Overview Here is a a quick overview of CSLIB. DATABASE CLASSES: TBASE: A class for reading and writing fixed length records. BTREE: A btree+ to be used as an index. VRAM: A 'database' organized as a heap. VBASE: A database class for variable length records. VBAXE: As VBASE but for very large databases. OLAY: A file system which can insert and delete! DLAY: As OLAY but for large files. IBASE: Fixed length records but with the ability to insert or delete a record anywhere in the database. GENERAL-PURPOSE FUNCTIONS and CLASSES: csDATE: To store and manipulate dates. csTIME: To represent the time. csSTR: Strings. CSDIR: To traverse a directory. QALLOC: Quick and dirty way to do dynamic memory allocations. HEAP: To efficiently allocate many small blocks from the heap. COMMAND LINE UTILITIES: CSDIR: Lists the CS-databases in a directory. CSINFO: Displays information about a CS-database. CSDBGEN: Important program generator. CSERROR: Utility to convert the error file to C++ source. CSKEYS: Displays the return value of the cskey() function. CSMALLOC: Tests the allocation log for memory leaks. CS4DBASE: Conversion utiltity to read dBASE files.