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Andrew Pavel Zabolotny

Born Jan, 25, 1973 in Kishinev, Moldova, I moved around `95 to St. Petersburg, Russia. I'm currently working as system programmer at the Information Security Center of I.M.I.C.S. (Institute of Modelling and Intellectualization of Complex Systems) at the St. Petersburg's State Electrotechnical University.

All my spare time I`m dedicating to my family (esp. to my 1-year-old daughter Alice) and to system programming. Most (alas) of my programs I wrote for Mess-DOS, but last two years I`m trying to make familiar with the Architecture Of Real Operating Systems {tm} :-), particularily that of OS/2, and (sometimes :-) I`m writing Small But Very Useful Utilites :-) Perhaps, the most useful of them is lxLite - an OS/2 executables compressor, something like LZEXE, PKLITE etc in the world of DOS. You can find it (I hope) on the hobbes.nmsu.edu archive in the /pub/os2/apps/archiver subdirectory. The latest version as today is 1.2.0.

To contact me, please write to bit@freya.etu.ru
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