═══ 1. Help for Media Player ═══ The media players included with the system are: o MIDI Player o CD Player o Videodisc Player o Digital Audio Player o Digital Video Player/Recorder o Digital Audio Recorder For information about the use of a specific media player, select from the list above. With these players, you can control the play, stop, rewind, pause, and record operations, and adjust the volume, and temporarily turn off sound (mute), and record. For information about performing certain tasks, select a topic below: o Selecting a file to play o Creating a media player copy For information about items appearing in this window, select a topic below: o File o Options o Control o Media Control o Rewind o Stop o Pause o Play o Record o Volume o Mute ═══ Help for Digital Audio Player ═══ The Digital Audio Player is used to play digital audio files. A digital audio file (also called a wave audio file or wave file) contains sounds converted to a format that can reside on a disk, diskette, or other personal-computer storage devices. The file-name extension usually indicates the type of device that the file can be played on. For example, a file with a WAV extension can be played on a waveform device using the Digital Audio Player. A file with an MID extension can be played on a sequencer device using the MIDI Player. To play a digital audio file: 1. Select Digital Audio Player in the Multimedia Presentation Manager/2 folder. 2. Select File. 3. Select Open.... 4. Select the drive that contains the file you want from the Drive list. 5. Select the directory that contains the file you want from the Directory list field. 6. Select the file you want from the File list field. 7. Select the OK push button after you have made your choices. 8. Select the Play push button. ═══ Help for ActionMedia II Player/Recorder ═══ Use the ActionMedia II(TM) Player/Recorder to play and record DVI (Digital Video Interactive) AVSS (Audio-Visual Subsystem) format motion video files. To play a digital video file: 1. Select File. 2. Select Open.... 3. Select the drive that contains the file you want from the Drive list. 4. Select the directory that contains the file you want from the Directory list field. 5. Select the digital video file (.AVS extension) you want from the File list field. 6. Select the OK push button after you have made your choice. 7. Select the Play push button. To record a digital video file: Note: If you record a digital video file, it will unload any still images currently loaded in the system. 1. Select Options. 2. Select Monitor input. 3. Play video from a digital video file or device. 4. Select the Record push button. 5. Select Stop when you are ready to stop recording. 6. Select Rewind. 7. Select Play to display the recorded video. When recording and capturing motion video in the same session, you have the option of saving full motion video files, still image files, or both. To save the recorded video: 1. Select File. 2. Select Save as.... 3. Type in the name you want to give the file. 4. Select OK. ═══ 2. Help for Playing a MIDI File ═══ The MIDI Player is used to play a MIDI file. MIDI files contain sounds that are stored in a format that is used by musical equipment such as synthesizers and drum machines. The file-name extension usually indicates the type of device that the file can be played on. For example, a file with a MID extension can be played using the MIDI Player. A file with a .WAV extension can be played using the Digital Audio Player. To play a MIDI file: 1. Select MIDI Player in the Multimedia Presentation Manager/2 folder. 2. Select File. 3. Select Open. 4. Select the drive that contains the file you want from the Drive list field. 5. Select the directory that contains the file you want from the Directory list field. 6. Select the file you want from the File list field. 7. Select the OK. 8. Select the Play push button. ═══ 3. Help for Playing a CD ═══ The CD Player is used to play a compact disc. To play a CD: 1. Insert a compact disc into your CD-ROM drive. 2. Select CD Player in the Multimedia Presentation Manager/2 folder. 3. Select the Play push button. ═══ 4. Help for Playing a Videodisc ═══ The Videodisc Player is used to play a videodisc. To play a videodisc: 1. Insert the videodisc in the videodisc device. 2. Select Videodisc Player in the Multimedia Presentation Manager/2 folder. 3. Select the Play push button. ═══ 5. Help for Recording Audio Files ═══ The Digital Audio Recorder is used to record digital audio files. To record an audio file, do the following: 1. Select the Digital Audio Recorder. 2. Select the Record push button. Related topics: o Recording with a microphone o Recording with line input o Using the Options menu High input level and Monitor input items. ═══ Help for Device Name Change ═══ You can use the Multimedia Setup program to change the name of a multimedia device. 1. Select Multimedia Setup in the Multimedia Presentation Manager/2 folder. 2. Click on the tab name of the desired device. 3. Type the new name over the current name in the Name field. ═══ 6. Help for Device Names ═══ Support for the following multimedia devices is included as part of ActionMedia II(TM) and the MMPM/2 system: Note: Some device names might not appear on your system if they have not been installed. o Compact Disc: A device that plays compact discs. It is controlled by the CD Player. o Digital Audio: A device that uses audio files, and is controlled by the Digital Audio Player and the Digital Audio Recorder. o Digital Video: A device that uses digital video files (.AVS extension), and is controlled by the ActionMedia II Player/Recorder. o MIDI: A device that uses MIDI files, and is controlled by the MIDI Player. o Videodisc: A device that plays videodiscs and is controlled by the Videodisc Player. Note: If a videodisc player device is connected to your system and you cannot control it with the Videodisc Player, try one of the following: o Use the Multimedia Setup program to verify or change the communication settings for the videodisc device. o Change the communication settings directly on the videodisc player device. Related information: o Changing a device name o Other devices ═══ 7. Help for Other Devices ═══ Supported devices that are not included as part of the MMPM/2 system might appear in the Select a Multimedia device field of the Media Player-Change Player window. These multimedia devices are named according to their type. To represent more than one device of the same type, xx is used in the name to represent its number. The following list is used as an example to show how the device names might appear: o Animationxx o Audiotapexx o CDaudioxx o CDXAxx o DATxx o Digitalvideoxx o Monitorxx o Otherxx o Overlayxx o Sequencerxx o Waveaudioxx o Videotapexx Related information: Changing a device name ═══ 8. Help for Selecting a Specific Device ═══ You can select a specific multimedia devices. For example, you might want to play a compact disc, or an digital audio or digital video or MIDI file on a specific device that is installed in your system. To select a device: 1. Select the media player object you want from the Multimedia Presentation Manager/2 folder. 2. Select Options. 3. Select Change player type. 4. Select the desired device name. Note: You might have to associate certain files with some devices. ═══ 9. Help for Creating a Media Player Copy ═══ If you have more than one multimedia device connected to your system, you can start multiple copies of a media player to control a device. To create a copy of a media player, do the following: 1. Select the media player object you want to duplicate. 2. Hold the Ctrl key down. 3. Drag the object to another position on the screen. Note: Note that a copy of the media player is moved to that position, while the original object remains in place. 4. Release the Ctrl key. You can now start the new media player. ═══ 10. Help for File ═══ Use the choices in the File menu to open and save files. ═══ 11. Help for New ═══ Select New to clear any currently selected file, and load a new file. If the currently selected device does not use files, or it does not support recording a new file, then the Media Player program attempts to find a default Digital Audio device. If such a device is found, the current device is closed, the Digital Audio device is opened, and a new file is created. Related topic: Device names ═══ 12. Help for Save ═══ Select Save to save the current digital audio file with its current file name. ═══ 13. Help for Save As ═══ Select Save as to change the current name, or to assign a name to an unnamed file. ═══ 14. Help for Save File ═══ 1. Select File. 2. Select Save as.... 3. Type in the name you want to give the file. 4. Select OK. Note: When recording and capturing motion video in the same session, you have the option of saving full motion video files, still image files, or both. ═══ 15. Help for Default Size ═══ Select Default Size to display the window in the minimum size that all of its controls can be seen in. When the window is at its default size, no scroll bars are present. ═══ 16. Help for Control ═══ The choices on the Control menu control the operation of a media player. ═══ 17. Help for Options ═══ Use the choices in the Options menu to: o Change player types o Specify the recording connection type o Specify recording input level o Specify if input is monitored o Specify if media player status is displayed ═══ 18. Help for Change Player Type ═══ Select Change player type to be able to specify the device you want to use. ═══ 19. Help for Show Status Line ═══ You can control if you want the operational status of the player displayed. The default is for the status to be displayed. To disable this option: Click on the Show status line choice in the Options menu. ═══ 20. Help for Record From ═══ Select Record from to enable you to specify the type of connection you want for recording files: Related information: o Microphone o Line In o Options menu High input level and Monitor input choices ═══ 21. Help for High Input Level ═══ With some digital audio devices, it is possible to increase the input level at which the device records. You can select this setting if the input level for the current device is low. For example, if you were recording a CD selection using a digital audio device, selecting High input level might increase the quality of the recording. A check mark next to High input level indicates that a high recording input level is desired. No check mark indicates that the recording input level will be the normal value for the selected device. To add or remove a check mark, click on High input level. Note: o This setting is not preserved when the media player is closed. o If you experience a loud noise when you select High input level, deselect it or deselect the Monitor input Options menu item. ═══ 22. Help for Monitoring Input ═══ With some digital audio and video devices, it is possible to control whether the selected input can be heard or viewed (monitored) during recording. With such a device, a check mark next to Monitor input in the Options menu indicates that the input can be monitored. No check mark indicates that no monitoring can occur. This setting is not preserved when the media player is closed. Note: Monitoring Audio Input - If you experience a loud noise when you select Monitor input, deselect it or deselect the High input level Options menu item. ═══ 23. Help for Microphone ═══ Select Microphone from the Record from choice on the Options menu to use the microphone jack as an input source to the computer. ═══ 24. Help for Line In ═══ Select Line In from the Record from choice on the Options menu to use the line-input jack as an input source to the computer. ═══ 25. Help for Help Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Help menu for access to various help functions. ═══ 26. Help for Open ═══ Select Open to be able to select a specific file to play. The Open menu item is always available. If the currently selected device does not support the use of files, or the file you select is associated with a device that is a different type than the current device, the Media Player program closes the current device and attempts to open the device associated with the selected file. Related topic: File menu item New ═══ 27. Help for File ═══ The last portion of the name of opened multimedia files is displayed in the media-player title bar. ═══ 28. Help for Volume ═══ Use this field to control the volume of the selected device: 1. Move the mouse pointer to the volume slider arm. 2. Press and hold down mouse button 1. 3. Move the mouse to position the slider arm to the volume level you want. 4. Release the mouse button. Note: The volume is affected by the volume level set in the Volume Control program window and any volume settings on the media-player device. Also, certain models of the IBM CD-ROM device support only two volume settings, On or Off. In this case, adjusting the Volume Control has no noticeable effect on the volume of the device. ═══ 29. Help for Mute ═══ Select Mute to turn the sound on or off for the selected device. ═══ 30. Help for Play ═══ Select Play to start playing the file on the selected device. ═══ 31. Help for Stop ═══ Select Stop to stop playing the file on the selected device. ═══ 32. Help for Record ═══ Select Record to record an audio or video file, depending on the selected device type. Related information: o Recording with line input o Recording with a microphone ═══ 33. Help for Recording with a Microphone ═══ To record with a microphone: 1. Select Digital Audio Recorder. 2. Ensure that your microphone is connected to the appropriate input jack. 3. Specify a file-name extension that is associated with the selected device. Use the MMPM/2 Multimedia Setup program to define or change associations. 4. Select the Options menu. 5. Select Record from. 6. Select Microphone. 7. Adjust the Volume slider to the desired level. Note: To record properly, some devices require that the Volume slider be positioned at 100%. 8. Select Record. 9. Select Stop when you are ready to stop recording. 10. Select Rewind. 11. Select Play to hear the recording. ═══ 34. Help for Recording with Line Input ═══ To record using the line-input jack of an adapter: 1. Select Digital Audio Recorder. 2. Specify a file-name extension that is associated with the selected device. Use the MMPM/2 Multimedia Setup program to define or change associations. 3. Ensure that your input device is connected to the appropriate input jack. 4. Select the Options menu. 5. Select Record from. 6. Select Line In. 7. Adjust the Volume slider to the desired level. Note: To record properly, some devices require that the Volume slider be positioned at 100%. 8. Select Record. 9. Select Stop when you are ready to stop recording. 10. Select Rewind. 11. Select Play to hear the recording. ═══ 35. Help for Capture ═══ Select the Capture push button to capture still images from live and recorded video. To capture a still image: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Monitor Input. 3. Play video from a video device or digital video file. 4. Select the Capture push button to capture a still image. 5. Select the Restore push button to display the still image file. 6. Select File. 7. Select Save as.... 8. Type in the name you want to give the file. 9. Select OK. ═══ 36. Help for Restore ═══ Select the Restore push button to display a still image file. Restore displays the last still image viewed in the session. ═══ 37. Help for Rewind ═══ Select Rewind to set the device media to its beginning point (zero position). ═══ 38. Help for Pause ═══ Select Pause to temporarily stop playing the file. To start playing the file again, select Play. ═══ 39. Help for Mute ═══ Select Mute to turn the sound off. ═══ 40. Help for Unmute ═══ Select Unmute to restore the sound to the volume indicated on the volume slider arm. ═══ 41. Help for Discard ═══ Select Discard to undo the changes you have just made. ═══ 42. Help for Media Control ═══ Use the slider to view the current position of the media. If the selected media player supports seeking (searching), you can use your mouse to place the slider arm to the desired position in the media. ═══ 43. Help for Media Length Indicator ═══ The units for measurement of time for the position slider arm is determined by the length of the data that is being used. The measurement units can be in: o seconds o mm:ss (minutes and seconds) o hh:mm:ss (hours, minutes, and seconds) To position the slider arm: 1. Move the mouse pointer to the slider arm. 2. Press and hold down mouse button 1. 3. Move the mouse to position the slider arm to the desired location. 4. Release the mouse button. ═══ 44. Help for Status ═══ This field displays the current operating status of the media player. ═══ 45. Help for Help Index ═══ Select Help index for a list of other available help information. ═══ 46. Help for General Help ═══ Select General help for general information about this application. ═══ 47. Help for Using Help ═══ Select Using help for information about the help facility. ═══ 48. Help for Keys ═══ Select Keys help for information about the keys that control this application. ═══ 49. Help for Product Information ═══ Select Product information for copyright information about the application program. ═══ 50. Help for Media-Player Keys ═══ The following keys can be used to control the Media Player program: Tab Move among choices. Alt Switch to or from the menu of an application window. Arrow keys Move among choices. Enter Select the default push button action. A letter key Select the Capture push button. C letter key Select the Record push button. E letter key Select the Pause push button. I letter key Select the Restore push button. M letter key Select the Mute push button. P letter key Select the Play push button. R letter key Select the Rewind push button. S letter key Select the Stop push button. U letter key Select the MUTE push button to restore the sound. ═══ 51. Help for Media-Player Device Keys ═══ The following keys can be used to control the Media Player - Device window: Tab Move between the device list and push buttons. Alt Switch to or from the title-bar menu of an application-program window. Up and Down arrow keys Select a device when the focus is in the device list, or move among the push buttons and to the device list when initial focus is on push buttons. Left and Right arrow keys Move among the device list and the push buttons. O key When focus is on a push button, opens the selected device and closes the Media-Player device window. Esc Close the Media-Player window without selecting a new device. F1 Obtain help for the Media-Player device window. Related topic: Media-Player Keys ═══ 52. Help for Media Player Device ═══ You can select the device you want to use. For information about items appearing in this window, select a topic below: o Select a new player type o OK o Cancel ═══ 53. Help for Select a Multimedia Device ═══ Select the device you want to use. Related topic: Device names ═══ 54. Help for OK ═══ Select OK to confirm your device selection and to close the window. ═══ 55. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to close the device-selection window. ═══ 56. Help for Help ═══ Select Help to obtain specific assistance about fields in the Media-Player window. ═══ 57. Help for Media Player Open ═══ The Media Player Open window is used to specify the location and the name of the file that you want to play. To specify a file: 1. Select the drive that contains the file you want from the Drive list field. 2. Select the directory that contains the file that you want to use from the Directory list field. 3. Select the name of the file from the File list field. ═══ 58. Help for Open Filename ═══ The Open filename field displays the global character and file-name extension of the file that is associated with the selected device. For example, if you are using a wave device that supports .AUD and .VOC files, and .AUD is the default, the Open filename field would be initialized as *.AUD For information about specifying a file name, select the topic below: Selecting the file name ═══ 59. Help for Save As Filename ═══ The Save as filename field displays the global character and file-name extension of the file that is associated with the selected device. For example, if you are using a wave device that supports .AUD and .VOC files, and .AUD is the default, the Save as filename field would be initialized as *.AUD For information about specifying a file name, select the topic below: Selecting the file name ═══ 60. Help for Drive ═══ Use this list to select the drive that contains the files you want to use. ═══ 61. Help for Type of File ═══ This field is used to specify the type of files you want to use. ═══ 62. Help for Directory ═══ Use this field to select directories from those available on the selected drive. The files in the current directory are displayed in the File field. To select a directory: Double-click on the directory name. If you want to use a file that is in a directory, double-click on the name of the current directory until you get to the one with the files you want. For example, if you want to select a file named CONFPLAY.AVS that is in \AM2\TESTS\AVSS, you must: 1. Double-click on TESTS. \AM2\TESTS becomes the current directory. 2. Double-click on AVSS. \AM2\TESTS\AVSS becomes the current directory. The file named CONFPLAY.AVS is now displayed in the File list box field. ═══ 63. Help for File ═══ Use the File selection list to display the files that are available in the selected directory on the selected drive. To select a file, do the following: 1. Select the file you want to use from the list of files. 2. Select the OK push button. ═══ 64. Help for OK ═══ Select OK to accept the selected file. ═══ 65. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to close the window without selecting a file. ═══ 66. Help for Help ═══ Select Help for specific assistance about fields in the Media Player - Open window. ═══ 67. Help for Help ═══ Select Help for specific assistance about fields in the Media Player - Save As window. ═══ Help for New File Not Created ═══ The current device does not support the use of files. When New was selected from the File menu, the Media Player program attempted to find the default digital audio device in order to open a temporary file. No digital audio device was found. Install a digital audio device or change to another device that uses digital audio files. ═══ 68. Help for Product Information ═══ This choice displays copyright information about the application program. ═══ Help for Help Manager ═══ The application program was unable to start the Help Manager. The most likely cause is that the MPPMH.HLP file was not found. Ensure that the SET HELP= entry in the CONFIG.SYS file statement contains the path to the multimedia base directory MMOS2. ═══ Help for Unable to Start Program ═══ The application program was unable to start properly. There might not be enough memory, or the required resources could not be found. ═══ Help for Not Enough Memory ═══ The application program could not allocate enough memory to complete this operation. End unnecessary applications, or erase unneeded files to provide disk space. ═══ Help for Device Did Not Start ═══ The selected device could not be started. Another program might be using it. If so, end the other program, or discontinue this one until the other process is complete. ═══ Help for File Could Not be Opened ═══ The selected file could not be opened. Either it could not be found, or the data is not compatible with the format of the selected device. ═══ Help for Not Opened ═══ The selected file could not be opened. Either it could not be found, or the data is not compatible with the format of the selected device. ═══ Help for Action Not Performed ═══ The requested action could not be performed. Either it is not supported, or the command is not valid for the current state of the device. ═══ Help for Out of Space ═══ There is not enough space to complete the operation. Delete any unneeded files and try the operation again. ═══ Help for Not Enough Space ═══ There is not enough space to complete the operation. Delete any unneeded files and try the operation again. ═══ Help for File Changed ═══ The file has been changed. Select Save to save it, or Discard to continue without saving it. ═══ Help for Save Failed ═══ The specified file was not saved. You might not have enough space on your media to complete the Save operation. Delete any unneeded files and try the operation again. ═══ Help for Set Up Error ═══ An error occurred while trying to prepare a multimedia device for operation. The most likely cause is that another application has exclusive access to the device. Do one of the following: o Try the operation again later when the other application is no longer using the device. o Select Retry to attempt the operation again. o End the application that is using the device and try the operation again. ═══ Help for Media Not Present ═══ While attempting to open a device, the system detected that the required media was not present. For example, the CD Player requires the presence of a compact disc (CD) before it can finish preparing the device for operation. Ensure that the device has the appropriate media inserted in it; then select the Retry push button. To discontinue the operation and return to a media player window, select the Cancel push button. You must then select a new file or device to continue. Note: Some devices might take a few seconds after the media is inserted before they open. ═══ Help for Wrong Media Type ═══ While attempting to open a device, the system detected that the media in the device is the wrong type for the selected media player. For example, the CD Player requires the presence of a compact disc (CD) before it can finish preparing the device for operation. If another type of media, such as a CD-ROM or CD-ROM XA, is inserted in the drive you will get this error message. To properly set up the player, ensure that it has the appropriate media inserted in it; then, select the Retry push button. To discontinue the operation and return to a media player window, select the Cancel push button. You must then select a new file or device to continue. Note: Some devices might take a few seconds after the media is inserted before they open.