BP4OS2 OS2F02.TXT The Second Fix Archive for the BP4OS2 Project. CONTENCE OS2F02.TXT : This File WPAR.ASM : Assemble Language file containing 1. Function ParamStr( I : integer):string; 2. Function ParamCount:Integer; Source code. These Patches must be applied on top of the OS2F01.zip (30 NOV 1993). There are 3 separate Bug Fixes in this Archive. ********************** F I X # 1 ************************************ The following fixes I were routed from germany: by Jasper Neumann 2:242/2 ========================= crt.pas Line 199 (sometimes wierd colors): vioscrollup(0,0,24,79,1,cell,0); ~ instead of 25 ********************** F I X # 2 ************************************ fctl.asm Line 139 (Rewrite didn't overwrite an existing file): MOV AX,FILE_CREATE OR FILE_TRUNCATE; Read flags for new file instead of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOV AX,FILE_CREATE OR FILE_OPEN; read flags for new file ********************** F I X # 3 ********************************** Problem Report: ; Command line parameter with mutliple spaces between them were ignored. ; ; Program test.pas; ; begin writeln(paramcount) end. ; ; c>TEST 1 2 3 4 5 ; ~~ Doublespace ; 2 ; c> ; returns 2 instead of 5. Solution: Replace WPAR.ASM with the one in this Archive. NOTE: the WPAR.ASM in this Archive ADD 2 additional Features to ParamStr: ParamStr(-1) : returns Complete CMDLINE as typed in by User. With a #0 between Program Name and Parameter list. ParamStr(-2) : Returns Only the Parameter List as typed in by User. Also, If the CMDLINE or Parameter List is > 255 char long, then the result is truncated to 255 chars.