═══ 1. Special Notices ═══ References in this help to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM licensed program in this help is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's licensed program may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe on any of IBM's intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, is the user's responsibility. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this help. The furnishing of this help does not give you any license to these patents. The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this help, are trademarks of the IBM corporation in the United States and/or other countries: IBM OS/2 Operating System/2 Presentation Manager WorkFrame/2. ═══ 2. Browser Options ═══ Use the Browser Options notebook to specify the parameters to be passed to the IBM* C/C++ Tools Browser when you start it from the Workframe/2* environment. In this notebook, you can: o Specify the facts or components you want loaded into the browser database o Specify the pathnames of browser files to load into the browser database o Specify the directories of source files that have been moved since their corresponding browser files were generated o Control the displayed messages on browser file processing. If you want to create your own Options dynamic link library, you can use the DEFL_DLL sample project supplied with WorkFrame/2 as a template. ═══ OK ═══ Click on the OK push button to save the browser options settings and close the Browser Options notebook. ═══ Reset ═══ Click on the Reset push button to update the browser options settings to their initial values. ═══ Cancel ═══ Click on the Cancel push button to close the Browser Options notebook without saving any changes. ═══ Help ═══ Click on the Help push button to get help on the Browser Options notebook. ═══ Default ═══ Click on the Default push button to update the browser option settings with the system default values. ═══ 3. Program Options ═══ In the Program page of the Browser Options notebook, you can specify the program components (called facts) that you want included in the browser database when browser .BRS files are loaded. You can control facts for: o Variables o Enumerators o Typedefs o Macros o Header files. ═══ 3.1. Variables ═══ Use the Variables setting to specify the facts on variables that should be included in the browser database when browser .BRS files are loaded. Select one radio button from the group: All Includes all the facts on variables in the browser database. This is the default setting. The equivalent ibrs command-line option is /Fv"all". None Excludes the facts on variables from the browser database. The equivalent command-line option is /Fv"none". Global Includes only the facts on global variables in the browser database. The equivalent command-line option is /Fv"global". Member & Global Includes only the facts on member and global variables in the browser database. The equivalent command-line option is /Fv"member+global". ═══ 3.2. Enumerators ═══ Use the Enumerators setting to specify the enumerator facts that should be included in the browser database when browser .BRS files are loaded. Select one radio button from the group: All Includes all the facts on enumerators in the browser database. This is the default setting. The equivalent ibrs command-line option is /Fe+. None Excludes the facts on enumerators from the browser database. The equivalent command-line option is /Fe-. ═══ 3.3. Typedefs ═══ Use the Typedefs setting to specify the facts on typedefs that should be included in the browser database when browser .BRS files are loaded. Select one radio button from the group: All Includes all the facts on typedefs in the browser database. This is the default setting. The equivalent ibrs command-line option is /Fd+. None Excludes the facts on typedefs from the browser database. The equivalent command-line option is /Fd-. ═══ 3.4. Macros ═══ Use the Macros setting to specify the facts on macros that should be included in the browser database when browser .BRS files are loaded. Select one radio button from the group: All Includes all the facts on macros in the browser database. This is the default setting. The equivalent ibrs command-line option is /Fm+. None Excludes the facts on macros from the browser database. The equivalent command-line option is /Fm-. ═══ 3.5. Exclude Header Files ═══ Use the Exclude header files entry field to specify the names of header files whose facts you do not want to load into the browser database. The list of file names is kept in the database, but the facts are not. Using this field is equivalent to specifying the /Xpath[;path] option on the ibrs command line. In the Exclude headers field, type the names or file masks of header files whose facts you do not want to load into the database. You can specify file masks using the OS/2* * wildcard. If you specify more than one file or file mask, separate each one with a space. If you leave this entry field blank, the default is to include the facts of all header files in the database. ═══ 4. List Options ═══ In the List page of the Browser Options notebook, you can specify options involving: o Browser file messages o Browser file loading o Browser file search directories o Source file search directories. ═══ 4.1. Verbosity ═══ Use the Verbosity option to control messages on browser file processing. There are three levels of verbosity you can select: Suppress all messages Suppresses all messages on browser file processing. Selecting this item is equivalent to specifying the /V0 option on the ibrs command line. This is the default setting. List the name of each file Lists the name of each browser file as it is processed. Selecting this item is equivalent to specifying the /V1 option on the ibrs command line. List names, database facts, and time Lists the name of each browser file as it is processed, the number of database facts loaded for each file, and the time taken to load the facts into the browser database. Selecting this item is equivalent to specifying the /V2 option on the ibrs command line. ═══ 4.2. Browser File Directories ═══ In the browser file Directories entry field, type the list of directories in which to search for the input browser (.BRS) files specified in the File masks entry field. If you specify more than one directory path, separate each one with a semicolon. If you leave this field blank, the default is to search for the input browser files in the current directory. Using this field is equivalent to specifying the /Bpath[;path] option on the ibrs command line. ═══ 4.3. Browser File Masks ═══ In the browser File masks entry field, type the names or file masks of browser files you want loaded into the browser database when you start the browser from the Workframe/2* environment. You can specify browser files or file masks using OS/2* wildcards. If you specify more than one file or file mask, separate each one with a space. If you leave this field blank, no browser files are loaded into the browser database when you start the browser from WorkFrame/2. Using this field is equivalent to specifying input browser files on the ibrs command line. ═══ 4.4. Source Directories ═══ In the source Directories field, type the list of directories in which to search for source code files if they have been moved since their corresponding browser file was generated. The directories you specify override the path as stored in the browser file. Using this field is equivalent to specifying the /Spath[;path] option on the ibrs command line. You can specify browser files or file masks using OS/2* wildcards. If you specify more than one file or file mask, separate each one with a semicolon. If you leave this field blank, the default is search for source files in the directories they were in when their respective browser files were generated. ═══ Reset Page ═══ Click on the Reset Page push button to update the browser options settings in this page to their initial values. ═══ Default ═══ Click on the Default push button to update the browser options with their default values. ═══ Help ═══ Click on the Help push button to get help on this page of the Browser Options notebook. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: The application was unable to create a dialog panel for the Browser Options notebook due to insufficient system resources. Recovery: Close one or more other tasks, and retry the command. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: You have chosen to reset the browser options to their default settings. Are you sure you want to update the browser options with their default settings? Recovery: Select the Yes push button if you want to reset the browser options to the default settings. Select the No push button if you want to retain their current settings. You are then returned to the Browser Options notebook. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: You have chosen to reset the browser options to their previous settings. Are you sure you want to reset the browser options? Recovery: Select Yes if you want to reset the browser option settings. Select No to retain their current settings. You are then returned to the Browser Options notebook. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: The directory path name must be an existing path and must follow the naming conventions for directories: o The name must be 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters o The first character must be alphabetic o The name cannot contain embedded blanks, or the characters @, #, and $ o If you are specifying more than one path name, separate each with a semicolon. Recovery: Type a valid directory path name in the field. See the OS/2* Return Codes Help for more information. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: This field requires the names of one or more directory path names. The path name must not contain the name of a file. Recovery: Type a valid directory path name in the field. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: One or more of the specified paths contains a directory name that is longer than the maximum length permitted by the operating system. Recovery: Enter a shorter directory name and try the command again. See the OS/2* Return Codes Help for more information. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while validating the path. Recovery: Enter a valid path name. See the OS/2* Return Codes Help for more information. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: One or more of the specified paths does not exist. Do you want to ignore it? Recovery: Select Yes to ignore the specified path, save the current settings, and close the Browser Options notebook. Select No to return to the previous page. See the OS/2* Return Codes Help for more information. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: No files that match the specified file specifier were found. Do you want to ignore it? Recovery: Select Yes to ignore the file specifier, save the option settings, and close the Browser Options notebook. Select No to return to the previous page without closing the Browser Options notebook. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: You have chosen to discard all the changes made to the Browser Options settings. Are you sure you want to discard the changes? Recovery: Select the Yes push button if you want to discard the changes and exit from the Browser Options notebook. Select the No pushbutton if you want to retain the changes and return to the previous page without exiting from the Browser Options notebook ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: An error occurred while trying to allocate memory. There may be insufficient memory to complete the task. Recovery: Close one or more other tasks, and retry the command. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: The options file for your project has been corrupted. Recovery: Use the default options and then reset them to your preferred settings. ═══ Message Help ═══ Explanation: You are using the incorrect version of the options file for your project. Recovery: Select Yes to use the default option settings. Otherwise, select No to cancel the current operation. ═══ ═══ Trademark of the IBM Corporation