═══ 1. Overview ═══ BookMaker assists the user in creating IPF files and compiling them with the IPF (Information Presentation Facility) compiler. To create a simple INF file select File/New and type a title into the dialog which appears. Then select Heading and in the heading dialog type the title of your first heading. Finally select paragraph and insert your text into the file. Conitinue alternating between paragraph and heading for each additional topic in your file. For more information about creating IPF files see the following files below. IPFC20.INF - Help compiler information BASIC.INF - Basic examples and information LINKING.INF - Information on linking WINDOWS.INF - Information on ipf windows README.INF - BookMaker readme file ═══ 2. File/New ═══ File/New is used to create a new IPF file. When you click this option you will be asked to save any unsaved information in your currently opened file and you are presented with a dialog asking you for a title for your new document. (40 characters max.) There is also a spin button which defaults to 3. This means your TOC level will be 123. If you change this to 4, for example, your TOC would read 1234. ═══ 3. File/Open ═══ This option is used to open an IPF file which you are currently working on. ═══ 4. File/Save ═══ Saves the current file to disk. If you are using the AutoSave feature, your project is saved automatically after each dialog. ═══ 5. File/Save As ═══ This option allows you to save a file to disk under an alternate filename or to overwrite one file with another. ═══ 6. File/Exit ═══ Shuts down BookMaker. You are promped to save any unsaved work. ═══ 7. Edit/Undo ═══ Undoes the last edit made to the file. If you insert something into the main window and then Preview the file, you can undo the last addition to the file using this feature. ═══ 8. Edit/Cut ═══ Cuts selected text to clipboard. ═══ 9. Copy ═══ Copies selected text to clipboard. ═══ 10. Edit/Paste ═══ Pastes clipboard text into main window. ═══ 11. Heading ═══ Brings up a dialog allowing you to select the features of the next window to be inserted into your file. The formatting options allow you to easily change window attributes. see heading tag in the IPFC20.INF file for information about options ═══ 12. Paragraph ═══ The paragraph selection presents a dialog which allows you to insert text into your document. Keep in mind that the lines you type into the dialog box should remain under about 70 characters. The way to do this is to hit return at the end of every line you type. ═══ 13. Lines ═══ In the lines dialog, hit return after each line that you type. By selecting the alignment option, you can left align. right aligh and center text. ═══ 14. List ═══ The list dialog allows you to add an optional title and items to a list. In addition you are given the option of selecting the type of list and whether or not you wish to compact the list. ═══ 15. Link ═══ The link option allows you to link selected text with a window by either a resource ID or a keyword. The you should select the word or phrase you wish to link before you select this option. Options: Res No. - The resource ID of the window to which you wish to link ID - The ID (can contain letters and numbers) of the window to which you wish to link. ═══ 16. Comment ═══ This option allows you to insert a comment into your file. If words are selected when this option is called they become part of the comment. This option is open to a single line of text only. Selecting multiple lines will generate an error when compiling. ═══ 17. Footnote ═══ This option is used to present a small note to the user regarding the selected term. Selecting more than one word will generate an error message on compile. ═══ 18. Message ═══ Message is used to present a formatted message to the user. Selected text can be turned into a message. ═══ 19. Table ═══ A table presents information to the user in a tabular format. You can select from one to for colums using BookMaker. Add text to each listbox you wish to use and set the width for each column. You can alse select the rules which you wish to present with your information. Options: Use - if not selected a column is not created Width - In each column box is a spin button which allows you to select the width if eacn columen individually rule lines - allow you to select the rule lines for the table ═══ 20. Colors ═══ Applies selected color attributes to new or selected text. It's best to create text with the another selection first and then select the text to which you wish to apply the new colors. In the background and forground options, the white box represents default. Options: 1. Forecolor - sets the forecolor for the text 2. Backcolor - sets the backcolor for the text ═══ 21. Font ═══ The font selection applies font attributes to selected text, or it inserts the selected attribute if no text is selected. Note that the default font can not be changed in size, but the other options can. ═══ 22. Highlight ═══ The highlight option allows you to add a highligting tag to selected text. The options available represent the look of the text format. ═══ 23. Character Graphics ═══ The character graphics function allows you to insert frames and text built with an ansii editor. If you use a different editor you can simply paste your graphics into the Character Graphics edit window and hit insert. As mentioned in the Readme.inf, this feature is still in development. Please send information to Katt Development regarding how this feature is working for you. ═══ 24. Example ═══ Example is used to insert files which need to remain in their normal format. This mostly applies to code sample although it could also apply to any ascii documents you wish to add to the file. Lines over 70 characters long are clipped by IPFC. ═══ 25. Artwork ═══ Artwork allows for the insertion of Bitmaps and Metafiles into your file. Also available are options for linking the graphic to another window and specifying how the graphic is to be presented within your document. Options: inline - places the bitmap in the same line as the text Fit to page - bitmap or metafile becomes backgroung for the window Link to - links the bitmap to a window by res number. ═══ 26. Autolink ═══ Autolink allows you to specify a window to open when the window which holds the autolink tag is opened. All windows formatting can be handled from within the link. see autolink in the IPFC20.INF file for information about options ═══ 27. Options/Autosave ═══ If Autosave is checked (default), then the file is saved after every new option is inserted. If the file is untitled, the user is prompted for a filename to which the file will be saved. ═══ 28. Res Max ═══ This option allows the user to select the potential number of Resource Id's in the file. The higher the number selected, the longer it takes to load certain dialogs. (Default is 300) ═══ 29. Preview ═══ Preview saves the currently open file as testtemp.ipf and then compiles and runs the file. No changes are made to the currently open file or the previously compiled files. ═══ 30. Compile ═══ Opens the Compile Options Window. ═══ 31. Compile Options ═══ Compile options allows you to compile a file as either an INF or a HLP file. In addition IPFC options are available. If output from the compile window is sent to a file, the compile window is closed automatically otherwise you must close the window yourself. ═══ 32. View ═══ View opens the previously compiled INF file. This option doesn't work for HLP files. ═══ 33. Index ═══ This option allows you to create index pointers for your file. These can be either Headings or subheadings and can be placed anywhere within your IPF file. ═══ 34. Index Synonym ═══ This feature allows you to create a list of synonyms for topics within your document. ═══ 35. Symbol/Colan(:) ═══ This will insert a colon tag into your document. ═══ 36. Symbol/Ampersand(&) ═══ This will insert an ampersand tag into your document. ═══ 37. Symbol Table ═══ The symbol table allows you to choose special characters which you might want to insert into your document. The two most common symbols you might wish to add, the ampersand and the colon, are included as a menu option.