:Base CDMNT.hlp>w95sec :Title DataAtlas Modeler 1 Modeler Concepts 2 Model Objects and Concepts 4 Entity Group=DA20078 4 Entity=DA20068 4 Fundamental Entity=DA20199 4 Associative Entity=DA20072 4 Attributive Entity=DA20041 4 Relationship=DA20071 4 Degree of a Relationship=DA20205 4 Cardinality=DA20201 4 Verbs=DA20322 4 Attribute=DA20069 4 Primary Key=DA20080 4 Foreign Key=DA20081 4 Constraint=DA20202 4 Data Element=DA20070 4 Generalization and Specialization=DA20206 4 Supertype=DA20076 4 Subtype=DA20075 4 Isa Relationship=DA20077 4 Isa Bundle=DA20170 4 Existence Rules=DA20302 4 Naming Objects=DA20323 2 Document Objects and Concepts 3 Document=DA20325 3 Document Profile=DA20326 2 Database Engineering 3 Database Engineering=DA20067 1 Modeler Tasks 2 Working with DataAtlas Modeler Views 3 Changing TeamConnection Family, Release, or Work Area=DA29086 3 Changing the Default Position and Size of Windows=DA29110 3 Hiding and Showing the Tool Bar=DA29041 3 Navigating among Windows=DA29090 3 Tree View 4 Navigating in a Tree View=DA29100 4 Restricting the Tree View=DA29094 4 Hiding and Showing Objects=DA29092 4 Sorting the Order of Objects=DA29023 3 Diagram View 4 Navigating among Diagram Views=DA29040 4 Zooming In and Out of a Diagram=DA29047 4 Specifying the Minimum Font Size for a Diagram View=DA29050 4 Stretching and Compressing an ER Diagram=DA29051 4 Adding and Deleting Pages=DA29052 4 Aligning Entities=DA29042 3 Attributes View 4 Navigating among Attributes Views 5 Navigating among Attributes Views=BM48 5 Finding the Source of a Foreign Key=DA29056 5 Listing Entities That Refer to a Primary Key as a Foreign Key=DA29057 5 Locating Relationships Associated with a Foreign Key=DA29058 4 Specfiying What Attribute Information Is Shown 5 Specfiying What Attribute Information Is Shown=DA29095 4 Specifying Where New Attributes and Constraints Are to Be Placed 5 Specifying Where New Attributes and Constraints Are to Be Placed=DA29011 2 Working with Objects 3 Selecting and Deselecting Objects=DA29020 3 Locking and Unlocking an Object=DA29010 3 Opening an Object=DA29007 3 Moving Objects=DA29021 3 Changing the Settings for an Object=DA29022 3 Specifying Naming Rules for Generating Technology Names=DA29113 3 Specifying the Layout of an Object View=DA29087 3 Specifying the Size of Objects in a Diagram View=DA29108 3 Locating an Object in a Tree View=DA29026 3 Deleting an Object=DA29024 3 Removing a Data Element from a Data Model=DA29111 2 Modeling Data 3 Creating a Data Model 4 Creating a Data Model=DA29043 4 Creating a New Data Model=DA29002 4 Copying an Existing Data Model=DA29003 3 Creating Objects 4 Creating an Entity=DA29008 4 Creating a Relationship=DA29009 4 Adding Data Elements to a Data Model=DA29005 4 Creating a Data Element=DA29018 4 Creating an Attribute=DA29012 4 Assigning a Data Element to an Attribute=DA29019 4 Creating a Constraint=DA29014 4 Creating an Entity Group=DA29122 4 Ungrouping an Entity Group=DA29123 4 Moving a Ghost Entity to a Different Entity Group=DA29036 4 Moving Entities between Entity Groups=DA29038 4 Creating an Isa Bundle=DA29034 4 Adding a Subtype to an Isa Bundle=DA29035 4 Removing a Subtype from an Isa Bundle=DA29025 4 Describing Objects in the Data Model=DA29015 4 Retrieving Text from the Wastebasket=DA29091 4 Validating Objects in a Data Model=DA29016 2 Forward and Reverse Engineering 3 Forward and Reverse Engineering Overview=DA20247 3 Forward Engineering 4 Forward Engineering Overview=DA29120 4 Validating Objects in a Data Model for Transformation=DA29109 4 Transforming Objects in a Data Model into a Relational Design=DA29062 4 Transformation into a New Relational Design 5 Transformation into a New Relational Design=DA20207 5 Mapping Objects=DA20329 5 Entities=DA20292 5 Attributes of Entities and Relationships=DA20293 5 Unary and Binary Relationships=DA20295 5 Constraint=DA20335 5 Reference Clauses=DA20336 5 Isa Bundles=DA20294 4 Transformation into an Existing Relational Design 5 Transformation into an Existing Relational Design=DA20208 3 Reverse Engineering 4 Reverse Engineering Overview=DA29121 4 Transforming a Relational Design into a Data Model=DA29093 4 Transformation into a Data Model=DA20248 2 Importing and Exporting Models Using VisualAge Exchange 3 Importing a Data Model 4 Importing a Data Model=DA29055 4 Translating a Data Model into a CASE Model=DA29114 4 Importing a CASE model into TeamConnection=DA29115 4 Transforming a CASE Model into a Data Model=DA29116 3 Exporting a Data Model 4 Exporting a Data Model=DA29112 4 Transforming a data model into a CASE model=DA29117 4 Exporting the CASE Model=DA29118 4 Translating the CASE Model into a Data Model=DA29119 2 Producing Documentation 3 Printing a View of an Object=DA29027 3 Creating a Document=DA29063 3 Previewing a Document 4 Previewing a Document Overview=DA29064 4 Navigating through a Document=DA29065 4 Changing Page Settings, Fonts, and Scaling Factors=DA29066 4 Getting Information about a Document=DA29071 4 Changing the Settings for the Preview Window=DA29072 3 Saving a Document=DA29073 3 Printing a Document=DA29069 2 Customizing Documents 3 Creating a Document Profile=DA29103 3 Defining Title Pages=DA29105 3 Defining Headers and Footers=DA29102 3 Creating a Text Block=DA29076 3 Finding Where a Text Block Is Used=DA29077 3 Defining a Document Structure 4 Specifying Settings for a Chapter or Section=DA29085 4 Changing the Order of Sections=DA29080 4 Excluding and Including a Section in a Document Structure=DA29079 4 Including a Text Block in a Document Structure=DA29081 4 Listing Text Blocks Used in a Document Structure=DA29084 4 Deleting a Text Block from a Document Structure=DA29082 4 Displaying the Document Outline=DA29083 1 Modeler Reference 2 Object Views, Windows, and Notebooks 3 Add Data Elements=DA20011 3 Add Subtype=DA20264 3 Attribute Settings=DA20036 3 Attributes View of an Entity or a Relationship=DA20035 3 Change TeamConnection Family=DA20303 3 Column Name Conflict=DA20129 3 Constraint Settings=DA20039 3 Copy Data Model=DA20009 3 Copy Document=DA20228 3 Copy Document Profile=DA20102 3 Create Attribute=DA20261 3 Create Constraint=DA20262 3 Create Data Element=DA20270 3 Create Data Model=DA20003 3 Create Document=DA20016 3 Create Document Profile=DA20101 3 Create Document Structure=DA20269 3 Create Entity=DA20259 3 Create Entity Group=DA20258 3 Create Footer=DA20267 3 Create Header=DA20266 3 Create Isa Bundle=DA20263 3 Create Relationship=DA20260 3 Create Text Block=DA20268 3 Create Title=DA20265 3 DataAtlas Modeler=DA20085 3 Data Element Settings=DA20047 3 Data Model=DA20064 3 Data Model Settings=DA20232 3 Data Model Tree=DA20004 3 Data Models View=DA20001 3 Data Models View Settings=DA20002 3 Delete All Listed Objects=DA20054 3 Document=DA20094 3 Document Preview=DA20048 3 Document Preview Settings=DA20028 3 Document Profile=DA20062 3 Document Profile Settings Window=DA20253 3 Document Profile Settings Notebook=DA20234 3 Document Profile Tree=DA20018 3 Document Profiles View=DA20006 3 Document Profiles View Settings=DA20086 3 Document Settings=DA20235 3 Document Structure Settings=DA20024 3 Document Structure Tree=DA20050 3 Documents View=DA20007 3 Documents View Settings=DA20090 3 Entity Group Diagram=DA20031 3 Entity Group Settings=DA20052 3 Entity Settings=DA20034 3 Find and Replace=DA20225 3 Document Fonts=DA20029 3 Font (Layout)=DA20215 3 Font (View Settings)=DA20309 3 Footer Settings=DA20023 3 Get Entity=DA20230 3 Header Settings=DA20020 3 Information=DA20154 3 Insert Text Block=DA20026 3 Isa Bundle Settings=DA20043 3 Layout=DA20010 3 Lines=DA20254 3 Object=DA20013 3 Object Size=DA20083 3 Page=DA20030 3 Partner Entity=DA20220 3 Print=DA20017 3 Print Document=DA20307 3 Relationship Settings=DA20037 3 Save Document File=DA20051 3 Scaling Factors=DA20049 3 Search=DA20012 3 Search Data Elements in TeamConnection=DA20257 3 Search Relational Designs in TeamConnection=DA20318 3 Search Results=DA20319 3 Section Settings=DA20027 3 Show Columns=DA20337 3 Sort Order=DA20014 3 Table Name Conflict=DA20046 3 Technology Name Generation Rules=DA20315 3 Text Block Settings=DA20021 3 Text View (Data Model Objects)=DA20040 3 Text View (Document Profiles)=DA20274 3 Title Settings=DA20022 3 Transform from CASE Model=DA20298 3 Transform from Relational Design=DA20229 3 Transform into CASE Model=DA20311 3 Transform into Relational Design for DB2 for Universal Database=DA20045 3 Transform into Relational Design for DB2 for OS/390=DA20316 3 Transform into Relational Design for Oracle=DA20317 3 Transformation Progress=DA20005 3 Unload Data Model=DA20299 3 User Profile=DA20095 3 Validate Model=DA20015 3 Validate Entity Group=DA20275 3 Validate Entity=DA20276 3 Validate Relationship or Isa Bundle=DA20278 3 Validate Data Element=DA20279 3 Validate for Transform=DA20280 3 View Page=DA20252 3 Window List=DA20044 2 Menu Choices 3 Menu Choices=DA29997 3 Add column of pages=DA20155 3 Add data elements=DA20097 3 Add row of pages=DA20157 3 Add subtype=DA20147 3 After each EAM=DA20219 3 Align horizontally=DA20160 3 Align vertically=DA20161 3 Clear=DA20256 3 Collapse=DA20131 3 Copy=DA20141 3 Copy (Text View)=DA20272 3 Create another=DA20140 3 Create attribute=DA20168 3 Create constraint=DA20169 3 Create data element=DA20218 3 Create document=DA20098 3 Create element=DA20182 3 Create entity=DA20105 3 Create relationship=DA20145 3 Cut=DA20271 3 DataAtlas Modeler=DA20135 3 Data model=DA20165 3 Delete=DA20106 3 Delete (Text View)=DA20334 3 Delete column of pages=DA20156 3 Delete row of pages=DA20158 3 Display all=DA20133 3 Display selected only=DA20132 3 End of transaction=DA20204 3 Exclude=DA20184 3 Expand=DA20130 3 Find and replace=DA20224 3 Fonts=DA20194 3 Get=DA20308 3 Get entity (Selected)=DA20143 3 Get entity (Group)=DA20222 3 Go to=DA20144 3 Group=DA20103 3 Help menu-bar choice=DA20063 3 Hide tool bar=DA20138 3 Include=DA20189 3 Information (for Document)=DA20190 3 Information (for Model)=DA20125 3 Insert text block=DA20187 3 Layout=DA20121 3 Lines=DA20255 3 List foreign keys=DA20175 3 List text blocks=DA20186 3 Load=DA20033 3 Lock=DA20136 3 Lock all objects=DA20152 3 Mandatory=DA20213 3 Message list=DA20118 3 New item placement=DA20177 3 Next message=DA20119 3 Object=DA20117 3 Object size=DA20091 3 Open=DA20236 3 Open as attributes or Open as constraints=DA20107 3 Open as diagram=DA20108 3 Open as settings=DA20110 3 Open as text=DA20109 3 Open as tree=DA20181 3 Open data element=DA20171 3 Optional=DA20200 3 Outline=DA20185 3 Page=DA20193 3 Parent entity group=DA20166 3 Paste=DA20273 3 Previous message=DA20120 3 Primary=DA20163 3 Print=DA20123 3 Refresh now=DA20111 3 Remove data element=DA20221 3 Remove unused data elements=DA20216 3 Remove pages=DA20159 3 Save as=DA20180 3 Save to document file=DA20191 3 Scaling factors=DA20195 3 Search=DA20100 3 Select first child=DA20114 3 Select next sibling=DA20112 3 Select parent=DA20115 3 Select previous sibling=DA20113 3 Settings=DA20304 3 Show columns=DA20179 3 Show primary key=DA20174 3 Show relationship=DA20176 3 Show tool bar=DA20217 3 Sort order=DA20134 3 Specialize=DA20146 3 Technology Name Generation Rules=DA20314 3 Transform from CASE model=DA20300 3 Transform from relational design=DA20142 3 Transform into CASE Model=DA20312 3 Transform into Relational Design=DA20124 3 Undo zoom=DA20150 3 Ungroup=DA20104 3 Unload and discard changes=DA20032 3 Unload and save changes=DA20306 3 Unlock all objects=DA20167 3 Unlock=DA20137 3 User profile=DA20305 3 Validate=DA20122 3 Validate for transform=DA20301 3 View (in Preview menu bar)=DA20192 3 Where used=DA20183 3 Window list=DA20116 3 Zoom in=DA20148 3 Zoom out=DA20149 3 Zoom to fit in window=DA20151 2 Buttons 3 Buttons=DA20197 3 OK=DA20056 3 Apply=DA20126 3 Cancel=DA20057 3 Undo=DA20061 3 Help=DA20058 2 Window Menu 3 Window Menu=DA20092 2 Object Pop-Up Menu 3 Object Pop-Up Menu=DA20093 2 Notebook Pages 3 View=DA20053 3 TeamConnection=DA20060 2 How DataAtlas Modeler Propagates Keys 3 How DataAtlas Modeler Propagates Keys=DA20211 2 Tool-Bar Choices 3 Tool-Bar Choices=DA20212 2 Text Formatting Controls 3 Text Formatting Controls=DA20310 2 Document Variables 3 Variables for Document Elements=DA20330 3 Variables for Section Headings=DA20331 1 Glossary 3 associative entity=DA24001 3 attribute=da24055 3 attributive entity=DA24002 3 binary relationship=DA24003 3 cardinality=DA24004 3 CASE model=DA24005 3 collapse=DA24006 3 component=DA24007 3 conceptual data model=DA24008 3 constraint=DA24009 3 data element=DA24010 3 data model=DA24011 3 data type=DA24012 3 DBMS=DA24013 3 degree of a relationship=DA24014 3 dependent entity=DA24015 3 document=DA24016 3 document profile=DA24017 3 entity=DA24018 3 entity group=DA24019 3 entity instance=DA24020 3 entity-relationship model (ER model)=DA24021 3 entity type=DA24022 3 ER model=DA24023 3 expand=DA24024 3 family=DA24025 3 foreign key=DA24026 3 generalization=DA24027 3 ghost entity=DA24028 3 identifier=DA24029 3 information area=DA24030 3 isa bundle=DA24031 3 isa relationship=DA24032 3 locking=DA24033 3 logical data model=DA24034 3 mandatory attribute=DA24035 3 many-to-many relationship=DA24036 3 maximum cardinality=DA24037 3 minimum cardinality=DA24038 3 one-to-many relationship=DA24039 3 one-to-one relationship=DA24040 3 optional attribute=DA24041 3 physical data model=DA24042 3 populate=DA24043 3 primary key=DA24044 3 RDBMS=DA24045 3 relational design=DA24046 3 relationship=DA24047 3 release=DA24048 3 subtype=DA24049 3 supertype=DA24050 3 table=DA24051 3 text block=DA24052 3 unary relationship=DA24053 3 version=da24056 3 work area=DA24054