MKMSGF 3 r DDE41.MSG fatal error recoverable information warning %1: Not enough memory is available. %1: Error occurred in intermediate file%2%3. %1: An addressing mode combination is not valid%2%3. %1: Too many Lex levels%2%3. %1: An unsupported data type was encountered%2%3. %1: Missing a lex WCode%2%3. %1: An unexpected dependent register was encountered%2%3. %1: Error occurred while opening assembly file%2%3. %1: Error occurred while writing assembly file%2%3. %1: Error occurred while closing assembly file%2%3. %1: Error occurred while opening object file%2%3. %1: Error occurred while writing object file%2%3. %1: Error occurred while closing object file%2%3. %1: Expression contains division by zero. %1: Too many debug options were specified%2%3. %1: Error occurred while opening intermediate file%2%3. %1: Error occurred while writing to intermediate file%2%3. %1: Error occurred while reading from intermediate file%2%3. %1: Error occurred while closing intermediate file%2%3. %1: Error occurred while creating name%2%3. %1: Expression contains modulo by zero. unknown error %1: Data definitions require more 16-bit segments than are allowed. %1: The text associated with a #pragma comment user is too long. %1: The path or file name for output file %2 is not valid. %1: Open access denied for output file %2. %1: Cannot open output file %2. %1: Cannot open output file %2. The file is already open. %1: Cannot write to the output file. The disk is full. %1: Precondition violated. %1: The command line passed to the Back End is not correct. %1: Error occurred while opening source file%2%3. %1: The path or file name for source file %2 is not valid. %1: Open access denied for source file %2. %1: Cannot open source file %2. %1: Cannot open source file %2. The file is already open. %1: Assembler listing line is too long for successful assembly. %1: Error occurred while closing source file%2%3. %1: Cannot use __parmdwords in a non SYSTEM linkage function. %1: Automatic function inliner will inline function %2.