Is the "Personal" still in AutoPSP? After all, Personal Software Process implies something that you can change personally. I thought about this a lot. Originally, this program was to be mine alone, and thus my personal process. However, I beleive that this program could be put to good use by many people. So how do I justify calling this AutoPSP and not just AutoSP? OS/2 and VisPro REXX come to the rescue! The project was done entirely using VisPro REXX, with the exception of the LOC Counter and the Regression Analyzer which were done using Borland C++ for OS/2. To tell just how user friendly, VisPro REXX is I'll tell yo how many other REXX programs I had to do before building this project: NONE This is in fact my first REXX program larger than 10 lines. However, VisPro REXX makes GUI development, and event driven programming so clear that you can hardly help but know whats going on. With that level of ease and the fact that the AutoPSP source code is included with this package, I feel that any user who has the compiler can make the project personal. The VisPro REXX compiler is extremely affordable (even for a starving college student like myself) It is available from HockWare, who also have a World Wide Web presence from which you can order the project and download a very interesting demo.