═══ 1. VisPro/C++ ═══ Get Serious OS/2 Development Power With VisPro/C++! VisPro/C++ is a full-featured visual programming tool for the IBM and MetaWare compilers with the Open Class Library. It gives you the power to build 32-bit OS/2 object-oriented applications in record time. VisPro/C++ gives you the robust features you have come to expect from solutions costing much more. These tools leverage all of the important features of OS/2 including full integration with the Workplace Shell. And they come from HockWare, the pioneer in value-priced visual programming products dedicated to OS/2, including VisPro/REXX, and VisPro/C. An abundance of CUA '91 objects, multiple development views, entity-relationship database designer and an integrated environment are just some of the productive features you can count on for powerful development. With all of this, no other tool matches the functionality and productivity of VisPro's environment--or its price. Easy-to-use drag and drop programming Quickly develop robust OS/2 GUI and client/server applications with ease using drag and drop programming. The C++ code automatically appears for each event. Objects, objects, objects From simple buttons and boxes to 3-D business graphics and everything in-between, VisPro/C++ provides the most CUA '91 objects. Not only does it support all of the objects in OS/2, they have extra add-on objects. Also available is VisPro/Objects, a SOM based object builder that allows you to quickly develop your own custom objects. The best of OS/2 VisPro/C++ gives you the best of OS/2 with complete Workplace Shell enablement. Drag and drop programming, multiple development views including Layout, List, Event Tree and Settings views, and the ability to get pop-up menus on the objects are some Workplace Shell features that give you maximum leverage of OS/2. C++ code just like you'd expect and more VisPro/C++ generates well-structured code. The result is non-proprietary, royalty-free code that is easy to read and maintain. Lightning fast database design For client/server programming, VisPro/C++ has a visual database designer. It provides an entity/relationship diagramming tool and SQL builder that lets you quickly create applications for ODBC-enabled databases or reverse-engineer existing databases. VisPro/C++ Features Drag and drop programming Workplace-Shell enabled drag and drop programming that automatically generates the code for you. It also allows you to drag items to the printer shredder and Workplace Shell folders. CUA '91 objects Comprehensive set of CUA '91 programming objects including: push button, radio button, check box, list box, combo box, group box, entry field, MLE, text, bitmap object, icon object, spin button, frame, slider, notebook, and container. Extra objects  3-D business graphics - displays data in bar, stacked bar, pie, line and area charts.  Formatted entry field - allows users to display and edit specific formats of data.  Spreadsheet - allows users to enter and display data in typical spreadsheet format.  Clock - allows users to veiw time in analog, digital and military format.  Calendar - allows users to view and interact with a traditional monthly calendar. Code generation Well-structured code generation gives you high quality code that is easy to read and maintain. The non-proprietary, royalty-free code can be used outside of the VisPro development environment. VisPro supports code regeneration which allows you to incorporate changes you have made to events and code sections outside of the VisPro environment. VisPro/C++ automatically generates object and object event-handler code so you don't have to worry about the details Integrated development environment  Manage bitmap, icon, codepage, assoctable, font, message table, RC include, and string resources  Visually set compiler and linker options.  Monitor compiler progress.  Click on compiler errors to find corresponding location in VisPro editor or any external editor.  Transparently log changes and develop projects as a team with the VisPro Team Administrator Multiple views Four development views allow you to efficiently create, change or customize your program. Views include Settings, Layout, Event Tree and List. The layout view provides a WYSIWYG design canvas and a floating tool palette. Visual Database Designer Visual method for developing database applications or reverse-engineering existing database structures from ODBC-enabled databases into diagrams. Using the entity-relationship diagramming tool, you drag and drop multiple tables and relationship links in to a layout area. The point-and-click SQL builder allows you to easily build syntax error-free SQL statements. VisPro/Objects SOM-based interface that allows you to create and add custom controls to the VisPro tool bar. It allows you to specify behavior, styles and methods and generates most of the source code needed to bring the object into all VisPro environments - C, C++ an REXX. Graphical class browser VisPro/C++ includes a Graphical browser, which allows you to view the IBM User Interface Class Library. You can also drag and drop methods from the library into a VisPro/C++ application. Other features  User interface resource compatibility - allows you to build an application with VisPro/REXX and import user interface resources to VisPro/C++ and vice versa. User interface resources include: bitmaps, icons, panel definitions, menus and accelerator key definitions.  Accelerator key - allows you to type a couple of characters in the event editor to automatically generate a construct of the code for commonly used logic structure.  Form styles - provides full support of all forms including plain, sizable, scrollable, window list, dialog and title bar.  Drag/drop support - enables you to add drag and drop functionality to your VisPro program.  OS/2-style help - allows you to provide OS/2-style (IPF) help to your program which users can access your program's help file just like help for other OS/2 applications. System Requirements: OS/2 2.x or OS/2 Warp, 5Mb memory and 3 Mb hard disk space; IBM VisualAge, CSet++ or MetaWare HighC/C++ compiler with the Open Class Library. The OS/2 Toolkit is also required. Suggested Retail Price: $299 ═══ 2. Getting Started ═══ Once you install your Evaluation version of VisPro/C++, you can use the online help to get information about how to use the product. Instructions for installing the Evaluation version, opening a project, and using the online help are provided in the following sections.  Installing the Evaluation Version  Creating a VisPro/C++ Project  Opening the Main form  Using the VisPro/C++ Online Help ═══ 2.1. Installing the Evaluation Version ═══ Before you use VisPro/C++, ensure the following: 1. OS/2 2.0 or any later version must be installed on your system. 2. Your hard disk should have approximately 3 megabytes of free disk space. 3. The IBM VisualAge, CSet++, or MetaWare HighC/C++ compiler must be installed on your system for you to compile source code created by VisPro/C++. The Open Class Library is a required component for use of VisPro/C++. 4. The OS/2 Warp Toolkit is also required for you to create OS/2 applications. NOTE: No version of VisPro/C++ should be running when you install the Evaluation version. If this occurs, close all VisPro/C++ windows, reboot and then start the installation over. To install the VisPro/C++ Evaluation version, complete the following steps: 1. Place the Evaluation diskette in the drive you wish to install from. 2. Press the right mouse button to get a pop-up menu on the diskette drive you are using. 3. Select the arrow on the Open menu item. 4. Select Icon View. 5. Double-click on the SETUP.EXE program, which has the VisPro/C++ icon. 6. Select the drive where you want to install the Evaluation version beside Install on drive. 7. If you want to change the path you are installing on, type the path name in the Install path field. 8. Select Install. 9. When the installation is complete, the Installation Complete window appears. It will prompt you for additional input if modifications to your CONFIG.SYS file are necessary. 10. Select Continue to have the setup program modify your CONFIG.SYS. The changes are made to your CONFIG.SYS. 11. Since VisPro/C++ requires a path be specified to its required files, you must shutdown and reboot before using the product. By default, the installation program should modify your CONFIG.SYS and display this README information book. If you do not wish the installation program to modify your CONFIG.SYS, select the Exit push button and you will be given instructions on the changes needed. If you do not wish to view the README book, deselect the appropriate check box. After Rebooting, the VisPro/C++ folder appears on the OS/2 desktop. 12. Double Click on the VisPro/C++ icon in the Workplace Shell. You will see the VisPro/C++ Icon View window appear. This window contains the following:  Projects folder: Where you will create new projects.  Samples folder: Contains the Data entry sample.  Color palette: Allows you to change colors on your form.  Font palette: Allows you to change the font on your form.  Read Me: This Read Me File. ═══ 2.2. Creating a VisPro/C++ Project ═══ When you open the VisPro/C++ folder you created during installation, you see a template called Project. You can drag a new folder off the Project template and use it as your new project, which will become your application. To open your new project, complete the following steps: 1. Open the VisPro/C++ icon on your desktop. To do so, double-click the folder. 2. Open the Projects folder in the VisPro/C++ folders Icon View window. To do so, double-click the Projects folder. 3. Create a new Project folder. To do so, press the right mouse button and drag a folder off the Project template in the Projects - Icon View window. A Project folder appears. 4. Rename your Project folder. To do so, select the Project folder and press Alt while you click the left mouse button. Type the name you want to assign to your new application. Click outside of the folder. This 'sets' the name for the Project folder. 5. Open your Project folder. To do so, double-click the folder icon. The icon view for your new application appears. You will see a Main icon. The Main icon is the form you use to begin designing your application. After your application is complete, do not delete, move, or rename the Main form. The next section details the ways in which a form may be accessed. ═══ 2.3. Opening the Main Form ═══ To begin creating your application, you can open the Main form in one of two ways:  METHOD A: Double-click on the Main icon. The form appears in the Layout view, presenting the tool bar and the canvas. This view allows you to easily design your form.  METHOD B: Select the Main icon, and then click the right mouse button to get the pop-up menu for the Main icon. Select Open. A cascading menu appears, allowing you to select the view you want to begin working with. The Layout view is recommended for designing the layout of your form. You may also generate source code and start a compilation from the pop-up menu, without having to open your project. ═══ 2.4. Using VisPro/C++'s Online Help ═══ VisPro/C++ includes an extensive online help system that you can use if you have questions while you are working. To get information about how the online help works, select the Help menu. A cascading menu appears, presenting the following menu items  Help Index....  General Help....  Using Help....  Product information.... You can select any of these items. To find out what information each of these items provides, highlight the item (use the arrow keys), and then press F1. Note: You can browse the help using the online help Contents. To use the Contents, select the OPTIONS menu from within any help window, and then select CONTENTS. ═══ 3. Sample Project ═══ This section describes the steps you follow to create a simple data entry application using a variety of standard objects. Your final application should look something like this: To use the application, a user types text into the entry field at the top of the project. Selecting the Add push button or pressing the Enter key adds the item in the entry field to the end of the list box in ascending or descending order, depending on the state of the Sort order radio buttons. If the user selects Clear, the contents of the list box and entry field are deleted, and the text insertion cursor is placed in the entry field for further processing. To create the data entry application, complete the steps in each of the following sections. 1. Start the Application 2. Add the Objects 3. Size and Align Objects 4. Provide Behavior 5. Changing the Order of the Objects 6. Compile and Execute the Application ═══ 3.1. Start the Application ═══ To start the application and name it, complete the following steps: 1. Double-click on the VisPro/C++ icon in the Workplace Shell. 2. Double-click on the PROJECTS folder in the VisPro/C++ Icon View window. The Projects - Icon View window appears. 3. Drag a new project off the Project template (hold down the right mouse button and drag to an empty space in the Projects folder, then release). 4. Use direct editing to name the new project Data (press the Alt key and click the left mouse button at the same time). Type Data over the existing name. 5. Double-click on the Data project. The Data - Icon View window appears. You will see the following icons:  Main form, which is the form you use to begin designing your application. After your application is complete, do not delete, move, or rename the Main form.  Form template, which allows you to drag off additional forms if you want your application to have more than one window.  SubProcs folder, which allows you to incorporate existing C++ code into your application or to group commonly used code segments so they can be called anywhere in your program.  Source folder, which contains all of the source code for your project. The source code is created by selecting either Generate source or Generate and compile from the project's Form menu.  OPTIONS.MKP, is a file which contains the build options for your application. It is invoked by double-clicking the OPTIONS.MKP icon.  RESOURCE.VPP, is a file which contains external resources for your application, such as bitmaps or pointers. You can start the VisPro Resource editor by double-clicking on the RESOURCE.VPP file. 6. Double-click on the Main icon. The Layout view for the application appears. The Form Layout view is the environment in which you design the window that your user will perform tasks with. For each window your user works with, you create a form. This application will consist of a single form. The form consists of two main parts: the Tool Bar/Palette and Canvas. ═══ 3.1.1. The Tool Bar/Palette ═══ _________________________________________ The VisPro/C++ Tool palette. An * denotes objects that are not included in the Evaluation version About the Tool Bar The tool bar and tool palette consist of a series of icons. Each icon represents a tool. Each tool is used to place a certain kind of object on the canvas. For example, the push button tool places a push button object on the canvas. An object is a graphical item that can be used to perform tasks. Radio buttons and list boxes are examples of objects. The difference between a tool and an object is that a tool is a graphical representation of something that can be added to the canvas. Once added, it becomes an object that can be used to perform tasks. You can turn off the tool bar by selecting Open and then Settings from the Form menu. Select the Options page and deselect Show tool bar. You can also use the Options page to select the tool palette. If you select Save defaults, all the defaults you have set for the form are saved, including fonts, grid spacing, etc. Saving defaults affects the defaults for every other project you create. If you do not select Save defaults, your changes will affect only the project the change was made in. ═══ 3.1.2. The Canvas ═══ _________________________________________ The VisPro/C++ Layout view, showing the tool bar and tool palette About the Canvas The canvas is the open, gridded area below the tool bar. This is the area in which you will design (or lay out) your form. You select the tools you need from the tool bar or tool palette and add them to the canvas. Once objects are added to the canvas, you can customize their appearance and provide behavior for them. You can turn off the grid in the canvas by selecting Open and then Settings from the Form menu. Select the Options page and deselect Show grid. If you select Save defaults, all the defaults you have set for the form are saved, including fonts, grid spacing, etc. Saving defaults affects the defaults for every other project you create. If you do not select Save defaults, your changes will affect only the project the change was made in. Note: Snap to grid forces the object to align with the nearest grid line. If you do not want to use this feature, deselect it. ═══ 3.2. The VisPro Team Administrator ═══ With the new releases, all products (except VisPro/REXX Bronze) feature the VisPro Team Administrator, which takes the error-prone guesswork out of team development. The Team Administrator allows programmers to clearly and easily compare change levels and project versions, to rollback changes, and monitor development progress. All changes are automatically logged and forms can be locked to ensure that only one programmer makes changes at a time. Other features include read-only viewing and the ability to create a form shadow for easy accessibility in a distributed system environment. All changes to your forms are saved to the VPBACKUP folder inside your Project directory. These backups are logged to a file called LOG.VPL, which is created after the first change to a form. Double-clicking on the LOG.VPL file invokes the VisPro Team Administrator. As part of team development, VisPro introduces Form Shadows. Form shadows are similar to OS/2 Workplace Shell shadow objects. They allow you to include a VisPro form in a project that actually exists in another project folder. The source project folder can be on the local machine or remotely on a server. This allows you to share commonly-used forms in several projects. Form Shadows are created the same way as a Workplace Shell shadow. You can either drag a form from a source project folder to the target while holding the CTRL and SHIFT keys, or you can get a pop-up menu on a form icon and select Create Shadow. VisPro form shadows differ from OS/2 Workplace Shell shadows in a very fundamental way. OS/2 Workplace Shell shadows are not visible on your hard drive because they actually exist in the OS/2 INI configuration files. VisPro form shadows are actual directories within a project. A file named !!LINK exists inside the directory that contains the fully-qualified path of the original form's location. This prevents the loss of project structure due to changes in the OS/2 system files and improves reliability over OS/2 shadow implementation. Note: Shadows are created as read-only objects by default. To override this attribute, select Read only from a form's pop-up menu. ═══ 3.3. Add the Objects ═══ In this section, you add the objects from the toolbar to the Layout view of your application. You will then specify characteristics, such as a unique name, for those objects. You specify these characteristics using the Settings view for the objects. The application consists of a text object, two push buttons, two radio buttons, a list box, and an entry field. Complete the steps in the following sections to add the objects and define settings for them. ═══ 3.3.1. Add Push Button ═══ In this section, you add a push button to the canvas. You then use the Settings view of the push button to specify that it will be named Add. In addition, you use the Settings view to provide a descriptive name (known as a symbol) for the push button. This descriptive name makes it easy to identify the object when you begin programming. 1. Select the Push button tool from the tool bar. 2. Click inside the canvas to place a push button approximately where you see it in the figure of the application (the bottom left corner of your form). 3. Double-click the push button. The Settings view notebook for the push button appears, displaying the Style page. 4. Select the Default check box. This causes the ADD push button to be selected whenever the Enter key is pressed. 5. Select the General tab on the Settings notebook. 6. Select the Text field, and type ~Add. This causes the push button to appear with the label Add on the Layout view, and when the application is run. The tilde (~) character in front of the A places an underscore beneath the A character, allowing the user to select the ADD push button by pressing the Alt-A combination. Note: An alternative method for specifying the name of the object is to use direct editing. The General page is recommended here for convenience because you will be specifying other settings for the object. 7. Select the Symbol field, and type ADD. Do not change the default ID. Note: Symbol is a unique name you supply that identifies an object. The ID is a unique integer used to identify an object. The Symbol is optional, but you include it because a symbol with a de scriptive name is easier to refer to. 8. Select Close from the title bar icon menu (the symbol at the top left-hand corner of the Settings view window). ═══ 3.3.2. CLEAR Push Button ═══ In this section, you add another push button to the canvas. You then use the Settings view of the push button to specify that it will be named CLEAR. In addition, you use the Settings view to provide a descriptive name (known as a symbol) for the push button. This descriptive name makes it easy to identify the object when you begin programming. 1. Select the Push button tool from the tool bar. 2. Click inside the canvas to place a push button approximately where you see it in the figure of the application (to the right of the ADD button). 3. Double-click the push button. The Settings view notebook for the push button appears, displaying the Style page. The defaults are used for the Style page. 4. Select the General tab on the notebook. Select the Text field, and type ~Clear. This causes the push button to appear with the label Clear when the application it run. The tilde (~) character in front of the C places an underscore beneath the C character, allowing the user to select the CLEAR push button by pressing the Alt-C combination. Note: An alternative method for specifying the name of the object is to use direct editing. The General page is recommended here for convenience because you will be specifying other settings for the object. 5. Select the Symbol field, and type CLEAR. Do not change the default ID. Note: Symbol is a unique name you supply that identifies an object. The ID is a unique integer used to identify an object. The Symbol is optional, but you include it because a symbol with a descriptive name is easier to refer to. 6. Select Close from the title bar icon menu (the symbol at the top left-hand corner of the Settings view window). ═══ 3.3.3. Items List Box ═══ To add and define settings for the Items list box, complete the following steps: 1. Select the List box tool from the tool bar. 2. Click inside the canvas to place the list box above the CLEAR and ADD push buttons. 3. Double-click the list box. The Settings view notebook for the list box appears. 4. Select the General tab on the notebook. 5. Select the Symbol field, and type ITEMS. Do not change the default ID. 6. Select Close from the title bar icon menu. ═══ 3.3.4. Sort Order Radio Buttons ═══ Two radio buttons, Ascending and Descending, will now be added to your project. Radio buttons represent a mutually exclusive choice that the user of your project must make. That is, only one of these buttons can be highlighted at a time. Radio buttons (and check boxes) are generally used only to show a selection state in your applications. To add the Ascending and Descending radio buttons to your project, complete the following steps: 1. To accomodate the next several objects, increase the size of your form by positioning the mouse pointer over the top border of your form window. 2. Right click and drag the form window up about an inch, then release the mouse to set the new form position. 3. Select the Radio button tool from the tool bar. 4. Click inside the canvas to place two radio buttons, one over the other, above the Items list box. 5. Double-click the top radio button. The Settings view notebook for the radio button appears. 6. Select the Group check box on the Style page. This provides a mutually exclusive behavior for the two radio buttons (you should only select the Group check box for the first radio button in a group). 7. Select the General tab on the notebook. 8. Select the Text field, and type Ascending. 9. Select the Symbol field, and type ASCENDING. Do not change the default ID. 10. Select Close from the title bar icon menu. 11. Double-click the lower radio button. The Settings view notebook for the radio button appears. 12. Select the General tab on the notebook. 13. Select the Text field, and type Descending. 14. Select the Symbol field, and type DESCENDING. Do not change the default ID. 15. Select Close from the title bar icon menu. ═══ 3.3.5. Sort Order Text Object ═══ To add and define settings for the Sort order text object, complete the following steps: 1. Select the Text object from the tool bar. 2. Click inside the canvas to place the text object above the Ascending radio button. 3. Double-click the text object. The Settings view notebook for the text object appears. 4. Select the General tab on the notebook. 5. Select the Text field, and type Sort order. 6. Select Close from the title bar icon menu. ═══ 3.3.6. Data Entry Field ═══ To add and define settings for the Data entry field, complete the following steps: 1. Select the Entry field tool from the tool bar. 2. Click inside the canvas to place an entry field tool on the canvas, above the Sort order text object. 3. Double-click the entry field. The Settings view notebook for the entry field appears. 4. Select the General tab on the notebook. 5. Select the Symbol field and type DATA. Do not change the default ID. 6. Select Close from the title bar icon menu. ═══ 3.4. Size and Align Objects ═══ To adjust the objects so that text fits inside each object, complete the following steps: 1. Select the objects that contain text (the text object and radio buttons). An easy way to select multiple objects is to use drag selection. Place the mouse pointer over the first object and press the left mouse button. Hold it down as you move the mouse to select the other objects. Then release the mouse button. The selected objects are highlighted. 2. From the Selected menu, select Arrange, and then select Fit to Text. The objects you selected change size to accommodate the text inside. Note: You did not fit the text for the entry field because the text in the entry field changes when the field is used, depending upon the total. You did not change the push buttons because they need to be equal sizes. ═══ 3.5. Provide Behavior for the Application ═══ You will now program the application so that it works as described at the beginning of this section. You can provide behavior for the application from the Layout view. However, we will use the Event tree view because it allows you to easily see both the objects and the C++ statements for the behavior you specify. To switch to the Event tree view, select Event tree view from the View menu. The objects you added to your application appear on the left. The Event window appears on the right. In the following sections, you will provide behavior for the When opened event, the ADD push button, and the CLEAR push button. ═══ 3.5.1. Form Constructor Event (When Opened) ═══ When the user starts this project, one of the two radio buttons should be highlighted (since they are mutually exclusive, and one or the other must always be highlighted). The Form constucter event is where all form initialization takes place: such as loading list boxes with data and setting display styles for objects. To select the Ascending radio button from the Form constructor event, complete the following steps: 1. From the Form menu, select Code sections, and then Form constructor (when opened). The Code Section Form constructor window appears. The top of the Event window displays the following statement for Form constructor: /* Code Section Form constructor (when opened) - Form DATA\Main */ 2. We will be dragging objects to the Form constructor window from the Event tree view. Position the Form constructor window so that the left side of the window is visible beneath the Event tree view of your project. Select the title bar of the Event tree view window to make it active. 3. Move the mouse pointer over the Ascending radio button icon (on the left side of the Event tree view), and hold down the right mouse button as you drag from the Ascending radio button icon on the Event tree view to the Form constructor window. Release the mouse when you reach a point below the existing code on the Form Constructor window. The Create Link window appears. 4. Select Check the item from the Create Link window, then select OK. SHORTCUT METHOD: Double-click Check the item. The following C++ statement appears: /* Check the item ASCENDING Radio Button */ ASCENDING->select(); 5. Select Save from the Event menu. NOTE: The Save option on the menu may be disabled. This is because VisPro/C++ by default automatically saves your form every 15 seconds. To change this interval, or disable autosave, select the appropriate check box from the Options page of your form's Settings view. The code in the Form constructor window should look like this when your are finished: /* Code Section Form constructor (when opened) - Form DATA\Main */ /* Check the item ASCENDING Radio Button */ ASCENDING->select(); ═══ 3.5.2. ADD Push Button ═══ The ADD push button takes the value found in the entry field and adds it to the list box. To provide this behavior, complete the following steps: 1. From the Event tree view, select the ADD push button. 2. From the Selected menu, select When, and then Clicked/Selected. The following C++ statements appear in the top of the Event window. /* Event ~Add ADD, Clicked/selected */ IString aTextValue="text"; unsigned long anUnsignedValue=0; 3. Make sure the ADD push button Clicked/selected event is highlighted. Then drag the DATA entry field into the Event window, below the existing C++ statements, and release the mouse button. The Create Link window appears. 4. Select Get item value, and then select OK. The following C++ statement appears: /* Get item text DATA Entry Field */ aTextValue=DATA->text(); 5. Move the mouse pointer over the Ascending radio button icon. Then drag the Ascending radio button into the Event window, below the existing C++ statements, and release the mouse button. The Create Link window appears. 6. Select Is button selected?, then select OK. The following C++ statement appears: /* Is button selected? ASCENDING Radio Button */ IBoolean aBoolean = ASCENDING->isSelected(); 7. On a new line below this statement, type the word if (followed by a space). The following code template will be added: if () { } else { } /* end if */ 8. In the parenthesis, type aBoolean == 1 Move the cursor down one line and to the right of the bracket ({), and press Enter to insert a blank line in your code template. This provides space to insert the code for the next step. 9. Make sure the ADD push button Clicked/selected event is highlighted. Then drag the Items list box into the Event window, into the blank line created by the previous step. The Create Link window appears. 10. Select Add item sorted ascending, and then select OK. The following C++ statement appears: /* Add item sorted ascending ITEMS List Box */ ITEMS->addAscending(aTextValue); 11. Insert a blank line between the lines containing the words else and end if. 12. Make sure the ADD push button Clicked/selected event is highlighted. Then drag the Items list box into the Event window, and into the blank line created by the previous step. The Create Link window appears. 13. Select Add item sorted descending, and then select OK. The following C++ statement appears: /* Add item sorted descending ITEMS List Box */ ITEMS->addDescending(aTextValue); Now that the text has been added to the list box, we will delete the contents of the entry field, and give it focus. This allows the user to begin typing a new value without having to delete the previous value. 14. Make sure the ADD push button Clicked/selected event is highlighted. Then drag the DATA entry field into the Event window, below the existing statements. The Create Link window appears. 15. Select Clear all, and then select OK. This deletes the contents of the DATA entry field. The following C++ statement appears: /* Clear all DATA Entry Field */ DATA->setText(""); 16. Drag the DATA entry field into the event window once more, releasing the mouse below the existing statements in the event window: The Create Link window appears. 17. Select Give focus to window, and then select OK. The following C++ statement appears: /* Give focus to window DATA Entry Field */ DATA->setFocus(); 18. Select Save from the Event menu. When you are finished with the ADD push button, your code will look like this: /* Event ~Add ADD, Clicked/selected */ IString aTextValue="text"; unsigned long anUnsignedValue=0; /* Get item text DATA Entry Field */ aTextValue=DATA->text(); /* Is button selected? ASCENDING Radio Button */ IBoolean aBoolean = ASCENDING->isSelected(); if (aBoolean == 1) { /* Add item sorted ascending ITEMS List Box */ ITEMS->addAscending(aTextValue); } else { /* Add item sorted descending ITEMS List Box */ ITEMS->addDescending(aTextValue); } /* end if */ /* Clear all DATA Entry Field */ DATA->setText(""); /* Give focus to window DATA Entry Field */ DATA->setFocus(); ═══ 3.5.3. CLEAR Push Button ═══ The CLEAR push button deletes everything in the Items list box and the DATA entry field, then places the cursor in the DATA entry field to allow further input. To provide this behavior, complete the following steps: 1. From the Event tree view, select the CLEAR push button. 2. From the Selected menu, select When, and then Clicked/Selected. The following C++ statements appear in the Event window. /* Event ~Clear CLEAR, Clicked/selected */ IString aTextValue="text"; unsigned long anUnsignedValue=0; 3. Make sure the CLEAR push button Clicked/selected event is highlighted. Then drag the Items list box into the Event window, below the existing C++ statement, and then release the mouse button. The Create Link window appears. 4. Select Delete all items, and then select OK. The following C++ statement appears: /* Delete all items ITEMS List Box */ ITEMS->removeAll(); 5. Next, drag the DATA entry field into the event window, below the existing C++ statements, and then release the mouse button. The Create Link window appears. 6. Select Clear all and then select OK. The following C++ statement appears. /* Clear all DATA Entry Field */ DATA->setText(""); 7. Drag the DATA entry field into the event window, below the existing C++ statements, and then release the mouse button. The Create Link window appears. 8. Select Give focus to window, and then select OK. The following C++ statement appears: /* Give focus to window DATA Entry Field */ DATA->setFocus(); 9. Select Save from the Event menu. When you are finished editing the CLEAR push button, your code will look like this: /* Event ~Clear CLEAR, Clicked/selected */ IString aTextValue="text"; unsigned long anUnsignedValue=0; /* Delete all items ITEMS List Box */ ITEMS->removeAll(); /* Clear all DATA Entry Field */ DATA->setText(""); /* Give focus to window DATA Entry Field */ DATA->setFocus(); ═══ 3.6. Changing the Order of the Objects ═══ When the application starts, the ADD push button is given focus. This means that it is the currently selected object in your form. To give the DATA entry field focus, click on it with the left mouse button, or press Shift+Tab from the keyboard. In this section, we will use the List view to give focus to the DATA entry field when the application is started. This prevents the user from having to select the DATA entry field before typing data. To move to the List view, select List view from the View menu. Each row in the List view represents an object in the Layout view. The object type and icon appear on the left of the split bar, with other attributes on the right. In this view, you can use direct editing to change the Text identifier for an object, as well as the Symbol name (descriptive name) for an object. To give focus to the DATA entry field when your application is started, complete the following steps: 1. Select the DATA entry field row by left-clicking on it with the mouse. The DATA entry field row is highlighted. 2. With the mouse cursor on the DATA entry field row, right-click and drag the mouse pointer until it is just above the ADD push button row. A solid horizontal line appears above the ADD push button row. 3. Release the mouse button, and the DATA entry field appears above the ADD push button in the object order. You could also programmatically give the focus to the entry field in the 'When opened' event for the main form. The technique you just used, however, is much faster to implement and visualize if your are working with many objects. 4. Select Generate and compile from the Form menu, then double-click on the RUN.EXE program object in your project folder to see your changes. ═══ 3.7. Compile and Execute the Application ═══ To compile the application, select Generate and compile from the Form menu. The VisPro Viewer appears, displaying the compilation progress and notifying you when the compilation is complete. If there is an error in your code, it will be displayed in the VisPro Build monitor window. Double-click on that error line in the VisPro Build monitor, and the event window containing the error will appear for you to correct. To run the application, double-click the left mouse button on the file RUN.EXE, which is located in the source folder of your project. ═══ 4. Limitations of the Evaluation Version ═══ The Evaluation Version of VisPro/C++ differs from the full product in several key aspects:  No user's guide or reference is provided. However, you can get enough information to get started by viewing this README file and by referring to the online help. The full product comes with a complete user's guide which includes detailed information on how to use VisPro, a description of the structure of the generated code, full descriptions on all the add on objects, and much more.  The evaluation version is limited to generating the source for projects with two windows (forms). Also each form is limited to at most 22 objects. These limitations are not part of the full product.  The VisPro/C++ Class Browser is not included with the evaluation version. This application allows you to visually examime the methods in the Open Class Library, and drag and drop code from the Library to your application. _________________________________________ The VisPro/C++ Class Browser  The Database Designer is not included in the Evaluation version. This feature allows you to design client/server applications or reverse engineer existing database structures from ODBC-enabled databases to create entity/relationship (E/R) diagrams. These can then be used to create visual SQL statements or to automatically generate the code used to access the database. Using the Database Designer you can construct a form accessing multiple database tables with a single drag and drop operation. _________________________________________ The VisPro Database Designer  The VisPro add-on objects are not included in the Evaluation Version. These objects are business graphics, formatted entry field, spreadsheet, clock, and calendar. All of these are C++ objects integrated with the User Interface Class library. _________________________________________ A sample application displaying some of the add-on objects You can use these classes in any or your C++ applications, even those not generated by VisPro. Business graphics Add pizzaz to your business related applications by using this control. Displays your data in bar, stacked bar, pie, line and area charts formats. You can control many style options including 3D effects and colors. Formatted entry field Displays a text entry area that has specific formats of data, including date, time, uppercase, or a customizable picture mask. Spreadsheet Allows users to enter and display data in spreadsheet format. You can control the number of rows and columns, as well as other spreadsheet attributes. This is ideal for providing you applications with a way of entering information in column fashion. Calendar This monthly calendar provides you applications with a quick and easy way of specifing date information. Clock The clock control displays the time in analog, digital and military format. _________________________________________ A sample application displaying the clock object in different formats  The resource information for each window is generated in binary form in the Evaluation Version. As a result, it is not possible to modify these outside the VisPro environment. In the full product, this information is generated in textual form, allowing for easy inspection and modification.  The product information window is forced to the foreground every time you enter the Evaluation Version of the VisPro editor. In the full product, you can choose not to view this window.  After opening the layout view 40 times, the evaluation version will bring a window telling you that you have used it 40 times. After this, you will no longer be able to bring up the layout editor. ═══ 5. Company background ═══ In April of 1993, HockWare introduced VisPro/REXX--the first OS/2 visual REXX programming tool as well as the first REXX programming tool to include drag and drop programming. VisPro/REXX fully exploits OS/2 2.x, OS/2 Warp, the Workplace Shell, CUA '91 objects, SOM and the REXX language. There are three commercially available products developed with VisPro/REXX:  Performance Plus by Clear and Simple A CPU performance monitoring tool  WatchIt by Client Server Networking A LAN performance analysis and management tool for IBM LAN Server  CS-Edit/2 by Multitask Consulting A system configuration editor These are just a few of the products that exemplify the robustness and stability of the VisPro development environment. HockWare has headquarters in Cary, North Carolina (USA). ═══ 6. How To Order VisPro/C++ ═══ VisPro/C++ is available directly from HockWare or from your favorite software reseller. We provide several ways you can reach us for product support and questions. These include:  Phone: Our technical support number is (919) 380-0616  Fax: Our FAX number is (919) 380-0757  Compuserve: Mail can be sent directly to us at 71333,3226 Technical questions can be directed to our forum. You can access the HOCKWARE forum by using the GO command in this form: GO HOCKWARE  Internet: Our Internet address is: hockware@vnet.net  World Wide Web: General sales information, product announcements, and patches are available from our site on the world wide web. The URL is: http://www.hockware.com/hockware The next section contains an online order form, which you may print out to use when mailing or faxing your order to us. ═══ 6.1. Order Form for VisPro/C++ ═══ SHIPPING ADDRESS: BILLING ADDRESS: Name: ____________________________ Name: ____________________________ Company: _________________________ Company: _________________________ Address: _________________________ Address: _________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ City: ____________________________ City: ____________________________ State: ___________________________ State: ___________________________ Country: _________________________ Country: _________________________ Zip: _____________________________ Zip: _____________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Phone: ___________________________ FAX: _____________________________ FAX: _____________________________ PAYMENT METHOD: (Circle) Check Purchase Order(Include copy of PO) Credit Card: Visa Amex MC Wire Transfer Account Number: ______________________________ Expiration Date: _____________ UPS SHIPPING and HANDLING FEES: (Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Intnl. shipping fees vary. Please call.) Ground: 1-3 Copies $7.00 each additional copy: $2.00 2nd day air: 1 copy 15.00 each additional copy: 4.00 Next day air: 1 copy 25.00 each additional copy: 6.00 ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL VisPro/REXX Gold __________ $299.00 _____________ VisPro/REXX BRONZE __________ $59.00 _____________ VisPro/Reports __________ $199.00 _____________ VisPro/C __________ $299.00 _____________ VisPro/C++ __________ $299.00 _____________ Development Suite (VisPro/REXX, C, C++) __________ $499.00 _____________ SUBTOTAL _____________ Sales Tax (residents of NC only, 6% subtotal) _____________ Shipping _____________ TOTAL _____________ Where did you hear about us? HockWare, Inc. Telephone (919) 380-0616 FAX (919) 380-0757