DEMO 2 shows that CSLIB is very well capable of dealing with databases containing thousands of records. The demo uses records with only two fields: NAME and DATA. CSDBGEN was used to generate the source files demodb.cpp and demodb.h. To do so, it used the file demodb.def as input. Files. 1) load.exe: A dos executable. Load has to be used to (initally) create and fill the database and indexes. To do so, it needs an ASCII input file. It assumes every line represents a record. Everything before the first space is considered the DATA part. Everything after that is considered the NAME part. You can feed 'load' any ASCII file which follows this format. 2) college.txt: An ASCII file. An example input file for 'load'. It contains a list of colleges (about 2500) and their web sites. 3) list.exe: A dos executable. This can list the databases created with 'load' in three possible orders. a) sorted on the 'name' field. It does this by using the corresponding index. b) sorted on the 'data' field. It does this by using the corresponding index. c) Unsorted: The database is listed in its 'natural' order. No index will be used. If you like to toy around a bit, try using the csdir and csinfo utils to get a closer look at the dabases. Or use your own input file instead of 'college.txt' and see what happens.