEFORE you run DELDDK. ALL files under the specified directory and its subdirectories will be DELETED by DELDDK. Installing the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 ================================================================== To start the installation process, execute the DDKINST command file located in the root directory of the CD. The DDK installation program allows installation of selected (or all) components. NOTES: The "Delete the Installed Components and Reinstall" option might not work in certain situations. To circumvent this problem, back up any files that you want to save and use the DELDDK tool to delete the previously installed DDK. You can then run a fresh installation. When components are selected from the "Install - directories" panel, the installation program displays the total hard disk space (in bytes) necessary to install all the selected components. You can review the free space available on each disk by selecting the "Disk space..." push button from the same panel. The "bytes needed" figure displayed by the installation program (which includes space for the installation program work files) is an approximation of the MAXIMUM number of bytes of free space required to perform an installation on a FAT-formatted disk. Significantly less space is required for installation on an HPFS-formatted disk. Getting Help ============ Using Your DDK -------------- "Using Your DDK" in the DDK for OS/2 folder is an online document that describes in detail how to use the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2. It includes the following information: - A list of available driver source code, tools, and documentation - Compilers that are required to build a specific driver - A tree structure showing where specific driver files are located - Instructions on how to build a specific driver - Special considerations etc. Device Driver Documentation --------------------------- The \BOOK directory, under the DDK base directory, contains the DDK online documentation. The files contained in this directory are .INF files and can be viewed with the OS/2 VIEW command. You also can view the documentation directly from the CD (without installing the books on your hard disk) by double-clicking on "DDK References on DDK CD-ROM" in the DDK for OS/2 folder on the Desktop. PowerPC Documentation --------------------- PowerPC Reference Platform Specification V1.0 is included in the DDK online documentation. To order a hardcopy of this reference, call 1-800-POWERPC using MPR-PPC-RPU-02 as the order number. Service and Technical Support ----------------------------- We are ready to help you with your IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 questions. You can contact us through the following channels: 1. Use a PC and modem to place a call to the DUDE BBS at (407)982-3217 (N, 8, 1 14.4 KBPS). After completing a self-registration, you will have limited access to the system. Additional information on Driver Development Support Center (DDSC) and system operations will be presented on the system after registration. Within one business day, the DUDE team will verify the completion of your registration information, upgrade your access level to NORMAL, and notify you. 2. Developers experiencing problems connecting to the DUDE BBS can call (407)982-4239 where they will hear a recorded message directing them to leave a name and phone number. The messages are retrieved throughout the day, Monday-Friday, 8.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m. Eastern time. A member of the DUDE team will return the call by the end of the next business day. Late-Breaking News and Special Notes ==================================== CHANGE/SUPPORT NOTICE --------------------- The source code contained in this DDK, besides sample code, includes the latest actual, buildable source code that will produce working drivers for different types of devices. The goal of the DDK is to provide device driver developers with as much of this tested code as early as possible. However, some of this source code might be "preliminary" or "IBM internal use code." This type of code is considered "unsupported" and is subject to change without notice. Examples of this unsupported code are any function calls that are not documented in the available IBM Reference Manuals included in "Using Your DDK" (in the "Online Documentation" section under "DDK Roadmap"). Device Drivers Referencing PMWINP.H ----------------------------------- Any device drivers that previously referenced the files PMWINP.H or PMWINP.INC have been changed to reference the files PMWINX.H and PMWINX.INC. If you are migrating to the current DDK, change any drivers on previous DDKs that referenced the files PMWINP.* to refer to the new PMWINX.* files. Microsoft MASM 6.0B ------------------- Building drivers with Microsoft MASM 6.0B has known problems. We suggest that you use Microsoft MASM 6.0 for a successful build. OS/2 DEBUG KERNELS ------------------ The OS/2 debug kernels are now supplied with The Developer Connection for OS/2. MODULE LEVEL VERSION CONTROL ---------------------------- This DDK includes information on "Module Level Version Control," an important procedure for device-driver developers. Refer to the "Module Level Version Control" section in "Using Your DDK" for more information. CONSIDERATIONS WHEN INSTALLING THE OS/2 2.1 SERVICEPAK XR06200 -------------------------------------------------------------- Delivering the OS/2 2.1 ServicePak XR06200 uncovered a problem that IBM believes is limited to display drivers. If you modify the source code provided in the DDK using the same display driver name and then install the ServicePak, your device driver will be overwritten. IBM has updated its display driver utilities to recognize display drivers not packaged in the OS/2 2.1 product. IBM also has tested a representative set of display drivers that support a broad range of popular display adapters and hardware systems. This will help users recover their previous level of high resolution and color support. The updated utilities and workaround information are available electronically on worldwide bulletin boards and will be delivered with the ServicePak. These updates and workarounds apply only to U.S. versions of the ServicePak. IBM continues to work with independent hardware vendors and other software developers to architect and define standards. Developer Connection Browser ---------------------------- The Developer Connection Browser has been removed from the DDK. Device Driver Conference Presentations -------------------------------------- The Device Driver Conference Presentations has been removed from the DDK. Please refer to a previous version of the DDK for any information you might need. Your Satisfaction ================= Your satisfaction with IBM is important to us. If you are not totally satisfied with this product, please contact us through one of the Service and Technical support channels listed above. Tell us what is not meeting your expectations and why you are dissatisfied. Provide your name, your organization's name, and your telephone number so we can contact you. We will work with you to resolve your concerns. Also, print the survey in "Using Your DDK" document, fill it out, and send it to us. Your input will help us plan future products for you. Trademarks ========== The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: IBM OS/2 OS/2 Warp IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY RELATED PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. (c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1995, all rights reserved. ═══ 3. Writing OS/2 Device Drivers: Getting Started ═══ If you're just starting to write device drivers for OS/2, there are a number of options available to help you develop the necessary skills. Prerequisites Before you start writing OS/2 device drivers, you need to be familiar with the following: o C or Assembler programming o OS/2 functionality: - Multi-threading - Priorities - Memory Management - Addressing Modes o Processor Architecture (80386 and higher) Building Your Reference Library A comprehensive reference library is an invaluable source of information. Start your library with the OS/2 Technical Library, a collection of technical reference books that includes the OS/2 Physical Device Driver Reference, Virtual Device Driver Reference, and Presentation Driver Reference. In addition, several reference books related to device types are available in both online and hardcopy formats. See the IBM Documentation section of this book. You also can find some good non-IBM books listed in the Non-IBM Documentation section of this book. Training and Support IBM offers OS/2 Device Driver Workshops once a month at the Driver Development Support Center (DDSC) lab in Boca Raton, Florida. Courses are also available on-site. Topics include: o Adapter Device Drivers (ADD) o Industrial Controller Programming o LAN Device Drivers - OS/2 2.x MAC o Multimedia Device Drivers o PM Printer Device Driver o Physical Device Drivers (PDD) o Presentation Manager (PM) Drivers o Seamless Windows Video Device Drivers o OS/2 2.x Virtual Device Drivers (VDD) o OS/2 2.x Device Managers (DMD) o OS/2 1.x Device Drivers o OS/2 2.x Pointer Device Drivers For schedule and registration information, you can reach "The DUDE" (DDSC's Bulletin Board) at (407)982-3217. ═══ 4. Device Drivers and Build Requirements ═══ Legend ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Compilers/Assemblers provided │ ├──────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────┤ │ Microsoft MASM 5.1 │ Microsoft CL386 │ ├──────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────┤ │ Compilers/Assemblers used │ ├──────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────┤ │ (1) Microsoft MASM 5.1 │ (2) Microsoft MASM 6.0 │ ├──────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┤ │ (3) Microsoft C 6.0 │ (4) Microsoft CL386 │ ├──────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┤ │ (5) IBM C Set/2 │ (6) Watcom C 10.0 │ │ │ 'B' Level │ └──────────────┬───────────┴────────────┬─────────────┘ │ (7) IBM C Set ++ V2.01 │ │ (ICC Compiler) │ │ └────────────────────────┘ Note: Building drivers with Microsoft MASM 6.0B has known problems. We suggest that you use Microsoft MASM 6.0 for a successful build. Note: The numbers in parentheses (below) refer to the numbers in the table (above). o Display Device Drivers - 16-Bit 8514 (1) - 16-Bit VGA (1) - 32-Bit ISO Fonts (1) - 32-Bit PMVIDEO (Merged S3/XGA/8514 Drivers) (1), (3), (4), (5) - 32-Bit SVGA 256 (2) - 32-Bit VGA (2) - IBMGPMI Base Video Shared Library (1), (5) - Screen Base Video Family (1) - SVGA Base Video Handler (1), (3) - SVGA Utility (1), (3) - SVGAINST Action Routine Sample (7) - VGA/8514 Base Video Handler (1), (3) - Virtual Video (1), (4) - Virtual XGA Video (1), (4) o DBCS Device Drivers - DBCS VGA/SVGA PM Display (2) - DBCS VGA/SVGA Virtual Video Driver (1), (4) - DBCS 32-Bit PMVIDEO (1), (2), (3), (4) - DBCS Base Video Handler (1), (3) - DBCS Base Video Handler for Windowed Session (1), (3) - DBCS Base Video Screen (1), (3), (4) - DBCS PM Font Support Driver (1), (3) o Printer Device Drivers - 32-Bit Plotter (1), (5) - 32-Bit 42XX Rasterizing Sample (1), (5) - 32-Bit Mini-Driver 2 Hardcopy Printer Sample (7) - 32-Bit PostScript (1), (7) - 32-Bit Mini-Driver Rasterizing Sample (7) - 32-Bit PM Print Queue (5) - 32-Bit Serial Port (5) - 32-Bit Parallel Port with Sharing Support (5) - 16-Bit Parallel (1), (3) - 32-Bit Virtual Parallel (1), (4) o CD-ROM Device Drivers (16-Bit) - IDE CD-ROM Filter (1), (3) - CD-ROM Device Manager (1), (3) - Virtual CD-ROM Device Manager (1), (4) - Hitachi CD-ROM Filter (1), (3) - NEC CD-ROM Filter (1), (3) - Sony CD-ROM Filter (1), (3) - Toshiba CD-ROM Filter (1), (3) - Mitsumi CD-ROM Adapter (NON-SCSI) (1), (3) o DASD Device Drivers (16-Bit) - OS/2 DASD Device Manager (1), (3) - Resource Manager (1), (3) - Removable DASD Conversion Filter (1), (3) - Adapter Presence Detection Sample (1) - Adapter Driver for ST506/IDE DASD (1), (3) - Adapter Driver for ABIOS DASD (1), (3) - Protected Mode VDisk (RAM Disk) (1) - Adapter Presence-Check Services (TESTCFG) (1), (3) o SCSI Device Drivers (16-Bit) - OS/2 SCSI Device Manager (1), (3) - Adapter Driver For ABIOS SCB (1), (3) - OS/2 ASPI Device Manager (1), (3) - Virtual ASPI Device Driver (1), (4) o Diskette Device Drivers (16-Bit) - Adapter Driver for ABIOS Floppy (1), (3) - OS/2 ISA/EISA Floppy (1), (3) - Virtual Floppy (1), (4) o Virtual Disk Device Drivers (1), (3) o Clock Device Drivers (16-Bit) - Family 1 Clock (1) - Family 2 Clock (1) o Keyboard Device Drivers (16-Bit) - Keyboard (Device Independent) (1) - Keyboard (Device Dependent) (1), (3) - Virtual Keyboard (1), (4) o Mouse Device Drivers (16-Bit) - Mouse (Device Independent) (1), (3) - Mouse (Device Dependent) (1), (3) - Virtual Mouse (1), (4) o Serial Comm Device Drivers (16-Bit) - Asynchronous (1), (3) - Virtual Serial (1), (4) o 8516 Touch Screen Device Drivers (16-Bit) - Touch Device Independent (3) - Touch Device Dependent (3) - Virtual Touch (1), (4) o Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) Device Drivers (16-Bit) - Client Services Sample (1), (3) or (6) - Data/Fax Modem Client Services Driver (1), (3) - Intel PCIC Step B Controller Socket Driver (2) o Pen for OS/2 Device Driver (16-Bit) (1) o Multimedia Device Drivers - 16-Bit Audio PDD Sample (2), (3) - 16-Bit Audio VDD Sample (2), (3) - AD1848 Audio Device Driver Sample (2), (3) - Audio Vendor-Specific Driver (VSD) Resource File Sample - Audio Interface (5) - Generic Audio Installation Sample (5) - Generic Video Installation Sample (5) - MAD16 Multimedia Physical Device Driver (5), (6) - MAD16 Multimedia Virtual Device Driver (6) - MPEG Video Playback Physical Device Driver Sample (1), (6) - MPEG Codec Hardware Interface (5) - PC Video Device Driver Sample (2), (3) - 16-Bit Pro AudioSpectrum 16** (2), (3) - Video Capture Adapter PDD (1) - Video Capture Adapter VSD (5) o Common Tools and Bindings o Verification Test Tools - Device Driver Test Tool (7) - Palette Display Test Tool (5) - 32-Bit Display Test Tool (5) - 32-Bit Font Test Tool (5) - 32-Bit Printer Test Tool (5) - CD-ROM Test Tool - Pen for OS/2 Test Tool (5) - Pen for OS/2 Calibration Tool (5) - MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool (5) - MMPM/2 MCI String Test Tool (5) o Certification Test Suites - Palette Display Test Tool - 32-Bit Display Test Tool - 32-Bit Printer Test Tool - Color Point - CompuShow 2000!  - PMVIEW  - FRACTINT  - Picture Man  - WINFRACT  - Function Verification Test Cases - System Verification Test Cases - Device Driver Test Tool and Suites o Keyboard o Mouse o Parallel Port o CDROM o DASD o PCMCIA o SCSI - Video Mode Test - MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool - MMPM/2 AP2/P2STRING Audio/Video Test Tool and Suites - MMPM/2 MCI String Test Tool  Not available on this DDK. Available on CompuServe**. o Miscellaneous/Other Tools - Debuggers o ASDT32 o Debugo o OS/2 Debug Kernels o OS/2 Japanese Debug Kernels - Other o DELDDK o QSYSTEM (Hardware Information) o NSYNC (File Synchronization) o TRCUST (Dynamic Trace Customizer) o Online Documentation - Order Numbers o Optionally Available (Separate Diskette) - Microsoft Windows** 3.1 DDK Modified Code: o WIN-OS/2* Seamless VGA o WIN-OS/2 Comm o WIN-OS/2 Mouse ═══ AD1848 Audio Device Driver Sample ═══ Driver Description: The AD1848 component contains the source code for the OS/2 Multimedia Audio Device Driver. This driver is based on the CS4231 chip for Business Audio. Build Requirements: AD1848 Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with this DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. e.g., SET PATH=%PATH%;:\'MSC60'\BINP SET INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;:\'MSC60'\INCLUDE SET LIB=%LIB%;:\'MSC60'\LIB Where represents the MS C 6.0 installed drive and 'MSC60' represents the MS C 6.0 installed directory. 3. To build the Business Audio driver change the directory to \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\AD1848 and invoke NMAKE to create the device driver BUSAUDIO.SYS. ═══ ASDT32 Debugger ═══ Tool Description: Note: This debugger has been moved to The Developer Connection for OS/2 and can be found in The Developer Connection Catalog. You also can refer to the ASDT32 online User's Guide (ASDT32DC.INF) on The Developer Connection for OS/2 CD. The Application/System Debug Tool (ASDT32) is useful for debugging OS/2 device drivers and applications that run in either the protected mode, real mode, or both. ═══ AUDIODD - Audio Physical Device Driver Template ═══ Driver Description: The audio physical device driver template helps in writing audio physical device drivers for the MMPM/2 environment. This sample does not communicate with an audio adapter; however, you can install the PDD in the OS/2 2.1 environment and it will initialize itself as AUDIO1$. Build Requirements: Audio Physical Device Driver Template: Microsoft MASM** 6.0 Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the environment variables are set correctly. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'ddkdirectory'\H;:\'ddkdirectory'\INC;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'ddkdirectory'\LIB;%LIB% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the MASM 6.0 Assembler is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. e.g., SET PATH=%PATH%;:\'MASM60'\BINP SET INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;:\'MASM60'\INCLUDE SET LIB=%LIB%;:\'MASM60'\LIB Where represents the MS MASM 6.0 installed drive and 'MASM60' represents the MS MASM 6.0 installed directory. 3. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. e.g., SET PATH=%PATH%;:\'MSC60'\BINP SET INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;:\'MSC60'\INCLUDE SET LIB=%LIB%;:\'MSC60'\LIB Where represents the MS C 6.0 installed drive and 'MSC60' represents the MS C 6.0 installed directory. 4. To build the Physical Audio Device Driver Template, change the directory to MMOS2\SAMPLES\AUDIODD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ AUDIOVDD - Audio Virtual Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The audio VDD template provided with this DDK is the source used to create the AUDIOVDD.SYS device driver that ships with MMPM/2. Use AUDIOVDD.SYS to serialize DOS application access to audio hardware in the MMPM/2 environment. The VDD can communicate with multiple PDDs through the inter-device-driver communications interface. Build Requirements: Audio Virtual Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the MASM 6.0 compiler is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. e.g., SET PATH=%PATH%;:\'MASM60'\BINP SET INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;:\'MASM60'\INCLUDE SET LIB=%LIB%;:\'MASM60'\LIB Where represents the MASM 6.0 installed drive and 'MASM60' represents the MASM 6.0 installed directory. 3. To build the Audio Virtual device driver, change to MMOS2\SAMPLES\AUDIOVDD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. Build Notes: 1. Ignore Assembler warnings. 2. The build instructions generate the file AUDIOVDD.SUS. Rename this file to AUDIOVDD.SYS. ═══ AUDINST - Generic Audio Installation Sample ═══ Driver Description: The Generic Audio Installation program enables adding audio adapter support to the MMPM/2 audio and video subsystems without having to write a separate installation DLL for each adapter. This installation program performs the following functions: o Asks you for any information needed to install your adapter, such as the interrupt level. o Updates the CONFIG.SYS file with your DEVICE= statements and any other necessary statements. o Updates the MMPM2.INI file so that MMPM/2 recognizes your device driver. o Copies the files needed by your adapter, such as device drivers. For more information, view the book MMPM2.INF in the \DDKx86\BOOK directory on the CD-ROM. Build Requirements: AUDINST - Generic Audio Installation Sample: IBM C Set/2 (ICC compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the environment variables are set correctly. e.g., SET IPFC=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMH;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'ddkdirectory'\LIB;%LIB% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM C Set/2 compiler is installed and the environment variables are set correctly. 3. To build AUDINST, change the directory to MMOS2\SAMPLES\AUDINST and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Audio Interface ═══ Tool Description: The Audio Interface is used to control hardware-specific functions for any audio stream. Examples include changing the volume level, balance, fade, treble, bass, and channel selection. Build Requirements: Audio Interface: IBM C Set/2 (ICC Compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the environment variables are set correctly. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMH;:\'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\H;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'ddkdirectory'\LIB;%LIB% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM C Set/2 compiler is installed and the environment variables are set correctly. 3. To build AUDIOIF.DLL and FWDDLL.DLL, change the directory to the :\'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\AUDIOIF directory and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ AUDIO and VIDEO Test Suites ═══ Driver Description: Test suites have been provided with this release of the DDK to assist in certifying audio and video device drivers. The test suites provided consist of several test cases. For more information, view the book MMPM2.INF in the DDKx86\BOOK directory on the CD-ROM. ═══ OS/2 Debug Kernel ═══ Tool Description: Note: The OS/2 debug kernel has been moved to The Developer Connection for OS/2 and can be found in The Developer Connection Catalog. The online book OS/2 Debug Kernel Reference can be found in The Developer Connection for OS/2 Browser. The OS/2 debug kernel is a specially built kernel that replaces the OS/2 kernel and adds the following debugging support, which is useful for debugging device drivers: o Breakpoints o Debug register breakpoints o Memory dumps and queries o Hot patching o Reverse assemble o Symbolics ═══ The Developer Connection Browser ═══ Tool Description: The Developer Connection Browser is a search tool that allows you to view the DDK online documentation or search through DDK online documents to locate information. The Developer Connection Browser can search for keywords on one or more available documents. You can search on a single keyword or multiple keywords using Boolean operators (and, or, xor, and andnot) as separators. Also, parentheses can be used to control the order of precedence. The Browser checks your expression and flags syntax errors in red. How to Use the Browser: 1. Double-click on The Developer Connection folder. 2. Double-click on the Developer Connection Browser folder. 3. Double-click on the DDK References folder. The DDK References folder contains icons for all the DDK online documents. To view a document, double-click on the document object. To search for keywords: 1. Select one or more document objects. 2. Display the pop-up menu of the object or objects by clicking mouse button 2 on one of the objects. 3. Select Search from the pop-up menu. 4. Type a search expression. 5. Click on the Search push button. 6. Select the sections you want to view. ═══ Device Driver Test Tool and Suites: CD-ROM ═══ Tool Description: CD-ROM Functional Verification Tests (FVT) exercise the Application Program Interfaces (APIs) defined for the DosDevIOCtl interface of CD-ROM device drivers. The tests are implemented with the Device Driver Test Tool (DDTT). Each test is defined in a script file which can be modified with a text editor to create additional, specialized test cases. The test scripts give the user a repeatable set of tests that demonstrate CD-ROM function and performance. Errors are reported and easily isolated to a specific test sequence and API. User input and output from each thread of the CD-ROM tests is performed by way of a separate Presentation Manager window. Multi-threaded test cases log all information to a single log file that clearly indicates the actual execution sequence in the event of errors. ═══ Device Driver Test Tool and Suites: DASD ═══ Tool Description: DASD ADD Functional Verification Tests (FVT) exercise the functions defined for the Inter Device Communication (IDC) interface of DASD device drivers. The tests are implemented with the Device Driver Test Tool (DDTT). Each test is defined in a script file. The script files may be modified using a text editor to create additional, specialized test cases. The test scripts give the user a repeatable set of tests that demonstrate DASD function and performance. Errors are reported and easily isolated a to specific test sequence and API. The DASD IOCtl Functional Verification Tests (FVT) exercise the Application Program Interfaces (APIs) defined for the DosDevIOCtl interface of DASD device drivers. The tests are implemented with the Device Driver Test Tool (DDTT). Each test is defined in a script file which can be modified using a text editor to create additional, specialized test cases. The test scripts give the user a repeatable set of tests that demonstrate DASD function and performance. Errors are reported and easily isolated to a specific test sequence and API. User input and output from each thread of the DASD and ADD tests is via a separate Presentation Manager window. Multi-threaded test cases log all information to single log file that clearly indicate the actual execution sequence in the event of errors. ═══ Device Driver Test Tool and Suites ═══ Tool Description: The Device Driver Test Tool (DDTT) provides an efficient environment to create, execute, and refine device driver test cases. DDTT is extensible by the addition of new device-dependent DLLs and grammar files. DLL files implement device-specific interface functions such as DosDevIOCtl calls. Actual test-case content and execution is controlled by test-case script files. Test-case script files are parsed by DDTT's generic parser. Device-specific functions resident in the DLLs are indirectly called from the test-case parser. Device-specific grammar files tell the parser which device-specific function and parameter keywords to expect in the test-case script files. Accelerated development of test interfaces to new devices is achieved with DDTT by isolating the device-specific calls in "stub routines," which are compiled and linked into a separate DLL file. Linkage to the device-interface routines is established at run time by demand-loading the DLL functions. The DLL name and function name information is obtained from the device-specific grammar file. ═══ Device Driver Test Tool and Suites: Keyboard ═══ Tool Description: The keyboard Functional Verification Tests (FVT) exercise the Application Program Interfaces (APIs) defined for the DosDevIOCtl interface of keyboard device drivers. The tests are implemented with the Device Driver Test Tool (DDTT). Each test is defined in a script file which can be modified using a text editor to create additional, specialized test cases. The test scripts give the user a repeatable set of tests that demonstrate keyboard function and performance. Errors are reported and isolated to a specific test sequence and API. User Input and Output from each keyboard test is performed by way of a separate Presentation Manager window. Test cases log all information to log files that clearly indicate the actual execution sequence in the event of errors. ═══ Device Driver Test Tool and Suites: PCMCIA ═══ Tool Description: PCMCIA Socket Services Functional Verification Tests (FVT) exercise the Application Program Interfaces (APIs) defined for the DosDevIOCtl interface of PCMCIA Socket Services device drivers. The tests are implemented with the Device Driver Test Tool (DDTT). Each test is defined in a script file which can be modified using a text editor to create additional, specialized test cases. The test scripts give the user a repeatable set of tests that demonstrate PCMCIA Socket Services function and performance. Errors are reported and easily isolated to a specific test sequence and API. User Input and Output from each thread of the PCMCIA Socket Services tests is performed by way of a separate Presentation Manager window. Multi-threaded test cases log all information to a single log file which clearly indicate the actual execution sequence in the event of errors. The DDTT provides a mechanism for testing video device drivers by exercising them through graphics engine (GRE) API calls. As each test is run, the DTT monitors the return codes from the GRE calls and writes the results in a log file. ═══ Device Drvier Test Tool and Suites: Parallel Port ═══ Tool Description: The parallel port Functional Verification Tests (FVT) exercise the Application Program Interfaces (APIs) defined for the DosDevIOCtl interface of parallel port device drivers. The tests are implemented with the Device Driver Test Tool (DDTT). Each test is defined in a script file which can be modified using a text editor to create additional, specialized test cases. The test scripts give the user a repeatable set of tests that demonstrate parallel port function and performance. Errors are reported and isolated to a specific test sequence and API. User Input and Output from each thread of the parallel port tests is performed by way of a separate Presentation Manager window. Test cases log all information to log files that clearly indicate the actual execution sequence in the event of errors. ═══ Device Driver Test Tool and Suites: SCSI ═══ Tool Description: SCSI ADD Functional Verification Tests (FVT) exercise the Application Program Interfaces (APIs) defined for the DosDevIOCtl interface of DASD device drivers. The tests are implemented with the Device Driver Test Tool (DDTT). Each test is defined in a script file. The script files may be modified using a text editor to create additional, specialized test cases. The test scripts give the user a repeatable set of tests that demonstrate DASD function and performance. Errors are reported and easily isolated a to specific test sequence and API. SCSI IOCtl Functional Verification Tests (FVT) exercise the Application Program Interfaces (APIs) defined for the DosDevIOCtl interface of SCSI device drivers. The tests are implemented with the Device Driver Test Tool (DDTT). Each test is defined in a script file. The script files may be modified using a text editor to create additional, specialized test cases. The test scripts give the user a repeatable set of tests that demonstrate SCSI IOCtl function and performance. Errors are reported and easily isolated to a specific test sequence and API. User Input and Output from each thread of the SCSI ADD and IOCtl tests is via a separate Presentation Manager window. Multi-threaded test cases log all information to a single log file that clearly indicates the actual execution sequence in the event of errors. The DTT provides a mechanism for testing video device drivers by exercising them through graphics engine (GRE) API calls. As each test is run, the DTT monitors the return codes from the GRE calls and writes the results in a log file. ═══ PCMCIA Data/Fax Modem Client Services Driver ═══ Driver Description: This driver contains the Data/Fax Modem Client Service Driver for OS/2 written to the PCMCIA card service interface 2.0 specification level. Build Requirements: PCMCIA Data/Fax Modem Client Services Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP' directory. 4. To build the Data/Fax Modem client services driver (CLDFM), change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\PCMCIA\CLDFM and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Family 1 Clock Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The CLOCK01 device driver drives the real time CMOS clock for Family 1 (AT) machines. Build Requirements: Family 1 Clock device driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\CLOCK\CLOCK01 and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Family 2 Clock Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The CLOCK02 device driver drives the real time CMOS clock for Family 2 (PS/2) machines. Build Requirements: Family 2 Clock device driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Before building the driver for Clock02, the Clock01 driver must be built. 3. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\CLOCK\CLOCK01 and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 4. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\CLOCK\CLOCK02 and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Color Point ═══ Tool Description: Color Point (COLORPT) is an OS/2 Presentation Manager program that continually reports the name and value of the color of the pel (pixel) that is under the OS/2 mouse pointer. The color value can be displayed in several different color models. Color Point is especially targeted to users of PCs with grayscale video or LCD displays. ═══ CompuShow 2000! ═══ Tool Description: CompuShow 2000! is a program for viewing graphics on IBM compatible computers. The CSHOW applet is not included in this DDK. It is available, however, on CompuServe**. After downloading the applet, place it in the 'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\DISPLAY\FUNCTION\CSHOW directory. ═══ 16-Bit 8514 Display Driver ═══ Driver Description: The 16-bit 8514 display driver manages the 8514/A adapter for the Presentation Manager interface. This driver is similar in function to the 16-bit VGA display driver. Build Requirements: 16-Bit 8514 Display Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build the driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMDISP\PPXY\8514 and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ DBCS Base Video Handler ═══ Driver Description: Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) base video handlers are used to access video devices. Support is provided for full-screen VIO sessions. These International Language Support drivers for VGA and IBM PS/2 display adapter are found in BVHVGA2.DLL and BVHVGA2I.DLL (system installation). Build Requirements: DBCS Base Video Handler: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Run the SETDBCS.CMD command file in the :\'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS directory, passing and 'ddkdirectory' as a parameter. This will set the path and environment variables. e.g., SETDBCS :\'ddkdirectory' Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, 'ddkdirectory' appears as DDKx86. 2. Make sure that the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build all the BVH DLLs, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VDHV and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. If you want to build any particular DLL, invoke NMAKE on that particular DLL (e.g. NMAKE BVHVGA2.DLL). ═══ DBCS Base Video Handler for Windowed Session ═══ Driver Description: Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) base video handlers are used to access video devices. Support is provided for windowed VIO sessions. This International Language Support Driver for VGA and IBM PS/2 display adapters is found in BVHWNDW.DLL. Build Requirements: DBCS Base Video Handler for Windowed Session: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Run the SETDBCS.CMD command file in the :\'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS directory, passing and 'ddkdirectory' as a parameter. This will set the path and environment variables. e.g., SETDBCS :\'ddkdirectory' Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, 'ddkdirectory' appears as DDKx86. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build BVHWNDW.DLL, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VDHWNDW and invoke NMAKE BVHWNDW.DLL on the resident makefile. Build Notes: This component requires: CODEPAGE=932,850 COUNTRY=081,C:\OS2\SYSTEM\COUNTRY.SYS set in the CONFIG.SYS file to build. ═══ 32-Bit DBCS PMVIDEO (Merged S3/XGA/8514 Drivers) ═══ Driver Description: These drivers are merged 32-bit PM video device drivers specifically enabled for DBCS (Double-Byte Character Set) support. These drivers should be used as the base code to develop the DBCS version of the 32-bit PM video drivers. Build Requirements: 32-Bit DCBS PMVIDEO Video Device Drivers: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft MASM 6.0 Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the \'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools are used during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the TMP environment variable is set. 3. Make sure you have the Microsoft C 6.0 and MASM 6.0 compilers installed. 4. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD and COPYASM6.CMD REXX command files in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. To build the retail versions of XGA, 8514, S3 PM video drivers, BVHXGA drivers, and the XGA RING0 driver, follow step 5. To build other drivers, follow steps 6-8. 5. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\PMVIDEO\32BIT and invoke the command NMAKE on the resident makefile to build the retail versions of XGA, 8514, S3 PM video drivers, BVHXGA drivers, and the XGA RING0 driver. 6. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\PMVIDEO\32BIT as a main directory for all drivers and invoke NMAKE with a different parameter. Its makefile will take care of setting up all necessary paths, etc. 7. To build the XGA Base Video Handler Driver, invoke the command NMAKE BVH in the 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\PMVIDEO\32BIT directory. 8. To build the XGA RING0 driver, invoke the command NMAKE RING0 in the 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\PMVIDEO\32BIT directory. Build Notes: 1. Output for BVHXGA will be generated in the 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\PMVIDEO\XGABVH20 directory. 2. Output for XGA RING0 will be generated in the 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\PMVIDEO\XGASYS20 directory. ═══ DBCS VGA/SVGA PM Display ═══ Driver Description: These drivers are 32-bit PM VGA/SVGA display drivers enabled for DBCS support. The developer who wants to develop two versions, SBCS and DBCS, should use these drivers as the base code. Build Requirements: DBCS VGA/SVGA PM Display: Microsoft MASM** 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the MASM 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYASM6.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build IBMDEV32, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\IBMDEV32 and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 5. To build IBMVGA32, change the directory to "ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\IBMVGA32 and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile using the "RETAIL" and "DEBUG" option (for example, NMAKE RETAIL DEBUG). 6. To build SVGA, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\SVGA256 and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. Build Notes: If the following error message occur during the compilation, fatal error: A1017: out of near memory please remove any unnecessary settings from your environment variables and rerun the nmake again. ═══ DBCS VGA/SVGA Virtual Video Driver ═══ Driver Description: Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) VGA/SVGA virtual device drivers are used as VGA or SVGA virtual display devices for DOS applications running in DOS sessions. These International Language Support device drivers are required when it is necessary for multiple DOS sessions to share one or more video devices. A separate driver is provided for each of the commonly used video devices. Build Requirements: VGA Virtual Video Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Run the SETDBCS.CMD command file in the :\'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS directory, passing and 'ddkdirectory' as a parameter. This will set the path and environment variables. e.g., SETDBCS :\'ddkdirectory' Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, 'ddkdirectory' appears as DDKx86. 2. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VDEV\VVIDEOV and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ DBCS PM Font Support Driver ═══ Driver Description: This driver enables the DBCS PM fonts and supports resources such as: o Codepage vector o Font Resource Mapping o Image Mapping o Physical font resources Build Requirements: DBCS PM Font Support Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Note: This driver was built using MASM 5.10. MASM 6.0 also can be used to build the driver, in which case some modifications to the makefile may be necessary. Build Instructions: 1. Run the SETDBCS.CMD command file in the :\'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS directory, passing and 'ddkdirectory' as a parameter. This will set the path and environment variables. e.g., SETDBCS :\'ddkdirectory' Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, 'ddkdirectory' appears as DDKx86. 2. Make sure the C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the \'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build PMNLSFD, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\ DBCSDD\YAMATO\PMNLSFD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. Build Notes: This component requires: CODEPAGE=932,850 COUNTRY=081,C:\OS2\SYSTEM\COUNTRY.SYS set in the CONFIG.SYS file to build. ═══ DBCS Base Video Screen Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: These drivers are the Base Video Subsystem Screen Device Drivers enabled for DBCS support. The developer who wants to develop two versions, SBCS and DBCS, should use these drivers as the base code. Build Requirements: DBCS ScreenDD: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Run the SETDBCS.CMD command file in the :\'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS directory, passing and 'ddkdirectory' as a parameter. This will set the path and environment variables. e.g., SETDBCS :\'ddkdirectory' Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, 'ddkdirectory' appears as DDKx86. 2. To build, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\DEV\SCREENDD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. This will build both of SCREEN01.SYS and SCREEN02.SYS. 3. Read the online documentation for further information. ═══ Device Driver Test Tool ═══ Tool Description: The Functional Verification Test Cases included in the Base test suites are controlled by the Device Driver Test Tool (DDTT), which provides a common front-end parser for test-case script files and a control for test-case execution. Build Requirements: Device Driver Test Tool: IBM C Set ++ V 2.01 OS/2 2.1 or later OS/2 Toolkit Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents the DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM C Set ++ compiler is installed and the environment variables are set. 3. Make sure the OS/2 Toolkit is installed and the environment variables are set. 4. To build the STUB DLLs for DDTT, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DDTT and invoke the following: NMAKE TARGET=SCSIADD for SCSIADD.DLL NMAKE TARGET=DASDADD for DASDADD.DLL NMAKE TARGET=DDTCDROM for DDTCDROM.DLL NMAKE TARGET=DDTDASD for DDTDASD.DLL NMAKE TARGET=DDTKBD for DDTKBD.DLL NMAKE TARGET=DDTPARA for DDTPARA.DLL NMAKE TARGET=DDTPCMC for DDTPCMC.DLL NMAKE TARGET=DDTSCSI for DDTSCSI.DLL Note: Remove any references to the DDK headers in case of compilation errors. ═══ Debuggers Online Reference Books ═══ Description: New for this release of the DDK are two online reference books: OS/2 Debug Kernel Reference and ASDT32 Debugger Reference. These two books offer valuable assistance when debugging your device drivers. These books get installed when you install the corresponding debugger. ═══ Debugo ═══ Tool Description: Note: This debugger has been moved to The Developer Connection for OS/2 and can be found in The Developer Connection Catalog. Debugo is an asynchronous terminal emulator that runs on OS/2 2.x. It has a few bells and whistles that make it an attractive terminal emulator for use on an OS/2 2.x-based debug terminal connected to an OS/2 test machine running the debug kernel. The following features are included: o Last-command callback o Function key macros o REXX interpreter to automate debugger commands o PM clipboard support o The ability to format byte dumps as C structs declared in H files o Point-and-click automated typing ═══ DELDDK.CMD ═══ Tool Description: DELDDK is a command procedure used to delete the DDK tree from the hard disk. It also deletes the DDK object from the desktop and the INI information related to the DDK. WARNING: This command will delete the entire DDK tree from the selected hard disk. Back up any files you want to save BEFORE running DELDDK. The DELDDK command is written in REXX, which is available with the basic OS/2* operating system. To bring up the help screen, type: DELDDK or DELDDK ? Usage: To delete the DDK tree, copy DELDDK.CMD from :DDK to your own tools directory or to the root directory and then type DELDDK DDK_DIRECTORY. Syntax: DELDDK Directory_path Example: DELDDK D:\DDKx86 ═══ 32-Bit Display Test Tool ═══ Tool Description: Note: The 32-Bit Display Test Tool is listed under Verification Test Tools and, as executables, under Certification Test Suites. When you select this tool as a Certification Test Suite, the build instructions are not applicable. The 32-Bit Display Test Tool is a Presentation Manager application that enables the user to select one or more tests and execute them. A script interface also is provided, which permits the DTT to run predefined test-case scripts automatically. Build Requirements: 32-Bit Display Test Tool: IBM C Set/2 (ICC Compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Set the PATH environment variable from the command line. e.g., SET PATH=C:\'ddkdirectory'\Tools;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory and C: represents the drive letter on which the DDK is installed. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS. 2. Set the TMP environment variable to a work directory. e.g., SET TMP=:\MYTMP 3. Make sure you have the IBM C Set/2 compiler installed. 4. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. This command copies the set of needed files from your installed copy of the IBM C Set/2 compiler to the proper directories under the DDK base directory. 5. In order to build all the test case DLLs and DTT.EXE, change the directory to \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DTT32 and type in the following command: NMAKE /f DTT32.MAK Note: DDK provides the executables of DTT32, which are located in the 'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\DISPLAY\FUNCTION\DTT32 directory. If you have modified and rebuilt this test tool, you need to update these executables by copying the files from the 'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DTT32\DTTDLLS and 'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DTT32\BIN directories. ═══ OS/2 ISA/EISA Floppy Driver ═══ Driver Description: The ISA/EISA floppy device driver, IBM1FLPY.ADD, is the diskette driver for ISA/EISA bus systems. The driver obtains diskette information from the host system BIOS. If the information provided to the host system is incorrect or if the BIOS does not support a third or fourth floppy drive, it might be necessary to provide this information on the IBM1FLPY command line. Build Requirements: OS/2 ISA/EISA Floppy Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building Adapter Driver for the ISA/EISA floppy driver, DHCALLS.LIB and ADDCALLS.LIB must be built first. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. If ADDCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\ADDCALLS and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 7. To build the driver, change the directory to SRC\DEV\DASD\IBM\IBM1FLPY and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Adapter Driver For ABIOS Floppy ═══ Driver Description: The ABIOS floppy adapter driver provides device support for diskette drives on Micro Channel* systems. Build Requirements: Adapter Driver For ABIOS Floppy: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building Adapter Driver for ABIOS floppy, DHCALLS.LIB and ADDCALLS.LIB must be built first. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. If ADDCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\ADDCALLS and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 7. To build the driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\IBM\IBM2FLPY and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ 32-Bit Font Test Tool ═══ Tool Description: 32-Bit Font Test is used to browse and output text files on local or remote output devices using any public font. Font Test also allows the user to view various capabilities of the device attached to the selected queue, including font and hardcopy information. Files are printed to the queue selected with any print options saved in Font Test such as font, color, and text format. Font Test can be invoked to print a file from an OS/2 command line using the queue and print options that were saved from the Font Test's PM Interface. Font Test provides extensive help facilities for operation from a PM session. Build Requirements: 32-Bit Font Test Tool: IBM C Set/2 (ICC compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET DPATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMC\CHELP;%DPATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM C Set/2 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Make a directory called \'ddkdirectory'\TMP. Type the following command before building the fonttest tool. SET TEMP=\'ddkdirectory'\TMP Where 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. 5. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\FONTEST and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. To build the Debug version invoke NMAKE with DEBUG=1 parameter on the resident makefile. ═══ FRACTINT ═══ Tool Description: FRACTINT plots and manipulates images of objects (sets of mathematical points) that have fractal dimension. The FRACTINT applet is not included in this DDK. It is available, however, on CompuServe**. After downloading the applet, place it in the 'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\DISPLAY\FUNCTION\FRACTINT directory. ═══ WINFRACT ═══ Tool Description: WINFRACT plots and manipulates images of objects (sets of mathematical points) that have fractal dimension. The WINFRACT applet is not included in this DDK. It is available, however, on CompuServe**. After downloading the applet, place it in the 'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\DISPLAY\FUNCTION\FRACTWIN directory. ═══ Function Verification Test Cases ═══ Tool Description: Because OS/2 can support applications written for DOS, Windows**, and OS/2, three types of FVT cases need to be used to properly test the different modes. The three test suites are: VDM Test Suite OS/2 Test Suite WIN-OS/2 Test Suite Included are a few test cases that call FVT applications with proper syntax and parameters. Some of the test cases assume working knowledge of applications that are shipped with OS/2, such as the WIN-OS/2 Clock. It is advisable to use these programs for FVT operations. For information on how to use the programs, consult the OS/2 User's Guide. ═══ Hitachi CD-ROM Filter ═══ Driver Description: Hitachi CD-ROM Filter is a special class of device driver for Hitachi OEM that provides the generic value-added services, such as data stripping or encryption, and device-specific services, such as an adapter device driver to support a particular type of device. The interfaces between device manager and CD-ROM filter are identical to the interfaces between device managers and ordinary device drivers. Filter drivers differ from ordinary drivers in that they normally do not manage hardware directly. Build Requirements: Hitachi CD-ROM Filter: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building CD-ROM filter, you must build DHCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. To build Hitachi CD-ROM filter, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\HITACHI and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Adapter Driver for ST506/IDE DASD ═══ Driver Description: The Adapter Driver for ST506/IDE DASD provides a uniform software interface between its client, which is OS/2 DASD Device Manager, and the hardfile controller for ISA ST-506 and AT-compatible IDE Drives. Build Requirements: Adapter Driver for ST506/IDE DASD: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building ST506/IDE DASD Adapter Driver, you must build DHCALLS.LIB and ADDCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. If ADDCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\ADDCALLS and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 7. To build IBM1S506.ADD, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\IBM1S506 and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Adapter Driver for ABIOS DASD ═══ Driver Description: The Adapter Driver for ABIOS DASD provides a uniform software interface to ABIOS fixed drives. Build Requirements: Adapter Driver for ABIOS DASD: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building Adapter Driver for ABIOS, DHCALLS.LIB and ADDCALLS.LIB must be built first. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. If ADDCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\ADDCALLS and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 7. To build IBM2ADSK.ADD, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\IBM\IBM2ADSK and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ IBM Book Order Numbers ═══ ┌───────────────────────────────────────┬──────────────┬─────────┐ │Title │Order Number │Status │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │Using Your DDK │Online Only │Updated │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │Display Device Driver Reference │S71G-1896 │Updated │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │Printer Device Driver Reference │S71G-1895 │Updated │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │Storage Device Driver Reference │S71G-1897 │Updated │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │Input/Output Device Driver Reference │S71G-1898 │Updated │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │Pen for OS/2 Device Driver Reference │S71G-1899 │Updated │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │MMPM/2 Device Driver Reference │S71G-3678 │Updated │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │Virtual Device Driver Reference │S10G-6310 │Updated │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │Physical Device Driver Reference │S10G-6266 │Updated │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │Presentation Driver Reference │S10G-6267 │Updated │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │IPF Guide and Reference │G25H-7110 │New │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │TRCUST Online Reference │Online Only │New │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │OS/2 for SMP V2.11 Reference │Online Only │New │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼─────────┤ │Writing OS/2 2.1 Device Drivers in C │N/A │New │ └───────────────────────────────────────┴──────────────┴─────────┘ ═══ IBMGPMI ═══ Driver Description: IBMGPMI represents a shared library which exports "External PMI entry points" to the base video subsystem as described in the "OS/2 VIDEO Protect-Mode Interface File Format and Layout" document. The exported entry points provide services such as identify adapter, set video monitor timings, set current video mode, and tune monitor. The exported interface is private to the VIDEOPMI, the main base video engine, which exports its services to the install, configuration, and the base video driver. Exported services of the VIDEOPMI are also documented in the above-mentioned document. Build Requirements: IBMGPMI: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) IBM C Set++ V2.01 (ICC compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the IBM C Set++ compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Change the directory to \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\IBMGPMI and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Adapter Driver for ABIOS SCB ═══ Driver Description: The Adapter Driver for ABIOS SCB provides a uniform software interface to ABIOS SCSI adapters. Build Requirements: Adapter Driver for ABIOS SCB: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'' directory. 4. Before building Adapter Driver for ABIOS SCB, you must build DHCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. To build IBM2SCSI.ADD, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\IBM\IBM2SCSI and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ IBMVIDT - Video Capture Adapter VSD ═══ Driver Description: This DDK contains Sample Source for Video Capture Adapter vendor specific driver. For more information, view the book MMPM2.INF in the \BOOK directory on the CD-ROM. Build Requirements: IBMVIDT - Video Capture Adapter VSD: IBM C Set/2 (ICC compiler) MASM 5.1 (supplied with this DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the environment variables are set correctly. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMH;:\'ddkdirectory'\INC;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'ddkdirectory'\LIB;%LIB% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM C Set/2 compiler is installed and the environment variables are properly set. 3. To build IBMVIDT, change directory to MMOS2\SAMPLES\IBMVIDT directory and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ IDE CD-ROM Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: This package contains the source and build tools for the OS/2 Device Drivers by IBM for the IDE CD-ROM drives. Build Requirements: IDE CD-ROM Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building the IDE CD-ROM driver, you must build DHCALLS.LIB and ADDCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. If ADDCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\ADDCALLS and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 7. To build the IDE CD-ROM driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\ATAPI and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ 32-Bit ISO Fonts ═══ Driver Description: 32-Bit ISO Fonts Resource DLL. Build Requirements: 32-Bit ISO Fonts Resource: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\ISOFONTS and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. The makefile requires the input parameter "DSPRES.DLL". ═══ Removable DASD Conversion Filter ═══ Driver Description: The Removable DASD Conversion Filter is a special class of device driver that converts removable DASD and R/W Optical drives to fixed disks which are managed by the OS/2 DASD Device Manager. It also issues commands to prevent media removal while OS/2 is running. Build Requirements: Removable DASD Conversion Filter: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building Removable DASD Conversion Filter, you must build DHCALLS.LIB and ADDCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. If ADDCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\ADDCALLS and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 7. To build the Removable DASD Conversion Filter, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\LOCKDRV and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ MAD16 Multimedia Physical Device Driver Source ═══ Driver Description: The MAD16 device driver initializes the MAD16 Pro (OPTI/MediaCHIPs 82C928) integrated digital audio controller. The MAD16 Pro is on the Media Magic ISP-16 and many other multimedia boards. Build Requirements: MAD16 Multimedia Device Driver Source: Watcom C 10.0 'B' level compiler IBM C Set/2 (ICC Compiler) Note: 'B' level files are available through CompuServe or through TCP/IP at ftp.watcom.on.ca in the \PUB\BBS\LANG_V10.0\C directory. Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Watcom C 10.0 'B' level compiler is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. e.g., SET PATH=:\'watcom'\BINB;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'watcom'\H;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'watcom'\LIB;%INCLUDE% Where represents the Watcom installed drive and 'watcom' represents the Watcom installed directory. 3. Make sure the IBM C set/2 compiler is installed. 4. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory\SETUP directory. 5. To build the MAD16 physical device driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\MAD16\PDD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ MAD16 Multimedia Virtual Device Driver Source ═══ Driver Description: The MAD16 device driver initializes the MAD16 Pro (OPTI/MediaCHIPs 82C928) integrated digital audio controller. The MAD16 Pro is on the Media Magic ISP-16 and many other multimedia boards. Build Requirements: MAD16 Multimedia Virtual Device Driver Source: Watcom C 10.0 'B' level compiler Note: 'B' level files are available through CompuServe or through TCP/IP at ftp.watcom.on.ca in the \PUB\BBS\LANG_V10.0\C directory. Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Watcom C 10.0 'B' level compiler is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. e.g., SET PATH=:\'watcom'\BINB;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'watcom'\H;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'watcom'\LIB;%INCLUDE% Where represents the Watcom installed drive and 'watcom' represents the Watcom installed directory. 3. To build the MAD16 virtual device driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\MAD16\VDD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ MCI String Test Tool ═══ Tool Description: Note: The MMPM/2 MCI String Test Tool is listed under Verification Test Tools and, as executables, under Certification Test Suites. When selected as a certification test suite, the build instructions are not applicable. MCI String Test Tool is an interactive multimedia test/debug tool. The Media Control Interface (MCI) is a multimedia system-exported interface for communication with any and all multimedia devices such as CD Audio, Waveaudio, Sequencer, LaserDisc, and so forth. Use MCI String to test and control multimedia devices. For example, to open and play a .WAV file, you would use the following MCI commands interactively through mcistring: open BELLS.WAV alias audio shareable notify play audio notify. Build Requirements: MMPM/2 MCI String Test Tool: ICC - IBM C Set/2 Compiler RC - Resource Compiler IPFC - Information Presentation Facility Compiler Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the environment variables are set correctly. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMH;:\'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\H;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'ddkdirectory'\LIB;:\'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\LIB;%LIB% SET IPFC=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBMC compiler is installed and environment variables are set correctly. 3. To build MCISTRNG, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\MCISTRNG and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ 32-Bit Mini-Driver 2 Hardcopy Printer Driver Sample ═══ Driver Description: For detailed information, refer to README in the DDKx86\SRC\PRNTDD\MDRIVER2 directory on the CD-ROM. Build Requirements: 32-Bit Mini-Driver 2 Hardcopy Printer Sample: IBM C Set++ V2.01 (ICC compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM C Set ++ compiler is installed and the environment variable is set correctly. 3. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\MDRIVER2 and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ 32-Bit Mini-Driver Rasterizing Sample ═══ Driver Description: For detailed information, see the following book: 32-Bit Mini-Driver Rasterizing Printer Driver Sample. Build Requirements: 32-Bit Mini-Driver Rasterizing Sample: IBM C Set++ (ICC Compiler) MASM 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the IBM C Set++ compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\MDRIVER and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Mitsumi CD-ROM Adapter (Non-SCSI) ═══ Driver Description: This package contains the source and build tools for the IBM device driver for the Mitsumi Non-SCSI CD-ROM drive. Build Requirements: Mitsumi CD-ROM Adapter (Non-SCSI): Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building the CD-ROM driver, build DHCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\MITSUMI and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Video Mode Test ═══ Tool Description: Video Mode Test includes the command files for testing different video modes. ═══ Device Driver Test Tool and Suites: Mouse ═══ Tool Description: The mouse Functional Verification Tests (FVT) exercise the Int86() DOS interface for mouse functions. A subset of these mouse functions that are implemented in these tests can be found in "Microsoft Mouse Programmer's Reference." The tests are implemented with a special variation of the Device Driver Test Tool (called DOSMOUSE), which uses much of the Device Driver Test Tool code. However, DOSMOUSE does not use the multithread capability. Specific mouse function code is included in the DOSMOUSE.EXE, not in a DLL, as is it done for the DDTT running in OS/2. These tests run in a DOS window. Each test is defined in a script file and these files can be modified using a text editor to create additional, specialized test cases. The test scripts give the user a repeatable set of tests that demonstrate mouse functions. Test cases log all information to a log file that clearly indicates the actual execution sequence. ═══ MPEG Video Playback Physical Device Driver Sample ═══ Driver Description: The MPEG Video Playback physical device driver (PDD) sample provides a skeleton you can use to create PDDs for other video playback devices. Source files include documented headers, which provide detailed descriptions of the programming concepts and routines. The code in this sample was derived from a working driver; however, all hardware-specific code and header files have been removed from the sample. Build Requirements: MPEG Video Playback Physical Device Driver Sample: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Watcom C 10.0 'B' level compiler Note: 'B' level files are available through CompuServe or TCP/IP at ftp.watcom.on.ca in the \PUB\BBS\LANG_V10.0\C directory. Build Instructions: 1. Set the TMP environment variable to a work directory. e.g., SET TMP=D:\TEMP 2. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 3. Make sure the Watcom 10.0 'B' level compiler is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. e.g., SET WATCOM=:\'watcom' SET PATH=:\'watcom'\BINB;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'watcom'\H;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'watcom'\LIB;%LIB% Where represents the Watcom 10.0 'B' installed drive and 'watcom' represents the Watcom 10.0 'B' installed directory. 4. To build the MPEG driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\MPEGPLAY and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ MPEG CODEC Hardware Interface ═══ Driver Description: The purpose of the MPEG CODEC hardware interface is to pass MPEG video data from the streaming subsystem to the hardware MPEG device using the VSD layer. Various parameters are passed to the MPEG video hardware device, which is responsible for synchronization. The MPEG CODEC hardware interface follows the same model as a software CODEC. Refer to the online MMPM/2 documentation on software CODECs for some useful information. Opening the CODEC: The function AllocInstData in MPGDCDLL.C is called when the CODEC is first opened. This occurs when the MMPM/2 subsystem opens an MPEG file. There are three parameters that are special to the hardware CODEC: pInst->pVSDProcI = (PFN) pOtherInfo[1]; pInst->hVSD = (ULONG) pOtherInfo[2]; pInst->ulFirstAudioPTS = (ULONG) pOtherInfo[3]; pVSDProcI is a pointer to the VSD functions. All VSD calls should use this function pointer. hVSD is the current VSD identifier. The Software Video Media Control Device (SVMC) opens the VSD when the device is opened. SVMC calls the VSD with all windowing commands. ulFirstAudioPTS is the first audio PTS if there is an audio stream along with the video stream. The function vsdOpen function in MPGVSD.C is called from within AllocInstData. This function initializes the VSD, opens/reads any DSP code that might be needed, and passes the data to the VSD. Passing Data - Decompression Call: The DecompressBuffer function in MPGDCDLL.C is called when a decompress call is received by the CODEC. The data that is sent in should be passed to the hardware MPEG device through the VSD layer. There are additional parameters that are passed in during a decompress call. The vsdPassBuffer function (in MPGVSD.C) passes the data to the hardware device. (This is called in DecompressBuffer.) vsdPassBuffer (pInst, pmmDeco, pmmVidDeco->ulParm1, pmmVidDeco->ulParm2, pmmVidDeco->ulParm3); pmmVidDeco->ulParm1 is the current audio time pmmVidDeco->ulParm2 is the current video PTS pmmVidDeco->ulParm3 is the current video SCR These values can be used by the MPEG hardware device for synchronization. Title Bar String: The functions QryNameLength and QryNameString in CDCSRV.C need to be changed so that they return the correct string for your MPEG hardware device. They currently call a common module for MMPM/2 called IOPRNLS that contains the text strings for CODECs and IOProcs. You should remove this code and return your own string. Build Requirements: MPEG CODEC Hardware Interface C Set/2 Compiler (ICC Compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that you have the IBM C Set/2 compiler installed and the environment variables are set correctly. 3. Make the 'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\MPGDCH directory the current directory. 4. Issue the command NMAKE to create the DLL MPGDCH.DLL. ═══ NEC CD-ROM Filter ═══ Driver Description: NEC CD-ROM Filter is a special class of device driver for NEC OEM that provides the generic value-added services, such as data stripping or encryption, and device-specific services, such as an adapter device driver to support a particular type of device. The interfaces between device manager and CD-ROM filter are identical to the interfaces between device managers and ordinary device drivers. Filter drivers differ from ordinary drivers in that they normally do not manage hardware directly. Build Requirements: NEC CD-ROM Filter: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building CD-ROM filter, you must build DHCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. To build NEC CD-ROM filter, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\NEC and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ File Synchronization Utility (NSYNC) ═══ Tool Description: NSYNC is used to copy, move, or pack files that have later date/time stamps, or different sizes and contents, from source to target directories. It also can be used to compare dates, times, and sizes of files in source and target directories. If dates, times, and sizes are the same, the contents of the files optionally can be compared by selecting a switch. The following are some of the features: o Can delete files in a given directory or a tree o Can making a multi-level directory o Supports meta search characters o Options can be specified anywhere in any order If more than one action is given, the later will be in effect. If Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break is pressed during execution, the operation on the current file will be completed before the interrupt is honored. The syntax for NSYNC is as follows: NSYNC [d:]source-path [d:][target-path] [*.h !a*b?.c] [{-|/|+}option(s)] or NSYNC @[pathlist] [{-|/|+}option(s)] where d: is the drive letter. source-path is the name of the source directory (null if the action is delete or -i). target-path is the name of the target directory. pathlist is a listing of fully qualified filenames which need to be manipulated. This cannot contain any wildcard characters. The following are descriptions of the available options: Action Options: -i Deletes files in a directory or a tree. -m Moves files from source to target directories or trees. -q Hardmoves files (workaround for LS HPFS 386). -n Does NOT copy, move, or pack. Only compares dates, times, and sizes of files. -k Makes a multiple level directory path. Action Modifiers: -a Zaps target attribute during execution. -b If source and target have same dates but different sizes, doesn't process. -d Deletes extra target files during execution. -g Does not display any warning messages. -j Just deletes or moves files in tree. Doesn't remove directories. -o Copies or moves older source files as well. +o Ignores disk full error. Keeps going on. -p Prompts user before any action taken. -x Processes only if target file exists. +x Processes only if target file does NOT exist. -w Retains SOURCE attributes during execution. +w Retains TARGET attributes during execution. -u PACKs source files before copying or moving them to target. +u[fname] Writes PACKed filenames to a file (NSYNC.PCK). -y If dates, times, and sizes are alike, compares contents of files. +y If sizes are alike, compares contents of files-ignores date/time stamps. -z Zaps extra target files AND directories during execution (-d). Display Options: -f Uses full pathnames in output. -v Displays verbose results of action taken. -l[fname] Writes results into a file (NSYNC.LST). Search Options: -h Processes hidden and system files as well. -r Recursively processes all files and directories. -t If target directories do not exist during execution, creates them. !*.exe Excludes all files with extensions of 'EXE' from the search. Examples: nsync temp1 temp2 Copies all files having later date and time stamps from temp1 to temp2. nsync d:temp1 . /fvl Copies all newer files from d:temp1 to currently working directory. Uses full path names when displayed, logs the results to NSYNC.LST, and displays verbose results of action taken. nsync -k temp1/temp2/temp3/temp4/temp5 Makes a multiple level directory path. nsync temp2 /hai Deletes all files, including hidden, system, and read-only, in directory temp2. nsync temp1 /rm temp2 ?sy*.e?e Moves all files that match the meta search specified from tree temp1 to temp2. nsync temp2 /irjv Deletes all files in tree temp2, does not remove subdirs, and displays verbose results of action taken. nsync d:\ m:\backup -aglc:\backup.txt -oz +w Copies all newer files from d:\ to m:\backup, clears target attributes, does not display any warning messages, logs results to c:\backup.txt, copies older source files as well, deletes all extra target files and directories, and resets target attributes to their original values after finishing copying. nsync . temp? /irvp Deletes all files or directories that match the meta search temp? in the currently working directory. nsync /f temp1 -d temp2 /g +x Copies all newer files from temp1 to temp2, displays full path names, deletes all extra target files, does not display any warning messages, and copies only if target file exists. nsync temp1 temp2 *.h *.c /v Copies a subset of files from temp1 to temp2 and displays verbose results of action taken. nsync temp1 temp2 *.h !*.obj *.c !*.exe temptest? /fr Copies a subset of files AND directories from temp1 to temp2 and uses full pathnames when displayed. nsync @list.lst ~@@~usa~ Copies all files specified in the list, replaces "@@" with "usa" if it is found in the file names. nsync @list.lst /pag ~$~exe~ ~123~obj~ PACKs all files specified in the list before copying or moving, clears target file attributes, does not display any warning messages, and replaces "$" with "exe" and "123" with "obj" if found in the file names. nsync @delete.lst /i Deletes files, excluding hidden, system, and read-only, specified in the list. Sample input list file entries: c:\config.sys d:\config.sys c:\work\sep19.rpt d:\work\sep19.rpt ═══ OS/2 ASPI Device Manager ═══ Driver Description: The OS/2 ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) Device Manager is an installable block device driver for SCSI drives. It provides an interface converting ASPI SRBs to corresponding IORBs between its clients and SCSI adapter device drivers. A client of the ASPI device manager is the Adaptec ASPI Driver which is also an interface between ASPI Device Manager and OS/2 Kernel/File Systems. Build Requirements: OS/2 CD-ROM Device Manager: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building OS/2 ASPI Device Manager, you must build DHCALLS.LIB, ADDCALLS.LIB and include files. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. If ADDCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\ADDCALLS and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 7. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DISKINC and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 8. To build OS2CDROM.DMD, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\OS2ASPI and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ OS/2 CD-ROM Device Manager ═══ Driver Description: The OS/2 CD-ROM Device Manager is an installable block device driver for CD-ROM drives. It provides a uniform interface between its clients and adapter device drivers. Clients of the CD-ROM device manager include OS/2 Kernel and File Systems. Build Requirements: OS/2 CD-ROM Device Manager: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building OS/2 CD-ROM Device Manager, you must build DHCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. To build OS2CDROM.DMD, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\OS2CDROM and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ OS/2 DASD Device Manager ═══ Driver Description: The OS/2* DASD Device Manager is an installable block device driver for DASD (Direct Access Storage Devices) drives. It provides a uniform interface between its clients and adapter device drivers. Clients of the DASD device manager include OS/2 Kernel and File Systems. Build Requirements: OS/2 DASD Device Manager: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building OS/2 DASD Device Manager, you must build DHCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. To build OS/2 DASD Device Manager, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\OS2DASD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ OS/2 Debug Kernels ═══ Tool Description: Note: The OS/2 debug kernels have been moved to The Developer Connection for OS/2 and can be found in The Developer Connection Catalog. The online book OS/2 Debug Kernel Reference can be found in The Developer Connection for OS/2 Browser. The OS/2 debug kernel is a specially built kernel that replaces the OS/2 kernel and adds the following debugging support, which is useful for debugging device drivers: o Breakpoints o Debug register breakpoints o Memory dumps and queries o Hot patching o Reverse assemble o Symbolics ═══ OS/2 SCSI Device Manager ═══ Driver Description: OS/2 SCSI Device Manager is compatible with existing device class drivers written to SCSI.SYS specification. It communicates with adapter device drivers and provides support for CD-ROM and other non-DASD devices. Build Requirements: OS/2 SCSI Device Manager: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building OS/2 SCSI Device Manager, you must build DHCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. To build OS2SCSI.DMD, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\OS2SCSI and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ AP2/P2STRING Script Processing Tool. ═══ Tool Description: AP2/P2STRING is a script processing tool to test media control interface string commands in the Multimedia Presentation Manager/2* (MMPM/2) environment. Note: The MMPM/2 AP2/PSTRING Audio/Video Test Tool is listed under Verification Test Tools and, as executables, under Certification Test Suites. When selected as a certification test suite, the build instructions are not applicable. AUTO P2STRING (AP2) is a user friendly PM front end to P2STRING with a complete set of test scripts for the audio and video device driver. AP2 queries the device driver to determine the functions it supports by using the capability MCI String Command. The queried information is used to create a list of test scripts supported by the default device driver and give the user the option of running any combination of the supported scripts. AP2 is the easiest and most complete automated method of testing the audio and video device driver. AP2 now supports Software Motion Video (SMV) and a complete set of SMV test cases. P2STRING is an extremely powerful test engine that can stress test your Multimedia Subsystem. You can use the P2STRING tool to test audio and video devices without the AP2 front end. The P2STRING tool processes script files (containing string commands and tool directives) to test low-level components at Ring 3 level. This tool uses the mciSendString function to process string commands extracted from the script files. P2STRING comes with a set of predefined scripts to test audio and video functions. These tests are a group of test files called test suites. ═══ 42XX Rasterizing Printer Driver Sample ═══ Driver Description: The 42XX Rasterizing Printer Driver is a basic rastering presentation device driver based on the 42XX series of printers produced by IBM and Lexmark. This driver is similar to the printer device driver provided with the OS/2* printer driver support for IBM42XX printers. The new 42XX presentation device driver is a 32-bit driver. Build Requirements: 42XX Rasterizing Printer Driver Sample: IBM C Set/2 (ICC Compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the IBM C Set/2 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\42XX and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Palette Display Test Tool ═══ Tool Description: The Palette Display Test Tool is used to display the colors supported by the hardware palette. The tool is extremely easy to use and allows refreshing or repainting of the window in which the palette colors are displayed. The source code is simple and written to clearly demonstrate the steps involved. Build Requirements: Palette Display Test Tool: IBM C Set/2 (ICC compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools are picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM C Set/2 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Also, SET DPATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMC\CHELP;%DPATH% 5. Make sure OS2STUB.EXE exists in 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS. 6. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PALDISP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. Note: The Palette Display Test Tool is listed under Verification Test Tools and, as executables, under Certification Test Suites. When you select this tool as a Certification Test Suite, the build instructions are not applicable. Note: DDK provides the executable PALDISP, which is located in the 'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\DISPLAY\FUNCTION\PALDISP directory. If you have modified and rebuilt this test tool, you need to update this executable by copying PALDISP.EXE from the 'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PALDISP directory. ═══ 16-Bit Parallel Port ═══ Driver Description: This 16-bit parallel-port driver provides communication support for ISA and microchannel parallel ports. Build Requirements: 16-Bit Parallel Port: MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\PRINTER and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ 32-Bit Parallel Port ═══ Driver Description: The 32-bit parallel port driver provides functions for 32-bit parallel port communications and user interface. Build Requirements: 32-Bit Parallel Port Driver: IBM C Set/2 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM C Set/2 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Set the DPATH environment variable to point to the IBM C Set/2 Help directory. e.g., SET DPATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMC\CHELP;%DPATH% 5. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PARALLEL and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ PASTK - Pro AudioSpectrum 16 Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The Pro AudioSpectrum 16** driver provided with this DDK is the source used to create the MVPRODD.SYS device driver that ships with MMPM/2. The Pro AudioSpectrum 16 (PAS16) device driver source describes an OS/2 16-bit physical device driver designed to communicate with IBM Multimedia Presentation Manager/2* (MMPM/2) audio stream handlers. Build Requirements: Pro AudioSpectrum 16 Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 6.0 Microsoft C 6.0 (16-bit) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the environment variables are set correctly. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'ddkdirectory'\H;:\'ddkdirectory'\INC;:\'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\H;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'ddkdirectory'\LIB;:\'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\LIB;%LIB% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the MASM 6.0 Assembler is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. e.g., SET PATH=%PATH%;:\'MASM60'\BINP SET INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;:\'MASM60'\INCLUDE SET LIB=%LIB%;:\'MASM60'\LIB; Where represents the MS MASM 6.0 installed drive and 'MASM60' represents the MS MASM 6.0 installed directory. 3. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. e.g., SET PATH=%PATH%;:\'MSC60'\BINP SET INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;:\'MSC60'\INCLUDE SET LIB=%LIB%;:\'MSC60'\LIB Where represents the MS C 6.0 installed drive and 'MSC60' represents the MS C 6.0 installed directory. 4. To build the Pro AudioSpectrum 16 driver, change the directory to DDKdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\PASTK and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. Objects are linked using LINK.EXE. The debug version (default), when built, also uses MAPSYM.EXE to convert the linker generated .MAP file to a .SYM file. The driver uses DOSCALLS.LIB and OS2286.LIB libraries. ═══ PCMCIA Client Services Sample ═══ Driver Description: This driver contains the sample code that communicates with Card Services and also provides the Client Services common header file (CLIENT.H). The following enhancements over the previous version have been incorporated in this release: o Multiple cCode segment (swappable) support o Multiple thread support (queueing requests) o Retry support when "busy" status is returned from CS o Revision check of CS Build Requirements: PCMCIA Client Services Sample: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 or Watcom C 10.0 'B' level compiler Note: Watcom 'B' level files are available through CompuServe or through TCP/IP at ftp.watcom.on.ca in the \PUB\BBS\LANG_V10.0/C directory. Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. If using the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler: a. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. b. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. c. To build the PCMCIA Client Services Sample driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\PCMCIA\CLSAMPLE and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 3. If using the Watcom C 10.0 'B' level compiler: a. Make sure the Watcom C 10.0 'B' level compiler is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. b. To build the PCMCIA Client Services Sample driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\PCMCIA\CLSAMPLE and invoke NMAKE WAT=1 on the resident makefile. Build Notes: When building the driver using the Watcom Compiler, the option WAT=1 must be in capital letters. ═══ Physical Asynchronous Communication Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The family1 asynchronous communications port device driver provides support for some of the capabilities of the new Extended ISA (EISA) systems that are becoming available to OS/2 users. Originally this driver was developed for AT and enhanced to support EISA systems. The majority of the code added will be used at initialization time to parse the EISA system's configuration information to determine if the system has any extended capabilities that need to be supported. There will be NO IMPACT on compatibility for AT-class machines; the new code will never be executed when run on an AT-class machine. Build Requirements: Physical Asynchronous Communication Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory.On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the MS C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build COM.SYS, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\ATCOM and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Adapter Presence Detection Sample ═══ Driver Description: This sample driver is a Ring 3 (nonprivileged) EXE program that determines whether a given hardware interface is present on a workstation. The modules return 0 when the specific interface is detected and 1 when the interface is not detected. To identify installed OEM adapters, Ring 0 services are provided by the device driver TESTCFG.SYS. Build Requirements: Adapter Presence Detection Sample: Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build PC_SAMP.EXE, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\PC_SAMP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ PCVIDEO - PC Video Device Driver Sample ═══ Driver Description: The PC Video Device Driver is an Overlay and Video Capture device driver that uses the popular PC Video Pro Chip (69003/69004) from Chips and Technologies, Inc. Parts of this device driver were ported from the PC Video Developers Kit from Chips and Technologies, Inc. The PC Video Pro Chip is used in many popular overlay cards such as Video Blaster**, Super VideoWindows**, Win/TV from Hauppauge Computer Works, and others. Writing a Video Capture device driver to this interface will allow your capture card to plug into the MCI (Media Control Interface) of OS/2 and all applications written to the MCI supplied in the IBM Ultimedia Video IN product. VIDVBC1.INI contains the default configuration information for the Video Capture card. This file is read in by the VSD and passed to the device driver on an IOCTL (Device Specific Setup Information) after the device is opened. The name of this file must match the name of the device driver. For more information, refer to the PC Video section of the MMPM/2 Device Driver Reference in the \DDKx86\BOOK directory on the CD-ROM. Build Requirements: PCVIDEO Video Device Driver: Microsoft MASM 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\PCVIDEO and invoke NMAKE to create the device driver VIDVBC.SYS. ═══ Pen for OS/2 Device Driver and Tools ═══ Driver and Tools Description: The Pen for OS/2 device driver is a 16-bit device driver that requires a 16-bit assembly compiler for the ASM code provided in the DDK. It also requires Pen for OS/2 Developer's Toolkit. These products are all available separately from IBM. The Pen for OS/2 Test Tool is a diagnostic program that extracts the trace buffer and generates IOCtls. It provides a means to control and query all aspects of the pen device driver and assists in program development and in debugging the pen device driver. The Pen for OS/2 Calibration Tool provides alignment adjustments for the position of the digitizer in relation to the display panel. It aligns the location of the pointer seen on the display to the same location where the actual pen device touches the display. Build Requirements: Pen for OS/2 Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Pen Tools: IBM C Set/2 (ICC Compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the "IBM C Set/2" is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. 3. Make sure the "Pen for OS/2 Developer's Toolkit" is installed and the environment variables are correctly set. 4. Change the directory to the PEN "include" directory \SRC\PEN\PENTKT\PENBASE\INC and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 5. Change the directory to the PEN device driver directory \SRC\PEN\PENTKT\PENBASE\PENDD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. Change the directory to the PEN calibration tool directory \SRC\PEN\PENTKT\UTIL\PENCAL and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 7. Change the directory to the PEN tool directory \SRC\PEN\PENTKT\UTIL\PENTL and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. Build Notes: The makefiles should be run in the following order: :\'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PEN\PENTKT\PENBASE\INC :\'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PEN\PENTKT\PENBASE\PENDD :\'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PEN\PENTKT\UTIL\PENCAL :\'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PEN\PENTKT\UTIL\PENTL ═══ Picture Man ═══ Tool Description: Picture Man is the image processing tool for Windows**. The PMAN applet is not included in this DDK. It is available, however, on CompuServe**. After downloading the applet, place it in the 'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\DISPLAY\FUNCTION\PMAN directory. ═══ Physical Keyboard Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The Physical Keyboard device driver supports OS/2 interrupt-driven architecture. The Physical Keyboard device driver receives the Make- and Break-keystroke scan codes along with special keyboard hardware codes. The SRC\DEV\KBD\KBDBASE directory contains the hardware-independent source code and device driver. The output device driver is named KBDBASE.SYS and is loaded by the OS/2 kernel at system initialization time. This driver cannot be renamed. The SRC\DEV\KBD\IBMKBD directory contains the hardware-dependent source code and device driver. The driver is loaded by including BASEDEV=IBMKBD.SYS in the CONFIG.SYS file. This file can be renamed because the keyboard IDC can be used to register a replacement driver. Build Requirements: Physical Keyboard Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Use the COPYC60.CMD file located in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory to update the build environment for the drivers. 4. To build the keyboard device-independent driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\KBD\KBDBASE and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 5. To build the keyboard device-dependent driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\KBD\IBMKBD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ 32-Bit Plotter Presentation Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The Plotter device driver is a 32-bit presentation device driver based on the IBM plotter language. Build Requirements: 32-Bit Plotter Presentation Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) IBM C Set/2 (ICC compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDKx86 installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that you have the IBM C Set/2 compiler installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\PLOT32 and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ PMVIEW ═══ Tool Description: PMVIEW is a 32-bit multithreaded image viewer for OS/2 Presentation Manager. The PMVIEW applet is not included in this DDK. It is available, however, on CompuServe**. After downloading the applet, place it in the 'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\DISPLAY\FUNCTION\PMVIEW directory. ═══ Physical Mouse Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The Physical Mouse device driver detects the types of pointing devices currently installed on the OS/2 operating system. When the pointing device is identified, support for it is set up dynamically. Build Requirements: Physical Mouse Device Driver: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build the Physical Mouse device driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\MOUSE and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 5. To build the Mouse device dependent device driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\MOUSE\FAMILYG and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool (PMADDE) ═══ Tool Description: Note: The MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool is listed under Verification Test Tools and, as executables, under Certification Test Suites. When selected as a certification test suite, the build instructions are not applicable. PMADDE interfaces to the MMPM/2 subsystem at the Stream Programmers Interface (SPI) layer to exercise stream handlers. The source code provided builds PMADDE.EXE. PMADDE supports multiple devices and streaming to multiple devices simultaneously. It supports IBM MACPA, Sound Blaster** and Pro AudioSpectrum** Audio devices. Support for new devices can be added easily. Features include a logging mechanism to create time-stamped logging of command results and stream events, and script interface for command playback from a script file. Build Requirements: MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool: ICC - IBM C Set/2 Compiler RC - Resource Compiler IPFC - Information Presentation Facility Compiler Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the environment variables are set correctly. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMH;:\'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\H;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'ddkdirectory'\LIB;:\'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\LIB;%LIB% SET IPFC=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM CSet/2 compiler is installed and environment variables are set correctly. 3. To build PMADDE, change the directory to TESTTOOL\PMADDE and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. Both Debug and retail versions of the tool can be built. In the build session, use SET DEBUG=1 to build the debug version. ═══ 32-Bit PM Print Queue ═══ Driver Description: This 32-bit PM Print Queue Processor provides all 32-bit PM printer queueing functions for PM applications. Build Requirements: 32-Bit PM Print Queue: IBM C Set/2 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM C Set/2 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Set the DPATH environment variable to point to IBM C Set/2 Help directory. e.g., SET DPATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMC\CHELP;%DPATH% 5. Change the directory to the 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMPRINT directory and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ 32-Bit PMVIDEO (Merged S3/XGA/8514 Drivers) ═══ Driver Description: The PMVIDEO Device Driver is a merged 32-bit video device driver for XGA, 8514, and S3** chip set adapter cards. It builds the 32-bit PM display driver in three different flavors for use with the XGA adapter, the 8514/A adapter, and the S3 chip set. This display driver takes advantage of the hardware acceleration capabilities of the chip sets described in the S3 data books 86C801/86C805 GUI Accelerators. It conforms to the OS/2 32-bit flat memory model and is designed to function as a 32-bit PM display driver under the OS/2 32-bit graphics engine subsystem. The PMVIDEO component includes XGA Base Video Handler and XGA Ring0 device driver source code in addition to PM display drivers. New source code to support PM Video Acceleration is included in the PMVIDEO component. It provides a mechanism for MMPM/2 software to take advantage of the latest set of video HW acceleration. The following new drivers have been added: S3 PM Display Driver Enhanced to support additional DEVESCs. PM Video Accelerator Device Driver Sample Called by PM display driver and communicates with the video accelerator HW directly. It is a template code. Build Requirements: 32-Bit PMVIDEO Video Device Drivers: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) IBM C Set/2 (ICC Compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the \'ddkdirectory'TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools are used during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Set the TMP environment variable to a work directory, e.g., SET TMP=:\MYTMP 3. Make sure you have the Microsoft C 6.0 and IBM C Set/2 compilers installed. 4. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD and COPYC60.CMD REXX command files in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. To build the following drivers: Retail, Debug, 8514R, 8514D, S3Retail, XGA BASE VIDEO HANDLER, and XGA Ring0, follow step 5. To build S3TIGER and PM Video Acceleration support, follow steps 6 and 7. 5. Change the directory to \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\32BIT and invoke the command NMAKE on the resident makefile to build all drivers, except the drivers for PM Video Acceleration support and S3TIGER. 6. Change the directory to \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\S3TIGER and invoke the commmand NMAKE on the resident makefile with the S3 parameter to build the S3 PM display driver supporting PM Video Acceleration (for example, NMAKE S3). 7. Change the directory to \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\PMACCEL and invoke the command NMAKE on the resident makefile to build the PM Video Accelerator device driver. Build Notes: In order to build specific drivers, specify the target on the NMAKE command (for example, NMAKE 8514). You can specify "loc" as the target to count source lines of code. See the makefile for more specific information on possible build targets. ═══ 32-Bit Printer Test Tool ═══ Tool Description: Note: The 32-Bit Printer Test Tool is listed under Verification Test Tools and, as executables, under Certification Test Suites. When you select this tool as a Certification Test Suite, the build instructions are not applicable. The 32-Bit Printer Test Tool is a Presentation Manager application that enables the user to select one or more tests and execute them. Also provided is a script interface that permits the PTT to run predefined test-case scripts automatically. Build Requirements: 32-Bit Printer Test Tool: IBM C Set/2 (ICC Compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the environment variables are set correctly so that the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMC\CBIN;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMH;:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMC\CINCLUDE;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'ddkdirectory'\LIB;:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMC\CLIB;%LIB% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that you have the IBM C Set/2 compiler installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. This command copies the set of needed files from your installed copy of the IBM C Set/2 compiler to the proper directories under the DDK base directory. 4. Set the TMP environment variable to a work directory, e.g., SET TMP= \MYTMP 5. In order to build all the test case DLLs and PTT.EXE, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32 and type in the following command: NMAKE /f PTT32.MAK Build Notes: The 32-Bit Printer Test Tool requires that the IBM C Set/2 library DDE4MBMI.LIB be installed on your system. This library can be installed by selecting multi-stretch migration libraries during the IBM C Set/2 Installation. COPYCSET.CMD must be executed after the IBM C Set/2 compiler installation. Note: DDK provides all executables of PTT32, which are located in the 'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\PRINTER\FUNCTION\PTT32 directory. If you have modified and rebuilt this test tool, you need to copy all the updated executables from their current directories to the above directory. ═══ 32-Bit PostScript Printer Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The PostScript 32-bit printer device driver is based on the Adobe PostScript** language. There are several tools provided with the driver that do not require compilation. These executables reside in the directories 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\POST32\AFM and 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\POST32\PPD. These tools produce binary forms of AFM and PPD files. Because it is a 32-bit presentation device driver, the POST32 driver requires a 32-bit compiler. Note: The AFM and PDD files are not modifiable and may not be altered in any way from their original form. See the IBM License Agreement included with this DDK. Build Requirements: 32-Bit PostScript Printer Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) IBM C Set++ V2.01 (ICC compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET ROOTDIR=:\'ddkdirectory' Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the IBM C Set++ V2.01 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\POST32 and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Resource Manager ═══ Driver Description: Resource Manager facilitates the coexistence and cooperation of the increasing number of device drivers. The Resource Manager assumes centralized responsibility for coordinating all aspects of both the logical and physical views of the hardware and supporting software in the system. The logical view is defined as the standard aliases assigned to devices for application reference, such as COM1, Drive A, and LPT1. The physical view is defined as the actual details of the hardware topology, such as port addresses and bus type. The Resource Manager manages drivers, adapters, and devices. Adapters and devices are associated with each other in a parent-child-sibling relationship. A driver is associated with each adapter or device node. Build Requirements: Resource Manager: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building the Resource Manager, you must build DHCALLS.LIB and ADDCALLS.LIB. o To build DHCALLS.LIB, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. o To build ADDCALLS.LIB, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\ADDCALLS and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 5. To build Resource Manager (RESOURCE.SYS), change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\RESOURCE\RESMGR and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. To build RSMCALLS.LIB, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\RESOURCE\RSMCALLS and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Installed Hardware Information Tool (QSYSTEM) ═══ Tool Description: QSYSTEM provides the installed hardware information on ISA, EISA, and MCA systems. It will run in OS/2 window or full-screen sessions. You must have IOPL=YES in your CONFIG.SYS for QSYSTEM to function. Without this addition, QSYSTEM will not execute. To keep the information from scrolling off the screen, do the following: Type: QSYSTEM | MORE Pipes information from QSYSTEM into the MORE command. or QSYSTEM -O Redirects output to the file QSYSTEM.OUT. The first technique is good if you just want to view the information one screen at a time. The second technique works best for keeping a permanent copy and being able to browse and edit the results. Options: -? or ? Lists options (help). -A Lists all supported Micro Channel* adapters -can be used with the -O option to redirect to a file. -D Lists more detailed QCONFIG information - includes adapter configuration for MC, model, submodel fixed disk sectors/heads/cylinders. -O Redirects output to QSYSTEM.OUT. -Ofilename Redirects output to a file. Example: QSYSTEM -Ops2data.fil [redirects output of QCONFIG to ps2data.fil] key=value Defines key with value for machine information output. There is currently a limit of 10 keys. Example: QSYSTEM User="Jeff Muir" "Location Site"=Boca Output would include: User : Jeff Muir Location Site : Boca ═══ Screen Base Video Family (Screen01 and Screen02) ═══ Driver Description: Base video section for the Screen Physical Device Driver Build Requirements: Screen Base Video Family: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so The correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\SCREENDD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. This will build both SCREEN01.SYS and SCREEN02.SYS. ═══ Screen Base Video Family 2 ═══ Driver Description: Base video section for the Family 2 Screen Physical Device Driver Build Requirements: Screen Base Video Family 2: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build SCREEN02, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\SCREENDD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ 32-Bit Serial Port ═══ Driver Description: The 32-bit serial port driver provides functions for 32-bit serial port communications and user interface. Build Requirements: 32-Bit Serial Port Driver: IBM C Set/2 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM C Set/2 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Set the DPATH environment variable to point to the IBM C Set/2 Help directory. e.g. SET DPATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMC\CHELP;%DPATH% 5. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\SERIAL and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ PCMCIA Intel PCIC Step B Controller Socket Services Driver ═══ Driver Description: This driver is the OS/2 PCMCIA Socket Services driver for Intel PCIC Step B controller developed by Award Software International Inc. Build Requirements: PCMCIA Socket Services Driver: Microsoft MASM 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the MASM 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYASM6.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build the PCMCIA Socket Services Sample driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\PCMCIA\SOCKET and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Sony CD-ROM Filter ═══ Driver Description: Sony CD-ROM Filter is a special class of device driver for Sony OEM that provides generic value-added services such as data stripping or encryption, and device-specific services such as an adapter device driver to support a particular type of device. The interfaces between device manager and CD-ROM filter are identical to the interfaces between device managers and ordinary device drivers. Filter drivers differ from ordinary drivers in that they normally do not manage hardware directly. Build Requirements: Sony CD-ROM Filter: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building CD-ROM filter, you must build DHCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. To build the Sony CD-ROM filter, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\SONY and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ SVGA Base Video Handler ═══ Driver Description: Base video handlers are used to access video devices. They provide display support for full-screen sessions. The SVGA Base Video Handler provides support for SVGA displays. This module provides support for a superset of the VGA base video handler and therefore relies on the VGA base video handler to be loaded in order to work. Build Requirements: VGA/8514 Base Video Handler: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. 2. Make sure that the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build the SVGA Base Video Handler DLL, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\SVDH and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. Build Notes: The output file generated by the nmake has .DUS extensions because it is the U.S. language version of the DLL. It needs to be renamed to the corresponding DLL before being used. ═══ SVGAINST Action Routine DLL Sample ═══ Tool Description: The SVGAINST action routine DLLs are called by DSPINSTL to handle optional custom-control logic when the user selects to install certain display adapters through the DSPINSTL interface. These DLLs can be used to ask specialized questions of the user through PM panels, or to perform internal queries concerning the state of the hardware or software system. The DSPINSTL utility is informed of the name of the action routine DLL by an entry in the DSC file supplied for the corresponding display driver. Build Requirements: SVGAINST Action Routine DLL Sample: IBM C Set++ V2.01 (ICC compiler). Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the IBM C Set++ compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYCSET.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\CMD\SVGAINST and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ SVGA Utility ═══ Driver Description: The SVGA utility consists of an executable file called SVGA.EXE, which is used to generate information about the chip set on the SVGA adapter, such as the video modes supported by the adapter and values in the video registers when the adapter is in each video mode. Build Requirements: SVGA Utility: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\SVDH\SVGAUTIL and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ 32-Bit SVGA Display Driver ═══ Driver Description: The SVGA 256 display driver manages SVGA display devices for the Presentation Manager interface. It consists of two DLLs: IBMVGA32.DLL and IBMDEV32.DLL. IBMVGA32.DLL contains device-independent functions of the driver while IBMDEV32.DLL contains device-specific functions. The DDK contains source code for three different resolutions of SVGA drivers-640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768-all with 256 color support. Build Requirements: 32-Bit SVGA Display Driver: Microsoft MASM** 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the MASM 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYASM6.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build the device-specific driver DLL, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\SVGA256 and invoke NMAKE as follows: NMAKE [vertical-resolution].RET where [vertical-resolution] can be 480, 600, or 768 For example, NMAKE 768.RET will build the 1024x768 driver. Build Notes: 1. The device-specific DLL that is built will need to be renamed to IBMDEV32.DLL before it can be used in conjunction with IBMVGA32.DLL to make up the SVGA driver. 2. If the following error message is found during the compile, fatal error: A1017: out of near memory remove unnecessary settings from your environment variable. ═══ System Verification Test Cases ═══ Tool Description: System Verification Test (SVT) applications are not included on this DDK. It is required that you use existing industry applications, such as Ami Pro** Version 3.0, for SVT operations. SVT test cases are included that reference these applications. The following are three test suites for SVT: VDM Test Suite OS/2 Test Suite WIN-OS/2 Test Suite ═══ CD-ROM Test Tool ═══ Tool Description: The CD-ROM Test Tool (TESTCD.EXE) is a menu-driven Presentation Manager program that allows the testing of the functions supported by the CD-ROM driver (CD01). The menu consists of the following items: o FILE - Allows you to set preferences, save text, and clear text. o DATA - Supports the following: - DOS READ SECTORS - DOS READ FILES - READ LONG - READ LONG PREFETCH - GET SECTOR SIZE - GET UPC CODE - GET VOLUME SIZE - READ HEAD LOCATION - SEEK o AUDIO - Supports the following: - AUDIO CHANNEL CONTROL - AUDIO CHANNEL INFO - AUDIO DISK INFO - AUDIO STATUS INFO - AUDIO-SUBCHANNEL INFO - AUDIO TRACK INFO (SINGLE) - AUDIO TRACK INFO (ALL) - PLAY AUDIO - RESUME AUDIO - STOP AUDIO o DEVICE - Supports the following: - CHANGE DRIVE - CHANGE MEDIA - IDENTIFY DRIVER - RESET DRIVE - GET DEVICE PARAMETERS - STATUS - CLOSE TRAY - EJECT - LOCK DOOR - UNLOCK DOOR o UTILITIES - Provides the following: - ADDRESS CONVERSIONS - DETERMINE CRC FOR A FILE o STRESS - Allows multi-thread test. o PERFORMANCE - Allows performance test. o CREATING A FILE LIST - File list for multi-thread test. The details of the menu items are described in 'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\TESTCD\TESTCD.DOC ═══ Test Configuration Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The Test Configuration Device Driver provides services for automatic detection of OEM hardware interfaces. The TESTCFG device driver also provides: o A bus architecture query and some miscellaneous DASD subsystem query functions o POS IDs of all installed features for MCA workstations o EISA Product IDs of installed features for EISA workstations o A copy of the contents of physical memory between locations o I/O access to all ports not reserved for standard system use Build Requirements: Test Configuration Device Driver: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build TESTCFG.SUS, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\TESTCFG and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Toshiba CD-ROM Filter ═══ Driver Description: The Toshiba CD-ROM Filter is a special class of device driver for Toshiba OEM. It provides the generic value-added services such as data stripping or encryption, and device-specific services such as an adapter device driver to support a particular type of device. The interfaces between device manager and CD-ROM filter are identical to the interfaces between device managers and ordinary device drivers. Filter drivers differ from ordinary drivers in that they normally do not manage hardware directly. Build Requirements: Toshiba CD-ROM Filter: Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure that the MS C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. Before building the CD-ROM filter, you must build DHCALLS.LIB. 5. If DHCALLS.LIB does not exist, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\DEVHELP and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. 6. To build the Toshiba CD-ROM filter, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\TOSHIBA and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Physical Touch Display Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The physical touch display device driver is essentially the driver for a PS/2 8515 display. Besides the normal video cable connection to a VGA/XGA port, the touch display has a touch data cable that attaches to the IBM PS/2 mouse port on the system unit. In addition, the monitor itself has a socket to which the IBM PS/2 mouse can optionally be attached. Build Requirements: Physical Touch Display Device Driver: Microsoft C 6.0 MASM 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build the Touch device driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\TOUCHDD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Dynamic Trace Customizer (TRCUST) ═══ Tool Description: OS/2 provides a mechanism by which developers can dynamically apply tracepoints in their module at runtime. This method eliminates all overhead of tracing when tracing is disabled. It also allows the developer to add tracepoints without modifying the source code. An online reference is available for this tool in the DDK reference library. Select the Dynamic Trace Customizer object to view this documentation. ═══ Virtual ASPI Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The Virtual ASPI device driver (VASPI) enables ASPI support for ASPI applications running in a DOS session. ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) is an application interface that allows easier access to SCSI devices. Under DOS, users typically load an ASPI manager that routes all requests directly to the hardware. ASPI drivers (such as ASPIDISK and ASPICD) send requests to the ASPI manager, which then sends the command to the appropriate device. Build Requirements: Virtual ASPI Device Driver: Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build the Virtual ASPI device driver , change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VASPI and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ VCADDT - Video Capture Adapter PDD ═══ Driver Description: This DDK contains sample source code for Video Capture Adapter PDD. This driver supports both NTSC and PAL versions of the adapter. For more information, view the book MMPM2.INF in the \DDKx86\BOOK directory on the CD-ROM. Build Requirements: VCADDT - Video Capture Adapter PDD: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the environment variables are set correctly. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'ddkdirectory'\INC;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'ddkdirectory'\LIB;%LIB% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build VCADDT, change the directory to MMOS2\SAMPLES\VCADDT and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Virtual CD-ROM Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The Virtual CD-ROM Device Driver enables audio support for CD-ROM applications running in DOS sessions of OS/2 2.1. It emulates the presence of MSCDEX by providing the services that CD-ROM applications require for installation. It also translates the DOS-style IOCtls into requests that the physical CD-ROM device driver can understand. Build Requirements: OS/2 CD-ROM Device Manager: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed directory and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build VCDROM.ODB, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VCDROM and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Virtual Asynchronous Communications Device Driver. ═══ Driver Description: The VCOM driver consists of virtual support for the serial communication I/O ports and for the serial channel-related BIOS entry points. This component allows extended DOS applications which access the communication channels, either by direct access to the I/O ports or by normal BIOS calls, to operate without change. The VCOM supports only access to communication channels which are physically present on a given system. This does not include support for accessing communication devices which may be redirected by network software. Build Requirements: Virtual Asynchronous Communications Device Driver.: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build VCOM.SYS, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VCOM and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ VGA/8514 Base Video Handler ═══ Driver Description: Base video handlers are used to access video devices. They provide display support for full-screen sessions. The drivers for different adapter cards are found in their respective BVH*.DLLs. Two additional DLLs are provided. BVHINIT.DLL is a generic device handler which provides the minimum function necessary to support system installation and reporting errors. It is loaded if no other BVHs are currently loaded. BVHWNDW.DLL supports VIO window sessions. Build Requirements: VGA/8514 Base Video Handler: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft C 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYC60.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. To build all the BVH DLLs, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDH and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. If you want to build any particular DLL, invoke NMAKE on that particular DLL (e.g. NMAKE BVHINIT.DUS). Build Notes: The output files generated by the nmake have .DUS extensions because they are the U.S. versions of the DLLs. They need to be renamed to the corresponding DLLs before being used. ═══ Virtual Disk Device Driver (MVDM Support) ═══ Driver Description: The Virtual Disk Device Driver provides virtual disk support for the MVDM environment. Most DOS applications access the floppy and the hard disk through the INT 13h interface. The Virtual Disk Device Driver only supports INT 13h accesses. Build Requirements: Virtual Disk Device Driver: Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) MASM 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build the Virtual Disk device driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VDSK and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Protected Mode VDisk Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: This device driver implements a virtual disk in RAM. It can be loaded via the following CONFIG.SYS command line: DEVICE=VDISK.SYS [bbbb] [ssss] [dddd] bbbb First numeric argument, if present, is disk size in KB. The default value is 64. The minimum is 16; the maximum is 4096 (4MB). ssss Second numeric argument, if present, is sector size in bytes. The default value is 512. Allowed values are 128, 256, 512, 1024. dddd Third numeric argument, if present, is the number of root directory entries. The default is 64. The minimum is 2; the maximum is 1024. The value is rounded up to the nearest sector size boundary. Note: If there is not enough memory to create the VDisk volume, VDisk will try to make a DOS volume with 16 directory entries. This might result in a volume with a different number of directory entries than the dddd parameter specifies. Build Requirements: Virtual Disk Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build the Virtual Disk device driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\VDISK and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Virtual Floppy Driver ═══ Driver Description: The virtual floppy device driver is responsible for VDM accesses to floppy devices. Its functions include resolving port contention between the system and VDMs, resolving access contention between different VDMs, maintaining the integrity of floppy hardware states, floppy interrupt routing, and DMA support. Build Requirements: Virtual Floppy Driver: Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build the Virtual Floppy device driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VFLPY and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ 16-Bit VGA Display Driver ═══ Driver Description: The 16-bit VGA display driver, called VGA.DLL, manages the display device for the Presentation Manager interface. This driver contains a set of I/O routines that provides hardware-independence to Presentation Manager applications. Build Requirements: 16-Bit VGA Display Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build VGA.DLL, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMDISP\EGAFAM\EGAVGA and invoke NMAKE VGADEB or NMAKE VGARET on the resident makefile. ═══ 32-Bit VGA Display Driver ═══ Driver Description: The 32-bit VGA display driver consists of two DLLs: IBMVGA32.DLL and IBMDEV32.DLL. IBMVGA32.DLL contains the device-independent functions of the driver; IBMDEV32.DLL contains all the device-specific functions of the driver. IBMDEV32.DLL needs to be modified in order to port the driver to other video cards. This display driver can be used to support SVGA displays by replacing IBMDEV32.DLL with the corresponding SVGA DLL. Build Requirements: 32-Bit VGA Display Driver: Microsoft MASM** 6.0 Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the MASM 6.0 assembler is installed. 3. Before the FIRST build is attempted, run (only once) the COPYASM6.CMD REXX command file in the 'ddkdirectory'\SETUP directory. 4. IBMVGA32.DLL and IBMDEV32.DLL must be built as a pair. That is, for any changes you make to either one, you must build and use BOTH DLLs. o To build IBMVGA32.DLL, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\IBMVGA32. and invoke NMAKE with target retail or debug. NMAKE with target retail will create IBMVGAR.DLL in the \SRC\VGA32\IBMVGA32\RETAIL directory. NMAKE with target debug will create IBMVGAD.DLL in the \SRC\VGA32\IBMVGA32\DEBUG directory. o To build IBMDEV32.DLL, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\IBMDEV32. and invoke NMAKE with target retail or debug. NMAKE with target retail will create IBMDEVR.DLL in the \SRC\VGA32\IBMDEV32\RETAIL directory. NMAKE with target debug will create IBMDEVD.DLL in the \SRC\VGA32\IBMDEV32\DEBUG directory. Build Notes: If the following error message is found during the compile, fatal error: A1017: out of near memory remove unnecessary settings from your environment variable. ═══ VIDINST - Generic Video Installation Sample ═══ Driver Description: The Generic Video Installation program enables adding video adapter support to the MMPM/2 video and audio subsystems without having to write a separate installation DLL for each adapter. This installation program performs the following functions: o Asks you for any information needed to install your adapter, such as the interrupt level o Updates the CONFIG.SYS file with your DEVICE= statements and any other necessary statements. o Updates the MMPM2.INI file so that MMPM/2 recognizes your device driver. o Copies the files needed by your adapter, such as device drivers. For more information, view the book MMPM2.INF in the 'ddkdirectory\BOOK directory on the CD-ROM. Build Requirements: VIDINST - Generic Video Installation Sample: IBM C Set/2 (ICC compiler) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the environment variables are set correctly. e.g., SET IPFC=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMH;%INCLUDE% SET LIB=:\'ddkdirectory'\LIB;%LIB% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Make sure the IBM C Set/2 compiler is installed and the environment variables are set correctly. 3. To build VIDINST, change the directory to MMOS2\SAMPLES\VIDINST and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Virtual Keyboard Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The virtual keyboard device driver enables keystrokes to be passed from the keyboard to the DOS session and permits text to be pasted from another application into the DOS session as keystrokes. The virtual keyboard device driver permits existing DOS applications requiring keyboard access to operate without change. Build Requirements: Virtual Keyboard Device Driver: Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build the Virtual Keyboard device driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VKBD and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Virtual Mouse Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The virtual mouse device driver is responsible for all mouse support in the Multiple DOS Sessions environment. Its most common services are available through the INT 33H interface. The virtual mouse device driver also supports applications that use the BIOS INT 15H (AH=C2H) pointing-device services. Build Requirements: Virtual Mouse Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build the Virtual Mouse device driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VMOUSE and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ 32-Bit Virtual Parallel Driver ═══ Driver Description: This 32-bit virtual parallel driver provides virtual support for the parallel line-printer output ports for up to three parallel printers. Build Requirements: 32-Bit Virtual Parallel Driver: Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. 2. Change the directory to the 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VLPT directory and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ VSDRC - Vendor Specific Driver Resource Sample ═══ Driver Description: The vendor-specific driver (VSD) resource file describes your audio device to MMPM/2. Developers of audio devices can reduce the amount of code required to add a device to MMPM/2 by using a VSD resource file. Thus, only one DLL is supplied for all the devices being added to MMPM/2. For more information, view the book MMPM2.INF in the 'ddkdirectory'\BOOK directory on the CD-ROM. Build Requirements: VSDRC - Vendor Specific Driver Resource Sample: RCPP (supplied with the DDK) RC (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the environment variables are set correctly. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% SET LIB=:\'ddkdirectory'\LIB;%LIB% SET INCLUDE=:\'ddkdirectory'\IBMH;%INCLUDE% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. 2. Make sure that the IBM CSET/2 library IBMCPP\LIB\DDE4MBS.LIB is in your LIB path. e.g., SET LIB=:\LIB;%LIB% 3. To build VSDRC, change the directory to MMOS2\SAMPLES\VSDRC and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Virtual Touch Device Driver ═══ Driver Description: The virtual touch device driver provides a (virtualized) DOS INT 7FH API for Multiple DOS Sessions. Touch events are simulated in the VDM using IRQ 12/ INT 74, which is shared with VMOUSE.SYS when using a PS/2 Mouse. Build Requirements: Virtual Touch Device Driver: CL386.EXE (supplied with this DDK) MASM 5.1 (supplied with this DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. To build the Virtual Touch device driver, change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VTOUCH and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Virtual Video Display Driver ═══ Driver Description: Virtual device drivers are used as virtual display devices for DOS applications running in DOS sessions. Virtual device drivers are required when it is necessary for multiple DOS sessions to share one or more video devices. A separate driver is provided for each of the commonly used video devices. Build Requirements: Virtual Video Device Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed drive and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VVIDEO and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. Optionally, you can specify the name of the driver that you need to build as the target. e.g., NMAKE VVGA will build VVGA.SYS ═══ Virtual XGA Video Driver ═══ Driver Description: Virtual device drivers are used as virtual display devices for DOS applications running in DOS sessions. Virtual device drivers are required when it is necessary for multiple DOS sessions to share one or more video devices. The virtual XGA display driver serves DOS applications written to the XGA adapter interface. Build Requirements: Virtual XGA Video Driver: Microsoft MASM** 5.1 (supplied with the DDK) Microsoft CL386 (supplied with the DDK) Build Instructions: 1. Make sure the 'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS directory is included in the PATH environment variable so the correct tools get picked up during the build. e.g., SET PATH=:\'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS;%PATH% Where represents your DDK installed directory and 'ddkdirectory' represents the DDK installed directory. On the CD-ROM, the TOOLS directory path is DDKx86\TOOLS. 2. Change the directory to 'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VXGA and invoke NMAKE on the resident makefile. ═══ Modified Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 ═══ Driver Description: This package contains the modified Windows** 3.1 DDK source files for the seamless VGA display driver, COMM driver, and MOUSE driver. To be able to build any of these drivers, the Microsoft Windows DDK must be installed. This package is available separately upon request and certification of license of Microsoft Windows 3.1 DDK. Build Requirements: Follow the build procedures as specified in the Microsoft Windows 3.1 DDK. This package contains the MAKEFILEs to build the above mentioned drivers. Build Instructions: 1. Execute WINOS231.EXE with the "-d" option to expand the source files. 2. Copy the source files in the WINOS231 directory to the appropriate Microsoft Windows DDK source directories. ═══ OS/2 for Windows Refresh Debug Kernel ═══ Tool Description: The OS/2 for Windows Refresh Debug Kernel is a special kernel that is required if your system is running OS/2 for Windows MR1 version. Please note that installation of this debug kernel requires more steps than that of the other debug kernels. To install, place the DDK CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and enter the following commands from the command line: d: cd \DDKx86\MISCTOOL\KDEBUG\DEBUG CDINST d c Where: d: is the drive letter of the DDK CD-ROM or the remote disk containing all levels of the OS/2 Debug Kernel. c: is the drive letter where OS/2 2.x is installed. After CDINST completes without errors, enter the following commands before shutting down and rebooting the system, in order to install the correct level of files required for debugging support. ATTRIB -S -H -A -R C:\OS2KRNL COPY D:\DDKx86\MISCTOOL\KDEBUG\DEBUG\Z_629\OS2KRNLD C:\OS2KRNL ATTRIB +S +H +A +R C:\OS2KRNL COPY D:\DDKx86\MISCTOOL\KDEBUG\DEBUG\Z_629\OS2KRNL.SYM C:\ XCOPY D:\DDKx86\MISCTOOL\KDEBUG\DEBUG\Z_629\OS2 C:\OS2 /S /V Where: D is the drive letter of the DDK CD-ROM or the remote disk containing all levels of the OS/2 Debug Kernel. C is the drive letter where OS/2 2.x is installed. Now shut down and reboot the system in order for the changes to take effect. ═══ 5. DDK Roadmap ═══ This section provides a directory structure overview of the DDK. Device Driver and Build Structure contains build information and directory roadmaps for the OS/2 device drivers. Verification Test Tools Structure contains build information and directory roadmaps for OS/2 device driver test tools. Certification Test Suites Structure contains information about a set of tools and test cases designed to assist you in testing OS/2 device drivers. Miscellaneous/Other Tools Structure contains information about various kernel debuggers, released levels of OS/2 debug kernels, and other useful utilities. Online Documentation Structure contains a list of online copies of the latest technical reference books for developing OS/2 device drivers. Ordering information for obtaining the hardcopy versions of these references is also included in this section. ═══ 5.1. Device Drivers and Build Structure ═══ ┌────────────────┐ │ DDK Components │ └───────┬────────┘ ├───Common Tools and Bindings ├───Display Drivers ├───DBCS Drivers ├───Printer Drivers ├───CD-ROM Drivers ├───DASD, SCSI & Diskette Drivers ├───Virtual Disk Device Drivers ├───Clock Drivers ├───Keyboard Drivers ├───Mouse Drivers ├───Serial Communications Drivers ├───8516 Touch Screen Drivers ├───PCMCIA Drivers ├───16-Bit Pen for OS/2 Driver └───Multimedia Drivers ═══ Common Tools and Bindings ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──SETUP │ ├─── COPYASM6.CMD │ ├─── COPYC60.CMD │ ├─── COPYCSET.CMD │ ├─── COPYTLKT.CMD │ └─── DELDDK.CMD ├──H ├──H386 ├──IBMH ├──INC ├──INC32 ├──LIB ├──TOOLS └──SRC └──DOS ├─── DOSINC └─── TASK ═══ DBCS Common ═══ DDKx86 │ └──DBCSDD ├──H ├──HGRE ├──H386 ├──IBMH ├──H_DBCS ├──INC ├──INCGRE ├──INC32 ├──INC_DBCS ├──LIB └──SRC └──DOS └───DOSINC ═══ Printer Common ═══ DDKx86 │ └──SRC └──PRNTDD ├───H ├───INC └───LIB ═══ DBCS Virtual Common ═══ DDKx86 │ └──SRC_DBCS └──VDEV ═══ DBCS Parallel Port Printer Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON ├──DBCS COMMON └──SRC_DBCS ├──DEV │ └────PRINTER └──VDEV └────VLPT ═══ DBCS Virtual Parallel Port Printer Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON ├──DBCS COMMON └──SRC_DBCS ├──DEV │ └────PRINTER └──VDEV └────VLPT ═══ DBCS Base Video Screen Device Driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS └──DBCSDD ├───DBCS COMMON └──SRC_DBCS └──DEV └───SCREENDD ═══ DBCS Base Video Handler ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS └──DBCSDD ├───DBCS COMMON └──SRC_DBCS └───VDHV ═══ DBCS Base Video Handler for Windowed Session ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS └──DBCSDD ├───DBCS COMMON └──SRC_DBCS └───VDHWNDW ═══ DBCS VGA/SVGA Virtual Video Driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS └──DBCSDD ├───DBCS COMMON └──SRC_DBCS └──VDEV └────VVIDEOV ═══ DBCS SVGA Virtual Video Device Driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS └──DBCSDD ├───DBCS COMMON └──SRC_DBCS └──VDEV └────VVIDEOV ═══ 32-Bit DBCS PMVIDEO (Merged S3/XGA/8514 Drivers) ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS └──DBCSDD ├───DBCS COMMON └──SRC_DBCS └──PMVIDEO ├───32BIT ├───32RES ├───DBCSLIB ├───XGA$DMQS ├───XGABVH20 └───XGASYS20 ═══ DBCS PM Font Support Driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS └──DBCSDD ├───DBCS COMMON └──YAMATO └──────PMNLSFD ═══ DBCS Sample Presentation Driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├───COMMON ├───DBCS COMMON ├───PRINTER COMMON └──SRC_DBCS └──PRNTDD └─────PMPRT ═══ MASM** 6.0 ═══ DDKx86 │ └───MASM60 ═══ CD-ROM Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ ├─── FILTER │ │ ├─── ATAPI │ │ ├─── HITACHI │ │ ├─── NEC │ │ ├─── OS2CDROM │ │ ├─── SONY │ │ ├─── TOSHIBA │ │ └─── MITSUMI │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──LIBOBJ │ └──OS2DASD └──VDEV └──VCDROM ═══ CD-ROM Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ ├─── FILTER │ │ ├─── ATAPI │ │ ├─── HITACHI │ │ ├─── NEC │ │ ├─── OS2CDROM │ │ ├─── SONY │ │ ├─── TOSHIBA │ │ └─── MITSUMI │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──LIBOBJ │ └──OS2DASD └──VDEV └──VCDROM ═══ CD-ROM Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ ├─── FILTER │ │ ├─── ATAPI │ │ ├─── HITACHI │ │ ├─── NEC │ │ ├─── OS2CDROM │ │ ├─── SONY │ │ ├─── TOSHIBA │ │ └─── MITSUMI │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──LIBOBJ │ └──OS2DASD └──VDEV └──VCDROM ═══ CD-ROM Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ ├─── FILTER │ │ ├─── ATAPI │ │ ├─── HITACHI │ │ ├─── NEC │ │ ├─── OS2CDROM │ │ ├─── SONY │ │ ├─── TOSHIBA │ │ └─── MITSUMI │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──LIBOBJ │ └──OS2DASD └──VDEV └──VCDROM ═══ CD-ROM Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ ├─── FILTER │ │ ├─── ATAPI │ │ ├─── HITACHI │ │ ├─── NEC │ │ ├─── OS2CDROM │ │ ├─── SONY │ │ ├─── TOSHIBA │ │ └─── MITSUMI │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──LIBOBJ │ └──OS2DASD └──VDEV └──VCDROM ═══ CD-ROM Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ ├─── FILTER │ │ ├─── ATAPI │ │ ├─── HITACHI │ │ ├─── NEC │ │ ├─── OS2CDROM │ │ ├─── SONY │ │ ├─── TOSHIBA │ │ └─── MITSUMI │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──LIBOBJ │ └──OS2DASD └──VDEV └──VCDROM ═══ CD-ROM Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ ├─── FILTER │ │ ├─── ATAPI │ │ ├─── HITACHI │ │ ├─── NEC │ │ ├─── OS2CDROM │ │ ├─── SONY │ │ ├─── TOSHIBA │ │ └─── MITSUMI │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──LIBOBJ │ └──OS2DASD └──VDEV └──VCDROM ═══ CD-ROM Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ ├─── FILTER │ │ ├─── ATAPI │ │ ├─── HITACHI │ │ ├─── NEC │ │ ├─── OS2CDROM │ │ ├─── SONY │ │ ├─── TOSHIBA │ │ └─── MITSUMI │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──LIBOBJ │ └──OS2DASD └──VDEV └──VCDROM ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─── COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ ├──TESTCFG │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ └──IBM1S506 │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──IBM │ │ ├─── IBM1FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2ADSK │ │ ├─── IBM2FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2SCSI │ │ └─── DELIVERY │ ├─── LIBOBJ │ ├─── LOCKDRV │ ├─── OS2ASPI │ ├─── OS2DASD │ ├─── OS2SCSI │ └─── PC_SAMP └──VDEV └─── VFLPY ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─── COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ ├──TESTCFG │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ └──IBM1S506 │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──IBM │ │ ├─── IBM1FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2ADSK │ │ ├─── IBM2FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2SCSI │ │ └─── DELIVERY │ ├─── LIBOBJ │ ├─── LOCKDRV │ ├─── OS2ASPI │ ├─── OS2DASD │ ├─── OS2SCSI │ └─── PC_SAMP └──VDEV └─── VFLPY ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─── COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ ├──TESTCFG │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ └──IBM1S506 │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──IBM │ │ ├─── IBM1FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2ADSK │ │ ├─── IBM2FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2SCSI │ │ └─── DELIVERY │ ├─── LIBOBJ │ ├─── LOCKDRV │ ├─── OS2ASPI │ ├─── OS2DASD │ ├─── OS2SCSI │ └─── PC_SAMP └──VDEV └─── VFLPY ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─── COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ ├──TESTCFG │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ └──IBM1S506 │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──IBM │ │ ├─── IBM1FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2ADSK │ │ ├─── IBM2FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2SCSI │ │ └─── DELIVERY │ ├─── LIBOBJ │ ├─── LOCKDRV │ ├─── OS2ASPI │ ├─── OS2DASD │ ├─── OS2SCSI │ └─── PC_SAMP └──VDEV └─── VFLPY ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─── COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ ├──TESTCFG │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ └──IBM1S506 │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──IBM │ │ ├─── IBM1FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2ADSK │ │ ├─── IBM2FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2SCSI │ │ └─── DELIVERY │ ├─── LIBOBJ │ ├─── LOCKDRV │ ├─── OS2ASPI │ ├─── OS2DASD │ ├─── OS2SCSI │ └─── PC_SAMP └──VDEV └─── VFLPY ═══ Virtual Disk Device Driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──VDEV └───VDSK ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─── COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ ├──TESTCFG │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ └──IBM1S506 │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──IBM │ │ ├─── IBM1FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2ADSK │ │ ├─── IBM2FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2SCSI │ │ └─── DELIVERY │ ├─── LIBOBJ │ ├─── LOCKDRV │ ├─── OS2ASPI │ ├─── OS2DASD │ ├─── OS2SCSI │ └─── PC_SAMP └──VDEV └─── VFLPY ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─── COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ ├──TESTCFG │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ └──IBM1S506 │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──IBM │ │ ├─── IBM1FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2ADSK │ │ ├─── IBM2FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2SCSI │ │ └─── DELIVERY │ ├─── LIBOBJ │ ├─── LOCKDRV │ ├─── OS2ASPI │ ├─── OS2DASD │ ├─── OS2SCSI │ └─── PC_SAMP └──VDEV └─── VFLPY ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─── COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ ├──TESTCFG │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ └──IBM1S506 │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──IBM │ │ ├─── IBM1FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2ADSK │ │ ├─── IBM2FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2SCSI │ │ └─── DELIVERY │ ├─── LIBOBJ │ ├─── LOCKDRV │ ├─── OS2ASPI │ ├─── OS2DASD │ ├─── OS2SCSI │ └─── PC_SAMP └──VDEV └─── VFLPY ═══ Virtual ASPI Device Driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ └──SRC └──VDEV └──VASPI ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─── COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ ├──TESTCFG │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ └──IBM1S506 │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──IBM │ │ ├─── IBM1FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2ADSK │ │ ├─── IBM2FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2SCSI │ │ └─── DELIVERY │ ├─── LIBOBJ │ ├─── LOCKDRV │ ├─── OS2ASPI │ ├─── OS2DASD │ ├─── OS2SCSI │ └─── PC_SAMP └──VDEV └─── VFLPY ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─── COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ ├──TESTCFG │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ └──IBM1S506 │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──IBM │ │ ├─── IBM1FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2ADSK │ │ ├─── IBM2FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2SCSI │ │ └─── DELIVERY │ ├─── LIBOBJ │ ├─── LOCKDRV │ ├─── OS2ASPI │ ├─── OS2DASD │ ├─── OS2SCSI │ └─── PC_SAMP └──VDEV └─── VFLPY ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─── COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ ├──RESOURCE │ │ ├──RSM_H │ │ └──RMCALLS │ ├──TESTCFG │ └──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──CDROM │ │ └──IBM1S506 │ ├──CMDPARSE │ ├──DEVHELP │ ├──DISKH │ ├──DISKINC │ ├──IBM │ │ ├─── IBM1FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2ADSK │ │ ├─── IBM2FLPY │ │ ├─── IBM2SCSI │ │ └─── DELIVERY │ ├─── LIBOBJ │ ├─── LOCKDRV │ ├─── OS2ASPI │ ├─── OS2DASD │ ├─── OS2SCSI │ └─── PC_SAMP └──VDEV └─── VFLPY ═══ Resource Manager ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├───COMMON └──SRC └──DEV ├──DASD │ ├──ADDCALLS │ ├──DEVHELP │ └──DISKH └───RESOURCE ├──RESMGR ├──RMCALLS └──RSM_H ═══ Physical Display Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├───COMMON └──SRC └──DEV └───SCREENDD ═══ Base Video Handler ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──VDH └──SVDH └───SVGAUTIL ═══ Base Video Handler ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──VDH └──SVDH └───SVGAUTIL ═══ Base Video Handler ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──VDH └──SVDH └───SVGAUTIL ═══ IBMGPMI Base Video Shared Library ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 └─SRC └───IBMGPMI ═══ Virtual Video driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──VDEV ├───VVIDEO └───VXGA ═══ Virtual XGA Video driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──VDEV ├───VVIDEO └───VXGA ═══ DBCS VGA/SVGA PM Display ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS └──DBCSDD ├──DBCS COMMON └──SRC_DBCS ├──SEAMLESS └──VGA32 ├──IBMDEV32 ├──IBMVGA32 ├──SVGA256 │ ├───HIRES │ └───LORES └──VGAINC ═══ 32-Bit PMVIDEO (merged S3/XGA/8514 drivers) ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──PMVIDEO └───┐ ├───32BIT ├───32RES ├───S3TIGER ├───PMACCEL ├───XGA$DMQS ├───XGABVH20 └───XGASYS20 ═══ 8516 Touch Screen Device Drivers ═══ ┌────────────────┐ │ 8516 Touch │ │ Screen Drivers │ └───────┬────────┘ ├───Touch Device Independent ├───Touch Device Dependent └───Virtual Touch ═══ 8516 Touch Screen Device Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON ├──MRI │ └──TOUCH └──SRC ├──DEV │ └──TOUCHDD │ ├───DDDD │ ├───DIDD │ ├───TOUABIOS │ ├───TOUCHH │ └───TOUCHINC └──VDEV └──VTOUCH ═══ 8516 Touch Screen Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON ├──MRI │ └──TOUCH └──SRC ├──DEV │ └──TOUCHDD │ ├───DDDD │ ├───DIDD │ ├───TOUABIOS │ ├───TOUCHH │ └───TOUCHINC └──VDEV └───VTOUCH ═══ Clock Drivers ═══ ┌───────────────┐ │ Clock Drivers │ └─────┬─────────┘ ├───Family 1 Clock Device Driver └───Family 2 Clock Device Driver ═══ Clock Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──DEV └──CLOCK ├───CLOCK01 └───CLOCK02 ═══ Clock Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──DEV └──CLOCK ├───CLOCK01 └───CLOCK02 ═══ PCMCIA Drivers ═══ ┌────────────────┐ │ PCMCIA Drivers │ └──────┬─────────┘ ├───Sample PCMCIA Client Services Driver ├───Data/Fax Modem Client Services Driver └───Intel PCIC Step B Controller Socket Driver ═══ PCMCIA Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──DEV ├──DASD │ ├───DEVHELP │ └───DISKH └──PCMCIA ├───CLSAMPLE ├───CLDFM └───SOCKET ═══ PCMCIA Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──DEV ├──DASD │ ├───DEVHELP │ └───DISKH └──PCMCIA ├───CLSAMPLE ├───CLDFM └───SOCKET ═══ PCMCIA Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──DEV ├──DASD │ ├───DEVHELP │ └───DISKH └──PCMCIA ├───CLSAMPLE ├───CLDFM └───SOCKET ═══ Keyboard Drivers ═══ ┌──────────────────┐ │ Keyboard Drivers │ └───────┬──────────┘ ├───Device-Independent Keyboard Device Driver ├───Device-Dependent Keyboard Device Driver └───Virtual Keyboard Device Driver ═══ Keyboard Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ └──KBD │ ├───KBDBASE │ └───IBMKBD └──VDEV └──VKBD ═══ Keyboard Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ └──KBD │ ├───KBD01 │ └───KBD02 └──VDEV └──VKBD ═══ SVGAINST Action Routine Sample ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├─COMMON ├─MRI │ └─CMD │ └───SVGAINST └─SRC ├─CMD │ └───SVGAINST │ └─INSTALL └───H ═══ Mouse Drivers ═══ ┌────────────────────┐ │Mouse Device Drivers│ └───────┬────────────┘ ├───Mouse (Device Independent) ├───Mouse (Device Dependent) └───Virtual Mouse ═══ Mouse Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON ├──MRI │ └──TXT └──SRC ├──DEV │ └──MOUSE │ └───FAMILYG └──VDEV └──VMOUSE ═══ Mouse Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON ├──MRI │ └──TXT └──SRC ├──DEV │ └──MOUSE │ └───FAMILYG └──VDEV └──VMOUSE ═══ 32-Bit Parallel and Serial Port ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON ├──MRI │ ├──ICONS │ │ ├───PARALLEL.ICO │ │ └───SERIAL.ICO │ ├──PARALLEL │ └──SERIAL └──SRC ├──PARALLEL ├──SERIAL └──WPPRT ═══ 32-Bit Parallel and Serial Port ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON ├──MRI │ ├──ICONS │ │ ├───PARALLEL.ICO │ │ └───SERIAL.ICO │ ├──PARALLEL │ └──SERIAL └──SRC ├──PARALLEL ├──SERIAL └──WPPRT ═══ 16-Bit Parallel and 32-Bit Virtual Parallel ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ └───PRINTER └──VDEV └───VLPT ═══ 32-Bit Parallel and Virtual Parallel ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ └───PRINTER └──VDEV └───VLPT ═══ 32-Bit PM Print Queue ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON ├──MRI │ └───PMSPL └──SRC └───PMPRINT ═══ 16-Bit VGA ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──FONTS └──PMDISP ├──EGAFAM │ └──EGAVGA │ └──VGARES └──PPXY ├──8514 └──RES ═══ 16-Bit 8514 ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──FONTS └──PMDISP ├──EGAFAM │ └──EGAVGA │ └──VGARES └──PPXY ├──8514 └──RES ═══ 32-Bit VGA ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──ISOFONTS └──VGA32 ├──IBMDEV32 ├──IBMVGA32 ├──SVGA256 │ ├──HIRES │ └──LORES └──VGAINC ═══ 32-Bit SVGA 256 ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──ISOFONTS └──VGA32 ├──IBMDEV32 ├──IBMVGA32 ├──SVGA256 │ ├──HIRES │ └──LORES └──VGAINC ═══ 32-Bit ISO Fonts ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──ISOFONTS └──VGA32 ├──IBMDEV32 ├──IBMVGA32 ├──SVGA256 │ ├──HIRES │ └──LORES └──VGAINC ═══ Serial Communication Drivers ═══ ┌───────────────────────┐ │ Serial │ │ Communication Drivers │ └──────────┬────────────┘ ├──Asynchronous └──Virtual Serial ═══ Serial Communication Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ └──ATCOM └──VDEV └──VCOM ═══ Serial Communication Drivers ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC ├──DEV │ └──ATCOM └──VDEV └──VCOM ═══ 32-Bit Plotter ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS ├──MRI │ └──PRNTDD │ ├──DRVMRI │ └──PLOT32 └──SRC └──PRNTDD ├──H ├──IBMH ├──INC ├──LIB └──PLOT32 ═══ 32-Bit PostScript ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS ├──MRI │ └──PRNTDD │ ├──DRVMRI │ ├──POST32 │ └──PSCRIPT │ └──PPD └──SRC └──PRNTDD ├──H ├──IBMH ├──INC ├──LIB └──POST32 ├──AFM ├──INC └──PPD ═══ 32-Bit 42XX Printer Driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS ├──MRI │ └──PRNTDD │ └──42XX_SRC └──SRC └──PRNTDD ├──H ├──IBMH ├──INC ├──LIB └──42XX ├──42XXFMF ├──DOC └──INC ═══ 32-Bit Mini-Driver Rasterizing Printer Sample ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS └──SRC └──PRNTDD ├──H ├──IBMH ├──INC ├──LIB └──MDRIVER ├──DOC └──TOOLS ═══ 32-Bit Mini-Driver 2 Hardcopy Printer Sample ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──TOOLS └──SRC └──PRNTDD ├──H ├──IBMH ├──INC ├──LIB ├──GENPLIB │ ├──RETAIL │ └──DEBUG └──MDRIVER2 ═══ Palette Display Test Tool ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──TESTTOOL └───PALDISP ═══ 32-Bit Printer Test Tool ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──TESTTOOL └──PTT32 ├───DEVCALL ├───GPIARC ├───GPIAREA ├───GPIBTMP ├───GPICHAR ├───GPICLIP ├───GPICOLOR ├───GPIELMNT ├───GPIFONT ├───GPIIMAGE ├───GPILINE ├───GPIMARK ├───GPIMETA ├───GPIPATH ├───GPIPCLIP ├───GPIREGN ├───GPISEG ├───GPISHADE ├───GPISTD ├───GPIVIEW ├───GPIXFORM ├───PTT └───STRESS ═══ Device Driver Test Tool ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTTOOL └──DDTT ═══ 32-Bit Display Test Tool ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──TESTTOOL └──DTT32 ├───DTTDLLS └───SRC ═══ CD-ROM Test Tool ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTTOOL └───TESTCD ═══ Removable Virtual DASD ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──VDEV ├──VCDROM ├──VDSK └──VFLPY ═══ Protected Mode VDisk ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──DEV └──VDISK ═══ Adapter Presence-Check Services (TESTCFG) ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──DEV └──TESTCFG ═══ Virtual Devices ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──VDEV ├──VCOM ├──VKBD ├──VLPT └──VMOUSE ═══ Using Your DDK ═══ The Using Your DDK online reference describes the different device drivers, tools, and documentation supplied with this kit. Also covered are the build tree structure, compilers/assemblers used, build tips, and listings of additional reference books. ═══ Display Device Driver Reference ═══ The Display Device Driver Reference covers the OS/2* display device drivers supplied with this kit. A hardcopy version of this book is available separately with order form number S71G-1896. ═══ Printer Device Driver Reference ═══ The Printer Device Driver Reference covers presentation drivers for OS/2* and how they operate. Also covered are printer and plotter drivers, their interfaces, and the available OS/2 system services provided. A hardcopy version of this book is available separately with order form number S71G-1895. ═══ Storage Device Driver Reference ═══ The Storage Device Driver Reference covers the OS/2* programming interfaces to support original equipment manufacturer (OEM) direct access storage devices (DASD), small computer system interface (SCSI) devices, and compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM) devices. A hardcopy version of this book is available separately with order form number S71G-1897. ═══ Input/Output Device Driver Reference ═══ The Input/Output Device Driver Reference covers the OS/2* I/O device drivers supplied with this kit. A hardcopy version of this book is available separately with order form number S71G-1898. ═══ Pen for OS/2 Device Driver Reference ═══ The Pen for OS/2 Device Driver Reference covers the OS/2 Pen for OS/2 device driver and its operation, architecture, and interface. A hardcopy version of this book is available separately with order form number S71G-1899. ═══ MMPM/2 Device Driver Reference ═══ The MMPM/2 Device Driver Reference describes the Multimedia Presentation Manager/2* device driver supplied with this kit. A hardcopy version of this book is available separately with order form number S71G-3678. ═══ Virtual Device Driver Reference ═══ The OS/2 2.1 Virtual Device Driver Reference describes the different types of virtual device drivers, their interfaces, and the kernel services available under OS/2*. A hardcopy version of this book is available separately with order form number S10G-6310. ═══ Physical Device Driver Reference ═══ The OS/2 2.1 Physical Device Driver Reference describes the different types of physical device drivers, their interfaces, and the system services available under OS/2*. A hardcopy version of this book is available separately with order form number S10G-6266. ═══ Presentation Device Driver Reference ═══ The OS/2 2.1 Presentation Driver Reference describes the different types of presentation drivers, their interfaces, and the system services available under OS/2*. A hardcopy version of this book is available separately with order form number S10G-6267. ═══ OS/2 Debug Kernel Reference ═══ The OS/2 Debug Kernel Reference describes the installation and operation of the OS/2 Debug Kernel, a widely used debugger supplied with the DDK. ═══ ASDT32 Debugger Reference ═══ The ASDT32 Debugger Reference describes how to install and use the ASDT32 debugger supplied with the DDK. ═══ Dynamic Trace Customizer (TRCUST) ═══ The Dynamic Trace Customizer (TRCUST) Reference describes the installation and use of the TRCUST tool, supplied with the DDK. Select the Dynamic Trace Customizer object to view this documentation. ═══ Information Presentation Facility Guide ═══ The Information Presentation Facility Guide and Reference describes the use of IPFC Version 2.0 of the online reference creation tool. Select the IPFC icon to view this documentation. A hardcopy version of this book is available separately with order form number S10G-6262. ═══ Writing OS/2 2.1 Device Drivers in C ═══ Writing OS/2 2.1 Device Drivers in C is a comprehensive technical reference book written by Steve Mastrianni. This book covers most topics you need to know if you are a device driver developer. This book is reproduced by permission. No permission is granted for electronic or print versions of this title. A hardcopy version of this book is available separately. ═══ OS/2 for SMP V2.11 Reference ═══ The OS/2 for SMP V2.11 Reference online document is a guide for developers who are writing applications and device drivers for OS/2 for Symmetrical Multiprocessing (SMP) V2.11. To order OS/2 for SMP V2.11, call 1-800-342-6672. ═══ OS/2 Hardware Compatibility List ═══ The OS/2 Hardware Compatibility List online document is a comprehensive listing of all major manufacturer products that are OS/2 compatible. For information on having your hardware product included in this list or to order, call the following numbers: 1-800-426-4579 U.S. and Canada 1-708-296-6767 International 1-708-635-3620 Fax ═══ Graphics Adapter Device Driver Reference ═══ The Graphics Adapter Device Driver Reference is a preliminary document that describes the new architecture for creating graphics adapter device drivers for multiple operating system services. It also describes the Enhanced Direct Interface Video Extension (EnDIVE) and the Video Protect-Mode Interface. ═══ Multimedia Drivers ═══ ┌────────────────────┐ │ Multimedia Drivers │ └─────────┬──────────┘ ├───16-Bit Audio PDD Sample ├───16-Bit Audio VDD Sample ├───AD1848 Audio Device Driver Sample ├───Audio Vendor-Specific Driver (VSD) Resource File Sample ├───Generic Audio Installation Sample ├───Generic Video Installation Sample ├───MAD16 Multimedia Physical Device Driver ├───MAD16 Multimedia Virtual Device Driver ├───MPEG Video Playback Physical Device Driver Sample ├───MPEG Codec Hardware Interface ├───PC Video Device Driver Sample ├───Pro AudioSpectrum 16 ├───Video Capture Adapter PDD ├───Video Capture Adapter VSD └───Audio Interface ═══ 16-Bit Audio PDD Sample ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──AUDIODD ═══ Pro AudioSpectrum 16** ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──PASTK ═══ MMPM/2 MCI String Test Tool ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├───COMMON ├───TESTTOOL │ └───MCISTRNG └──MMOS2 ├───H ├───LIB └───INC ═══ MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool (PMADDE) ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON ├──TESTTOOL │ └───PMADDE └──MMOS2 ├───H └───LIB ═══ MMPM/2 AP2/P2STRING Test Tool and Suites ═══ DDKx86 └─TESTCERT └──MMEDIA └───SYSTEM └───AP2 ═══ 16-Bit Audio VDD Sample ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──AUDIOVDD ═══ AD1848 Audio Device Driver Sample ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──AD1848 ═══ Audio Vendor-Specific Driver (VSD) Resource File Sample ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──VSDRC ═══ Generic Audio Installation Sample ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├───H ├───LIB ├───INC └──SAMPLES └──AUDINST ═══ Generic Video Installation Sample ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──VIDINST ═══ PC Video Device Driver Sample ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──PCVIDEO ═══ Video Capture Adapter PDD ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──VCADDT ═══ Video Capture Adapter VSD ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──IBMVIDT ═══ Audio Interface ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──AUDIOIF ═══ MPEG Video Playback Physical Device Driver Sample ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──MPEGPLAY ═══ MPEG Codec Hardware Interface ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 ├──H ├──LIB ├──INC └──SAMPLES └──MPGDCH ═══ MAD16 Multimedia Physical Device Driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 └──SAMPLES └──MAD16 └──PDD ═══ MAD16 Multimedia Virtual Device Driver ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──MMOS2 └──SAMPLES └──MAD16 └──VDD ═══ 16-Bit Pen for OS/2 Driver and Tools ═══ The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──SRC └──PEN └──PENTKT ├──PENBASE │ ├──INC │ └──PENDD └──UTIL ├──DDINST ├──PENCAL └──PENTL ═══ Display Drivers ═══ ┌─────────────────┐ │ Display Drivers │ └────────┬────────┘ ├───16-Bit PM (VGA and 8514) ├───32-Bit PM (VGA, SVGA 256 and ISO Fonts) ├───32-Bit PMVIDEO (merged S3/XGA/8514 drivers) ├───IBMGPMI Base Video Shared Library ├───Screen Base Video Family (Screen01 and Screen02) ├───16-bit SVGA Base Video Handler ├───SVGA Utility ├───SVGAINST Action Routine Sample ├───VGA/8514 Base Video Handler ├───Virtual XGA Video Device Driver └───Virtual Video ═══ DBCS Drivers ═══ ┌──────────────┐ │ DBCS Drivers │ └─────┬────────┘ ├───DBCS Base Video Handler ├───DBCS Base Video Handler for Windowed Session ├───DBCS VGA/SVGA PM Display ├───DBCS VGA/SVGA Virtual Video Driver ├───DBCS Base Video Screen (Screen01 and Screen02) ├───DBCS PM Font Support Driver └───DBCS 32-Bit PMVIDEO (Merged S3/XGA/8514 Drivers) ═══ Printer Drivers ═══ ┌─────────────────┐ │ Printer Drivers │ └────────┬────────┘ ├───32-Bit 42XX ├───32-Bit Mini-Driver Rasterizing Printer Sample ├───32-Bit Mini Printer Driver 2 ├───32-Bit PostScript ├───32-Bit Plotter ├───32-Bit PM Print Queue ├───32-Bit Parallel and Serial Port └───16-Bit Parallel and 32-Bit Virtual Parallel ═══ CD-ROM Drivers ═══ ┌────────────────┐ │ CD-ROM Drivers │ └──────┬─────────┘ ├───CD-ROM Device Manager ├───Virtual CD-ROM Device Manager ├───Hitachi CD-ROM Filter ├───NEC CD-ROM Filter ├───Sony CD-ROM Filter ├───Toshiba CD-ROM Filter ├───Mitsumi CD-ROM Adapter (Non-SCSI) └───IDE CD-ROM Filter ═══ DASD, SCSI & Diskette Drivers ═══ ┌───────────────────────────────┐ │ DASD, SCSI & Diskette Drivers │ └──────────┬────────────────────┘ ├───OS/2 DASD Device Manager ├───Removable DASD Conversion Filter ├───Adapter Presence Detection Sample ├───Adapter Driver for ST506/IDE DASD ├───Adapter Driver for ABIOS DASD ├───Resource Manager ├───Protected Mode VDisk (RAM Disk) ├───Adapter Presence-Check Services (TESTCFG) ├───OS/2 SCSI Device Manager ├───Adapter Driver For ABIOS SCB ├───OS/2 ASPI Device Manager ├───Virtual ASPI Device Driver ├───Adapter Driver for ABIOS Floppy ├───OS/2 ISA/EISA Floppy └───Virtual Floppy ═══ Virtual Disk Device Drivers ═══ ┌─────────────────────────────┐ │ Virtual Disk Device Drivers │ └──────────┬──────────────────┘ └───Virtual Disk Device Driver ═══ 32-Bit Font Test Tool ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──COMMON └──TESTTOOL └──FONTEST └───BITMAPS ═══ 5.2. Verification Test Tools Structure ═══ ┌────────────────────────┐ │ Verification Test Tools│ └─────┬──────────────────┘ ├───Palette Display Test Tool ├───32-Bit Display Test Tool ├───32-Bit Font Test Tool ├───32-Bit Printer Test Tool ├───Device Driver Test Tool ├───CD-ROM Test Tool ├───Pen for OS/2 Test Tool ├───Pen for OS/2 Calibration Tool ├───MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool(PMADDE) └───MMPM/2 MCI String Test Tool ═══ 5.3. Certification Test Suites Structure ═══ ┌───────────────────────────┐ │ Certification Test Suites │ └─────┬─────────────────────┘ ├────Display Test Suite │ ├───Palette Display Test Tool │ ├───32-Bit Display Test Tool │ ├───Color Point │ ├───CompuShow 2000! │ ├───FRACTINT │ ├───Picture Man │ ├───PMVIEW │ ├───Video Mode Test │ ├───WINFRACT │ ├───Function Verification Test Cases │ └───System Verification Test Cases │ ├────Printer Test Suite │ └───32-Bit Printer Test Tool │ ├────Device Driver Test Tool and Suites │ ├───Test Certification Common Utilities │ ├───Keyboard │ ├───Mouse │ ├───Parallel Port │ ├───CDROM │ ├───DASD │ ├───PCMCIA │ └───SCSI │ └────Multimedia Test Suite ├───MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool(PMADDE) ├───MMPM/2 AP2/P2STRING Test Tool and Suites └───MMPM/2 MCI String Test Tool Note: The following tools are not available with this DDK. They can be downloaded from CompuServe**. CompuShow 2000! FRACTINT Picture Man PMVIEW WINFRACT ═══ Test Certification Common Utilities ═══ The IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 supplies the Device Driver Test Tool utility which is used to run various certification tests included in this product. ═══ Palette Display Test Tool ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──DISPLAY ├──DATA └──FUNCTION └───PALDISP ═══ 32-Bit Display Test Tool ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──DISPLAY ├──DATA └──FUNCTION └─── DTT32 ═══ 32-Bit Printer Test Tool ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──PRINTER └──FUNCTION └───PTT32 ═══ Color Point ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──DISPLAY ├──DATA └──FUNCTION └─── COLORPT ═══ CompuShow 2000! ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──DISPLAY ├──DATA └──FUNCTION └─── CSHOW ═══ FRACTINT ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──DISPLAY ├──DATA └──FUNCTION └─── FRACTINT ═══ WINFRACT ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──DISPLAY ├──DATA └──FUNCTION └─── FRACTWIN ═══ Picture Man ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──DISPLAY ├──DATA └──FUNCTION └───PMAN ═══ PMVIEW ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──DISPLAY ├──DATA └──FUNCTION └───PMVIEW ═══ Video Mode Test ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──DISPLAY ├──DATA └──FUNCTION └──MODETEST ├─── OS2 └─── VDM ═══ Function Verification Test Cases ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──DISPLAY ├───DATA └───FUNCTION ├───COLORPT ├───CSHOW ├───DTT32 ├───FRACTINT ├───FRACTWIN ├───MODETEST │ ├───OS2 │ └───VDM ├───PALDISP ├───PMAN ├───PMVIEW └───TESTCASE ═══ System Verification Test Cases ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──DISPLAY ├──DATA └──SYSTEM └──TESTCASE ├───OS2 ├───VDM └───WINOS2 ═══ Device Driver Test Tool and Suites ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──GENERAL └───DDTT ═══ MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool ═══ DDKx86 └─TESTCERT └─MMEDIA └─SYSTEM └───PMADDE ═══ MMPM/2 AP2/P2STRING Audio/Video Test Tool and Suites ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──MMEDIA └──SYSTEM └──AP2 ├───DATA └───SCRIPTS ═══ MMPM/2 MCI String Test Tool ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──MMEDIA └──SYSTEM └───MCISTRNG ═══ Test Certification Common Utilities ═══ DDKx86 │ └──TESTCERT └──GENERAL └───DDTT ═══ Keyboard ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──TEST CERT COMMON └──TESTCERT └──INPUTOUT └──FUNCTION └─── KEYBOARD ═══ Mouse ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──TEST CERT COMMON └──TESTCERT └──INPUTOUT └──FUNCTION └─── MOUSE ═══ Parallel Port ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──TEST CERT COMMON └──TESTCERT └──INPUTOUT └──FUNCTION └───PARALLEL ═══ CDROM ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──TEST CERT COMMON └──TESTCERT └──STORAGE └──FUNCTION └───CDROM ═══ DASD ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──TEST CERT COMMON └──TESTCERT └──STORAGE └──FUNCTION └──DASD ├───ADD └───IOCTL ═══ PCMCIA ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──TEST CERT COMMON └──TESTCERT └──STORAGE └──FUNCTION └──PCMCIA └───SOCKET ═══ SCSI ═══ DDKx86 │ ├──TEST CERT COMMON └──TESTCERT └──STORAGE └──FUNCTION └──SCSI ├───ADD └───IOCTL ═══ Common Tools and Bindings ═══ The IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 supplies file header and command files to build the different device drivers. The tree diagram shows the location of such files. ═══ 5.4. Miscellaneous/Other Tools Structure ═══ ┌──────────────────┐ │Misc/Other Tools │ └────────────┬─────┘ ├───ASDT32 Debugger ├───Debugo ├───OS/2 Debug Kernels ├───OS/2 Japanese Debug Kernels └───Other Tools ═══ Debuggers ═══ To access this program, select ASDT32 from The Developer Connection for OS/2 Catalog. You will be given the choice of viewing information about the product, trying the product (if applicable), or installing the product. ═══ Debuggers ═══ To access this program, select DEBUGO from The Developer Connection for OS/2 Catalog. You will be given the choice of viewing information about the product, trying the product (if applicable), or installing the product. ═══ Debuggers ═══ To access this program, select the debug kernel from The Developer Connection for OS/2 Catalog. You will be given the choice of viewing information about the product, trying the product (if applicable), or installing the product. ═══ Debuggers ═══ To access this program, select the debug kernel from The Developer Connection for OS/2 Catalog. You will be given the choice of viewing information about the product, trying the product (if applicable), or installing the product. ═══ Debuggers ═══ To access this program, select the Japanese debug kernel from The Developer Connection for OS/2 Catalog. You will be given the choice of viewing information about the product, trying the product (if applicable), or installing the product. ═══ Other Tools ═══ ┌─────────────┐ │ Other Tools │ └──────┬──────┘ ├───DELDDK ├───QSYSTEM ├───NSYNC └───TRCUST ═══ Other Tools ═══ ═══ Other Tools ═══ \ │ └───DDKx86 │ └─SETUP └────DELDDK.CMD ═══ Other Tools ═══ \ │ └───DDKx86 │ └─TOOLS └────QSYSTEM.EXE ═══ Other Tools ═══ \ │ └───DDKx86 │ └─TOOLS └────TRCUST.EXE ═══ Other Tools ═══ \ │ └───DDKx86 │ └─TOOLS └────NSYNC.EXE ═══ 5.5. Online Documentation Structure ═══ The following documents are in the \DDKx86\BOOK directory on the CD-ROM. You can view these books using the OS/2 VIEW command or by double-clicking on the DDK References on CD-ROM folder on the Desktop. (Your CD must be in the drive.) For ordering information on an individual hardcopy title, double-click on the corresponding entry below. OS/2 Hardware Compatibility List Graphics Adapter Device Driver Reference Display Device Driver Reference Printer Device Driver Reference Storage Device Driver Reference Input/Output Device Driver Reference Pen for OS/2 Device Driver Reference MMPM/2 Device Driver Reference Virtual Device Driver Reference Physical Device Driver Reference Presentation Driver Reference Information Presentation Facility Guide Dynamic Trace Customizer (TRCUST) OS/2 for SMP V2.11 Reference Writing OS/2 2.1 Device Drivers in C ═══ Ordering Information ═══ For the U.S., the number is 1-800-633-8266. For Canada, the number is 1-800-561-5293. For Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America (EMEA/LA), the phone number depends on the language required for communication. The phone number must start with your international access code, which is 45 (the country code for Denmark). You then will be served in the language of the telephone number you are calling. Operators speaking the following languages are available: Language support: Telephone number: Dutch 45 +48101400 English 45 +48101500 French 45 +48101200 German 45 +48101000 Italian 45 +48101600 Spanish 45 +48101100 Fax 45 +48142207 For Brazil, the following phone number and fax number can be used for placing orders. 02 is the country code for Brazil. Voice 02-1-800-6120 Fax 02-1-800-6936 For Mexico, the following phone number and fax number can be used for placing orders: Mexico City 627-2444 Country 91-800-00639 For Asia/Pacific (except Japan), the following phone number and fax number can be used for placing orders. 61 is the country code for Australia. Voice 61-2-354-7684 Fax 61-2-354-7766 For Japan, there is a fax number that can be used for placing orders. Fax the DDK request to "DAP-J, IBM Japan SE" at: Fax 81-3-3495-2045 ═══ 6. Compilers/Assemblers Used ═══ The IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 uses various compilers/assemblers to build the different device drivers and tools. This document lets you cross-reference device drivers and tools with the corresponding compilers/assemblers in two different ways: device drivers and tools under each compiler/assembler and compilers/assemblers required by each device driver and tool. This section shows the different device drivers and tools under each individual compiler/assembler. To view the particular compiler/assembler needed by each device driver and tool, go to "Device Drivers and Build Requirements." The text in pink (marked with a ) indicates that the directory contains a makefile. ═══ 6.1. Microsoft MASM 5.1 ═══ The following device drivers require MASM** 5.1, which is included in \DDKx86\TOOLS on the CD-ROM: ┌────────────┐ │ MASM 5.1 │ └────┬───────┘ │ ├─── 16-Bit PM (VGA and 8514) ├─── 32-Bit PMVIDEO (Merged S3/XGA/8514 Drivers) ├─── 32-Bit ISO Fonts ├─── VGA/8514 Base Video Handler ├─── SVGA 16 Base Video Handler ├─── SVGA 16 Utility ├─── Virtual Video ├─── Virtual XGA Video ├─── IBMGPMI Base Video Shared Library ├─── Screen Base Video Family ├─── DBCS Base Video Handler ├─── DBCS Base Video Handler for Windowed Session ├─── DBCS 32-Bit PMVIDEO ├─── DBCS VGA/SVGA Virtual Video Driver ├─── DBCS Base Video Screen ├─── DBCS PM Font Support Driver ├─── 32-Bit PostScript ├─── 32-Bit 42XX Rasterizing Sample ├─── 32-Bit Mini-Driver Rasterizing Sample ├─── 32-Bit Plotter ├─── Parallel ├─── CD-ROM Device Manager ├─── Resource Manager ├─── Virtual CD-ROM Device Manager ├─── Hitachi CD-ROM Filter ├─── NEC CD-ROM Filter ├─── Sony CD-ROM Filter ├─── Toshiba CD-ROM Filter ├─── Mitsumi CD-ROM Adapter (Non-SCSI) ├─── IDE CD-ROM Filter ├─── OS/2 DASD Device Manager ├─── OS/2 ASPI Device Manager ├─── Virtual ASPI Device Driver ├─── Removable DASD Conversion Filter ├─── Adapter Presence-Check (TESTCFG) ├─── Adapter Driver for ST506/IDE DASD ├─── Adapter Driver for ABIOS DASD ├─── Virtual Disk Device Driver (MVDM Support) ├─── OS/2 SCSI Device Manager ├─── Adapter Driver for ABIOS SBC ├─── Adapter Driver for ABIOS Floppy ├─── OS/2 ISA/EISA Floppy ├─── Family 1 Clock ├─── Family 2 Clock ├─── Keyboard Device-Independent Driver ├─── Keyboard Device-Dependent Driver ├─── Virtual Keyboard ├─── Mouse (Device Independent) ├─── Mouse (Device Dependent) ├─── Virtual Mouse ├─── Virtual Touch ├─── Touch Device Independent ├─── Virtual Serial ├─── Asynchronous ├─── PCMCIA Client Services Sample ├─── PCMCIA Data/Fax Modem Client Services Driver ├─── Pen for OS/2 Device Driver ├─── AD1848 Device Driver Sample ├─── PC Video Device Driver Sample ├─── MPEG Video Playback Physical Device Driver Sample ├─── Video Capture Adapter VSD └─── Video Capture Adapter PDD ═══ 6.2. Microsoft MASM 6.0 ═══ The following device drivers require MASM** 6.0: ┌────────────┐ │ MASM 6.0 │ └────┬───────┘ │ ├─── 32-Bit PM VGA ├─── 32-Bit PM SVGA 256 ├─── DBCS PM (VGA and SVGA 256) ├─── DBCS 32-Bit PMVIDEO ├─── Protected Mode VDisk (RAM Disk) ├─── 16-Bit Audio PDD Sample ├─── Pro AudioSpectrum 16** ├─── 16-Bit Audio VDD Sample └─── PCMCIA Socket Services Driver ═══ 6.3. Microsoft C 6.0 ═══ The following device drivers require Microsoft C 6.0: ┌─────────┐ │ C 6.0 │ └───┬─────┘ │ ├─── 32-Bit PMVIDEO (merged S3/XGA/8514 drivers) ├─── VGA/8514 Base Video Handler ├─── SVGA 16 Base Video Handler ├─── SVGA 16 Utility ├─── DBCS 32-Bit PMVIDEO ├─── DBCS Base Video Handler ├─── DBCS Base Video Handler for Windowed Session ├─── DBCS PM Font Support Driver ├─── Parallel ├─── CD-ROM Device Manager ├─── Hitachi CD-ROM Filter ├─── NEC CD-ROM Filter ├─── Sony CD-ROM Filter ├─── Toshiba CD-ROM Filter ├─── Mitsumi CD-ROM Adapter (NON-SCSI) ├─── IDE CD-ROM Filter ├─── OS/2 DASD Device Manager ├─── Resource Manager ├─── OS/2 ASPI Device Manager ├─── Removable DASD Conversion Filter ├─── Adapter Presence Detection Sample ├─── Adapter Presence-Check (TESTCFG) ├─── Adapter Driver for ST506/IDE DASD ├─── Adapter Driver for ABIOS DASD ├─── OS/2 SCSI Device Manager ├─── Adapter Driver for ABIOS SBC ├─── Adapter Driver for ABIOS Floppy ├─── OS/2 ISA/EISA Floppy ├─── Touch Device Independent ├─── Touch Device Dependent ├─── Keyboard Device-Dependent Driver ├─── Mouse (Device Independent) ├─── Mouse (Device Dependent) ├─── Asynchronous Serial Driver ├─── PCMCIA Client Services Sample ├─── PCMCIA Data/Fax Modem Client Services Driver ├─── 16-Bit Audio PDD Sample ├─── AD1848 Audio Device Driver Sample └─── Pro AudioSpectrum 16 ═══ 6.4. Microsoft CL386 ═══ The following device drivers require CL386: ┌─────────┐ │ CL386 │ └───┬─────┘ │ ├─── 32-Bit PMVIDEO (merged S3/XGA/8514 drivers) ├─── DBCS 32-Bit PMVIDEO ├─── DBCS VGA/SVGA Virtual Video Driver ├─── Virtual Disk Device Driver ├─── Virtual ASPI Device Driver ├─── Virtual Video ├─── Virtual XGA Video ├─── Virtual CD-ROM Device Manager ├─── Virtual Floppy ├─── Virtual Keyboard ├─── Virtual Mouse ├─── Virtual Touch ├─── Virtual Serial └─── Virtual Parallel ═══ 6.5. IBM C Set/2 ═══ The following device drivers require IBM C Set/2: ┌──────────┐ │ C Set/2 │ └────┬─────┘ │ ├─── 32-Bit 42XX Rasterizing Sample ├─── 32-Bit Plotter ├─── 32-Bit PMPrint Queue ├─── 32-Bit Serial Port ├─── 32-Bit Parallel Port ├─── IBMGPMI Base Video Shared Library ├─── 32-Bit Display Test Tool ├─── 32-Bit Printer Test Tool ├─── 32-Bit Font Test Tool ├─── Paldisp Test Tool ├─── Pen for OS/2 Test Tool ├─── Pen for OS/2 Calibration Tool ├─── MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool ├─── MMPM/2 MCI String Test Tool ├─── Generic Audio Installation Sample ├─── Generic Video Installation Sample ├─── Video Capture Adapter VSD ├─── MAD16 Multimedia Device Driver ├─── MPEG Codec Hardware Interface └─── Audio Interface ═══ 6.6. Watcom C 10.0 'B' ═══ The following device drivers require the Watcom C 10.0 'B' level compiler: ┌───────────────────┐ │ WATCOM C 10.0 'B' │ └───┬───────────────┘ │ ├───MAD16 Multimedia Physical Device Driver ├───MAD16 Multimedia Virtual Device Driver ├───MPEG Video Playback Physical Device Driver Sample └───Sample PCMCIA Client Services Driver ═══ 6.7. IBM C Set ++ ═══ The following device drivers require the C Set++ (ICC) compiler: ┌───────────────────┐ │ IBM C SET++ v2.01 │ │ (ICC Compiler) │ └───┬───────────────┘ │ ├───32-Bit PostScript ├───32-Bit Mini-Driver Sample 1 ├───32-Bit Mini-Driver Sample 2 ├───Device Driver Test Tool └───SVGAINST Action Routine Sample ═══ 7. File Name List: Drivers and Tools ═══ This section lists the file names of the drivers, tools, and compilers/assemblers referred to in this DDK. Many drivers and tools must be built; they are not included in this DDK. The build instructions are provided in the driver and tool descriptions in the "Device Drivers and Build Requirements" section. Many tools are included, such as Certification Test Suites, Miscellaneous/Other Tools, and Compilers/Assemblers. o Display Device Drivers o DBCS Device Drivers o Printer Device Drivers o CD-ROM Device Drivers o DASD Device Drivers o SCSI Device Drivers o Diskette Device Drivers o Virtual Disk Device Drivers o Clock Device Drivers o Keyboard Device Drivers o Mouse Device Drivers o PCMCIA Device Drivers o Serial Comm Device Drivers o 8516 Touch Device Drivers o Pen for OS/2 Device Driver o MMPM/2 Drivers o Verification Test Tools o Certification Test Suites o Miscellaneous Tools o Compilers/Assemblers Shipped in the DDK o WIN-OS/2 Device Drivers (Optional) Rename the following file extensions after a build. They are for the U.Sx version of OS/2. Rename: DUS --> DLL EUS --> EXE PUS --> PDR QUS --> QDR SUS --> SYS ═══ 7.1. Display Device Drivers ═══ 16-Bit VGA Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMDISP\EGAFAM\EGAVGA\RETAIL o IBMVG132.DLL o IBMVGA.DLL o VGA.DLL o VGA132.DLL Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMDISP\EGAFAM\EGAVGA\DEBUG o IBMVG132.DLL o IBMVGA.DLL o VGA.DLL o VGA132.DLL 16-Bit 8514 Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMDISP\PPXY\8514\RETAIL o 8514.DLL o IBM8514.DLL Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMDISP\PPXY\8514\DEBUG o 8514.DLL o IBM8514.DLL 32-Bit VGA Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\IBMDEV32\RETAIL o IBM132R.DLL o IBMDEVR.DLL Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\IBMDEV32\DEBUG o IBM132D.DLL o IBMDEVD.DLL 32-Bit VGA/SVGA Common Retail Version of VGA Base: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\IBMVGA32\RETAIL o IBMVGAR.DLL Debug Version of VGA Base: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\IBMVGA32\DEBUG o IBMVGAD.DLL 32-Bit SVGA 256 Retail Version of 640x480: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\SVGA256\480\RETAIL o SV480256.DLL Debug Version of 640x480: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\SVGA256\480\DEBUG o SV480256.DLL Retail Version of 800x600: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\SVGA256\600\RETAIL o SV600256.DLL Debug Version of 800x600: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\SVGA256\600\DEBUG o SV600256.DLL Retail Version of 1024x768: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\SVGA256\768\RETAIL o SV768256.DLL Debug Version of 1024x768: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VGA32\SVGA256\768\DEBUG o SV768256.DLL 32-Bit ISO Fonts Resource DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\ISOFONTS o DSPRES.DLL 32-Bit XGA Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\32BIT\RETAIL\US o IBMXGA32.DLL Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\32BIT\DEBUG\US o IBMXGA32.DLL 32-Bit 8514 Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\32BIT\8514R\US o 8514_32.DLL Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\32BIT\8514D\US o 8514_32.DLL 32-Bit S3 Chip Set Support Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\32BIT\S3RETAIL\US o IBMS332.DLL PM Video Acceleration Support S3 PM Display Driver: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\S3TIGER\S3RETAIL\US o IBMS332.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\S3TIGER\DEBUG\US o IBMXGA32.DLL PM Video Accelerator Device Driver Sample: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\PMACCEL o TEMPLATE.DLL XGA Base Video Handler Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\XGABVH20 o BVHXGA.DLL XGA Ring 0 Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMVIDEO\XGASYS20 o XGA.SYS IBMGPMI Base Video Shared Library Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\IBMGPMI o IBMGPMI.DDB o IBMGPMI.LDB Screen Base Video Family Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\SCREENDD o SCREEN01.SYS o SCREEN02.SYS SVGA Base Video Handler Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\SVDH o BVHSVGA.DUS SVGA Utility Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\SVDH\SVGAUTIL o SVGA.EUS SVGAINST Action Routine Sample Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\CMD\SVGAINST o SVGAINST.DUS o SVGA.DUS VGA/8514 Base Video Handler Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDH o BVH8514A.DUS o BVHCGA.DUS o BVHEGA.DUS o BVHINIT.DUS o BVHMPA.DUS o BVHVGA.DUS o BVHWNDW.DUS Virtual Video Device Drivers Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VVIDEO o V8514A.SYS o V8514AD.SYS o VCGA.SYS o VCGAD.SYS o VEGA.SYS o VEGAD.SYS o VMONO.SYS o VMONOD.SYS o VSVGA.SYS o VSVGAD.SYS o VVGA.SYS o VVGAD.SYS Virtual XGA Video Device Drivers Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VXGA o VXGA.SYS o VXGAD.SYS ═══ 7.2. DBCS Device Drivers ═══ DBCS Base Video Device Handler DBCS Base Video Device Handler: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VDHV o BVHVGA2.DLL o BVHVGA2I.DLL DBCS Base Video Device Handler for Windowed Session DBCS Base Video Device Handler for Windowed Session: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VDHWNDW o BVHWNDW.DLL 32-Bit DBCS VGA PM Display Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\IBMDEV32\RETAIL o IBM132R.DLL o IBMDEVR.DLL Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\IBMDEV32\DEBUG o IBM132D.DLL o IBMDEVD.DLL 32-Bit DBCS VGA/SVGA Common Retail Version of VGA Base: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\IBMVGA32\RETAIL o IBMVGAR .DLL Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\IBMVGA32\DEBUG o IBMVGAD.DLL 32-Bit DBCS SVGA 256 PM Display Retail Version of 640x480: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\SVGA256\480\RETAIL o SV480256.DLL Debug Version of 640x480: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\SVGA256\480\DEBUG o SV480256.DLL Retail Version of 800x600: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\SVGA256\600\RETAIL o SV600256.DLL Debug Version of 800x600: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\SVGA256\600\DEBUG o SV600256.DLL Retail Version of 1024x768: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\SVGA256\768\RETAIL o SV768256.DLL Debug Version of 1024x768: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VGA32\SVGA256\768\DEBUG o SV768256.DLL DBCS VGA/SVGA Virtual Video Device Drivers DBCS VGA/SVGA Virtual Video Device Drivers: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\VDEV\VVIDEOV o VVGA.SYS o VSVGA.SYS DBCS Base Video Subsystem DBCS ScreenDD device driver: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\DEV\SCREENDD o SCREEN01.SYS o SCREEN02.SYS DBCS PM Font Drivers DBCS PM Font Driver: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\YAMATO\PMNLSFD System Font Drivers: o PMNLSFD1.FDR o PMNLSFD2.FDR o PMNLSFD3.FDR Gothic Typeface Font Drivers: o PS55DG28.FDR o PS55DG32.FDR o PS55DG36.FDR Mincho Typeface Font Drivers: o PS55DM28.FDR o PS55DM32.FDR o PS55DM36.FDR 32-Bit PM VIDEO XGA Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\PMVIDEO\32BIT\RETAIL\US o IBMXGA32.DLL 8514 Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\PMVIDEO\32BIT\8514R\US o 8514_32.DLL S3 Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\PMVIDEO\32BIT\S3RETAIL\US o IBMS332.DLL Base Video Handler XGABVH Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\PMVIDEO\XGABVH20 o BVHXGA.DLL Ring0 Driver XGASYS Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\DBCSDD\SRC_DBCS\PMVIDEO\XGASYS20 o XGA.SYS ═══ 7.3. Printer Device Drivers ═══ 32-Bit 42XX Rasterizing Device Driver Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MRI\PRNTDD\42XX_SRC\RETAIL o DDK42XX.DRV 32-Bit Mini-Driver Rasterizing Printer Driver Sample Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\MDRIVER\RETAIL o MDRIVER.DRV Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\MDRIVER\DEBUG o MDRIVER.DRV 32-Bit Mini-Driver 2 Hardcopy Printer Driver Sample Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\MDRIVER2\RETAIL o MDRIVER.DRV Kernel Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\MDRIVER2\DEBUG o MDRIVER.DRV IPMD Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PRNTDD\MDRIVER2\IPMD o MDRIVER.DRV 32-Bit PostScript Printer Device Driver Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MRI\PRNTDD\POST32\RETAIL o PSCRIPT.DRV Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MRI\PRNTDD\POST32\DEBUG o PSCRIPT.DRV 32-Bit Plotter Device Driver Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MRI\PRNTDD\42XX_SRC\DEBUG o DDK42XX.DRV Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MRI\PRNTDD\PLOT32 o PLOTTERS.DRV 32-Bit PM Print Queue Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PMPRINT o PMPRINT.QUS 32-Bit Parallel Port Printer Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PARALLEL o PARALLEL.PUS 32-Bit Serial Port Printer Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\SERIAL o SERIAL.PUS 16-Bit Parallel Port Printer Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\PRINTER o PRINT01.SYS o PRINT02.SYS 32-Bit Virtual Parallel Port Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VLPT o VLPT.SYS ═══ 7.4. CD-ROM Device Drivers ═══ CD-ROM Device Manager Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\OS2CDROM o OS2CDROM.DMD Virtual CD-ROM Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VCDROM o VCDROM.SYS Hitachi CD-ROM Filter Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\HITACHI o HITCDS1.FLT NEC CD-ROM Filter Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\NEC o NECCDS1.FLT Sony CD-ROM Filter Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\SONY o SONYCDS1.FLT Toshiba CD-ROM Filter Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\TOSHIBA o TOSHCDS1.FLT Mitsumi CD-ROM Adapter (NON-SCSI) Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\MITSUMI o MITFX001.ADD IDE CD-ROM Filter Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\ATAPI o IBMIDECD.FLT ═══ 7.5. DASD Device Drivers ═══ OS/2 DASD Device Manager Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\OS2DASD o OS2DASD.DMD Removable DASD to Fixed Drive Conversion Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\LOCKDRV o LOCKDRV.FLT Adapter Presence Detection Sample Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\PC_SAMP o PC_SAMP.EXE Adapter Driver for ST506/IDE DASD Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\CDROM\IBM1S506 o IBM1S506.ADD Adapter Driver for ABIOS DASD Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\IBM\IBM2ADSK o IBM2ADSK.ADD Protected Mode VDisk (RAM Disk) Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\VDISK o VDISK.SYS Adapter Presence-Check Services Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\TESTCFG o TESTCFG.SUS Resource Manager Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\RESOURCE\RESMGR o VIDRMS.SYS Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\RESOURCE\RMCALLS o RMCALLS.LIB ═══ 7.6. SCSI Device Drivers ═══ OS/2 SCSI Device Manager Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\OS2SCSI o OS2SCSI.DMD Adapter Driver for ABIOS SCB Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\IBM\IBM2SCSI o IBM2SCSI.ADD OS/2 ASPI Device Manager Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\OS2ASPI o OS2ASPI.DMD Virtual ASPI Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VASPI o VASPI.SYS ═══ 7.7. Diskette Device Drivers ═══ Adapter Driver for ABIOS Floppy Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\IBM\IBM2FLPY o IBM2FLPY.ADD Adapter Driver for ISA/EISA Floppy Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\DASD\IBM\IBM1FLPY o IBM1FLPY.ADD Virtual Floppy Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VFLPY o VFLPY.SYS o VFLPYD.SYS o VFLPYS.SYS ═══ 7.8. Virtual Disk Device Drivers ═══ Virtual Disk Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VDSK o VDSK.SYS o VDSKD.SYS ═══ 7.9. Clock Device Drivers ═══ Family 1 Clock Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\CLOCK\CLOCK01 o CLOCK01.SYS Family 2 Clock Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\CLOCK\CLOCK02 o CLOCK02.SYS ═══ 7.10. Keyboard Device Drivers ═══ Device-Independent Keyboard Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\KBD\KBDBASE o KBDBASE.SYS Device-Dependent Keyboard Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\KBD\IBMKBD o IBMKBD.SYS Virtual Keyboard Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VKBD o VKBD.SYS o VKBDD.SYS o VKBDSTUB.SYS ═══ 7.11. Mouse Device Drivers ═══ Mouse (Device Independent) Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\MOUSE o MOUSE.SUS Mouse (Device Dependent) Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\MOUSE\FAMILYG o PCLOGIC.SUS o VISION.SUS Virtual Mouse Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VMOUSE o VMOUSE.SYS o VMOUSED.SYS ═══ 7.12. PCMCIA Device Drivers ═══ Client Services Sample Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\PCMCIA\CLSAMPLE o CLSAMPLE.SYS Data/Fax Modem Client Service Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\PCMCIA\CLDFM o ESTDFM.OS2 Intel PCIC Step B Controller Socket Services Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\PCMCIA\SOCKET o SSPCIC.SYS ═══ 7.13. Serial Comm Device Drivers ═══ Asynchronous Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\ATCOM o COM.SYS o COMP.SYS Virtual Serial Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VCOM o VCOM.SYS ═══ 7.14. 8516 Touch Device Drivers ═══ 8516 Touch Device Independent Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\TOUCHDD\DIDD o TOUCH.SYS 8516 Touch Device Dependent Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\DEV\TOUCHDD\DDDD o PDITOU01.SYS o PDITOU02.SYS Virtual Touch Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\VDEV\VTOUCH o VTOUCH.SYS ═══ 7.15. Pen for OS/2 Device Driver ═══ Pen for OS/2 Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PEN\PENTKT\PENBASE\PENDD o PENDD.SYS ═══ 7.16. Multimedia Device Drivers ═══ 16-Bit Audio PDD Sample Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\AUDIODD o AUDIODD.SYS 16-Bit Audio VDD Sample Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\AUDIOVDD o AUDIOVDD.SYS AD1848 Audio Device Driver Sample Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\AD1848 o BUSAUDIO.SYS Audio Vendor-Specific Driver (VSD) Resource File Sample Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\VSDRC o SAMPLE.DLL Generic Audio Installation Sample Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\AUDINST o CARDINFO.DLL DLL containing data about the adapter to be installed o MIDIMAP.DLL DLL containing a MIDI Map Table o AUDHELP.HLP HELP file containing help for installing Audio adapter Generic Video Installation Sample Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\VIDINST o CARDINFO.DLL DLL containing data about the adapter to be installed o VIDHELP.HLP HELP file containing help for installing video adapter MAD16 Multimedia Physical Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\MAD16\PDD o MAD16.ADD MAD16 Multimedia Virtual Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\MAD16\VDD o VMAD16.SYS MPEG Video Playback Physical Device Driver Sample Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\MPEGPLAY o VIDRMS.SYS MPEG Codec Hardware Interface Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\MPGDCH o MPGDCH.DLL PC Video Device Driver Sample Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\PCVIDEO o VIDVBC.SYS Pro AudioSpectrum Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\PASTK o MVPROD.SYS Video Capture Adapter PDD Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\VCADDT o VIDVCIT.SYS Video Capture Adapter VSD Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\IBMVIDT o VIDVCIT.DLL Audio Interface Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\MMOS2\SAMPLES\AUDIOIF o AUDIOIF.DLL ═══ 7.17. Verification Test Tools ═══ 32-Bit Palette Display Test Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PALDISP o PALDISP.EXE 32-Bit Display Test Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DTT32\SRC o DTT.EXE Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DTT32\BIN o GREARC.DLL o GREATT2.DLL o GREATTR.DLL o GREBIT2.DLL o GREBNDS.DLL o GREBTMP.DLL o GRECLIP.DLL o GRECOLR.DLL o GREDVCON.DLL o GREESC.DLL o GREGEN2.DLL o GREGENFC.DLL o GRELINE.DLL o GREMARK.DLL o GREMDEV.DLL o GREQURY.DLL o GRETXTST.DLL 32-Bit Font Test Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\FONTEST o FT32.EXE 32-Bit Printer Test Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\PTT o PTT.EXE Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\DEVCALL o DEVCALLS.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIARC o GPIARC.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIAREA o GPIAREA.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIBTMP o GPIBTMP.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPICHAR o GPICHAR.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPICOLOR o GPICOLOR.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIELMNT o GPIELMNT.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIFONT o GPIFONT.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIIMAGE o GPIIMAGE.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPILINE o GPILINE.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIMARK o GPIMARK.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIMETA o GPIMETA.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIPATH o GPIPATH.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIPCLIP o GPIPCLIP.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIREGN o GPIREGN.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPISEG o GPISEG.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPISHADE o GPISHADE.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPISTD o GPISTD.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIVIEW o GPIVIEW.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\GPIXFORM o GPIXFORM.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\PTT32\STRESS o STRESS.DLL o FONTLIST.EXE o ONEFONT.EXE Device Driver Test Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DDTT\SCSI\ADD o SCSIADD.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DDTT\SCSI\IOCTL o DDTSCSI.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DDTT\DASD\ADD o DASDADD.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DDTT\DASD\IOCTL o DDTDASD.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DDTT\PCMCIA\SOCKET o DDTPCMC.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DDTT\CDROM o DDTCDROM.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DDTT\KEYBOARD o DDTKBD.DLL Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\DDTT\PARALLEL o DDTPARA.DLL CD-ROM Test Tool Directory \'ddkdirectory'\TESTTOOL\TESTCD o TESTCD.EXE Pen for OS/2 Test Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PEN\PENTKT\UTIL\PENTL o PENTL.EXE Pen for OS/2 Calibration Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SRC\PEN\PENTKT\UTIL\PENCAL o CAL.EXE MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\MMEDIA\SYSTEM\PMADDE o PMADDE.EXE MMPM/2 MCI String Test Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\MMEDIA\SYSTEM\MCISTRNG o MCISTRNG.EXE ═══ 7.18. Certification Test Suites ═══ Device Driver Test Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\GENERAL\DDTT o GEN.DLL o GLOBAL.DLL o DDTT.EXE o DDTT.DLL o GENDRV.SYS Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\INPUTOUT\FUNCTION\KEYBOARD o DDTKBD.DLL o TESTKBD.SYS Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\INPUTOUT\FUNCTION\MOUSE o DOSMOUSE.EXE Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\INPUTOUT\FUNCTION\PARALLEL o DDTPARA.DLL o TESTFONT.CMD o TESTPARA.CMD o SETINFO.CMD o SEARCH.CMD Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\STORAGE\FUNCTION\CDROM o DDTCDROM.DLL o TEST.CMD o TESTAUD.CMD o TESTMED.CMD o SETINFO.CMD o SEARCH.CMD Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\STORAGE\FUNCTION\DASD\ADD o DASDADD.DLL o DASDADD.SYS o TEST2.CMD o TEST1.CMD Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\STORAGE\FUNCTION\DASD\IOCTL o DDTDASD.DLL o TEST.CMD o SETINFO.CMD Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\STORAGE\FUNCTION\PCMCIA\SOCKET o DDTPCMC.DLL o PCMCIATS.SYS o SSSCR2.CMD o SSSCR1.CMD Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\STORAGE\FUNCTION\SCSI\ADD o SCSIADD.DLL o DASDADD.SYS Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\STORAGE\FUNCTION\SCSI\IOCTL o DDTSCSI.DLL o ALL.CMD 32-Bit Display Test Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\DISPLAY\FUNCTION\DTT32 o DTT.EXE 32-Bit Printer Test Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\PRINTER\FUNCTION\PTT32 o PTT.EXE MMPM/2 Audio Device Driver Exerciser Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\MMEDIA\SYSTEM\PMADDE o PMADDE.EXE MMPM/2 MCI String Test Tool Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\MMEDIA\SYSTEM\MCISTRNG o MCISTRNG.EXE MMPM/2 MCI API Test Tool (AP2/P2STRING) Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\MMEDIA\SYSTEM\AP2 o P2S_DLL.DLL o P2STRING.EXE o AP2.EXE AP2/P2STRING Data files Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\MMEDIA\SYSTEM\AP2\DATA AP2/P2STRING Test scripts Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TESTCERT\MMEDIA\SYSTEM\AP2\SCRIPTS ═══ 7.19. Miscellaneous/Other Tools ═══ Other Tools: DELDDK Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\SETUP o DELDDK.CMD QSYSTEM Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS o QSYSTEM.EXE NSYNC Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS o NSYNC.EXE TRCUST Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS o TRCUST.EXE ═══ 7.20. Compilers/Assemblers Shipped In the DDK ═══ Compilers Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS o CL386.EXE Assemblers Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\TOOLS o MASM.EXE ═══ 7.21. WIN-OS/2* Device Drivers (Optional) ═══ Full Screen VGA Display Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\WINOS231\DRIVERS\DISPLAY\4PLANE\VGA\RETAIL o VGA.DRV Seamless VGA Display Device Driver Debug Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\WINOS231\DRIVERS\DISPLAY\4PLANE\VGA\SDEBUG o SWIN132.DRV o SWINVGA.DRV Retail Version: Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\WINOS231\DRIVERS\DISPLAY\4PLANE\VGA\SRETAIL o SWIN132.DRV o SWINVGA.DRV ASYNC Communications Port Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\WINOS231\DRIVERS\286\COMM o COMM.DRV Mouse Device Driver Directory: \'ddkdirectory'\WINOS231\DRIVERS\286\MOUSE o MOUSE.DRV ********************************************************************** ═══ 8. IBM Documentation ═══ The following documents are in the \DDKx86\BOOK directory on the CD-ROM. You can view these books using the OS/2 VIEW command or by double-clicking on the DDK References on CD-ROM folder. (Your CD must be in the drive.) For ordering information on an individual hardcopy title, double-click on the corresponding entry below. OS/2 Hardware Compatibility List Graphics Adapter Device Driver Reference Display Device Driver Reference Printer Device Driver Reference Storage Device Driver Reference Input/Output Device Driver Reference Pen for OS/2 Device Driver Reference MMPM/2 Device Driver Reference Virtual Device Driver Reference Physical Device Driver Reference Presentation Driver Reference Information Presentation Facility Guide Dynamic Trace Customizer (TRCUST) OS/2 for SMP V2.11 Reference Writing OS/2 2.1 Device Drivers in C ═══ 9. Non-IBM Documentation ═══ This section lists some useful reference books that may help you develop your own device drivers under OS/2. PRINTER BOOKS o PostScript Language Reference Manual - Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing - Author(s): Adobe Systems, Inc. o PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook - Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing - Author(s): Adobe Systems, Inc. o PostScript Language Program Design - Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing - Author(s): Adobe Systems, Inc. o Adobe Type 1 Font Format - Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing - Author(s): Adobe Systems, Inc. o The HP-GL/2 Reference Guide - Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing - Author(s): Hewlett Packard DISPLAY BOOKS o Programmers Guide to the EGA and VGA Cards, Includes Super VGA - Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing - Author(s): Richard F. Ferraro o Power Programming the IBM XGA - Publisher: MIS Press - Author(s): Jake Richter o Graphics Programming for the 8514/A - Publisher: M and T Books - Author(s): Jake Richter and Bud Smith STORAGE BOOKS o ANSI Standards for Small Computer System Interface - 2 - Contact: Global Engineering Documents (800-854-7179) MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS o Inside OS/2 2.0, The Single Source for Top OS/2 Performance - Publisher: NRP (New Riders Publishing) - Author(s): Minasi, Little, Semple and Camarda o OS/2 Presentation Manager GPI Graphics - Publisher: VNR Computer Library (Van Nostrand Reinhold) - Author(s): Graham C.E. Winn o Writing OS/2 2.1 Device Drivers in C - Publisher: VNR Computer Library - Author(s): Steven J. Mastrianni o Now That I have OS/2 2.0 On My Computer - What Do I Do Next? - Publisher: VNR Computer Library (Van Nostrand Reinhold) - Author(s): Levenson and Hertz o Integrating Applications With OS/2 2.0 - Publisher: VNR Computer Library (Van Nostrand Reinhold) - Author(s): William H. Zack o The Cobol Presentation Manager Programming Guide - Publisher: VNR Computer Library (Van Nostrand Reinhold) - Author(s): David M. Dill o Learning To Program OS/2 2.0 Presentation Manager by Example - Publisher: VNR Computer Library (Van Nostrand Reinhold) - Author(s): Stephen A. Knight o Client/Server Programming with OS/2 2.0 - Publisher: VNR Computer Library (Van Nostrand Reinhold) - Author(s): Robert Orfali and Daniel Harkey o C Programming in the OS/2 2.0 Environment - Publisher: VNR Computer Library (Van Nostrand Reinhold) - Author(s): V. Mitra Gopaul o Comprehensive Database Performance for OS/2 2.0's Extended Services - Publisher: VNR Computer Library (Van Nostrand Reinhold) - Author(s): Bruce Tate, Tim Malkemus, and Terry Gray o Using OS/2 2.0, Step by Step Guide to OS/2 Version 2 - Publisher: Que Corporation - Author(s): Nance and Chicares ═══ 10. Module Level Version Control ═══ The architecture of OS/2 mandates that certain device drivers supplied by our customers use the same names as those supplied with the OS/2 product. When IBM supplied a ServicePak to support our product, there was no way to detect the actual supplier of the device driver being serviced. In some cases, our service utility was replacing a vendor-supplied device driver with an IBM developed driver. To fix this problem, IBM is implementing Module Level Version Control in steps. Step 1 The service utility will look for the "IBM" string in the Description field located in the LINKER definition file (see below). The utility will look for the "IBM" string only in the device drivers that had the support implemented when OS/2 Warp, Version 3 shipped. Consequently, version control will work only on DDK drivers whose makefiles have versioning already implemented in them. Step 2 The second step of this architecture is being implemented by IBM OS/2 development. Development is adding support through the Description field of the LINKER definition file (DEF file). The current implementation uses the "IBM" string located in the built binary (in our case, a device driver) to allow our service utility to detect whether the module being serviced is actually an IBM module or one supplied by another party. The support is not complete, but there are examples in some MAKEFILEs of how we implemented this strategy. A specification is also provided below. How to Insert the Information into the Executable 1. Modify MAKEFILE to create the LINKER definition file dynamically. This is implemented by utilizing the internal function of NMAKE, which allows for automatic creation of files from within the MAKEFILE. In addition, the description field of the LINKER definition file should be changed to reflect the following information. The "description" information will be taken by the LINKER and put in the load module header as the first entry in the Non-Resident Names Table. The loader will not load it, so there is no memory or performance impact. The following is an example of how this is implemented in the IBMFLPY1.ADD device driver MAKEFILE which is located in the SRC\DEV\DASD\IBM\IBMFLPY1 directory of the DDK. !include $(H)\VERSION.MAK . . . ibm1flpy.add: $(OBJS) $(LIBS) makefile Rem Create DEF file <<$(DEF02) LIBRARY IBM1FLPY DESCRIPTION "$(FILEVER) Adapter Driver for ISA Diskette Controllers" PROTMODE SEGMENTS DDHeader CLASS 'DATA' LIBDATA CLASS 'DATA' _DATA CLASS 'DATA' CONST CLASS 'CONST' _BSS CLASS 'BSS' 'Code' CLASS 'CODE' IOPL LIBCODE CLASS 'CODE' IOPL _TEXT CLASS 'CODE' IOPL SwapCode CLASS 'CODE' IOPL < OS/2 Physical Device Drivers (PDD) ═══ Course OS2DD101 - OS/2 PDD Serial, Parallel Port Device Drivers Objective This five day workshop will enable programmers to write OS/2 Physical Device Drivers (PDD). A PDD enables I/O ports (serial, parallel, A/D, etc) to be shared by multiple OS/2 applications. This workshop describes how the PDD communicates with the OS/2 kernel using the DevHlp interface. Installation and debug techniques will also be covered. The Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 (Devcon-DDK) will be used extensively in order to build and test the PDD. Target Audience IBM or OEM programmers who code device drivers for PC hardware, such as serial, parallel, SCSI, or proprietary interfaces. This workshop is a recommended prerequisite for all other device driver workshops, except PM Printer and Video workshops. Attendee prerequisites o Programming expertise: C and/or MASM o Have written device drivers/utilities for OEM hardware (DOS device drivers, ROM BIOS, test utilities) o Must be a licensee of the following software - OS/2 2.x, OS/2 Warp - Developers Connection Device Driver Kit - MSC 6.0 Outline o OS/2 Structure o Device Driver types o Physical Device Driver - Character vs Block o Modes, Times - Init, Kernel, Interrupt, Timer o Init sequence - Config.sys processing o Utilities, debuggers - Compiler, Assembler, Linker usage - Symbol Generation (MAPSYM) - Kernel Debugger (KDB) o Processor support o Semaphores o PDD Address spaces - Memory Management o Monitor implementations o VDD Communication o Lab: Develop OEM Physical Device Driver ═══ OS/2 Virtual Device Drivers (VDD) ═══ Course OS2DD201 - OS/2 Virtual Device Drivers (VDD) Objective This five day workshop will enable programmers to write OS/2 virtual device drivers (VDDs). A VDD enables multiple DOS applications to share hardware. This workshop will identify the protocol of how the VDD communicates with the OS/2 kernel and DOS session manager using Virtual Device Helper (VDH) services. Installation and debug techniques will also be covered. The OS/2 Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (Devcon-DDK) will be used extensively in order to build and test the VDD. Target audience: IBM or OEM programmers who code device drivers for PC hardware, such as serial and parallel, SCSI interfaces, and custom interfaces. Attendee prerequisites: o Programming expertise: C, (MASM useful) o Have written device drivers/utilities for OEM hardware (DOS device drivers, ROM BIOS, test utilities) o Knowledge of OS/2 Physical Device Drivers (recommend attendance at OS2DD101 workshop o Attendee must be a licensee of the following software: - OS/2 2.1, OS/2 Warp - Developer Connection Device Driver Source Kit (DDK) - MSC 6.0 Outline: o OS/2 Structure - Device Driver types o Virtual Device Drivers - MVDM - Definition/overview - VDH - Virtual DevHlp - Event trapping: Interrupt, Port - Memory management - VDM initialization (Instance, global) - Synchronization with system events o Utilities, debuggers - Compiler, Assembler, Linker usage - Symbol Generation (MAPSYM) - Kernel Debugger (KDB) o DDK contents - Organization, Build tree, sample code o Debug procedures o Laboratory: Develop OEM Virtual Device Driver ═══ Graphics Accelerator Driver ═══ Course OS2DD302 Seamless Windows Video Device Drivers for Video Accelerators Objective This five day workshop enables PC Video Board manufacturers to write OS/2 Video Display drivers. This workshop will upgrade an OS/2 1.x Presentation Manager Device Driver (PM DD) to OS/2 2.x or OS/2 Warp. It will also modify a Windows 3.1 Windows Video Device Driver to provide Seamless Windows support. The Devcon-DDK S3 toolkit sample (written in C) will be used extensively as a conversion model for an accelerator video card. Target Audience IBM or OEM programmers who code device drivers for video display cards. Attendee prerequisites o Programming expertise: C, 386 assembler o Knowledge of OS/2 PM DD, VDD, Windows Video Device Driver o Intimate knowledge of OEM hardware & programming protocol o Written code for video hardware (ROM BIOS, utilities) o Must be a licensee of the following software: - OS/2 2.x, OS/2 Warp - Windows DDK - Developers Connection Device Driver Kit with Seamless Windows Supplement - MSC 6.0 - MASM 6.0 Outline o OS/2 Structure, Device Driver types - Block diagram - Logic, Data flow o Elements OS/2 Video Device drivers - Extended vendor support - 32 bit driver components, Palette management - Seamless windows, VDD support - OS/2 Warp and OS/2 2.11 considerations o Devcon-DDK Organization, Build tree - Tools, Display test tool (DTT), Kernel debugger o SCREEN.SYS PDD - Chipset identification o BVH-SVGA Subsystem - Supported video modes adapters - PMI file syntax, file generation (SVGA.EXE) o 32 bit XGA/8514/S3 PM Display Driver - Resolution, color depth options - Supported video modes, adapters o Screen Virtual Device Driver (VVIDEO.SYS) - Architecture, protocol - Virtualization mechanisms o Windows Display Drivers - Components, Shield layers, Semaphore usage - "Black hole creation", Palette management - Foreground/Background processing - Heartbeat processing - Component modification o DSPINSTL - Configuration file interpreter, Command set o Wrap up ═══ Adapter Device Drivers (ADD) ═══ Course OS2DD303 -Adapter Device Drivers (ADD) OS/2 Device Drivers for SCSI or Proprietary Interfaces Objective This five day workshop will enable programmers to write OS/2 Adapter device drivers (ADD). An ADD communicates with SCSI or proprietary I/O interfaces which usually connect to DASD, CD-ROM, etc. This class will identify the protocol on how the ADD communicates with the Device Manager (DMD) using the IORB interface. Installation and debug techniques will also be covered. The Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (Devcon-DDK) will be used extensively in order to build and test the ADD. Target audience IBM or OEM programmers who code device drivers for PC I/O interfaces such as SCSI or proprietary. Attendee prerequisites o Programming expertise: C (MASM useful) o Have written device drivers for DASD I/O hardware (DOS device drivers, ROM BIOS, test utilities) o Attendee must be a licensee of the following software: - OS/2 2.x, OS/2 Warp - Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (Devcon-DDK), MSC 6.0 - Knowledge of OS/2 Physical Device Driver (recommend attendance at OS2DD101 workshop) Outline o OS/2 Structure o Device Driver types o Driver Stack under OS/2 - Adapter Device Driver (ADD) - Filter ADD (FLT), Device Manager (DMD) o CONFIG.SYS - Installation (BASEDEV= ) - Boot sequence o ADD Development considerations - Command line parameters - Error handling o IORB - Format, Control o Device Table Structure o TESTCFG.SYS - IOctl functions, parameters o CDROM filter ADD example - Sample Code layout o Device Driver Profiles o Impact: SCSI versus proprietary interfaces o Lab: Adapter device driver development ═══ Logical Device Managers, Filter Device Drivers OS/2 2.x Device Managers (DMD) Filter (FLT) ═══ Course OS2DD305 Objective This five day workshop will enable programmers to write a Device Manager Driver (DMD). A DMD enables the logical support of a particular device type (such as hard disks, CDROM, printers, scanners, etc). A filter enables added value software such as disk encryptors or compression. This workshop will identify the protocol on how to implement a DMD or FLT to provide a uniform interface to its clients (Adapter Device Drivers (ADD). Installation and debug techniques will also be covered. The OS/2 Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (Devcon-DDK) will be used extensively in order to build and test the Device Manager (DMD), and filter (FLT). Target audience IBM or IHV programmers who code device drivers for logical devices such as CDROM, WORM, etc. The code developed in this module is independent of the physical connection (i.e. SCSI, proprietary) to the logical device. Attendee prerequisites o Programming expertise: C (MASM useful) o Knowledge of OS/2 Physical Device Driver (attend OS2DD101 or equivalent) o Knowledge of IHV programming protocol o Attendee must be a licensee of the following software: - OS/2 2.x, OS/2 Warp - Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (Devcon-DDK) - MSC 6.0 Outline o OS/2 Structure o Device Driver types o Driver Stack under OS/2 2.0 - Adapter Device Driver (ADD) - Filter ADD - Device Manager (DM) o CONFIG.SYS - Installation (BASEDEV= ) o Boot sequence o DMD Development considerations - Command line parameters - Error handling o IORB - Control - Format o Device Table Structure o OS2DASD.DMD example walkthrough - Sample Code layout o Device Driver Profiles o DDK contents - Organization, Build tree, Tools - Display test tool (DTT) - Test case DLLs o Lab: Device Manager development ═══ LAN Device Drivers - OS/2 2.x MAC NDIS-MAC Network Device Drivers ═══ Course OS2DD308 Objective This five day workshop will enable programmers to write OS/2 Media Access Control (MAC) Device Drivers. A MAC enables LAN server 3.0 & 4.0 to support a particular type (or brand) of a LAN card. This seminar describes how the MAC communicates with the OS/2 LAN Server; the LAN device driver stack will be reviewed in detail. Installation and debug techniques will also be covered. The OS/2 Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (Devcon-DDK) will be used extensively in order to build and test the MAC. Target Audience IBM or OEM programmers who code device drivers for LAN hardware for the PC, such as Token Ring or Ethernet. Attendee prerequisites o Programming expertise: C and/or MASM o Have written device drivers/utilities for OEM hardware (DOS device drivers, ROM BIOS, test utilities) o Attendee must be a licensee of the following software: - OS/2 2.x, OS/2 Warp - Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (Devcon-DDK) - MSC 6.0 - Knowledge of OS/2 Physical Device Drivers (recommend attendance at OS2DD101 workshop) Outline o OS/2 LAN support Structure - LAN server, Extended services, - LAN enabler, NTS/2, CM/2 o NDIS architecture - Protocol stacks - Configuration - PROTOCOL.INI, CONFIG.SYS, NIF o Multiple protocol support o Modes - Init, interrupt, transmit, receive routines o Init sequence - Config.sys processing o Utilities, debuggers o Semaphores o MAC Address spaces, Memory Management o Lab: Develop OEM MAC ═══ Multimedia Device Drivers ═══ Course OS2DD309 - OS/2 MM/2 Device Drivers Objective This five day workshop will enable programmers to write OS/2 MultiMedia Device Drivers (MM/2 DD); A MM/2 DD provides an easy to use programming interface for application developers interested in integrating MM functions into new or existing apps. This workshop describes how the MM/2 DD communicates with the OS/2 kernel. I/O procs for media control (MIDI), Audio (wave and AMP/mixer) and video capture MM/2 drivers will be reviewed. Installation and debug techniques will also be covered. The Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (Devcon-DDK) will be used extensively in order to build and test the PDD. Target Audience IBM or OEM programmers who code device drivers for MM hardware, such as MIDI, audio, or video capture boards. Attendee prerequisites o Programming expertise: C and/or MASM o Have written device drivers/utilities for OEM hardware (DOS device drivers, ROM BIOS, test utilities) o Attendee must be a licensee of the following software: - OS/2 2.x, OS/2 Warp - Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (Devcon-DDK) - MSC 6.0 - Knowledge of OS/2 PDD (recommend attendance at OS2DD101 workshop) Outline o OS/2 MM Structure o MM Protocol stacks o Device Driver types - Media control - MIDI - Audio - Video Capture o Modes, Times - Init, Kernel, Interrupt, Timer o Init sequence - Config.sys processing o Utilities, debuggers - Compiler, Assembler, Linker usage - Symbol Generation (MAPSYM) - Kernel Debugger (KDB) o Semaphores o PDD Address spaces - Memory Management o Monitor implementations o VDD Communication o Lab: Develop OEM MM Device Driver ═══ OS/2 SMP Device Drivers ═══ Course OS2DD402 - OS/2 SMP Device Drivers Objective This three day workshop enables programmers to write a Physical Device Driver (PDD) to specifically support multi-processor computers configured with OS/2 SMP. This workshop describes how to utilize the new DevHelps in OS/2's SMP kernel. Installation and debug techniques will also be covered. The OS/2 Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (Devcon-DDK) will be used extensively in order to build and test the PDD. Target Audience IBM or OEM programmers who code device drivers for devices configured in OS/2 SMP installations. Attendee prerequisites o Has attended OS2DD101 (or equivalent experience) o Programming expertise: C and/or MASM o Have written device drivers/utilities for OEM hardware (DOS device drivers, ROM BIOS, test utilities) o Attendee must be a licensee of the following software: - OS/2 2.x, OS/2 Warp; Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (Devcon-DDK); MSC 6.0 Outline o SMP system design considerations - Standard implementations - Vendor unique features o OS/2 SMP - Design philosophy - Differences from standard OS/2 - System requirements - Scheduler, Interrupt processing - Interrupt controller options - CPU utilization during interrupt processing o New DevHlps - Spinlocks, Get/SetIRQMask - RegisterKernelExit overlap o Updates to current PDDs - EOI vs. direct PIC I/O o SMP kernel debugger extensions o Test cases o Tools & libraries o Future SMP plans ═══ 12. Ordering Information ═══ EMEA/LA customers need to prefix Denmark's international code, 45. AP customers need to prefix Australia's international code, 61. Double-click on the window below for more details... ═══ 13. DDK Survey ═══ This survey is intended for programmers who are writing device drivers for OS/2 and are familiar with the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2. The purpose of this survey is to gather data on customer requirements and satisfaction. This survey will remain anonymous; the compiled data will be used when planning future products. We would appreciate if you would print a copy of this survey, fill it out, and mail it to the address printed at the end of the survey. 1. I have been a programmer for: _____ year(s) and _____ month(s) 2. I have been writing device drivers for: _____ year(s) and _____ month(s) 3. I have been writing device drivers in the OS/2 environment for: _____ year(s) and _____ month(s) 4. I write the following types of device drivers (select all that apply): ___ Printer ___ Display ___ Input/Output Devices (e.g. virtual or physical keyboard, virtual or physical mouse, touch display) ___ Storage Devices (e.g. SCSI, DASD, CD-ROM) ___ Pen for OS/2 ___ Multimedia ___ Other, please specify ____________________________________ 5. I use the following languages to write my device drivers (select all that apply): ___ C brand _______________, version ____________ ___ Assembler brand _______________, version ____________ ___ C++ brand _______________, version ____________ ___ Other, please specify ____________________________________ 6. I am building OS/2 device drivers using source code from the following versions (select all that apply): ___ DDK Version 1.2 ___ IBM Developer Connection DDK Version 1 ___ IBM Developer Connection DDK Version 2 ___ Haven't used DDK yet ___ Other source, please specify _____________________________ 7. I have reviewed the USING YOUR DDK online user's guide and the main README (select one). ____ yes ____ no 8. Describe your opinion of the INSTALLATION utility in the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 (circle one for each). Strongly Strongly Agree Disagree Initial install using DDKINST is easy. 1 2 3 4 5 Install selectivity meets my needs. 1 2 3 4 5 Removing or reinstalling DDK is easy. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Describe your opinion of the USING YOUR DDK online user's guide in the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 (circle one for each). Strongly Strongly Agree Disagree Good overall organization and flow. 1 2 3 4 5 Technically accurate. 1 2 3 4 5 The topics presented have complete information. 1 2 3 4 5 Easy to understand. 1 2 3 4 5 Information is quickly and easily found. 1 2 3 4 5 Information provides clear picture (roadmap) of DDK. 1 2 3 4 5 10. Describe your opinion of the CONTENT of the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 (circle one for each). Strongly Strongly Agree Disagree Driver source code is easy to find. 1 2 3 4 5 Makefiles are easy to use. 1 2 3 4 5 Code can be easily converted to fit my needs. 1 2 3 4 5 There are sufficient sample programs. 1 2 3 4 5 Tools supplied are useful. 1 2 3 4 5 11. Describe your opinion of the ONLINE BOOKS supplied with the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 (circle one for each). Strongly Strongly Agree Disagree Good overall organization and flow. 1 2 3 4 5 Technically accurate. 1 2 3 4 5 The topics presented have complete information. 1 2 3 4 5 Easy to understand. 1 2 3 4 5 Information is quickly and easily found. 1 2 3 4 5 12. Are you currently using The Developers Toolkit for OS/2 2.1 or later (OS/2 Toolkit)? ___ Yes, I use the OS/2 Toolkit via The Developer Connection for OS/2 CD-ROM. ___ No, I don't use the OS/2 Toolkit. 13. I use the following reference documentation to write my device drivers (select all that apply): ___ IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 online programming information (DDK CD-ROM) ___ IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 hardcopy books ___ IBM OS/2 online programming information (OS/2 Toolkit) ___ IBM OS/2 Technical Library ___ IBM Redbooks ___ The Developer Connection for OS/2 ___ IBM Online Library OS/2 Collection ___ QUE publications of the OS/2 Technical Library ___ Electronic forums, please specify ________________________ ___ Non-IBM source, please specify ___________________________ 14. I do (or would) purchase programming books from the following suppliers (select all that apply): ___ A bookstore, please specify ______________________________ ___ A computer store, please specify _________________________ ___ A book club ___ A university bookstore ___ Directly from the publisher 15. The following are other types of OS/2 programming information I would like to see (select all that apply): ___ Programming tutorials ___ Development tools reference ___ Performance considerations and guidelines for application development ___ Sample program specifications and functional descriptions ___ Migration guidelines ___ Master index of all online programming information ___ Other, please specify ____________________________________ 16. IBM supports OS/2 device driver developers worldwide through the Driver Development Support Center (DDSC). Help is available via bulletin board by calling "The DUDE" BBS at (407)982-3217. IBM also offers hands-on training through workshops held monthly at the DDSC Lab in Boca Raton, Florida. If you've used such services, describe your opinion below. Select "N/A" if you've never used those services. Strongly Strongly Agree Disagree N/A Logging questions on "The DUDE" is easy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Questions are answered promptly and accurately. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Workshops have been of significant help to me. 1 2 3 4 5 6 17. Describe your satisfaction with the following (circle one for each). Strongly Strongly Satisfied Dissatisfied DDK shipping and handling 1 2 3 4 5 DDK Installation process 1 2 3 4 5 Using Your DDK online user guide 1 2 3 4 5 Online reference books 1 2 3 4 5 Drivers source code and sample code 1 2 3 4 5 Tools and debuggers 1 2 3 4 5 DDK technical support 1 2 3 4 5 **Overall satisfaction with the DDK 1 2 3 4 5 Comments and Suggestions _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Please mail completed survey to: IBM Corporation 1000 N.W. 51st. Street Boca Raton, FL 33429 Dept. RM3 Attn: DDK Team Internal Zip 1436 ═══ 14. Version Notice ═══ April 1995 The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time. It is possible that this publication may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, programming, or services in your country. Requests for technical information about IBM products should be made to your IBM Authorized Dealer or your IBM Marketing Representative. ═══ 15. License Notice ═══ References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe on any of IBM's intellectual property rights or other legally protectable rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, programs, or services, except those expressly designated by IBM, are the user's responsibility. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director of Commercial Relations, IBM Corporation, Purchase, NY 10577. ═══ 16. Trademarks ═══ The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries: IBM Micro Channel Multimedia Presentation Manager/2 OS/2 Ultimotion WIN-OS/2 The following terms are trademarks of other companies: Adobe Adobe Systems, Inc. Ami Pro Lotus Development Corp. Borland C++ Borland International, Inc. CompuServe CompuServe Incorporated Freelance Graphics Lotus Development Corporation MASM Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Microsoft Corporation PostScript Adobe Systems, Inc. Pro AudioSpectrum Media Vision, Inc. S3 S3 Incorporated Sound Blaster Creative Labs, Inc. Super VideoWindows New Media Graphics Corporation Video Blaster Creative Technology, Inc. Windows Microsoft Corporation Other company, product, and service names, which may be denoted by a double asterisk (**), may be trademarks or service marks of others.