Code Assistant for OS/2 Version 1.0.0 - Beta 3 September 29, 1995 Copyright (c) - 1995 by DB Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. README.TXT This file contains the latest information which may not be included in the online documentation file (CA100.INF). NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE REXX INSTALLED AND AVAILABLE TO USE THIS PACKAGE! NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE A COPY OF THE VROBJ.DLL FILE ON YOUR SYSTEM BEFORE YOU INSTALL THIS PRODUCT! (SEE INSTALLATION INFORMATION BELOW). INSTALLATION ============ If you do not currently have a copy of the VROBJ.DLL file available on your system you will need to copy this file (available in the Code Assistant for OS/2 - Beta 3 package) to your system before you attempt the Code Assistant for OS/2 installation. If you do not already have this file on your system we suggest you copy it to your \OS2\DLL directory. The VROBJ.DLL is the WATCOM VX-REXX runtime file. The Code Assistant for OS/2 - Beta 3 uses VROBJ.DLL (Version 2.1 Patch Level C). This is the file included in this Beta distribution. PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION ======================= As of this Beta 3 release very limited documentation is available. Limited product information can be found in the CA100.INF file. To browse type "VIEW CA100" at the OS/2 command prompt. LIMITS/RESTRICTIONS =================== + This release of the Code Assistant for OS/2 works only with a database of 100 or less records. + You can not import or export database components. + You can not configure the Librarian options. + You can not restructure the database via drag-drop operations. NEW FEATURES ============= The new IBM Live Parsing editor (LPEX) is now supported. See the CA100.INF file for specific details.