------------------------- lxLite revision history ------------------------- [;] Comment [*] Modified [+] Added feature [-] Removed feature [!] Bug fix 0.1.0 ----- 02-Oct-97 first release [;] I`ve waited for comments on version 0.0.9 for some time and now here is the first release. Not many changes comparing to 0.0.9, anyway. [;] WARNING: I`ve compiled online manual (CONSOLE.INF) in the 866`th codepage (russian) since the book contains a chapter in Russian. If you`re unable to read the book on a system with a different codepage (say 437,850) please mail me -- I`ll look for workarounds :-( In the meantime, you can recompile the book with src/doc/prep.cmd replacing "-D:7 -C:866" with "-D:1 -C:437" or whatever is appropiate. [!] Now -p#,#,#,# properly resizes the window when session is minimized. [!] If you didn`t set default console position and font size (with Shift+Mouse drag/with FontSize dialog), Console will not set them to 0 first time it is run. [!] Now Console is multitask-safe, i.e. running multiple copies at once will work as expected (however, since there is a need to serialize OS2.INI access they will not run in parralel, but rather one after other). 0.0.9 ----- 01-Aug-97 [;] public pre-release [+] Now Console can change the font of the window it was launched from. [+] New program - CWRP - used to process some PM events 'externally' since not anything can be done from within a VIO process. However, you shouldn`t run it manually since it was designed to be run automatically when it is needed. [+] Most options now works both 'locally' (on the window Console runs from) and externally (on the newly-created window). [+] New switch to set the console title -t"...". [+] New switch to make window border+title flash (-of{+|-}). Removed duplicated switch "-of" (foreground session) you can achieve the same result as -of+ with -ob-. [+] New switch to change window border size (-b{w,h}) [+] When Console starts a new window with -s#,# option, it starts it invisible, then resizes it, then shows it (if -ov- has not been specified). This removes annoying flashes. 0.0.3 ----- 11-Jul-97 [*] Changed the utility name from wOpen to Console. [*] Most state change switches has moved under '-o' switch. [*] By default Console changes current window, to start a new session use -on switch. [*] Now Console detects "font size..." entry in OS2.INI by three dots (...) since has proven that its name is translated in different versions of OS/2 (oh, shit...), but (I hope) they always contains those three dots. [+] Console autocomputes the size of newly-launched window, if you do not specify it. So, if you run, say, Console -p0,0 -f8,8 -s10,10 *, this will start a new session positioned at (0,0), and not "randomly" positioned as before. [!] Now Console can start active sessions from inactive windows. [+] Added ability to change same session window from where it was run. The following parameters can be changed: window cell size (analogous to MODE command), window position (-pX,Y), window size (-p,,W,H), window's maximized (-ox), minimized (-om), visible (-ov), foreground (-of or -ob) states. The -ox- and -om- switches are equivalent to [system menu]->[restore] entry. 0.0.2 ----- 18-May-97 [;] First public release 0.0.1 ----- 10-May-97 [;] First internal version