MKMSGF !O!q! !G"v" ""#Y# #4$~$ $)%T% (@)f) *@+b+ -'.k. /.0[0 142x2 585z5 5*6J6 8:8h8 8!9g9 94:s: dde42.msg (Press any key to continue, to quit) IBM C/C++ Tools Version 2.01 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1991, 1993. - Licensed Materials - Program Property of IBM - All Rights Reserved. Standard Class Library Version 3.0 (C) Copyright Unix System Laboratories, Inc. 1991. - Licensed Materials - Program Property of USL - All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. - File Management Options- ========================== /Fa<[+]|-> Produce an assembler file. Default: /Fa- /Fa Specify the name of the assembler file. /Fb<[+]|-> Generate browser file. Default: /Fb- (C++ mode only) /Fc<[+]|-> Perform syntax check only. Default: /Fc- /Fd<[+]|-> /Fd+: Store internal work files on disk. /Fd-: Store internal work files in shared memory. Default: /Fd- for C files /Fd+ for C++ files /Fe Specify the name of the executable file. /Fi<[+]|-> Generate precompiled header files. Default: /Fi- /Fl<[+]|-> Generate basic listing file. Default: /Fl- /Fl Specify the name of the listing file. /Fm<[+]|-> Produce a linker map file. Default: /Fm- /Fm Specify the name of the linker map file. /Fo<[+]|-> Generate object file. Default: /Fo+ /Fo Specify the name of the object file to produce. /Ft<[+]|-> Generate template file. Default: /Ft+ (C++ mode only) /Ft Specify the directory of the template file to produce. (C++ mode only) /Fw<[+]|-> Save intermediate files for intermediate linker. Default: /Fw- /Fw Specify the name of the imtermediate files to produce. /I Specify where to search for include files. /Xi<[+]|-> Do not use the INCLUDE environment variable when searching for include files. Default: /Xi- /Xc Ignore all the previous path specified by the /I option. - Listing Output Options - ========================== /L<[+]|-> Generate basic listing file. Default: /L- /La<[+]|-> Include a layout of all referenced struct or union variables in the listing file. Default: /La- /Lb<[+]|-> Include a layout of all struct or union variables in the listing file. Default: /Lb- /Le<[+]|-> Show all expanded macros in the listing file. Default: /Le- /Lf<[+]|-> Full listing: turn on all the listing options. Default: /Lf- /Li<[+]|-> Expand only user #include files in the listing file. Default: /Li- /Lj<[+]|-> Expand both user and system #include files in the listing file. Default: /Lj- /Lp Set page length on listing. Default: /Lp66 /Ls<[+]|-> Include source statements in the listing file. Default: /Ls- /Lt"string" Set title string on listing. /Lu"string" Set subtitle string on listing. /Lx<[+]|-> Produce a cross-reference table of referenced variables in the listing file. Default: /Lx- /Ly<[+]|-> Produce a cross-reference table of all variables in the listing file. Default: /Ly- - Debugging Options - ===================== /N Set maximum number of errors before aborting compilation. Default: Abort on unrecoverable error. /Ti<[+]|-> Generate debugging information. Default: /Ti- /Tm<[+]|-> Enable debug memory management support. Default: /Tm- /Tx<[+]|-> Generate full exception register dump. Default: /Tx- /W<0|1|2|3> /W0: Output only severe and unrecoverable error messages generated by the compiler. /W1: Output error, severe and unrecoverable error messages generated by the compiler. /W2: Output warning, error, severe and unrecoverable error messages generated by the compiler. /W3: Output all messages generated by the compiler. Default: /W3 /Wcls<[+]|-> Display information about class use. /Wcmp<[+]|-> Warn about possible redundancies in unsigned comparisons. /Wcnd<[+]|-> Warn about possible redundancies or problems in conditional expressions. /Wcns<[+]|-> Warn about operations involving constants. /Wcnv<[+]|-> Generate messages about conversions. /Wcpy<[+]|-> Inform if copy constructor cannot be generated. /Wdcl<[+]|-> Check for declaration consistency. /Weff<[+]|-> Warn about statements with no effect. /Wenu<[+]|-> Check for problems with enum consistency. /Wext<[+]|-> Warn about unused external definitions. /Wgen<[+]|-> Generate general checkout messages. /Wgnr<[+]|-> Inform if compiler generates a temporary variable. /Wgot<[+]|-> Warn about usage of goto statements. /Wini<[+]|-> Check for possible problems in initialisation. /Wlan<[+]|-> Display information about the effects of language level. /Wobs<[+]|-> Warn about obsolescent features. /Word<[+]|-> Warn about possibly ambiguous order of evaluation. /Wpar<[+]|-> Warn about unused parameters. /Wpor<[+]|-> Warn about non-portable language constructs. /Wppc<[+]|-> Warn about possible problems using the preprocessor. /Wppt<[+]|-> Display a trace of preprocessor actions. /Wpro<[+]|-> Warn about missing function prototypes. /Wrea<[+]|-> Warn about unreachable statements. /Wret<[+]|-> Check for return statement consistency. /Wtrd<[+]|-> Warn about possible truncation or loss of data. /Wtru<[+]|-> Warn about variable names trunctated by compiler. /Wund<[+]|-> Warn about casting of pointers to/from an undefined class. /Wuni<[+]|-> Warn about uninitialised variables. /Wuse<[+]|-> Check for unused auto/static variables. /Wvft<[+]|-> Generate messages about virtual function table generation. /Wall<[+]|-> All /W suboptions. Default: /Wall- - Source Code Options - ======================= /S /Sa: Allow language constructs which conform to ANSI standards. /Sc: Allow language constructs which are compatible with older versions of the C++ lanuage. (C++ mode only) /Se: Allow all IBM C language extensions. Default: /Se /S2: Allow language constructs which conform to SAA Level 2 standards. (C mode only) /Sd<[+]|-> /Sd+: Set the default file extension to .c. /Sd-: Set the default file extension to .obj. Default: /Sd- /Sg<[m][,n]|-> Set margin from m to n. Default: /Sg1,* (or /Sg-). The (*) means no margin. (C mode only) /Sh<[+]|-> Allow use of ddnames. Default: /Sh- /Si<[+]|-> Use precompiled header files when available. Default: /Si- /Sm<[+]|-> Ignore migration keywords. Default: /Sm- /Sn<[+]|-> Activate DBCS support in the compiler. Default: /Sn- /Sp<[1]|2|4> Pack structure members on specified alignments. Default: /Sp4 /Sq<[m][,n]|-> Specify the portion of the input record which contains sequence numbers. Default: /Sq- (no sequence number) (C mode only) /Sr<[+]|-> /Sr+: Use old-style rules for type conversions to preserve the sign. /Sr-: Use new-style rules for type conversions to preserve accuracy. Default: /Sr- (C mode only) /Ss<[+]|-> Allow the double slash format to be used for comments. Default: /Ss- (C mode only) /Su<[+]|-|1|2|4> Pack enum variables into specified integral size. Default: /Su- /Sv<[+]|-> Enable support for using memory files. Default: /Sv- /Tc Compile the file as a C file. /Td Compile any file with extension .cpp or .cxx as C++ file and any other unrecognized file as C file. Default: /Td /Tdc Compile all the following source files as C files. /Tdp Compile all the following source files as C++ files and invoke link step to resolve all template functions. /Tp Compile the file as a C++ file. - Preprocessor Options - ======================== /D Define preprocessor macros to the value '1'. /D Define preprocessor macros to the value given. /D Define preprocessor macros to the value given. /P<[+]|-> /P+: Run only the preprocessor against the source file. /P-: Run the entire compiler against the source file. Default: /P- /Pc<[+]|-> /Pc+: Run only the preprocessor against the source file and preserve comments during preprocessing. /Pc-: Run only the preprocessor against the source file and do not preserve comments during preprocessing. Default: /Pc- /Pd<[+]|-> /Pd+: Send the preprocessor output to stdout. /Pd-: Send the preprocessor output to a file. Default: /Pd- /Pe<[+]|-> /Pe+: Suppress #line directives from the preprocessor output. /Pe-: Produce #line directives in the preprocessor output. Default: /Pe- /U Undefine user macro. /U* Undefine all user defined macros. - Code Generation Options - =========================== /G<3|4|5> /G3: Generate code to optimize its use on an 80386 processor. Default: /G3 /G4: Generate code to optimize its use on an 80486 processor. /G5: Generate code to optimize its use on a Pentium processor. /Gd<[+]|-> /Gd+: Use the version of the runtime library that is dynamically linked. /Gd-: Use the version of the runtime library that is statically linked. Default: /Gd- /Ge<[+]|-> /Ge+: Use the version of the runtime library that assume an EXE is being built. /Ge-: Use the version of the runtime library that assume a DLL is being built. Default: /Ge+ /Gf<[+]|-> Generate fast floating point code. Default: /Gf- /Gh<[+]|-> Generate profiler hooks in function prologs. Default: /Gh- /Gi<[+]|-> Generate fast integer code. Default: /Gi- /Gm<[+]|-> Link with multi-tasking libraries. Default: /Gm- /Gn<[+]|-> /Gn+: Do not generate default libraries in object. /Gn-: Generate default libraries in object. Default: /Gn- /Gr<[+]|-> Allow object code to run at ring 0. Default: /Gr- /Gs<[+]|-> /Gs+: Remove stack probes from the generated code. /Gs-: Stack probes are in the generated code. Default: /Gs- /Gt<[+]|-> Store variables so that they do not cross 64Kb boundaries. Default: /Gt- /Gu<[+]|-> /Gu+: Tell intermediate linker that external functions may not use any data defined in the intermediate link. /Gu-: Tell intermediate linker that external functions may use data defined in the intermediate link. Default: /Gu- /Gv<[+]|-> Generate load DS and ES from DGROUP in the prologs of external functions. Default: /Gv- (C mode only) /Gw<[+]|-> Generate an FWAIT instruction after each FP load. Default: /Gw- /Gx<[+]|-> Disable the generation of C++ exception handling code. Default: /Gx- (C++ mode only) /M /Mp: Set the default linkage to _Optlink. Default: /Mp /Ms: Set the default linkage to _System. /ND Specify default data segment name. /NT Specify default text segment name. /O<[+]|-> Turn on object code optimization. Default: /O- /Oi<[+]|-|value> Turn on function inlining. Default: /Oi- if /O- /Oi+ if /O+ Also specify the threshold for auto function inlining. Default threshold: 0 /Ol<[+]|-> Invoke intermediate code linker. Default: /Ol- /Om<[+]|-> Limit amount of memory used by the optimizer/code generator. Default: /Om- /Op<[+]|-> /Op-: Disable all stack pointer optimizations. Default: /Op+ /Os<[+]|-> Invoke instruction scheduler. Default: /Os- if /O- /Os+ if /O+ /R /Re: Produce code to run in a C/C++ Tools Run Time Environment. Default: /Re /Rn: No language environment. Allow system programming and subsystem development. - Other Options - ================= ? Display on line Help. /B"options" Pass options to the linker. /C<[+]|-> /C+: Perform compile only, no link. /C-: Perform compile and link. Default: /C- /H Set the length of external names. Default: /H255 /J<[+]|-> /J+: Make default char type unsigned. Default: /J+ /J-: Make default char type signed. /Q<[+]|-> /Q+: Suppress the logo. /Q-: Display the logo. Default: /Q- /Tl<[+]|-|value> Control preloading of the compiler. Default: /Tl10 Preload for 10 minutes /Tl- Unload the compiler /V"string" Set version string. This option imbeds a given text string into the object file.