This is the page on which you'll spend most of your AutoPSP time. When it loads it show's only the drop down list of projects that you have dealt with and the "Load Project" Button. If you want to create a new project simply type in the name for the new project and click load. If you are using the PSP user name, click on the drop list and you'll see a list of projects that I worked on with very non-descriptive names. (Sorry about that) Pick PRG7 since that is the most complete of them. After you click load, a huge number of things start pulling themselves out of the ether. The main ones to notice right now are: The Project Notebook and it's Pages: In true OS/2 style, you're project is split up into 7 pages of information. You can see the tabs along the side of the notebook telling you what kind of information you will be looking at on that page. The "Save" button: Located to the right of the "Load" button, this will save your changes to disk. The "Time Log" and "Defect Log" buttons: These very important functions allow you to keep track of the time you spend working and the defects that you create. Each of these has it's own tutorial page, but it's important to notice the buttons hiding at the bottom of the dialog box. The "Update Sums" button: If the entire project updated itself every time you changed one number, it would take fifty years to type a project in. When you have entered the Planning and Actual information you want, click on update sums to let the computer recalculate all of your "To Date" and "% To Date" information. There is a LOT of information here. Whatever you do, don't let the volume of numbers intimidate you. You can make productive use of AutoPSP using only one or two of the pages shown. AutoPSP give you a lot of options, but you don't have to understand every one of them immediately. Just play with the toys and see what they do! Click on the "Project Pages" Tutorial page for information about the individual pages