MKMSGF 8 i x " #I# )Z)k) *J*z* + ,<,r, ,"-K- -!.M. somc.msg IFunction name too long.\n IComment exceeded comment buffer. Use -C option.\n IFunction prototype too long.\n ISyntax error. Syntax must be ANSI C.\n INo function name found in the following prototype:\n%s\n IUnexpected end of file encountered.\n ISyntax error, probably a missing paren in a method prototype.\n ISyntax error, probably a missing angle bracket in a method prototype.\n ISyntax error, probably a missing close quote in a method prototype.\n IFile not found; creating new %s file.\n IFile is read only, cannot be revised.\n IFile has been updated.\n IChanges stored in file %s.\n IError: Insufficient memory.\n IError in SOMTStringTableC::locateIthEntry,\n\tAttempt to access a nonexistent entry by index.\n IError in SOMTTemplateOutputC::somtAddSectionDefinitions,\n\tSection start expected.\n \tHead of section buffer was: <%s>\n IError in SOMTTemplateOutputC::somtAddSectionDefinitions,\n\tEmpty section name.\n IError: Non-method entry passed to SOMTEmitC::somtEmitMethod.\n IError: Non-method entry passed to a method filter.\n ICannot open Symbols file \"%s\".\n IRemoving \"struct\" from \"%s\".\n IRemoving \"union\" from \"%s\".\n IIgnoring repeated \"generateapply\" modifier for \"%s\".\n IMust specify a name with the \"apply\" modifier.\n ICannot find parent of %s with method %s.\n IDirect-call procedure or nonstatic method %s cannot be overridden.\n IUse xph emitter for %s.xph output.\n IMissing %c for #include directive.\n ICannot open file \"%s\".\n IString buffer exceeded [%u], use -S option.\n IString buffer exceeded [%ld], use -S option.\n IDisk full.\n ICannot continue due to user errors.\n IProgram interrupted by user.\n I\"%s\" ambiguous: introduced by \"%s\" and \"%s\".\n I\"majorversion\" modifier must be between 0 and %ld.\n I\"minorversion\" modifier must be between 0 and %ld.\n I\"filestem\" modifier must have a value.\n I\"functionprefix\" modifier must have a value.\n I\"externalprefix\" modifier must have a value.\n I\"externalstem\" modifier must have a value.\n ICannot use both \"private\" and \"public\" modifiers.\n I\"private\" modifier should not have a value.\n I\"public\" modifier should not have a value.\n ICannot use both \"before\" and \"after\" modifiers.\n I\"before\" modifier should not have a value.\n I\"after\" modifier should not have a value.\n I\"majorversion\" modifier must have a value.\n I\"minorversion\" modifier must have a value.\n IInput and output files are the same.\n INo \"*\" to remove from a strict IDL class reference.\n IIn getBaseDesc: No descriptor for type \"%s\" using '?'.\n IIn setBaseDesc: Already set \"%s\".\n IIncorrect descriptor format.\n ICannot allocate %d bytes.\n ICannot allocate %ld bytes.\n I%s: \"%s\", Version: %s.\n I10H9767, 10H9769 (C) IBM Corporation 1992, 1994. All Rights Reserved.\n ILicensed Materials - Property of IBM.\n IUS Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or\n Idisclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.\n IDate Last Modified: %s %s\n IDate Last Compiled: %s]\n\n ITwo source files specified: \"%s\" and \"%s\".\n INo source file specified.\n IUnknown entry type: %d.\n IIn %s: Could not remove \"%s\"\n IRemoved \"%s\".\n IMust specify class name.\n IIn overrideMethod: Trying to override class %s.\n IIgnoring duplicate identifier \"%s\".\n I\"...\" not valid in data declarations.\n IParent class statement ignored for continued class statement.\n I%s is already used.\n I%s is already defined.\n I%s is already declared.\n I%s is already declared in \"%s\".\n Iinterface \"%s\" duplicated in different modules.\n IRedefinition of modifier \"%s\" for class statement ignored.\n IMetaclass statement ignored for continued class statement.\n ITo override the private method \"%s\", use the \"private\" modifier.\n ICannot define both \"function\" and \"external\" prefixes.\n I\"%s\" modifier clashes with class name \"%s\",\n\tadd an additional character to \"%s\".\n IInheritance list differs for \"%s\".\n IYou have not defined a parent class.\n I\"%s\" has not been declared.\n I\"%s\" is not a parent.\n ISignatures for \"%s\" in \"%s\" and \"%s\" differ.\n IParent \"%s\" repeated.\n IOverride method \"%s\" not in base class.\n I\"%s\", cannot override \"nooverride\" methods.\n I\"%s\", cannot override \"procedure\" methods.\n INo prototype for method %s\n I\"%s\" has already been used as a class name.\n IScope stack is empty.\n IScope Stack overruns Heap!\n ICannot find \"%s\" emitter.\n ICannot use -u flag with .csc files.\n IStatus: %d.\n IUnknown option %c\n IExpecting argument for %s option.\n IRelease \"%s\" has not been declared.\n IRelease \"%s\" is not a method.\n I\"%s\" is not in releaseorder.\n ILoading %s.\n IUnloading %s.\n ICannot load %s.\n ICannot unload %s.\n Iline \"%s ...\" exceeds maximum length of %d.\n Itoken \"%s ...\" exceeds maximum length of %d.\n IUnexpected DBCS character.\n IUnexpected end of file. No \"endpassthru;\" found.\n INewline in modifier string.\n IError removing temporary file \"%s\".\n ICannot run shell command:\"%s\".\n ITrapped bus error.\n ITrapped segmentation fault.\n IEmpty source file.\n I%s around token \"%s\".\n IComments should appear after ';' in statements or \n\t\tafter ',' in prototypes.\n IMissing \"class\" section before \"%s\" section.\n IDuplicate or misplaced \"%s\" statement.\n IOnly one releaseorder per class is permitted.\n ICannot specify negative string size for -S. Value %d ignored.\n ICannot specify negative string size for -C. Value %d ignored.\n IStructures require at least one member.\n I\"%s\" is not a constant.\n IIllegal use of releaseorder as modifier value.\n IClass required for \"metaclass\" modifier.\n IMetaclass must be different from class.\n" I%lu is out of range %ld - %ld for \"%s\" operator.\n I\"%s\" not a valid operand for \"%s\" operator.\n IIDL does not permit nested structures or unions.\n I\"%s\" undefined for \"%s\", size not known.\n IParameter \"%s\" repeated.\n IAttributes cannot be explicit arrays.\n IConstant expression type mismatch for \"%s\".\n ICannot apply '%c' to string \"%s\".\n I\"%s\" is undefined for floating point operands.\n IDuplicate case label for value \"%s\".\n IOnly one default statement permitted per case statement.\n Iimplementation already declared for \"%s\".\n I\"unsigned %s\", only \"short\" and \"long\" types can be unsigned.\n I\"%s\", is not an exception.\n IMultiple inheritance is not permitted in OIDL.\n IMetaclass \"%s\" is not descended from \" SOMClass\".\n IIgnoring repeated Metaclass modifier: \"%s\".\n INon-portable \"int\" will be generated in emitter files.\n I\"%s\" is negative.\n" IException expects {}.\n IMixed type expressions are illegal.\n I\"%s\" undefined for string constants.\n ICase expression \"%s\" must be an integral constant.\n ICase expression \"%s\" must match union discriminator \"%s\".\n ICase expression \"%s\" exceeds size of union discriminator \"%s\".\n INon-standard IDL use of explicit *'s.\n INon-standard IDL \"implementation\" section.\n INon-standard IDL unsigned \"%s\", should be \"short\" or \"long\".\n IRunning shell command:\n\t%s\n INumber of errors: %d\n Iusage: %s [-C:D:E:I:S:VU:cd:hi:m:prsvw] f1 f2 ...\n IWhere:\n I\t-C - size of comment buffer (default: %d)\n I\t-D - same as -D option for cpp.\n I\t-E = - set environment variable.\n I\t-I - same as -I option for cpp.\n I\t-S - size of string buffer (default: %d)\n I\t-U - same as -U option for cpp.\n I\t-V - show version number of compiler.\n I\t-c - ignore all comments.\n I\t-d - output directory for each emitted file.\n I\t-h - this message.\n I\t-i - use this file name as supplied.\n I\t-m - add global modifier.\n I\t-p - shorthand for -D__PRIVATE__.\n I\t-r - check releaseorder entries exist (default: FALSE).\n I\t-s - replace SMEMIT variable with \n I\t-u - update interface repository.\n I\t-v - verbose debugging mode (default: FALSE).\n I\t-w - don't display warnings (default: FALSE).\n\n IModifiers:\n I\taddprefixes : adds `functionprefix' to method names in template file\n I\t[no]addstar : [no]add `*' to C bindings for interface references.\n I\t corba : check the source for CORBA compliance.\n I\t csc : force running of OIDL compiler.\n I\t emitappend : append the emitted files at the end of existing file.\n I\t noheader : don't add a header to the emitted file.\n I\t noint : don't warn about \"int\" causing portability problems.\n I\t nolock : don't lock the IR during update.\n I\t nopp : don't run the source through the pre-processor.\n I\t notc : don't use typecodes for emit information.\n I\t nouseshort : don't generate short names for types.\n I\t pp= : specify a local pre-processor to use.\n I\t tcconsts : generate CORBA TypeCode constants.\n I\nNote: All command-line modifiers can be set in the environment\n Iby changing them to UPPERCASE and preappending \"SM\" to them.\n I\nEnvironment Variables:\n I\tSMEMIT=[h;ih;c;xh;xih;xc;def;ir;pdl]\n\t\t: emitters to run (default : h;ih).\n I\tSMINCLUDE=[;]+\n\t\t: where to search for .idl and .efw files.\n I\tSMKNOWNEXTS=ext[;ext]+\n\t\t: add headers to user written emitters.\n I\tSMTMP=\n\t\t: directory to hold intermediate files.\n I\tSOMIR=[;]+\n\t\t: list of IRs to search.\n I\n\nPragmas:\n I\t#pragma somemittypes on : turn on emission of global types.\n I\t#pragma somemittypes off : turn off emission of global types.\n I\t#pragma modifier ; : instead of modifier statement.\n IImplementation file not found for class %s.\n IAttribute name \"%s\" too long.\n Ioutput line exceeds maximum length of %d.\n IOnly 1 declarator permitted per SOMFOREIGN typedef: \"%s\"\n IMissing \"impctx\" modifier for foreign type \"%s\"\n IImplementation section for interface \"%s\" requires align=%hd for correct placement of instance data\n ICould not resolve type \"%s\"\n IUnexpected entry %s encountered\n ICould not resolve type for member \"%s\"\n I%ld type-related errors\n ICannot open Interface Repository file \"%s\" (%s)\n ICannot open Interface Repository\n IAmbiguous use of \">>\", separate with space (\"> >\").\n Ifilestems \"%s\" and \"%s\" differ.\n Iqualifying names \"%s\" -> \"%s\".\n Iunqualifying names \"%s\" -> \"%s\".\n I*'s are not permitted in sequence declarations.\n I*'s are not permitted in string declarations.\n I\"%s\" is a pointer type, unions expect an integer type.\n I\"%s\" requires parameter before final \"%s\".\n IInvalid or missing COM CLSID or IID: %s\n IOnly SOMObject's initializers may be overridden: %s\n IReintroduction of %s as %s %s::%s would hide static method %s::%s \n IsomtGetObjectWrapper: No wrapper for entry type %d \n IsomtGetObjectWrapper: Unknown entry type %d \n Ipublic, protected, or static data \"%s\" is not in releaseorder.\n