ADDRESS demonstration program ============================= This is a demonstration database for storing addresses. It gives an adequate impression of what this library was designed for. No complex client/server approach but strait forward functions to read and write records. !! The user interface is NOT PART OF CSLIB! !! !! But it can be downloaded from for free, !! !! the file is named !! !! It is NOT a product we support and it only works with Borland C++ !! !! under DOS large memory model. !! The source consists of two files: 'csadd.cpp' for the user-interface and 'csaddio.cpp' for the database. - 'csaddio.cpp' is generated by the CSDBGEN utility with the file 'csaddio.def' as input. - 'csadd.cpp' is 'hand coded'. The file is about 500 lines. Features ======== This simple demonstration database has already some interesting features: - Incremental search. That is, it 'zero's in' on the name you are looking for with every key entered. Normally it finds the required record after only two or three characters. - Exporting to a dBASE compatible file. The files used by the application are not in the dBASE format, but they can be exported to a dBASE compatible file. - Indexing also on substrings. Contrary to the traditional database, this one is capable of locating a record by searching for a substring of the key field, rather then the entire field.