These are fixes for Borland Pascal 7 patched for OS/2, unit CRT.PAS, which allow for proper running in OS/2 windows with different sizes then 80x25 characters. 1. Append var section of unit CRT.PAS with: var .... VioActMode:VioModeInfo; usRow,usColumn,usBufLen:USHORT; CellStr:array[0..1] of byte; 2. Change initialization section of unit CRT.PAS to: Begin {Try to get color attributes of current screen cell} VioGetCurPos(@usRow,@usColumn,0); usBufLen:=2; VioReadCellStr(@CellStr,@usBufLen,usRow,usColumn,0); {Set attributes to actual rather then TextAttr:= LightGray;} TextAttr:=ord(CellStr[1])+ord(CellStr[0])*256; {Get current screen window dimensions} VioActMode.cb:=$000E;{sizeof(VIOMODEINFO)} VioGetMode(@VioActMode,0); {Set Max to actual size rather then WindMax := 79+24*256;} WindMax := VioActMode.col-1+(VioActMode.row-1)*256; WindMin := 0; AssignCrt(Input); Reset(Input); AssignCrt(Output); Rewrite(Output); End. Fixes were prepared by Stanislaw Kozlowski on 12 July 95. Address: Poland, 01-673 Warsaw, ul.Podlesna 61, IMGW. e-mail: