The project checklists page allows you to monitor your progress against a set of predefined checks. The Design and Code review lists came almost directly out of the PSP. The Test and Documentation lists are written by myself as used at my work. Note that you can check off each list as you finish it. This provides the dual benefits of reminding you that you have completed a set of tests and also gives you that satisfaction of a check mark in front of a major section of effort. These lists are by no means etched in stone. The files that these list are draw from are: CHK1.DAT for Code Review CHK2.DAT for Design Review CHK3.DAT for Test Review CHK4.DAT for Documentation Review If you have additional tests that you would like to be reminded of, simply alter these files. However, you should note that if you change these files, the changes will show up for any user that uses AutoPSP.