═══ 1. MP3 audio file ═══ This file is an MP3 audio file. It may be played using MMOS2 after installing of MMIOMP3 a free multimedia IOProc. Get it from http://www.math.berkeley.edu/~roconnor/ ═══ 2. ID3 Tag ═══ Use this page for the editing of ID3 tags. If the entry fields are empty this file does not have any tag yet. The new information is only saved after pressing the Save button. The following information may be specified.  Name: The name of the track. The length is restricted to 30 characters.  Artist: The name of the Artist. The length is restricted to 30 characters.  Album: The album containing this track. The length is restricted to 30 characters.  Comment: An arbitrary comment. The length is restricted to 30 characters.  Year: The year the album was published.  Genre: The Genre of this track. ═══ 3. Ogg audio file ═══ This file is an Ogg audio file. It may be played using MMOS2 after installing of MMIOVORB a free multimedia IOProc. Get it from http://www.math.berkeley.edu/~roconnor/