
C Styled Script
Reference Manual

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Using The CSS Executive
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   Predefined Identifiers
System Library
String Library
Regular Expression Lib.
File Library
Database Library
CSS Links

Operators in descending precedence:

Operators Comments
( ) [ ]  
! + - ++ -- & sizeof Unary pre/postfixes. & is only allowed in parameter lists
* / \ % \ is integer divide
- + | With + one or both operands may be a string (non-numeric) whereby string concatenation is performed instead of a numeric add.
| is the string concatenation operator.
< <= > >= If one or both operands are strings, a literally string-compare will take place.
== != If one or both operands are strings, a literally string-compare will take place.
&& Evaluation of A && B:
In CSS, B will allway be evaluated.
In C/C++, B will only be evaluated if A is true.
|| Evaluation of A || B:
In CSS, B will allway be evaluated.
In C/C++, B will only be evaluated if A is false.
= += -= *= /= \= %= |= With += source or target may be a string (non-numeric) whereby string concatenation is performed instead of a numeric add.
, Comma is used to group several expressions into a single statement.

There are no bitwise (| & ^^ ~~) and no conditional (? :) operators in CSS.

Expressions true/false evaluation:

  • if the expression is a number, zero values are false and nonzero values are true.

  • if the expression is no number, empty strings are false and nonempty are true.

The sizeof operator returns 1 for simple var's. For arrays it returns the number of elements for the given index:

var xy[5][4];
sizeof(xy);      // 20
sizeof xy[1];    // 4
sizeof xy[2][3]; // 1
 Copyright © IBK LandquartLast revised by Peter Koch, 24.02.00<< Back  Top  Next >>