═══ 1. General Information ═══ ═══ 1.1. About this book ═══ The OS/2 Bidirectional Support, Developer's guide and reference is directed to application designers and programmers. It provides information about the Presentation Manager (PM) support and application programming interfaces (APIs) for the Arabic and Hebrew languages thus allowing programmers to create Arabic or Hebrew applications for this environment. The Bidirectional support in PM is provided in the Arabic and Hebrew language versions of OS/2. The support is active/configured when the COUNTRY selection during OS/2 installation is Arabic or Hebrew in these versions. ═══ 1.2. Introduction ═══ The purpose of this guide is to provide the necessary information to allow the creation of applications that work in Arabic or Hebrew. Reading and writing of Arabic or Hebrew text is done from Right-To-Left. This means that the "start" point of a Hebrew/Arabic text is on the right side of the page/screen while the natural end of the text is on the left side. In many cases, Arabic and Hebrew scripts contain embedded pieces of text which are written and read from Left-To-Right. In fact, having mixed Right-To-Left (RtL) and Left-To-Right (LtR) "segments" of text is very common in these languages. Examples of such cases is the use of numbers (which are usually LtR, as in English) and the use of embedded Latin text within Arabic/Hebrew text, which is also very common. Having such text, with embedded Right-To-Left and Left-To-Right pieces (segments), is the reason for referring to the Arabic and Hebrew languages as "Bidirectional Languages" (or bidi languages, for short). In this document, we will use the term 'National Language' or 'Bidi Language' to refer to 'Arabic or Hebrew'. (to distinguish it from English). Also, 'Arabic/Hebrew' is used to signify 'either Arabic or Hebrew'. ═══ 1.2.1. Bidirectional Applications ═══ Bidirectional applications are applications that support the Arabic and Hebrew languages. By nature, bidirectional applications have to be sensitive, to some extent, to the fact that their text data is bidirectional (contains embedded LtR and RtL segments). In this context there are two types of applications: o Bidi-Aware Applications These applications are written specifically to be used by Arabic and Hebrew-speaking users. These applications are aware of the fact that the text being processed is bidirectional, and take steps to ensure the correct processing of this text. Bidi-aware applications make active use of the PM bidirectional support APIs. o Bidi-Unaware Applications Bidi-Unaware applications do not have any knowledge about the fact that the text they handle/process is bidirectional. Usually, these applications are developed for users of a Left-To-Right language (such as English or French), and thus they do not perform any special handling of bidirectional text. Such applications do not make explicit calls to the PM APIs for bidirectional support. ═══ 1.2.2. Scope of PM Bidirectional support ═══ The PM bidirectional support has been designed with the following main design objectives: o Allow creation of bidi-aware applications. o Allow as easy as possible conversion of bidi-unaware applications to being bidi-aware. o Allow usage of bidi-unaware applications in the National Language. The extent to which this is possible is largely dependent on the application itself. Thus, the full bidirectional support is provided to applications which make active use of the PM Bidirectional services (APIs, PM messages etc). In addition, a certain degree of support is also provided for bidi-unaware applications. Depending on the application, this support (for bidi-unaware) may provide various degrees of usability for the application when working with Arabic or Hebrew. The Bidirectional support in PM is provided in the Arabic and Hebrew language versions of OS/2. The support is active/configured when the COUNTRY selection during OS/2 installation is Arabic or Hebrew in these versions. ═══ 1.2.3. Making a bidi-unaware application bidi-aware ═══ Most of the applications that are developed today throughout the world are created as Bidi-unaware applications (with the exception of applications developed in the countries where the native language is Arabic or Hebrew). Such applications can be made bidi-aware by adding calls to the PM bidi support APIs and by adding code that is aware of bidirectional text and knows how to manage it. The PM bidirectional support provides the following types of services/mechanisms to assist the conversion process of an application to be bidi-aware. o Bidirectional text presentation Support for bidirectional text presentation is available. This support is sensitive to the contents of the BIDIATTR environment variable. When this variable is set, the text output functions do some extra processing to the text being output. This support provides very basic bidirectional support for the benefit of bidi-unaware applications. For applications that use text in a very simple way (i.e they do not have any sophisticated text handling features), enabling this support (by initializing the BIDIATTR environment variable) may be enough. For this basic support, the application code does not need be changed at all. The fact that the unaware application runs in a bidi-supporting environment (denoted by the BIDIATTR variable) is enough to trigger the system-provided bidirectional text handling and thus gain some level of automatic support for such applications. In most cases, however, some additional support will be needed. In these cases, some changes must be made to the application in order to allow it to support bidi text. o Bidirectional Input support This support allows typing of characters in both English and Hebrew/Arabic, as well as support for language-specific hotkeys. This is the basic means that allows the user to input national language text from the keyboard. o Bidirectional PM Controls. PM applications make extensive use of system services called PM Controls. These services provide support for many routine tasks such as text entry, menu management, selections from a list of options and scrolling. With the PM Bidirectional support, all PM controls are bidi-aware services. Applications can make use of these bidi-aware services by marking them as bidi-aware and specifying their bidirectional attributes. This way, an application can be made aware (up to a certain extent) just by marking its PM resources as Bidi resources. In many cases, this process involves only changes in resource files (.RC) rather than changing source (and executional) code. o Bidirectional support APIs. The third level of support is available only for applications that incorporate in their code explicit calls to the various PM Bidirectional APIs, such as calls for text conversions, keyboard input support, justification etc. ═══ 1.2.4. Supported Codepages ═══ The PM bidirectional support is dependent on the active codepage being used by the application. In most cases, the system determines what actions are taken and what type of processing is done based on the active codepage. In this version of PM, the codepages that are supported for bidirectional processing are: o Codepage 862 - Hebrew PC. o Codepage 864 - Arabic PC. ═══ 1.2.5. Arabic and Hebrew Fonts ═══ The Arabic and the Hebrew codepages are bilingual (i.e. they contain English and Arabic or English and Hebrew characters). When either of these codepages is active, the system fonts support all the characters in the relevant codepage. This means that the system fonts are bilingual, for example "Courier" would contain both English and Arabic/Hebrew. shapes. This means that applications do not need to change fonts when switching between Arabic/Hebrew and English characters. Note: Arabic and Hebrew postscript (Adobe Type 1) fonts are created using font specific encoding. This means that the value used for the codepage of these fonts is "65400" rather than the national codepage. Applications that specify the usCodepage field when creating a logical font should use this value in order to get a match for the Bidi postscript fonts. ═══ 2. Bidirectional Text and Bidirectional Attributes ═══ ═══ 2.1. About Bidirectional Text ═══ To correctly process bidirectional text, applications must assume that text is stored in computer memory in a "different way" from when presented on an output device. In other words, a text-conversion process of some sort takes place when bidirectional text is retrieved from storage (files, memory) to be displayed on the screen (or printer), or when it is read from the keyboard and stored. There are many ways to represent (store in memory, or files) bidirectional text that contains Arabic or Hebrew characters, English characters and numbers (digits). Different applications use different methods to store their text data and use different conversions before displaying their text. Applications may choose to use different formats to represent bidirectional text, depending on the nature of the processing that they perform on this text. In order to support bidirectional text processing, the PM support for Hebrew and Arabic defines a set of parameters that describe the different "features" that any Arabic or Hebrew bidirectional text may have. These parameters are called "Bidirectional Attributes". A bidirectional application can describe the nature of the bidirectional text data it processes, by identifying a set of bidirectional attributes. These bidirectional attributes, which are implemented in PM in a hierarchical model, uniquely define the bidirectional text and the conversions it must go through, to the PM system and to the PM bidirectional services. Below is the list of the bidirectional attributes as well as a short explanation of each one of them. ═══ 2.2. Bidirectional Attributes ═══ ═══ 2.2.1. Text Type ═══ The 'Text Type' bidi attribute defines the method by which text segments (that have a certain direction) are detected and processed. The text type attribute can have the following values: o Visual text The 'Visual' data type means, that for a certain piece of text there are no sub-segments. In other words, the whole text has the same direction (whether it is LtR or RtL is determined by the Text Orientation attribute, see below). Whether the text contains digits, English, or Arabic/Hebrew characters does not change the sequence of the characters within this given piece of text. For example (LTR orientation; upper case letters represent English letters, while lowercase letters represent Arabic or Hebrew letters): Index of character: 012345678901 Storage buffer : LATIN cibara Displayed String : LATIN cibara or, in the case of RtL orientation: Index of character: 012345 Storage buffer : arabic Displayed String : cibara o Logical text with implicit detection and processing. This value is sometimes called "implicit" (for short) or "typing order" as it usually represents the order of characters as they are typed on the keyboard. Here, the determination of the sub-segments is largely based on the actual characters in the text. When there is a doubt (as in the case of characters which do not have a "strong" language meaning associated with them, such as SPACE, QUESTION MARK and digits), the determination of the sub-segments and the conversion required is done by a "smart" algorithm. Example (LTR orientation; upper case letters represent Latin letters, while lowercase letters represents Arabic or Hebrew letters). Index of character: 012345678901 Storage buffer : LATIN hebrew Displayed String : LATIN werbeh ═══ 2.2.2. Text Orientation ═══ This attribute defines the orientation of a text string (object). It may have the following values: o Left-To-Right o Right-To-Left o Contextual For text that has the Visual data type, the text orientation determines the order of the characters. For example, when visual text has Left-To-Right orientation, the order of the characters in the memory buffer and the presentation order (from left-to-right) is the same. For text that has the Logical/Implicit data type, the text orientation of a certain piece of text defines which type of characters are considered the "base" text. The characters which belong to the "base" text retain their sequence when converting from storage to presentation or vice versa, while the characters which belong to embedded segments ("non base" text) are reversed. For LtR text, Latin text retains its order while Arabic/Hebrew text is reordered (reversed). For RtL text, Arabic/Hebrew text retains its order while Latin text is reordered (reversed). Contextual text orientation is not exactly an orientation value (obviously, orientation can be only LtR or RtL). The contextual text orientation value tells the system that the actual orientation of the given text should be determined based on the first "strong" character in the text (in storage buffer indexes). I.e, if the first character in the buffer is an English character, the orientation of the text will be Left-To-Right. If the first character in the buffer is Arabic/Hebrew - the text orientation is Right-To-Left. (If the first character in the buffer is a "neutral" character, such as a SPACE, the orientation is determined by the next character in buffer, and so on). ═══ 2.2.3. Window Orientation ═══ The "Window Orientation" bidi attribute is unique among all other bidi attributes, as it defines a property of a WINDOW (rather than a property of the text being processed). The window orientation attribute is "packaged" in the bidi attribute word for convenience, since it is a very handy placeholder for bidi-oriented information. The Window Orientation attribute covers several visual aspects of a window. These include: o Layout In the Window Orientation context, layout refers to the positioning of objects within a window or dialog. A window with a LtR window orientation has its origin at the bottom left. A window with a RtL window orientation has its origin at the bottom right of the window instead of the bottom left, thus placement of objects (e.g. child windows, controls, vertical scrollbar, etc.) within the window will be in the symmetrically opposite position to those in a LtR window. Some examples of how this works: - RtL Buttons have their text positioned to the left of the 'button bitmap'. - RtL Horizontal scrollbars have their origin on the right. - Vertical scrollbars in listboxes, MLEs, etc. are placed on the left side of the window. - This concept is applied in the same way to other objects in the system. o Justification In many cases the default justification of objects within a Right-To-Left object is on the right. In general, a window with RtL window orientation has Right-To-Left layout and its objects are right-justified. ═══ 2.2.4. Symmetric swapping ═══ Directional characters are characters such as parentheses, brackets, braces, etc. In LtR text, an "open" bracket is a left bracket, while for RtL text an "open" bracket is a right bracket. Sometimes (especially in the process of transforming a bidi-unaware application to be bidi-aware), it is useful to have the system automatically "swap" between the symmetric characters. This way, the processing part of an application may be left unchanged, while the presentation part is taken care of by this automatic swap. Note that this automatic swap is relevant only for RtL text (or RtL text segments within LtR text). For Example (Visual, RtL text). Storage buffer : (1) hebrew Display : werbeh )1( without symmetric swapping Display : werbeh (1) with symmetric swapping ═══ 2.2.5. Character shape determination ═══ Arabic is a cursive script. This means that the presentation of each letter depends on its location in the word (initial, middle, final or isolated). Data may be stored "shaped", i.e. each letter of the text is stored in the specific codepoint (out of the different possible codepoints for that letter) that suits its position in the word and the connecting capabilities of its adjacent letters. Such data can be displayed directly. Data may also be stored in nominal or base shapes, i.e. one codepoint per letter, regardless of its position. Such data must be "shaped" before it is displayed. The text shape attribute defines how the Arabic text is stored and also what type of conversion should be performed on it in order to display it correctly. It can take the following values : o TEXT_DISPLAY_SHAPED This implies that the text is stored in nominal/base shapes and should be automatically shaped upon display. PM entryfields that have this attribute automatically shape new text as it is being entered by the user and will submit the text in nominal shapes upon query. o TEXT_SHAPE_NOMINAL This implies that the text is displayed and stored in its nominal (base) shapes. This text shape is not commonly used. The following shaping modes are valid only when the type of text is visual : - TEXT_SAVE_SHAPED This implies that text is already shaped and ready for display. PM entryfields that have this attribute automatically shape new text as it is being entered by the user and will submit the text as it appears on the screen upon query. - TEXT_SHAPE_INITIAL This implies that text is already shaped and ready for display. PM entryfields that are set to this mode shape new characters typed by the user in initial shapes and will submit the text as it appears on the screen upon query. This mode is usually initiated with a hotkey by users who need to type some characters specifically in their initial shapes. - TEXT_SHAPE_MIDDLE This implies that text is already shaped and ready for display. PM entryfields that are set to this mode shape new characters typed by the user in middle shapes and will submit the text as it appears on the screen upon query. This mode is usually initiated with a hotkey by users who need to type some characters specifically in their middle shapes. - TEXT_SHAPE_FINAL This implies that text is already shaped and ready for display. PM entryfields that are set to this mode shape new characters typed by the user in final shapes and will submit the text as it appears on the screen upon query. This mode is usually initiated with a hotkey by users who need to type some characters specifically in their final shapes. - TEXT_SHAPE_ISOLATED This implies that text is already shaped and ready for display. PM entryfields that are set to this mode shape new characters typed by the user in isolated shapes and will submit the text as it appears on the screen upon query. This mode is usually initiated with a hotkey by users who need to type some characters specifically in their isolated shapes. ═══ 2.2.6. Numerals ═══ The numerals attribute detemines how numerals are processed upon display as follows : o NUMERALS_NOMINAL - Display only nominal (i.e. Arabic) numerals. o NUMERALS_NATIONAL - Display only national (i.e. Hindi) numerals. o NUMERALS_CONTEXT - Display numerals according to surrounding text. o NUMERALS_PASSTHRU - Display numerals as stored. ═══ 2.3. Conversions of Bidirectional Text Data ═══ Bidirectional applications use bidirectional text. The bidirectional text is described by bidirectional attributes. Since applications use different sets of bidirectional attributes (and thus, different representations of bidirectional text), it is necessary to convert this text among representation forms. The most common case is when an application converts the text from the internal (storage) representation to the external (presentation) form. OS/2 provides a set of APIs to manage the conversion of bidirectional text between different formats. The text is assumed to be in a form/layout that is described by a set of input values and is converted to another form described by a set of output values. In order to perform a text conversion, the caller must first call LayoutCreateObject to create a layout object. The layout object is automatically associated with a set of default values, known as layout values, that depend on the locale used to create it. Currently, the following locales are supported: o Locale_Arabic o Locale_Hebrew Using the handle to the layout object created, the caller can query the current values using LayoutQueryValues and set them, using LayoutSetValues, to the values required for the text transformation. The actual text transformation is done by the LayoutTransformText API, which converts its input buffer according to the values associated with the layout object. LayoutTransformText can also optionally provide some additional information about the transformation performed, such as mappings of the input buffer to the output buffer. LayoutEditShape is a more specialized text conversion API that allows an application to do Arabic character shape editing in and around a specific location in a buffer. When an application has finished its text conversions, it should release the resources used by the layout object using LayoutDestroyObject. See more on Layout Values and Programming in the reference section. ═══ 3. Presentation Manager Support for Bidirectional Attributes ═══ Presentation Manager provides support for bidirectional text by providing applications with APIs to enable them to manage bidirectional attributes at several levels. o Process Bidirectional Attributes o Window Bidirectional Attributes o Presentation Bidirectional Attributes o Clipboard Bidirectional Attributes ═══ 3.1. Process Bidirectional Attributes ═══ Process bidirectional attributes are used to assign applications a default set of attributes. These attributes are used by various PM components to determine the processing that must take place. In this version, the Process bidirectional attributes are determined based on value of the "BIDIATTR" OS/2 environment variable which is in effect at the time the program is loaded into memory. The BIDIATTR environment variable can have multiple values that represent bidirectional attributes. For example: SET BIDIATTR=TEXT_ORIENT_RTL,TEXTTYPE_VISUAL,TEXT_SAVE_SHAPED The names of the various bidirectional attributes are documented in Appendix D. Applications can set the process bidirectional attributes by using the WinSetLangInfo API, with the parameter LI_BD_PROCESS_ATTR. ═══ 3.2. Window Bidirectional Attributes ═══ Window Bidirectional Attributes are assigned to each window in the Presentation Manager system. Window bidirectional attributes are usually inherited by a window, at creation time, from its parent window. This is true for all windows, except for windows that are children of the desktop window. These windows inherit their window bidirectional attributes from the process bidi attributes. Applications use the WinSetLangInfo API with the LI_BD_WND_ATTR parameter to set specific window bidi attributes. Note that with the LI_BD_WND_ATTR applications have control on the way bidirectional attributes are inherited within the parent-child chain. PM controls (which are part of the PM system) are sensitive to their bidirectional attributes. They determine their window layout based on the 'window orientation' attribute and perform text conversions based on other bidirectional attributes. ═══ 3.3. Presentation Bidirectional Attributes ═══ These bidirectional attributes are associated with text output operations. The text output APIs in PM (WinDrawText and the various GpiCharString APIs) are sensitive to the presentation bidirectional attributes. These attributes are inherited from the process bidirectional attributes at creation time of each GPI presentation space. The text-output APIs use the presentation bidi attributes to determine the conversions that must be applied to the text as part of the processing of the text-output APIs. For example, GpiCharString will convert bidirectional text, by calling the LayoutTransformText API on behalf of the application program. The bidi-converted string will then be rendered on the the output device (rather than the original string that has been provided in GpiCharString API call). Applications can optionally modify the presentation bidi attributes dynamically by using the GpiSetBidiAttr API. Thus, applications have control on the text conversion that are executed on a call by call basis. ═══ 3.4. Clipboard Bidirectional Attributes ═══ The clipboard maintains two sets of bidirectional attributes. The first set is called the 'Clipboard Bidirectional Attributes' and is associated with the text data that is currently stored in the clipboard. The default value for this set is inherited from the process bidirectional attributes of the application that issues WinSetClipbrdData. The source application can optionally modify this set of attributes by using the WinSetLangInfo API with the LI_BD_CLIP_ATTR effect. The second set is called the 'Conversion Bidirectional Attributes'. This set is associated with the target application, and its default value is inherited from the process bidirectional attributes of the application that issues the WinQueryClipbrdData API. The target application can optionally modify these attributes by using the WinSetLangInfo API with LI_BD_CLIP_CONV_ATTR effect. Refer to the Bidirectional Text Exchange Among Applications - Clipboard section for more details. ═══ 3.5. Managing Bidirectional Attributes using the WinSetLangInfo API ═══ The WinSetLangInfo and the WinQueryLangInfo APIs are used by applications to manage the various bidirectional attributes. The ulEffect parameter of these APIs determines what kind of bidirectional attribute is being set/queried by the call. The following values for ulEffect are supported: o LI_BD_PROCESS_ATTR - Process bidirectional attributes. o LI_BD_WND_ATTR - Window bidirectional attributes. o LI_BD_CLIP_ATTR - Bidirectional attributes of the text contained in the clipboard. o LI_BD_CLIP_CONV_ATTR - Bidirectional attributes to be used to convert the clipboard text data before being given to the application. o LI_BD_WND_STAT - Window bidirectional status (see below). For the LI_BD_WND_ATTR and LI_BD_WND_STAT effects, the caller of the API can choose if the setting of the bidi attributes (or status) should be done for the specified window itself, or for the specified window and all his child-windows. This is possible by specifying the LIF_CHILD_INHERIT flag bit in the flFlags parameter of the WinSetLangInfo API. The caller can also instruct the window whose bidi attributes (or bidi status) are being set, to redraw itself, by specifying the LIF_WND_REFRESH flag. ═══ 3.5.1. Using the WinSetLangInfo API to send WM_SETBIDIATTR messages ═══ As part of the WinSetLangInfo API, an optional message can be sent to the window procedure whose bidi attributes (or bidi status) is being set. This provides a bidi-aware window procedure with a way to know that an application is modifying its bidi state (attribute and/or status). This allows the window procedure to provide the required processing for this case. For example, when a bidi-aware window receives the WM_SETBIDIATTR message, it can inspect which bidi attributes are being set, and do necessary conversion on its internal buffers to accommodate this change. Another option it can take is to refuse the request and protect its bidi attributes from modifications done by external applications. A window procedure can also ignore the WM_SETBIDIATTR by passing it to the default window procedure which will result in the bidi attributes being set in the internal window structure. Similarly, the WinQueryLangInfo can send a message to the window procedure whose bidi attributes or status are being queried. This gives the bidi-aware window a chance to specify the value of the bidi attributes or status that is returned to the querying application. A window procedure can also ignore the WM_QUERYBIDIATTR by passing it to the default window procedure which returns the window bidi attributes as stored in the internal window structure. When the WinSetLangInfo API is used by a window procedure to set its own bidirectional attributes as part of WM_SETBIDIATTR processing, the LIF_NO_SENDMSG flag should be set in order to prevent recursive calls to the window procedure. It is recommended that the LIF_NO_SENDMSG flag is NOT turned on when WinSet/QueryLanginfo is called outside the window procedure whose attributes are being set. Applications should generally use the default flag (which causes a WM_SETBIDIATTR message to be sent), so that bidi-aware window procedures can take the appropriate actions when a request to change their Bidi attributes is made. ═══ 4. Bidirectional Status ═══ ═══ 4.1. About Bidirectional Status ═══ Every window in the system maintains its bidirectional status. Bidirectional status flags are used to represent configuration information that tells the system how to handle various events for the window. The status flags include information that defines how bidirectional language hotkeys should be handled and its current typing mode. The bidirectional status is saved by the system for each window and it can be set and queried by applications using the WinSetLangInfo API. ═══ 4.2. Managing Bidirectional Status using the WinSetLangInfo API. ═══ The WinSetLangInfo API is used to manipulate the window bidi status word. The Bidirectional status flags hold information about the following : o Status of the bidirectional input support (enabled/disabled). o Hotkey disable flags. o AutoPush enable flags. The PM Bidirectional Support defines several hotkeys that allow the user to perform Bidi-related operations such as Start Push or Field Reverse. o Status of the bidirectional Input Support. When this flag is set ON, the bidirectional input support system is disabled. The input system operates in the same way as in a non-bidi (e.g US/English) system. o Hotkey disable flags The hotkey disable flags are used by the system to process the various bidirectional hotkeys. When a certain flag is ON this tells the system that the default system action for this hotkey (identified by the flag) is disabled. Applications can disable hotkeys that use key combinations which the application wishes to handle itself. When a disabled bidirectional hotkey combination is detected, the system does not take any special action and passes the event to the application. This allows the application to receive notification about the hotkey being typed and take the necessary action. In addition, the system also generates a WM_CHAR event with a Virtual Key value (VK_) appropriate to this hotkey. This allows applications to isolate themselves from the actual key combination and be sensitive only to the virtual key value (this allows remapping of the bidi hotkeys). When a hotkey is enabled, the system will translate the key combination to the relevant bidi virtual key identifier. Applications that respond to the bidirectional hotkeys will take the appropriate action when they detect the virtual key identifiers. The system may also take some actions based on the hotkey being pressed (such as changing the keyboard layer, see below). o AutoPush enable flags. Bidirectional status also contain enable/disable flags for 'Automatic Push'. These flags tell the system if the user has enabled the 'AutoPush' feature for the PM entry fields. (AutoPush enabled means that the system starts and ends Push mode automatically, based on the characters that are typed by the user. AutoPush is only relevant if the PM entry field contains visual text). There are two AutoPush flags, one for typing in Left-To-Right direction and one for typing in Right-To-Left. ═══ 4.2.1. Using the WinSetLangInfo API to send WM_SETBIDISTAT messages ═══ The WM_SETBIDISTAT message is optionally sent to a window procedure every time a window bidirectional status word is set. Likewise, the WM_QUERYBIDISTAT can be sent when the status is queried. This lets a bidi-aware window procedure know that its status is being change and to take the appropriate action, if required. In general, these messages are sent and processed in the same way as the WM_SETBIDIATTR and WM_QUERYBIDIATTR message, as described in the "Sending WM_SETBIDIATTR messages in WinSetLangInfo API". ═══ 5. Keyboard Input and Keyboard Layers ═══ ═══ 5.1. What are keyboard layers? ═══ On keyboards used for bidirectional languages, two characters (a Latin one and a "National Language" one) are engraved on each key and the user can select which of these characters is used, by selecting the active keyboard language (or "Keyboard Layer"). Changing the keyboard layer can be done by the user pressing one of the "Layer Change" hotkeys, or by an application issuing the WinSetKbdLayer API. In this way, the same physical keyboard is used to input text in both languages. CUA guidelines define the "keyboard layer change" hotkeys as follows: o Select Latin/English layer - Alt+Left Shift. o Select National Language layer (Arabic/Hebrew) - Alt+Right Shift. ═══ 5.2. Managing Keyboard Layers using the WinSetKbdLayer API. ═══ Keyboard layers are set and queried by the WinSetKbdLayer and the WinQueryKbdLayer APIs. These APIs are provided so that applications can set the keyboard to produce characters in the language that is required by the application for a specified window (or text input field). Issuing a WinSetKbdLayer API by an application is equivalent to pressing a "Layer Change" hotkey by the user. ═══ 5.2.1. WM_KBDLAYERCHANGED message ═══ When the keyboard layer is changed, a WM_KBDLAYERCHANGED is optionally posted to the window procedure that has keyboard focus, to notify it about the keyboard layer change. This lets the window procedure take the appropriate action (such as updating its internal variables and/or updating some status display). The message is sent only when the WinSetKbdLayer API is specifically instructed to do so by specifying the SKLF_SENDMSG flag. ═══ 5.3. Bidirectional Hotkeys Processing ═══ The system performs some processing for bidi hotkeys. When bidi hotkeys are detected, the system generates WM_CHAR messages containing the appropriate Bidi virtual keys (VK_XX values). The system may also take some default action depending on whether the specific hotkey is enabled or disabled (see below). Note: The term Enable/Disable of Bidi Hotkey is a bit mis-leading. The effect of disabling a bidi hotkey does not neccessarily disable the hotkey itself - but the system default processing that is associated with this hotkey. For example, when the start push hotkey is disabled the Push Popup is NOT invoked (this is the default action taken by the system for VK_START_PUSH). The WM_CHAR/VK_START_PUSH message is generated in any case. Whenever the system detects a Bidi hotkey which is enabled, the following actions take place: o A WM_CHAR message containing the bidi VK value is generated. o The message containing the hotkey combination is consumed. o The system performs some default action for relevant hotkeys. The following is the default action taken by the system for each enabled hotkey: o Set keyboard layer to Latin or National The appropriate keyboard layer is set for the window. o Start push The Bidi "Push Popup" IME is invoked. o End push No action is taken. o Field reverse (toggle) Field reverse edit mode is activated. o Window reverse (toggle) No action is taken. o Activate auto push mode (toggle) No action is taken. o Arabic shape selection hotkeys No action is taken. o Activate Status Indicator The Language Viewer is invoked, if one is registered in the system. Whenever the system detects a Bidi hotkey which is disabled, it does not generate the default action associated with this hotkey. Note that the generation of the VK_ value is NOT suppressed. The following actions take place: o A WM_CHAR message containing the bidi VK value is generated. o The message containing the hotkey combination is not consumed. I.e. applications get both the VK value and the original key combination. o No default action is performed by the system. Bidi aware applications that wish to process some hotkeys themselves may choose to disable them in order to prevent the system from taking the default action. For example, a wordprocessor would probably disable the VK_START_PUSH hotkey, to stop the system from bringing up the push popup dialog, since the application will provide right-to-left typing functionality itself. ═══ 6. Bidirectional Support in PM Controls ═══ ═══ 6.1. About Bidirectional Support of PM Controls ═══ PM Controls are windows which are provided as part of the PM system. PM controls are used by applications to carry out simple input and output tasks (such as simple data entry, and choice selection). PM Controls are bidi-aware windows which support bidirectional attributes and status. Thus they are sensitive to the various settings in the bidi attributes and bidi status and take actions accordingly. For example, PM controls support the 'window orientation' bidi attribute by formatting and displaying themselves according to the current orientation setting. Another example is their awareness to the active keyboard layer, especially in windows that process text input, such as the single-line Entry Field (SLE). By using the bidi-aware PM controls, applications can achieve high degree of bidirectional support, since many tasks that are specific to bidirectional support, are provided "automatically" by the controls, on behalf of the application. In other words, as PM controls relieve the application from implementing code for routine and simple tasks (such as text input), they also relieve the application (to an extent), from dealing with specific bidirectional processing required for these tasks. ═══ 6.2. Using BIDIPARAMs in Resource Scripts. ═══ PM Controls are usually defined in Resource Scripts. Usually, modfiying resources does not require the application developer to change code in the application. The BIDIPARAM keyword is used to mark PM controls as having specific bidirectional features (attributes and status). Using the BIDIPARAM keyword in a resource script allows the application developer to change the definition of a PM control window, such that when created it behaves "automatically" in a certain bidirectional manner (e.g, it is formatted "automatically" as a "Right-To-Left" window, or is initially ready to accept Arabic/Hebrew text). BIDIPARAMs are inherited to child windows. For example, specifying BIDIPARAMs for a dialog window resource, affects all child-windows in that dialog. The BIDIPARAM keyword is specified with two parameters. The first one is the bidi feature that is manipulated (i.e a certain bidirectional attribute, or a certain bidirectional status flag) and the second parameter is the value that is given to that feature. In the following example, the dialog window is marked has having Right-To-Left window orientation. All child windows inherit this feature, except for the entry field which is specified has having a Left-To-Right window orientation. In addition the radio button is marked has having "Implicit" text type. DLGTEMPLATE ID_SAMPLE LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN DIALOG "Sample Bidirectional Dialog", ID_SAMPLE, 5, 10, 100, 50, FS_DLGBORDER BIDIPARAM PP_BDATTR_WND_ORIENTATION BDA_WND_ORIENT_RTL BEGIN ENTRYFIELD "", ID_ENTRY, 5, 80, 40, 8 BIDIPARAM PP_BDATTR_WND_ORIENTATION BDA_WND_ORIENT_LTR RADIOBUTTON "Radio", ID_RADIO, 5, 60, 40, 8 BIDIPARAM PP_BDATTR_TEXTTYPE BDA_TEXTTYPE_IMPLICIT CHECKBOX "Check", ID_CHECK1, 5, 50, 40, 8 END END The following is a list of PM controls with a short description of their bidirectional support behavior. ═══ 6.3. Button ═══ The Button control handles its text according to its window bidi attributes. Radio buttons and Checkboxes with right-to-left window orientation behave as follows: o The Selection Icon (a little Box for Check Box, a little circle for Radio Buttons) is right justified. It is located in the right symmetric position, relative to its position in a <r Button. o The Text of the Button, is displayed to the left of the Selection Icon, and is right justified. o It switches the language layer to the national language , so it can process Arabic/Hebrew "Mnemonics" entered from the keyboard. ═══ 6.4. Combination-Box ═══ The bidi attributes of the listbox part and the entryfield part of the combination box are "linked" (i.e changing one of them causes the other to change as well). When the combination box has right-to-left window orientation the listbox is located beneath and to the left of the entryfield. The left side of the listbox is aligned with the left side of the entryfield. ═══ 6.5. Container ═══ The Container control manages a hierarchy of bidi attributes which resembles the hierarchy of the container components. A container control typically has the following hierarchy: Container --> Record(s) --> Field(s) Initially, records and fields do not have bidi attributes of their own (their bidi-attribute are not-initialized). At this time, their effective bidi attributes are those of the container window. Applications can set their container's records or fields bidi attributes by sending the CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR and CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR messages.. They can query their container's records and fields bidi attributes by sending CM_QUERYTEMBIDIATTR and CM_QUERYFIELDBIDIATTR. The bidi-attributes hierarchy of the container works as follows: o A field uses its own bidi attribute (set by CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR). o If its bidi-attribute has not been initalized (by sending the CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR message), a field uses the bidi attribute of its record. o A record uses it own bidi attribute (set by CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR). o If its bidi-attribute has not been initialized (by sending the CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR), a field uses the bidi attribute of the container window. The following is the description of the container window messages that are used to manage bidi attributes: CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR - Set bidi attributes for a specific item (record) mp1 - PRECORDCORE pRecordCore mp2 - pointer to the following structure. typedef struct _BD_ATTR_MASK { ULONG ulBD_Attr; ULONG ulBD_Mask; } BD_ATTR_MASK; CM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR - Queries the bidi attributes of a specific item (record). mp1 - PRECORDCORE pRecordCore mp2 - PULONG pBidiAttr - points to a ULONG where BidiAttributes are returned. CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR: - Sets bidi attributes for a specific field (in details view only). mp1 - PFIELDINFO pFieldInfo mp2 - pointer to the following structure. typedef struct _BD_ATTR_MASK { ULONG ulBD_Attr; ULONG ulBD_Mask; } BD_ATTR_MASK; CM_QUERYFIELDBIDIATTR - Queries the bidi attributes of a specific field (in details view only). mp1: PFIELDINFO pFieldInfo mp2: PULONG pBidiAttr - points to a ULONG where BidiAttributes are returned. In general, when the window orientation of the Container is RtL its presentation and behavior is symmetric to the one used in LtR orientation. Some specific points are: o "First" is considered on the right, "Next" is to the left. For example, the "First" view in a split details view is on the right and the "second" is on its left. o Justification of fields is determined by the field attribute word (CFA_LEFT, CFA_RIGHT). If no justification is specified, then the default justification is determined according to the effective bidi attribute of the field (if WND_ORIENT_RTL then default justification is RIGHT). See more, below, on "effective" bidi attributes. o Vertical scroll-bars are positioned at the left side of the container and horizontal scrollbars are assigned RtL orientation (see section on bidi support for scrollbars). ═══ 6.6. Dialog Box ═══ The dialog box manager (which is activated using the WinDlgBox and WinProcessDlg APIs) inherits its OWNER window bidi attributes. This attributes are inherited to its child windows, except if the child window has predefined BIDIPARAM. When the window orientation of the DialogBox is right to left, all child controls are positioned in their symmetric position in the window. ═══ 6.7. Entry-Field (Single-Line) ═══ The single-line entry field processes its text according to its bidi attributes and according to the user interface convention used (Manual/Visual or Automatic/Implicit). See more about the user interface of the entry field in the user documentation of the OS/2 Hebrew/Arabic National Language Version. ═══ 6.8. Entry Field (Multi-Line) ═══ The multi-line entry field processes its text according to its bidi attributes and according to the user interface convention used (Manual/Visual or Automatic/Implicit). See more about the user interface of the entry field in the &pmug. publication. ═══ 6.9. Frame ═══ When the frame control has right-to-left window orientation, the position of its controls is symmetric to the position in left-to-right orientation, except for the system-menu, and min-max controls that stay at the same position. The frame responds to the WM_SETBIDIATTR message by re-positioning of its controls. It also sends the message to the client window. ═══ 6.10. Listbox ═══ The &rtl behavior of the List Box results in the justification of the text in each listbox item. In a &rtl Listbox, the text of the items is right-justified (as opposed to left-justification in the original, <r Listbox). In addition, the display of the text is done in the correct order, according to the bidi attributes of the listbox window. ═══ 6.11. Menu ═══ The menu control processes it items' text according to its bidi attributes. When the menu's window orientation is RtL, the Menu control operates in a symmetric way relative to the behavior of the original (LtR) Menu control. In RtL action Bars, the arrow keys behave in a visual way. I.e. The Right-Arrow key is considered to have a 'Backward' operation and the Left-Arrow key is considered to have 'Forward' operation. The menu supports mnemonics in the "correct" keyboard layer. The menu control sets the keyboard layer based on the language of the first mnemonic character defined in the menu. This means, that it is expected that in a certain menu, the application uses only one language for mnemonic characters. For Arabic: All character shapes of any Arabic mnemonic are accepted. ═══ 6.12. Notebook ═══ Selecting various BKS_ notebook styles together with setting the window orientation to right-to-left can be used to construct a notebook which resembles a right-to-left notebook. When the notebook control has RtL window orientation, the page arrows have their roles reversed: the left arrow turns the pages forwards, whereas the right one - backwards. The text of Tabs, and Status line is converted according to their Bidi Attributes. For Arabic, mnemonic specified in TABs are normalized to their base shapes. The notebook control processes the views of its internal objects (Tabs, Status-Line and Page-Arrows) according to their bidi attributes. Applications are responsible for processing the views of their own page components (e.g dialog controls) by setting the appropriate bidi attributes to these components. The internal objects use the bidi attributes of the notebook window, unless their bidi attributes are specifically set using one of the following messages: o BKM_SETTABTEXTBIDIATTR o BKM_SETSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR o BKM_SETPAGEINFO Applications can query the bidi attributes of their tabs and status-line page components using the following messages: o BKM_QUERYTABTEXTBIDIATTR o BKM_QUERYSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR o BKM_QUERYPAGEINFO When the notebook control receives the WM_SETBIDIATTR message it modifies its own bidi attributes (and as a result - its appearance). ═══ 6.13. Slider ═══ The Value Set control processes it text according to its window bidi attributes. The SLS_HOMERIGHT style of the Slider control is used to support RtL window orientation for this control. ═══ 6.14. Spin Button ═══ The entryfield part of the Spin Button control inherits the same bidi attributes as those of the Spin Button window. It behaves in the same way as the 'normal' entry field. When the SpinButton control has RtL window orientation, the location of the "arrow-window" is on the left side of the window. ═══ 6.15. Static ═══ The Static control processes its text according to its window bidi attributes. The DT_RIGHT flag is the default when the window has RtL orientation. The DT_WORDBREAK is sensitive to the text orientation in the BiDi attributes word. When SS_GROUPBOX is specified in Static controls that have RtL window orientation, the text is right-justified. ═══ 6.16. Title-Bar ═══ The Title-Bar control processes its text according to its window bidi attributes. When the Title-Bar control has Rtl window orientation: o Text is right-justified. o Text is truncated on the left side. The same behavior (truncation on the left) is also performed if the titlebar text is all Arabic or Hebrew (i.e, does not contain any English character). ═══ 6.17. Value Set ═══ The Value Set control processes it text according to its window bidi attributes. The VS_RIGHTTOLEFT style is used to make the Value Set control have RtL window orientation. Each item in the Value Set can have its own bidirectional attributes. Managing the item bidi attributes is performed by the following window messages: o VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR - Sets a ValueSet Item's bidi attributes. o VM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR - Queries a ValueSet Item's bidi attributes. If no item bidi attribute is set using the VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR message the item uses the window bidi attributes. Parameters of VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR: mp1 - MPFROM2SHORT(usLine, usColumn) mp2 - pointer to the following structure. typedef struct _BD_ATTR_MASK { ULONG ulBD_Attr; ULONG ulBD_Mask; } BD_ATTR_MASK Parameters of VM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR: mp1 - MPFROM2SHORT(usLine, usColumn) mp2 - PULONG pBidiAttr - points to a ULONG where bidi attributes are returned. ═══ 7. Bidirectional Support in Standard Dialogs ═══ All standard dialogs (File dialog, Font dialog and the Messagebox) support a Right-To-Left/NLS mode. In this mode, their standard text is in the national language and the general orientation of the dialog is right-to-left. Standard dialogs can be made to work in this mode as a result of an application interface (specific for each standard dialog) or when the the environment variable STDDLGLANG is set to 'NATIONAL'. The following is a description of the Right-To-Left/NLS mode of each of the standard dialogs: ═══ 7.1. File Dialog ═══ Application interface: The FDS_NATIONAL_LANGUAGE 'style' bit. When the standard file dialog is RtL/NLS: o Orientation is right-to-left. o Field names and buttons are in the National Language. o Data in controls that pertain to filenames and directory names is implicit. ═══ 7.2. Font Dialog ═══ Application interface: The FNTS_NATIONAL_LANGUAGE 'style' bit. When the standard font dialog is RtL/NLS: o Orientation is right-to-left. o Field names and buttons are in the National Language. o Data in controls that pertain to font names is VISUAL for Hebrew and Implicit for Arabic. ═══ 7.3. MessageBox ═══ Application interface: Owner Window orientation is right-to-left. When the message box is RtL/NLS: o Text is right-justified in the titlebar and inside the messagebox. o Icons (if specified) are on the right side of the messagebox. o Push buttons are ordered from right-to-left. o Push buttons have their text in the national language. ═══ 8. Bidirectional Text Exchange Among Applications ═══ ═══ 8.1. Clipboard ═══ The clipboard is a mechanism provided by PM to allow the user to transfer data between different applications. To do so, the user selects some data in a window, "copies" (or "cuts") it to the clipboard and then "pastes" the data in the target application. When dealing with bidirectional data, it may be required to transfer text data, that has different bidirectional attributes (i.e, different format of text) between applications. Accordingly, a conversion of the text must be performed, in order to transform the text to a format (identified by bidirectional attributes) which is compatible with the target application (the one that "pastes" the data). The PM bidirectional support provides automatic conversion of text between source and target applications, based on their process bidirectional attributes. In addition, bidi-aware applications can explicitly set the bidirectional attributes managed by the clipboard in order to affect the conversion that is performed on the text. In order to allow the automatic conversion of the clipboard, the following conditions must be met: o Both the source and the target applications have valid process bidirectional attributes (i.e, their bidi attributes are not 0). o Exchange of CF_TEXT and CF_DSPTEXT format is performed. o The source and target bidi attributes are different. o None of the applications (i.e, neither the source application nor the target one) have issued any APIs to cancel the conversion provided by the clipboard. The clipboard maintains two sets of bidirectional attributes. The first set is called the 'Clipboard Bidirectional Attributes' and is associated with the text data that is currently stored in the clipboard. The default value for this set is inherited from the process bidirectional attributes of the application that issues WinSetClipbrdData. The source application can optionally modify this set of attributes by using the WinSetLangInfo API with the LI_BD_CLIP_ATTR effect. The second set is called the 'Conversion Bidirectional Attributes'. This set is associated with the target application, and its default value is inherited from the process bidirectional attributes of the application that issues the WinQueryClipbrdData API. The target application can optionally modify these attributes by using the WinSetLangInfo API with LI_BD_CLIP_CONV_ATTR effect. When using the WinSetLangInfo API to change the clipboard data, bidi-aware applications must follow the following rules: o Setting of both the 'Clipboard bidi attributes' and the 'conversion bidi attributes' must be performed only when an application has access to the clipboard - i.e, after issuing WinOpenClipbrd and before issuing the WinCloseClipbrd APIs. o Setting LI_BD_CLIP_ATTR must be done AFTER data has been put into the clipboard (that is, after issuing WinSetClipbrdData). The following is a typical scenario. Lines marked with '(BD)' are optional, and can be issued by bidi-aware applications. Setting Clipboard Bidirectional Data. ------------------------------------- WinOpenClipbrd() WinEmptyClipbrd() WinSetClipbrdData(CF_TEXT) (clipboard bidi attributes are set - inheited from process bidi attributes). (BD) WinSetLangInfo(LI_BD_CLIP_ATTR..) (clipboard bidi attribute are set) WinCloseClipbrd() Querying Clipboard Bidirectional Data -------------------------------------- WinOpenClipbrd() (BD) WinQueryLangInfo(LI_BD_CLIP_ATTR...) (Queries the current clipboard bidi attributes). (BD) WinSetLangInfo(LI_BD_CLIP_CONV_ATTR...) (sets the clipboard conversion bidi attributes). WinQueryClipbrdData(CF_TEXT) (clipboard performs conversion on the text, using the clipboard and the conversion bidi attributes. WinCloseClipbrd() ═══ 8.2. Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) ═══ Dynamic data exchange is performed between windows. Thus, conversion of bidirectional text, if required, is based on the bidirectional attributes of the windows which are involved in the data exchange. o The conversion is performed at WinDdePostMsg() time, using the hwndTo and hwndFrom bidi attributes (which are parameters of the WinDdePostMsg API). o Bidi-aware applications can force no conversion by setting the bidi attributes of any window that is involved in the data exchange to 0. o Conversion is done only for WM_DDE_DATA messages and only when the format of data being exchanged is DDEFMT_TEXT. Notes: o It is recommended that application names and item names (that are used by an application in the process of "making the DDE contact" with other applications) are in English. This is because conversions occur only at WM_DDE_DATA and not in WM_DDE_INITIATE time, and also because at WM_DDE_INITIATE time, there is no window handle from which the system can deduce the bidi attribute of the application name and item text. o It is recommended that bidi-aware applications use "invisible" windows (or object windows) as the DDE source and target windows. This gives them the freedom to set their windows bidi attributes to any value without having to worry about the visual effect this may have on the display. ═══ 8.3. Direct Manipulation ═══ There is no specific bidirectional support implemented in the system support for Direct Manipulation. Bidi-Aware applications that add their own type of 'direct manipulation mechanism' (such as a spreadsheet program externalizing its drag & drop mechanism, so that another application can interface with it), must publish, as part of their interface specification, the bidi attributes, so that other applications, which may use different types of text, can do the necessary bidi text conversion, if required. ═══ 9. Information Presentation Facility ═══ The Bidirectional support in the PM Information Presentation Facility has the following components: o A modified version of the Help Compiler named IPFCBIDI. This component provides all the functions of the regular IPFC program, with the addition of some Bidirectional features. o Runtime support for Bidirectional help documents. ═══ 9.1. Bidirectional features of the IPFCBIDI compiler ═══ ═══ 9.1.1. Compiler Invocation ═══ IPFCBIDI accepts new values for the "/LANGUAGE" parameter: ARA for Arabic HEB for Hebrew Examples using the new values: IPFCBIDI myfile.txt /INF /COUNTRY=785 /CODEPAGE=864 /LANGUAGE=ARA IPFCBIDI myfile.txt /INF /COUNTRY=972 /CODEPAGE=862 /LANGUAGE=HEB Note that the Bidirectional functionality of the compiler and of the Help Viewer is only enabled when the language is explicitly specified as Arabic or Hebrew. ═══ 9.1.2. Grammar Files ═══ When the new values of "/Language" are used, the corresponding names for the grammar files are: o IPFARA.NLS o IPFHEB.NLS. When the language is Arabic or Hebrew, it is expected that at least one statement in the corresponding grammar file will be affected: the "WORD" statement should define both Latin characters and National (Arabic or Hebrew) letters. ═══ 9.1.3. Bidirectional Source File Format ═══ When the language is Arabic or Hebrew, the .IPF source file must have one of the following formats: Implicit Latin and National (Arabic or Hebrew) characters are arranged in typing order in successive positions of the source file. Arabic characters should be stored in their base shapes. Visual - left to right Characters are stored in an order ready for display or printing Visual - right to left The order of the characters is the mirror image of the previous format. It is possible to specify the format of the source file by adding a special attribute to the "USERDOC" tag, as in the following examples: :userdoc text=IMPLICIT. :userdoc text=VISUAL_LTR. :userdoc text=VISUAL_RTL. If the text attribute is not specified with the "USERDOC" tag, the default is: :userdoc text=IMPLICIT. Another attribute that can be added to the "USERDOC" tag is SWAP. This attribute defines the way symmetric characters (such as '(' and ')', or '<' and '>') are stored in the .IPF file within right-to-left text. The valid values for the SWAP attribute are: ON This indicates that the .IPF source file has been created with symmetric swapping. For example, the 'Open parentheses' character within a right-to-left text is stored as '('. This is the default value for this attribute. OFF This indicates that the .IPF source file has been created without symmetric swapping. For example, the 'Open parentheses' character within a right-to-left text is stored as ')'. Example: :userdoc text=IMPLICIT swap=OFF. ═══ 9.1.4. Justification ═══ When language is Arabic or Hebrew, the default justification is changed to right justification for the following: 1. line alignment ("align" attribute of the "LINES" tag) 2. figure alignment ("align" attribute of the "FIG" tag) 3. bitmap alignment ("align" attribute of the "ARTWORK" tag) 4. window positioning ("x" attribute of the "H" tag) of a window relatively to its parent window. Examples: The tag below causes a window to be right-justified: :h1 id=sample1. This is a right-justified Window. The tag below causes a window to be left-justified: :h1 id=sample21 x=left. This is a left-justified Window. The tag below causes the next lines to be left aligned: :lines align=left. The tag below causes the next lines to be right aligned: :lines. ═══ 9.2. Runtime support for Bidirectional help documents ═══ The runtime support for Bidirectional help documents (both .inf and .hlp files) is active only for documents that were compiled with IPFCBIDI using /L=ARA or /L=HEB. Such documents will be referred to as "Bidi documents." Documents compiled with the non-bidi ipfc compiler and documents compiled with IPFCBIDI and any non-bidi language will not be affected by the Bidi runtime support. ═══ 9.2.1. User Interface ═══ When a Bidi document is loaded, the user interface of the help manager, including menus, dialogs, buttons and help will be in the national language. ═══ 9.2.2. Display ═══ The reading direction for Bidi documents is from right to left. Help manager structures in general will be displayed as a mirror image of their non-Bidi counterparts. This means they will be right justified instead of left justified. Some examples of such help manager structures include: o Headers o Table of contents o Figures o Footnotes o Index o Paragraphs o Lines o Lists of all kinds o Examples o Tables Columns within a table go logically from right to left. ═══ 9.2.3. Concatenation of inf files ═══ When multiple inf files are viewed together, the helpmanager will behave as if the entire document is Bidi if any one of the inf files was compiled as a Bidi document. ═══ 10. The Language Viewer ═══ ═══ 10.1. About the Language Viewer ═══ The Language Viewer is a tool which is provided to help the user identify the current state of the language support, by providing visual indications that represent the current bidirectional state of the window that has the focus. The default Viewer is implemented as a PM/WorkplaceShell application that shows a number of icons that represents the current bidirectional attributes as well as the active keyboard layer of the window that has the PM focus. The Viewer is optional. The PM bidirectional support works even if the viewer application is not active. In addition, the viewer can be replaced by a user-written application. Such an application can modify the visual effect that is provided to the user, allowing for more flexibility of the user-interface. ═══ 10.2. Setting a New Language Viewer ═══ An application that wishes to act as a Language Viewer uses the WinSetLangViewer API. This allows the application to define a window handle that is known to PM to be the new Language Viewer window. PM supports only one Language Viewer. That is, when WinSetLangViewer is issued, the window handle that is referenced becomes the new viewer, and the old viewer does not function as a viewer anymore. When a window acts as a Language Viewer it receives WM_LANGVIEWINFOCHANGED messages from the system. These messages define the current changes in bidirectional state that are made to the window that has the focus. Also, PM posts a WM_LANGVIEWINFOCHANGED message to the Language Viewer window to notify it that it should update its display, since a new window (probably with a different set of bidi attributes and keyboard layer) becomes the focus window. ═══ 10.3. Invoking the options dialog. ═══ The default Viewer invokes the option dialog in response to the WM_LANGOPTIONSDIALOG message. This is sent to the viewer by the system in response to the "Invoke language viewer" hotkey, but may also be sent to the viewer by any application. ═══ 11. Environment Variables used for Language Support ═══ The OS/2 Language support for bidirectional languages uses environment variables as a means of configuring specific applications. Setting environment variables is similar to setting the language settings in the Program and ProgramFile Workplace Shell objects. The following environment variables are supported: o BIDIATTR - Defines the Bidirectional Attributes for the session. Possible values for this keyword: - INIT - Initializes a Bidi Attribute. - TEXTTYPE_VISUAL - Visual type of text. - TEXTTYPE_IMPLICIT - Implicit type of text. - WND_ORIENT_LTR - Left-to-right window orientation - WND_ORIENT_RTL - Right-to-left window orientation - TEXT_ORIENT_LTR - Left-to-right text orientation - TEXT_ORIENT_RTL - Right-to-left text orientation - TEXT_ORIENT_CONTEXT - Text orientation is determined dynamically upon the context (based on the actual characters that construct the text string). - SYM_SWAP_OFF - Symmetric swapping of directional characters is not handled automatically. - SYM_SWAP_ON - Symmetric swapping of directional characters is handled automatically. - NUMERALS_NOMINAL - Display only nominal (i.e. Arabic) numerals - NUMERALS_NATIONAL - Display only national (i.e. Hindi) numerals - NUMERALS_CONTEXT - Display numerals according to surrounding text - NUMERALS_PASSTHRU - Do not process numerals on display - TEXT_DISPLAY_SHAPED - Automatically shape text upon display The following are valid shaping modes, but it is not recommended to use them as system settings in CONFIG.SYS. - TEXT_SAVE_SHAPED - Assume that text is already shaped, and automatically shape new text as it is being entered by the user. - TEXT_SHAPE_INITIAL - Assume that text is already shaped and new text is entered in initial mode - TEXT_SHAPE_MIDDLE - Assume that text is already shaped and new text is entered in middle mode - TEXT_SHAPE_FINAL - Assume that text is already shaped and new text is entered in final mode - TEXT_SHAPE_ISOLATED - Assume that text is already shaped and new text is entered in isolated mode - TEXT_SHAPE_NOMINAL - Display and store text in its nominal (base) shapes. Example: SET BIDIATTR=WND_ORIENT_RTL, TEXTTYPE_IMPLICIT o BIDISTAT - determines the configuration of the system support for bidirectional languages. Allowed values are: - DISABLE_INPUT_PROCESSING - disables all processing done by the system for input (all hotkeys are disabled). - HKFLAG_ENG_LAYER - disables the "English Language" hotkey. - HKFLAG_NAT_LAYER - disables the "National Language" hotkey. - HKFLAG_PUSH - disables the "Start Push" hotkey. - HKFLAG_END_PUSH - disables the "End Push" hotkey. - HKFLAG_AUTO_PUSH - disables the "AutoPush" toggle hotkey. - HKFLAG_FIELD_REV - disables the "Field Reverse" hotkey. - HKFLAG_SCREEN_REV - disables the "Window Reverse" hotkey. - HKFLAG_STATUS_INDICATOR - disables the "Language Viewer" hotkey. - HKFLAG_DISPLAY_SHAPED - disables the "Display Shaped/Automatic" hotkey. - HKFLAG_INITIAL - disables the "Initial" hotkey - HKFLAG_MIDDLE - disables the "Middle" hotkey - HKFLAG_FINAL - disables the "Final" hotkey - HKFLAG_ISOLATED - disables the "Isolated" hotkey - HKFLAG_SAVE_SHAPED - disables the "Save shaped" hotkey - FAUTOPUSH_RTL_ON - Sets AutoPush for right-to-left fields ON. - FAUTOPUSH_LTR_ON - Sets AutoPush for left-to-right fields ON. Example: SET BIDISTAT=HKFLAG_STATUS_INDICATOR o STDDLGLANG - configures the language and appearance of standard dialog (like "Save file" dialog) and message box buttons. Allowed values are: - ENGLISH - Language is English and orientation is left-to-right. - NATIONAL - Language is National (Hebrew/Arabic) and orientation is right-to-left. Example: SET STDDLGLANG=NATIONAL o BIDIUI (For Hebrew ONLY). - configures the default text entry user interface for the session (See also, "Text Entry Interfaces" in the "Using Bidirectional Support" guide). Allowed values are: - VISUAL - Default text entry interface is Visual. - IMPLICIT - Default text entry interface is Implicit. - CONTEXT - Default text entry interface is defined by Context (i.e, defined by the type of text of the etnry field - Entry fields with Visual text type will have Visual user interface by default and entry fields with Implicit text type will have Implicit user interface by default). Example: SET BIDIUI=VISUAL ═══ 12. Building Bidirectional Programs ═══ ═══ 12.1. Include files ═══ To be able to use the bidirectional support two include files should be added to your INCLUDE path. They are: o layout.h - This file defines the basic structures as well as the bidi text conversion APIs. o pmbidi.h - This file is PM-related, and it contains all the definitions and API prototypes for writing a PM bidirectional program. ═══ 12.2. How to use/link the Bidi APIs? ═══ All the bidirectional functions are contained in the executable file PMBIDI.DLL. In order to dynamically link your application with PMBIDI.DLL, you have to use the import library PMBIDI.LIB, which is included in this toolkit. ═══ 12.3. Sample Applications ═══ Several sample applications are provided with source to demonstrate the use of the bidirectional functions. ═══ 12.3.1. Style ═══ This sample program demonstrates the use of the Bidi APIs from a Bidi-Aware application. It demonstrates the main techniques that are used by a bidi-aware PM application and integrates the information that is included in this guide. To start the sample program do the following: o Read the README file for a description of the bidi "tasks" that are handled by this sample. o Run RUNSAMP.CMD or RUNSAMP1.CMD to activate the sample program. ═══ 12.3.2. Telephone directory ═══ This is a simple telephone directory application that demonstrates how to use the bidirectional functions to create applications with a bilingual (National/English) user interface. To activate the sample run 'TELDIR'. ═══ 13. Data Types ═══ This section describes the data types that are used in the Bidi functions. These are in the C language. For a description of a particular data type, select the + on the Contents to view a list of data types, then select the data type from that list. Implicit Pointer Data Types Data type names beginning with "P" (for example, PERRORCODE) is likely to be a pointer to another data type (in this instance, ERRORCODE). In the data type summary, (provided by selecting the + in front of Data Types on the Contents), no explicit "typedefs" are shown for pointers. Therefore, if no data type definition can be found in the summary for a data type name "Pxxxxxx", it becomes a pointer to the data type "xxxxxx", for which a definition should be found in the summary. The implicit type definition needed for such a pointer "Pxxxxxx" is: typedef xxxxxx *Pxxxxxx; Such definitions are provided by means of the system header file OS2.H. Storage Mapping of Data Types The storage mapping of the data types is dependent on the machine architecture. To be portable, applications must access the data types using the definitions supplied for that environment. ═══ 13.1. BD_ATTR_MASK ═══ BD_ATTR_MASK Bidi attribute mask structure. typedef struct _BD_ATTR_MASK { ULONG ulBd_Attr; /* Bidi attributes */ ULONG ulBd_Mask; /* Bidi attribute mask */ } BD_ATTR_MASK; ═══ ulBD_Attr ═══ ulBD_Attr (ULONG) Bidi attributes. Contains the BIDIATTR values. ═══ ulBD_Mask ═══ ulBD_Mask (ULONG) Bidi attribute mask. Contains the BIDIATTRM values. ═══ BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_CONTEXT ═══ #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_CONTEXT 0x00020000UL ═══ BDA_LEVEL ═══ #define BDA_LEVEL 0x30000000UL ═══ BDA_INIT ═══ #define BDA_INIT 0x80000000UL ═══ BDA_DATATYPE_VISUAL ═══ #define BDA_DATATYPE_VISUAL 0x00000000UL ═══ BDA_DATATYPE_IMPLICIT ═══ #define BDA_DATATYPE_IMPLICIT 0x01000000UL ═══ BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR ═══ #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR 0x00000000UL ═══ BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_RTL ═══ #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_RTL 0x00010000UL ═══ BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_CONTEXT ═══ #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_CONTEXT 0x00020000UL ═══ BDA_WND_ORIENT_LTR ═══ #define BDA_WND_ORIENT_LTR 0x00000000UL ═══ BDA_WND_ORIENT_RTL ═══ #define BDA_WND_ORIENT_RTL 0x00100000UL ═══ BDA_NUMERALS_ARABIC ═══ #define BDA_NUMERALS_ARABIC 0x00000000UL ═══ BDA_NUMERALS_PASSTHRU ═══ #define BDA_NUMERALS_PASSTHRU 0x00001000UL ═══ BDA_NUMERALS_HINDI ═══ #define BDA_NUMERALS_HINDI 0x00002000UL ═══ BDA_NUMERALS_CONTEXT ═══ #define BDA_NUMERALS_CONTEXT 0x00003000UL ═══ BDA_WORDBREAK_OFF ═══ #define BDA_WORDBREAK_OFF 0x00000000UL ═══ BDA_WORDBREAK_ON ═══ #define BDA_WORDBREAK_ON 0x00000200UL ═══ BDA_SYM_SWAP_OFF ═══ #define BDA_SYM_SWAP_OFF 0x00000000UL ═══ BDA_SYM_SWAP_ON ═══ #define BDA_SYM_SWAP_ON 0x00000100UL ═══ BDA_CSD_ON ═══ #define BDA_CSD_ON 0x00000000UL ═══ BDA_CSD_PASSTHRU ═══ #define BDA_CSD_PASSTHRU 0x00000001UL ═══ BDA_CSD_BASE ═══ #define BDA_CSD_BASE 0x00000010UL ═══ BDA_CSD_INITIAL ═══ #define BDA_CSD_INITIAL 0x00000011UL ═══ BDA_CSD_MIDDLE ═══ #define BDA_CSD_MIDDLE 0x00000012UL ═══ BDA_CSD_FINAL ═══ #define BDA_CSD_FINAL 0x00000013UL ═══ BDA_CSD_ISOLATED ═══ #define BDA_CSD_ISOLATED 0x00000014UL ═══ 13.2. BIDIATTR ═══ The BIDIATTR is a 32-bit word that determines all the aspects of Bidi attributes related processing and window display associated with a specific application. The user controls the behavior of different applications (having different types of Bidi text) by manipulating these. The following is the Bidi attributes structure: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BYTE BIT EXPLANATION VALUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BYTE 3 Bit 7 Initialized BDA_INIT (PM ONLY) Bit 4-6 level BDA_LEVEL Bit 0-3 Type of support BDA_DATATYPE_VISUAL BDA_DATATYPE_IMPLICIT BYTE 2 Bit 0-1 Orientation(text) BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_RTL BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_CONTEXT (PM ONLY) Bit 2-3 Reserved (must be zero) Bit 4 Window Orientation BDA_WND_ORIENT_LTR BDA_WND_ORIENT_RTL Bit 5-7 Reserved (must be zero) BYTE 1 Bit 4-7 Numeral Shapes BDA_NUMERALS_ARABIC BDA_NUMERALS_PASSTHRU BDA_NUMERALS_HINDI BDA_NUMERALS_CONTEXT (PM ONLY) Bit 2-3 Reserved (must be zero) Bit 1 Word Break mode BDA_WORDBREAK_OFF (PM ONLY) BDA_WORDBREAK_ON (PM ONLY) Bit 0 Symmetric Swapping BDA_SYM_SWAP_OFF (PM ONLY) BDA_SYM_SWAP_ON (PM ONLY) BYTE 0 Character Shape Determination BDA_CSD_ON BDA_CSD_PASSTHRU BDA_CSD_BASE BDA_CSD_INITIAL BDA_CSD_MIDDLE BDA_CSD_FINAL BDA_CSD_ISOLATED ═══ 13.3. BIDIATTRM ═══ The BIDIATTRM contains a value that determines which attribute(s) will be changed and which ones are masked. The following are possible Bidi attribute mask values: #define BDAM_INIT 0x80000000UL #define BDAM_LEVEL 0x70000000UL #define BDAM_WORD_BREAK 0x00000200UL #define BDAM_DATATYPE 0x01000000UL #define BDAM_TEXT_ORIENTATION 0x00030000UL #define BDAM_WND_ORIENTATION 0x00100000UL #define BDAM_NUMERALS 0x00003000UL #define BDAM_SYM_SWAP 0x00000100UL #define BDAM_CSD 0x000000FFUL #define BDAM_ALL (BDAM_DATATYPE | BDAM_TEXT_ORIENTATION | BDAM_WND_ORIENTATION | BDAM_NUMERALS | BDAM_SYM_SWAP | BDAM_CSD ) ═══ 13.4. BIDIPARAM ═══ The BIDIPARAM keyword can be used to initially set the Bidirectional attributes (see BIDIATTR) during window creation time. The usage of BIDIPARAM is analogous to that of the PRESPARAMS keyword. Values defined by BIDIPARAM will override any inherited attributes at window creation time. However, it is important to note that the BIDIPARAM cannot be used to dynamicaly set the Bidirectional attributes after creation. Dynamic setting of the Bidirectional should be done using the PM Bidirectional window functions. #define PP_BDATTR_FIRST 0x100L /* First BidiAttr PresParam */ /* */ #define PP_BDATTR_ALL 0x101L /* Set ALL Bidi attrs */ /* */ #define PP_BDATTR_TEXTTYPE 0x102L /* Text/Data type */ #define PP_BDATTR_TEXT_ORIENTATION 0x103L /* Text Orientation */ #define PP_BDATTR_WND_ORIENTATION 0x104L /* Window Orientation */ #define PP_BDATTR_NUMERALS 0x105L /* Arabic/Hindi Numerals */ #define PP_BDATTR_SYM_SWAP 0x106L /* Symetric Swapping */ #define PP_BDATTR_WORD_BREAK 0x107L /* Word break */ #define PP_BDATTR_TEXT_SHAPE 0x108L /* Text Shape Determination */ /* */ #define PP_BDATTR_LAST 0x108L /* Last BidiAttr PresParam */ /* */ #define PP_BDSTATUS 0x110L /* Bidirectional status flags*/ ═══ BDS_FAUTOPUSH_RTL_ON ═══ #define BDS_FAUTOPUSH_RTL_ON 0x00000001UL ═══ BDS_FAUTOPUSH_LTR_ON ═══ #define BDS_FAUTOPUSH_LTR_ON 0x00000002UL ═══ BDS_FPUSH_ON ═══ #define BDS_FPUSH_ON 0x00000004UL ═══ BDS_FKBD_LAYER_IS_NL ═══ #define BDS_FKBD_LAYER_IS_NL 0x00000010UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_FIELD_REV ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_FIELD_REV 0x00200000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_ENG_LAYER ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_ENG_LAYER 0x00010000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_NAT_LAYER ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_NAT_LAYER 0x00020000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_PUSH ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_PUSH 0x00040000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_END_PUSH ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_END_PUSH 0x00080000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_AUTO_PUSH ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_AUTO_PUSH 0x00100000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_SCREEN_REV ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_SCREEN_REV 0x00400000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_BIDI_POPUP ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_BIDI_POPUP 0x02000000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_AUTOMATIC ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_AUTOMATIC 0x04000000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_INITIAL ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_INITIAL 0x08000000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_MIDDLE ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_MIDDLE 0x10000000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_FINAL ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_FINAL 0x20000000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_ISOLATED ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_ISOLATED 0x40000000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_ISOLATED ═══ #define BDS_HKFLAG_PASSTHRU 0x80000000UL ═══ BDS_HKFLAG_ISOLATED ═══ #define BDS_DISABLE_INPUT_PROCESSING 0x00000020UL ═══ 13.5. BIDISTAT ═══ The BIDISTAT is a 32-bit word that determines all the aspects of Bidi status related processing and window display associated with a specific application. The user controls the behavior of different applications (having different types of Bidi text) by manipulating these. The following is the Bidi status structure: Bits 16-31 : Hot Key Enable/Disable Flags Bit 31 Passthru shape hot key BDS_HKFLAG_PASSTHRU Bit 30 Isolated shape hot key BDS_HKFLAG_ISOLATED Bit 29 Final shapes hot key BDS_HKFLAG_FINAL Bit 28 Middle shapes hot key BDS_HKFLAG_MIDDLE Bit 27 Initial shapes hot key BDS_HKFLAG_INITIAL Bit 26 Automatic/base shapes hot key BDS_HKFLAG_AUTOMATIC Bit 25 Bidi viewer invocation hot key BDS_HKFLAG_BIDI_POPUP Bit 24 RESERVED (must be zero) Bit 23 RESERVED (must be zero) Bit 22 Window reverse hot key BDS_HKFLAG_SCREEN_REV Bit 21 RESERVED (must be zero) Bit 20 Auto push hot key BDS_HKFLAG_AUTO_PUSH Bit 19 End push hot key BDS_HKFLAG_END_PUSH Bit 18 Start push hot key BDS_HKFLAG_PUSH Bit 17 Keyboard National layer hot key BDS_HKFLAG_NAT_LAYER Bit 16 Keyboard English layer hot key BDS_HKFLAG_ENG_LAYER Bits 0-15 : Bidi Flags Bit 8-15 Reserved (must be zero) Bit 7 Refresh flag (refresh PVB in full screen) BDS_HKFLAG_FIELD_REV Bit 6 Reserved (must be zero) Bit 5 Disable input processing BDS_DISABLE_INPUT_PROCESSING Bit 4 Reserved (must be zero) Bit 2-3 Push state ON/OFF BDS_FPUSH_ON Bit 1 Autopush ON/OFF in LtR window BDS_FAUTOPUSH_LTR_ON Bit 0 Autopush ON/OFF in RtL window BDS_FAUTOPUSH_RTL_ON ═══ 13.6. BIDISTATM ═══ The BIDISTATM contains a value that determines which status will be changed and which ones are masked. The following are possible Bidi status mask values: #define BDSM_HKFLAGS 0x7E7F0000UL #define BDSM_AUTOPUSH_RTL 0x00000001UL #define BDSM_AUTOPUSH_LTR 0x00000002UL #define BDSM_PUSH_ON 0x00000004UL #define BDSM_DISABLE_INPUT_PROCESSING 0x00000020UL #define BDSM_ALL ( BDSM_HKFLAGS | BDSM_AUTOPUSH_RTL | BDSM_AUTOPUSH_LTR | BDSM_PUSH_ON | BDSM_DISABLE_INPUT_PROCESSING ) ═══ BOOL ═══ BOOL Boolean. Valid values are FALSE, which is 0, and TRUE, which is 1. typedef unsigned long BOOL; ═══ CDATE ═══ CDATE Structure that contains date information for a data element in the details view of a container control. typedef struct _CDATE { UCHAR day; /* Day */ UCHAR month; /* Month */ USHORT year; /* Year */ } CDATE; ═══ day ═══ day (UCHAR) Day. ═══ month ═══ month (UCHAR) Month. ═══ year ═══ year (USHORT) Year. ═══ CHAR ═══ CHAR Single-byte character. #define CHAR char ═══ CNRINFO ═══ CNRINFO Structure that contains information about the container. typedef struct _CNRINFO { ULONG cb; /* Structure size */ PVOID pSortRecord; /* Pointer or NULL */ PFIELDINFO pFieldInfoLast; /* Pointer or NULL */ PFIELDINFO pFieldInfoObject; /* Pointer */ PSZ pszCnrTitle; /* Title text or NULL */ ULONG flWindowAttr; /* Window attributes */ POINTL ptlOrigin; /* Workspace origin */ ULONG cDelta; /* Threshold */ ULONG cRecords; /* Number of records */ SIZEL slBitmapOrIcon; /* Icon/bit-map size */ SIZEL slTreeBitmapOrIcon; /* Icon/bit-map size */ HBITMAP hbmExpanded; /* Bit-map handle */ HBITMAP hbmCollapsed; /* Bit-map handle */ HPOINTER hptrExpanded; /* Icon handle */ HPOINTER hptrCollapsed; /* Icon handle */ LONG cyLineSpacing; /* Vertical space */ LONG cxTreeIndent; /* Horizontal space */ LONG cxTreeLine; /* Line width */ ULONG cFields; /* Number of columns */ LONG xVertSplitbar; /* Split bar position */ } CNRINFO; ═══ cb ═══ cb (ULONG) Structure size. The size (in bytes) of the CNRINFO data structure. ═══ pSortRecord ═══ pSortRecord (PVOID) Pointer or NULL. Pointer to the comparison function for sorting container records. If NULL, which is the default condition, no sorting is performed. Sorting only occurs during record insertion and when changing the value of this field. The third parameter of the comparison function, pStorage, must be NULL. See CM_SORTRECORD for a further description of the comparison function. ═══ pFieldInfoLast ═══ pFieldInfoLast (PFIELDINFO) Pointer or NULL. Pointer to last column in the left window of the split details view. The default is NULL, causing all columns to be positioned in the left window. ═══ pFieldInfoObject ═══ pFieldInfoObject (PFIELDINFO) Pointer. Pointer to a column that represents an object in the details view. The data for this FIELDINFO structure must contain icons or bit maps. In-use emphasis is applied to this column of icons or bit maps only. The default is the leftmost column in the unsplit details view, or the leftmost column in the left window of the split details view. ═══ pszCnrTitle ═══ pszCnrTitle (PSZ) Title text or NULL. Text for the container title. The default is NULL. ═══ flWindowAttr ═══ flWindowAttr (ULONG) Window attributes. Consists of container window attributes. o Specify one of the following container views, which determine the presentation format of items in a container: CV_ICON In the icon view, the container items are represented as icon/text or bit-map/text pairs, with text beneath the icons or bit maps. This is the default view. This view can be combined with the CV_MINI style bit by using an OR operator (|). CV_NAME In the name view, the container items are represented as icon/text or bit-map/text pairs, with text to the right of the icons or bit maps. This view can be combined with the CV_MINI and CV_FLOW style bits by using OR operators (|). CV_TEXT In the text view, the container items are displayed as a list of text strings. This view can be combined with the CV_FLOW style bit by using an OR operator (|). CV_TREE In the tree view, the container items are represented in a hierarchical manner. The tree view has three forms, which are defined in the following list. If you specify CV_TREE by itself, the tree icon view is used. - Tree icon view The tree icon view is specified by using a logical OR operator to combine the tree view with the icon view (CV_TREE | CV_ICON). Container items in this view are represented as icon/text pairs or bit-map/text pairs, with text to the right of the icons or bit maps. Also, a collapsed or expanded icon or bit map is displayed to the left of parent items. If this icon or bit map is a collapsed icon or bit map, selecting it will cause the parent item to be expanded so that its child items are displayed below it. If this icon or bit map is an expanded icon or bit map, selecting it will cause the parent's child items to be removed from the display. The default collapsed and expanded bit maps provided by the container use a plus sign (+) and a minus sign (-), respectively, to indicate that items can be added to or subtracted from the display. - Tree name view The tree name view is specified by using a logical OR operator to combine the tree view with the name view (CV_TREE | CV_NAME). Container items in this view are displayed as either icon/text pairs or bit-map/text pairs, with text to the right of the icons or bit maps. However, the indicator that represents whether an item can be collapsed or expanded, such as a plus or minus sign, is included in the icon or bit map that represents that item, not in a separate icon or bit map as in the tree icon and tree text views. The container control does not provide default collapsed and expanded bit maps for the tree name view. - Tree text view The tree text view is specified by using a logical OR operator to combine the tree view with the text view (CV_TREE | CV_TEXT). Container items in this view are displayed as a list of text strings. As in the tree icon view, a collapsed or expanded icon or bit map is displayed to the left of parent items. CV_DETAIL In the details view, the container items are presented in columns. Each column can contain icons or bit maps, text, numbers, dates, or times. o Specify one or both of the following view styles by using an OR operator (|) to combine them with the specified view. These view styles are optional. CV_MINI Produces a mini-icon whose size is based on the Presentation Manager (PM) SV_CYMENU system value to produce a device-dependent mini-icon. The CV_MINI view style bit is ignored when: - The text view (CV_TEXT), tree view (CV_TREE), or details view (CV_DETAIL) are displayed - The CCS_MINIRECORDCORE style bit is specified. If this style bit is not specified and the icon view (CV_ICON) or name view (CV_NAME) is used, the default, regular-sized icon is used. The size of regular-sized icons is based on the value in the slBitmapOrIcon field of the CNRINFO data structure. If this field is equal to 0, the PM SV_CXICON and SV_CYICON system values for width and height, respectively, are used. Icon sizes are consistent with PM-defined icon sizes for all devices. CV_FLOW Dynamically arranges container items in columns in the name and text views. These are called flowed name and flowed text views. If this style bit is set for the name view (CV_NAME) or text view (CV_TEXT), the container items are placed in a single column until the bottom of the client area is reached. The next container item is placed in the adjacent column to the right of the filled column. This process is repeated until all of the container items are positioned in the container. The width of each column is determined by the longest text string in that column. The size of the window determines the depth of the client area. If this style bit is not specified, the default condition for the name and text views is to vertically fill the container in a single column without flowing the container items. If this style bit is set for the icon view (CV_ICON) or details view (CV_DETAIL), it is ignored. o Specify either of the following to indicate whether the container will display icons or bit maps: CA_DRAWICON Icons are used for the icon, name, tree, or details views. This is the default. This container attribute should be used with the hptrIcon and hptrMiniIcon fields of the RECORDCORE data structure. CA_DRAWBITMAP Bit maps are used for the icon, name, tree, or details views. This container attribute can be used with the hbmBitmap and hbmMiniBitmap fields of the RECORDCORE data structure. Notes 1. If both the CA_DRAWICON and CA_DRAWBITMAP attributes are specified, the CA_DRAWICON attribute is used. 2. If the CCS_MINIRECORDCORE style bit is specified when a container is created, the hptrIcon field of the MINIRECORDCORE data structure is used. o Specify one of the following attributes to provide target emphasis for the name, text, and details views. If neither ordered nor mixed target emphasis is specified, the emphasis is drawn around the record. CA_ORDEREDTARGETEMPH Shows where a container record can be dropped during direct manipulation by drawing a line beneath the record. Ordered target emphasis does not apply to the icon and tree views. CA_MIXEDTARGETEMPH Shows where a container record can be dropped during direct manipulation either by drawing a line between two items or by drawing lines around the container record. Mixed target emphasis does not apply to the icon and tree views. o Specify the following attribute to draw lines that show the relationship between items in the tree view. CA_TREELINE Shows the relationship between all items in the tree view. o Specify the following to draw container records, paint the background of the container, or both: CA_OWNERDRAW Ownerdraw for the container, which allows the application to draw container records. CA_OWNERPAINTBACKGROUND Allows the application to subclass the container and paint the background. If specified, and the container is subclassed, the application receives the CM_PAINTBACKGROUND message in the subclass procedure. Otherwise, the container paints the background using the color specified by SYSCLR_WINDOW, which can be changed by using the PP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR or PP_BACKGROUNDCOLORINDEX presentation parameter in the WM_PRESPARAMCHANGED (in Container Controls) message. o Specify the following if the container is to have a title: CA_CONTAINERTITLE Allows you to include a container title. The default is no container title. o Specify one or both of the following container title attributes. These are valid only if the CA_CONTAINERTITLE attribute is specified. CA_TITLEREADONLY Prevents the container title from being edited directly. The default is to allow the container title to be edited. CA_TITLESEPARATOR Puts a separator line between the container title and the records beneath it. The default is no separator line. o Specify one of the following to position the container title. These are valid only if the CA_CONTAINERTITLE attribute is specified. CA_TITLECENTER Centers the container title. This is the default. CA_TITLELEFT Left-justifies the container title. CA_TITLERIGHT Right-justifies the container title. o Specify the following to display column headings in the details view: CA_DETAILSVIEWTITLES Allows you to include column headings in the details view. The default is no column headings. ═══ ptlOrigin ═══ ptlOrigin (POINTL) Workspace origin. Lower-left origin of the workspace in virtual coordinates, used in the icon view. The default origin is (0,0). ═══ cDelta ═══ cDelta (ULONG) Threshold An application-defined threshold, or number of records, from either end of the list of available records. Used when a container needs to handle large amounts of data. The default is 0. Refer to the OS/2 Programming Guide for more information about specifying deltas. ═══ cRecords ═══ cRecords (ULONG) Number of records. The number of records in the container. Initially this field is 0. ═══ slBitmapOrIcon ═══ slBitmapOrIcon (SIZEL) Icon/bit-map size. The size (in pels) of icons or bit maps. The default is the system size. ═══ slTreeBitmapOrIcon ═══ slTreeBitmapOrIcon (SIZEL) Icon/bit-map size. The size (in pels) of the expanded and collapsed icons or bit maps used in the tree icon and tree text views. ═══ hbmExpanded ═══ hbmExpanded (HBITMAP) Bit-map handle. The handle of the bit map to be used to represent an expanded parent item in the tree icon and tree text views. If neither an icon handle (see hptrExpanded) nor a bit-map handle is specified, a default bit map with a minus sign (-) is provided. ═══ hbmCollapsed ═══ hbmCollapsed (HBITMAP) Bit-map handle. The handle of the bit map to be used to represent a collapsed parent item in the tree icon and tree text views. If neither an icon handle (see hptrCollapsed) nor a bit-map handle is specified, a default bit map with a plus sign (+) is provided. ═══ hptrExpanded ═══ hptrExpanded (HPOINTER) Icon handle. The handle of the icon to be used to represent an expanded parent item in the tree icon and tree text views. If neither an icon handle nor a bit-map handle (see hbmExpanded) is specified, a default bit map with a minus sign (-) is provided. ═══ hptrCollapsed ═══ hptrCollapsed (HPOINTER) Icon handle. The handle of the icon to be used to represent a collapsed parent item in the tree icon and tree text views. If neither an icon handle nor a bit-map handle (see hbmCollapsed) is specified, a default bit map with a plus sign (+) is provided. ═══ cyLineSpacing ═══ cyLineSpacing (LONG) Vertical space. The amount of vertical space (in pels) between the records. If you specify a value that is less than 0, a default value is used. ═══ cxTreeIndent ═══ cxTreeIndent (LONG) Horizontal space. The amount of horizontal space (in pels) between levels in the tree view. If you specify a value that is less than 0, a default value is used. ═══ cxTreeLine ═══ cxTreeLine (LONG) Line width. The width of the lines (in pels) that show the relationship between tree items. If you specify a value that is less than 0, a default value is used. Also, if the CA_TREELINE container attribute of the flWindowAttr field is not specified, these lines are not drawn. ═══ cFields ═══ cFields (ULONG) Number of columns. The number of FIELDINFO structures in the container. Initially this field is 0. ═══ xVertSplitbar ═══ xVertSplitbar (LONG) Split bar position. The initial position of the split bar relative to the container, used in the details view. If this value is less than 0, the split bar is not used. The default value is negative one (-1). ═══ 13.7. LAYOUT_EDIT_SIZE ═══ LAYOUT_EDIT_SIZE Defines number of surrounding code elements that need to be considered when performing edit shaping. typedef struct _LAYOUT_EDIT_SIZE { ULONG front; /* Previous characters */ ULONG back; /* Succeeding characters */ } LAYOUT_EDIT_SIZE; ═══ front ═══ front (ULONG) Previous characters. Number of code elements in front of the substring. ═══ back ═══ back (ULONG) Succeeding characters. Number of code elements behind the substring. ═══ LAYOUT_OBJECT ═══ LAYOUT_OBJECT Bit-map handle. typedef PVOID LAYOUT_OBJECT; ═══ 13.8. LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR ═══ LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR Identifies the attributes of the source and target text. typedef struct _LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR { ULONG in; /* Input buffer description */ ULONG out; /* Output description */ } LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR; ═══ front ═══ in (ULONG) Input buffer description. Attributes that describe the input buffer. ═══ back ═══ out (ULONG) Output description. Attributes that describe the required ouput buffer. ═══ 13.9. LAYOUT_VALUES ═══ LAYOUT_VALUES Layout object default values. These values are automatically associated with the layout object at creation time. typedef struct _LAYOUT_VALUES { ULONG name; /* Name of Layout Value Item */ PVOID value; /* Data of Layout Value Item */ } LAYOUT_VALUES; ═══ name ═══ name (ULONG) Name of Layout Value Item. The following are possible names: For a more detailed explaination please refer to the section on Layout Values . Value Name Value Type Set/Get ___________ ___________ _____ ActiveBidirection BOOL G ActiveShapeEditing BOOL G ShapeContextSize LAYOUT_EDIT_SIZE G Cellsize ULONG SG InputMode BOOL SG CallerAllocMem BOOL SG QueryValueSize ULONG SG InOutTextDescrMask ULONG SG InOnlyTextDescr ULONG SG OutOnlyTextDescr ULONG SG Orientation LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG TypeOfText LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG Swapping LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG Numerals LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG TextShaping LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG WordBreak LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG All of the above can be ORed together except the following. ActiveShapeEditing ActiveBidirection ShapeContextSize CellSize InputMode InOnlyTextDescr OutOnlyTextDescr InOutTextDescrMask CallerAllocMem ═══ value ═══ value (PVOID) Data of Layout Value Item. Each value element of a LAYOUT_VALUES record must contain a pointer to the type of the layout value that is being set or get. That is, if the layout value is for type T, the arguement must be of type T*. ═══ ActiveBidirection ═══ #define ActiveBidirection (0x0002<<16) ═══ ActiveShapeEditing ═══ #define ActiveShapeEditing (0x0001<<16) ═══ ShapeContextSize ═══ #define ShapeContextSize (0x0005<<16) ═══ CellSize ═══ #define CellSize (0x0006<<16) ═══ InputMode ═══ #define InputMode (0x0007<<16) ═══ CallerAllocMem ═══ #define CallerAllocMem (0x000b<<16) ═══ QueryValueSize ═══ #define QueryValueSize (0x8000<<16) ═══ InOutTextDescrMask ═══ #define InOutTextDescrMask (0x000a<<16) ═══ InOnlyTextDescr ═══ #define InOnlyTextDescr (0x0008<<16) ═══ OutOnlyTextDescr ═══ #define OutOnlyTextDescr (0x0009<<16) ═══ Orientation ═══ #define Orientation 0x00000001 ═══ TypeOfText ═══ #define TypeOfText 0x00000002 ═══ Swapping ═══ #define Swapping 0x00000004 ═══ Numerals ═══ #define Numerals 0x00000008 ═══ TextShaping ═══ #define TextShaping 0x00000010 ═══ Word_Break ═══ #define Word_Break 0x00000080 ═══ QueryValueSize ═══ #define QueryValueSize (0x8000<<16) ═══ PLAYOUT_OBJECT ═══ PLAYOUT_OBJECT Bit-map handle. typedef PVOID FAR * PLAYOUT_OBJECT; ═══ PLAYOUT_VALUES ═══ PLAYOUT_VALUES Bit-map handle. typedef LAYOUT_VALUES FAR * PLAYOUT_VALUES; ═══ CTIME ═══ CTIME Structure that contains time information for a data element in the details view of a container control. typedef struct _CTIME { UCHAR hours; /* Hour */ UCHAR minutes; /* Minute */ UCHAR seconds; /* Second */ UCHAR ucReserved; /* Reserved */ } CTIME; ═══ hours ═══ hours (UCHAR) Hour. ═══ minutes ═══ minutes (UCHAR) Minute. ═══ seconds ═══ seconds (UCHAR) Second. ═══ ucReserved ═══ ucReserved (UCHAR) Reserved. ═══ FIELDINFO ═══ FIELDINFO Structure that contains information about column data in the details view of the container control. The details view displays each FIELDINFO structure as a column of data that contains specific information about each container record. For example, one FIELDINFO structure, or column, might contain icons or bit maps that represent each container record. Another FIELDINFO structure might contain the date or time that each container record was created. typedef struct _FIELDINFO { ULONG cb; /* Structure size */ ULONG flData; /* Data attributes */ ULONG flTitle; /* Attributes of column headings */ PVOID pTitleData; /* Column heading data */ ULONG offStruct; /* Structure offset */ PVOID pUserData; /* Pointer */ PFIELDINFO pNextFieldInfo; /* Pointer */ ULONG cxWidth; /* Column width */ } FIELDINFO; ═══ cb ═══ cb (ULONG) Structure size. The size (in bytes) of the FIELDINFO structure. ═══ flData ═══ flData (ULONG) Data attributes. Attributes of the data in a field. o Specify one of the following for each column to choose the type of data that is displayed in each column: CFA_BITMAPORICON The column contains bit-map or icon data. CFA_STRING Character or text data is displayed in this column. CFA_ULONG Unsigned number data is displayed in this column. National Language Support (NLS) is enabled for number format. CFA_DATE The data in the column is displayed in date format. National Language Support (NLS) is enabled for date format. Use the data structure described in CDATE. CFA_TIME The data in the column is displayed in time format. National Language Support (NLS) is enabled for time format. Use the data structure described in CTIME. o Specify any or all of the following column attributes: CFA_HORZSEPARATOR A horizontal separator is provided beneath column headings. CFA_SEPARATOR A vertical separator is drawn after this column. CFA_OWNER Ownerdraw is enabled for this container column. CFA_INVISIBLE Invisible container column. The default is visible. CFA_FIREADONLY Prevents text in a FIELDINFO data structure (text in a column) from being edited directly. This attribute applies only to columns for which the CFA_STRING attribute has been specified. o Specify one of the following for each column to vertically position data in that column: CFA_TOP Top-justifies field data. CFA_BOTTOM Bottom-justifies field data. CFA_VCENTER Vertically centers field data. This is the default. o Specify one of the following for each column to horizontally position data in that column. These attributes can be combined with the attributes used for vertical positioning of column data by using an OR operator (|). CFA_CENTER Horizontally centers field data. CFA_LEFT Left-justifies field data. This is the default. CFA_RIGHT Right-justifies field data. ═══ flTitle ═══ flTitle (ULONG) Attributes of column headings. o Specify the following if icon or bit-map data is to be displayed in the column heading: CFA_BITMAPORICON The column heading contains icon or bit-map data. If CFA_BITMAPORICON is not specified, any data that is assigned to the column heading is assumed to be text or character data. o Specify the following to prevent direct editing of a column heading: CFA_FITITLEREADONLY Prevents a column heading from being edited directly. o Specify one of the following for each column heading to vertically position data in that column heading: CFA_TOP Top-justifies column headings. CFA_BOTTOM Bottom-justifies column headings. CFA_VCENTER Vertically centers column headings. This is the default. o Specify one of the following for each column heading to horizontally position data in that column heading. These attributes can be combined with the attributes used for vertical positioning of column heading data by using an OR operator (|). CFA_CENTER Horizontally centers column headings. CFA_LEFT Left-justifies column headings. This is the default. CFA_RIGHT Right-justifies column headings. ═══ pTitleData ═══ pTitleData (PVOID) Column heading data. Column heading data, which can be a text string, or an icon or bit map. The default is a text string. If the flTitle field is set to the CFA_BITMAPORICON attribute, this must be an icon or bit map. ═══ offStruct ═══ offStruct (ULONG) Structure offset. Offset from the beginning of a RECORDCORE structure to the data that is displayed in this column. Note: If the CCS_MINIRECORDCORE style bit is specified when a container is created, then MINIRECORDCORE should be used instead of RECORDCORE and PMINIRECORDCORE should be used instead of PRECORDCORE in all applicable data structures and messages. ═══ pUserData ═══ pUserData (PVOID) Pointer. Pointer to user data. ═══ pNextFieldInfo ═══ pNextFieldInfo (PFIELDINFO) Pointer. Pointer to the next linked FIELDINFO data structure. ═══ cxWidth ═══ cxWidth (ULONG) Column width. Used to specify the width of a column. The default is an automatically sized column that is always the width of its widest element. If this field is set and the data is too wide, the data is truncated. ═══ ulFlags ═══ ulFlags (ULONG) FNTF_* flags. FNTF_NOVIEWPRINTERFONTS This flag is initialized only when both hpsScreen and hpsPrinter are not NULLHANDLE. On input, this parameter determines whether the printer fonts are to be included in the font list box. The user controls this with a check box. FNTF_NOVIEWSCREENFONTS This flag is initialized only when both hpsScreen and hpsPrinter are not NULLHANDLE. On input, this parameter determines whether the screen fonts should be included in the font list box. The user controls this with a check box. FNTF_PRINTERFONTSELECTED This determines if a printer-specific font is selected by the user. The application should make an approximation of this printer font when outputting to the screen. This is an output-only flag and is ignored on input. FNTF_SCREENFONTSELECTED This determines if a screen-specific font is selected by the user. The application should make an approximation of this screen font when outputting to the screen. This is an output-only flag and is ignored on input. ═══ HBITMAP ═══ HBITMAP Bit-map handle. typedef LHANDLE HBITMAP; ═══ HWND ═══ HWND Window handle. typedef LHANDLE HWND; ═══ HFILE ═══ HFILE Resource handle. typedef LHANDLE HFILE; ═══ HPOINTER ═══ HPOINTER Pointer handle. typedef LHANDLE HPOINTER; ═══ LONG ═══ LONG Signed integer in the range -2 147 483 648 through 2 147 483 647. Note: Where this data type represents a graphic coordinate in world or model space, its value is restricted to -134 217 728 through 134 217 727. A graphic coordinate in device or screen coordinates is restricted to -32 768 through 32 767. The value of a graphic coordinate may be further restricted by any transforms currently in force, including the positioning of the origin of the window on the screen. In particular, coordinates in world or model space must not generate coordinate values after transformation (that is, in device or screen space) outside the range -32 768 through 32 767. #define LONG long ═══ MINIRECORDCORE ═══ MINIRECORDCORE Structure that contains information for smaller records than those defined by the RECORDCORE data structure. This data structure is used if the CCS_MINIRECORDCORE style bit is specified when a container is created. typedef struct _MINIRECORDCORE { ULONG cb; /* Structure size */ ULONG flRecordAttr; /* Attributes of container records */ POINTL ptlIcon; /* Record position */ PMINIRECORDCORE preccNextRecord; /* Pointer */ PSZ pszIcon; /* Record text */ HPOINTER hptrIcon; /* Record icon */ } MINIRECORDCORE; ═══ cb ═══ cb (ULONG) Structure size. The size (in bytes) of the MINIRECORDCORE structure. ═══ flRecordAttr ═══ flRecordAttr (ULONG) Attributes of container records. Contains any or all of the following: CRA_COLLAPSED Specifies that a record is collapsed. CRA_CURSORED Specifies that a record will be drawn with a selection cursor. CRA_DROPONABLE Specifies that a record can be a target for direct manipulation. CRA_EXPANDED Specifies that a record is expanded. CRA_FILTERED Specifies that a record is filtered, and therefore hidden from view. CRA_INUSE Specifies that a record will be drawn with in-use emphasis. CRA_RECORDREADONLY Prevents a record from being edited directly. CRA_SELECTED Specifies that a record will be drawn with selected-state emphasis. CRA_TARGET Specifies that a record will be drawn with target emphasis. ═══ ptlIcon ═══ ptlIcon (POINTL) Record position. Position of a container record in the icon view. ═══ preccNextRecord ═══ preccNextRecord (PMINIRECORDCORE) Pointer. Pointer to the next linked record. ═══ pszIcon ═══ pszIcon (PSZ) Record text. Text for the container record. ═══ hptrIcon ═══ hptrIcon (HPOINTER) Record icon. Icon that is displayed for the container record. ═══ MLE_SEARCHDATA ═══ MLE_SEARCHDATA Search structure for multiline entry field. typedef struct _SEARCH { USHORT cb; /* Size of structure */ PCHAR pchFind; /* Logical string to search for */ PCHAR pchReplace; /* Logical string to replace with */ SHORT cchFind; /* Length of pchFind string */ SHORT cchReplace; /* Length of pchReplace string */ IPT iptStart; /* Visual point at which to start search, or point where string was found */ IPT iptStop; /* Visual point at which to stop search */ USHORT cchFound; /* Length of string found at iptStart */ } MLE_SEARCHDATA; ═══ cb ═══ cb (USHORT) Size of MLE_SEARCHDATA structure. ═══ pchFind ═══ pchFind (PCHAR) Logical string to search for. ═══ pchReplace ═══ pchReplace (PCHAR) Logical string to replace with. ═══ cchFind ═══ cchFind (SHORT) Length of pchFind string. ═══ cchReplace ═══ cchReplace (SHORT) Length of pchReplace string. ═══ iptStart ═══ iptStart (IPT) Visual point at which to start search, or point where string was found. non-negative Visual point at which to start search. negative Start search from current visual cursor location. ═══ iptStop ═══ iptStop (IPT) Visual point at which to stop search. non-negative Visual point at which to stop search. negative Stop search at end of text. ═══ cchFound ═══ cchFound (USHORT) Length of string found at iptStart. ═══ 13.10. PBD_ATTR_MASK ═══ PBD_ATTR_MASK Pointer to a BD_ATTR_MASK data structure. typedef BD_ATTR_MASK *PBD_ATTR_MASK; ═══ pBD_Attr_Mask ═══ pBD_Attr_Mask (PBD_ATTR_MASK) pointer. Pointer to the BD_ATTR_MASK data structure. ═══ PCHAR ═══ PCHAR Pointer to CHAR. typedef CHAR *PCHAR; ═══ PFIELDINFO ═══ PFIELDINFO Pointer to a FIELDINFO data structure. typedef FIELDINFO *PFIELDINFO; ═══ POINTL ═══ POINTL Point structure (long integer). typedef struct _POINTL { LONG x; /* x-coordinate */ LONG y; /* y-coordinate */ } POINTL; ═══ x ═══ x (LONG) x-coordinate. ═══ y ═══ y (LONG) y-coordinate. ═══ PSZ ═══ PSZ Pointer to a null-terminated string. typedef char *PSZ; ═══ PTREEITEMDESC ═══ PTREEITEMDESC Pointer to a TREEITEMDESC data structure. typedef TREEITEMDESC *PTREEITEMDESC; ═══ pFieldInfo ═══ pFieldInfo (PFIELDINFO) Pointer. Pointer to the FIELDINFO structure for the container column that is being drawn in the details view. For all other views, this field is NULL. ═══ PMINIRECORDCORE ═══ PMINIRECORDCORE Pointer to a MINIRECORDCORE data structure. typedef MINIRECORDCORE *PMINIRECORDCORE; ═══ PRECORDCORE ═══ PRECORDCORE Pointer to a RECORDCORE data structure. typedef RECORDCORE *PRECORDCORE; ═══ pRecordcore ═══ pRecordcore (PRECORDCORE) pointer Pointer to the RECORDCORE data structure. ═══ PUCHAR ═══ PUCHAR Pointer to UCHAR. typedef UCHAR *PUCHAR; ═══ pulAttr ═══ pulAttr Pointer to a BIDIATTR data structure. ═══ PULONG ═══ PULONG Pointer to ULONG. typedef ULONG *PULONG; ═══ PVOID ═══ PVOID Pointer to a data type of undefined format. typedef VOID *PVOID; ═══ RECORDCORE ═══ RECORDCORE Structure that contains information for records in a container control. This data structure is used if the CCS_MINIRECORDCORE style bit is not specified when a container is created. typedef struct _RECORDCORE { ULONG cb; /* Structure size */ ULONG flRecordAttr; /* Record attributes */ POINTL ptlIcon; /* Record position */ PRECORDCORE preccNextRecord; /* Pointer */ PSZ pszIcon; /* Text */ HPOINTER hptrIcon; /* Icon */ HPOINTER hptrMiniIcon; /* Mini-icon */ HBITMAP hbmBitmap; /* Bit map */ HBITMAP hbmMiniBitmap; /* Mini-bit map */ PTREEITEMDESC pTreeItemDesc; /* Pointer */ PSZ pszText; /* Text view text */ PSZ pszName; /* Name view text */ PSZ pszTree; /* Tree view text */ } RECORDCORE; ═══ cb ═══ cb (ULONG) Structure size. The size (in bytes) of the RECORDCORE structure. ═══ flRecordAttr ═══ flRecordAttr (ULONG) Record attributes. Attributes of container records. Contains any or all of the following: CRA_COLLAPSED Specifies that a record is collapsed. CRA_CURSORED Specifies that a record will be drawn with a selection cursor. CRA_DROPONABLE Specifies that a record can be a target for direct manipulation. CRA_EXPANDED Specifies that a record is expanded. CRA_FILTERED Specifies that a record is filtered, and therefore hidden from view. CRA_INUSE Specifies that a record will be drawn with in-use emphasis. CRA_RECORDREADONLY Prevents a record from being edited directly. CRA_SELECTED Specifies that a record will be drawn with selected-state emphasis. CRA_TARGET Specifies that a record will be drawn with target emphasis. ═══ ptlIcon ═══ ptlIcon (POINTL) Record position. Position of a container record in the icon view. ═══ preccNextRecord ═══ preccNextRecord (PRECORDCORE) Pointer. Pointer to the next linked record. ═══ pszIcon ═══ pszIcon (PSZ) Text. Text for the icon view (CV_ICON). ═══ hptrIcon ═══ hptrIcon (HPOINTER) Icon. Icon that is displayed when the CV_MINI style bit is not specified. This field is used when the CA_DRAWICON container attribute of the CNRINFO data structure is set. ═══ hptrMiniIcon ═══ hptrMiniIcon (HPOINTER) Mini-icon. Icon that is displayed when the CV_MINI style bit is specified. This field is used when the CA_DRAWICON container attribute of the CNRINFO data structure is set. ═══ hbmBitmap ═══ hbmBitmap (HBITMAP) Bit map. Bit map that is displayed when the CV_MINI style bit is not specified. This field is used when the CA_DRAWBITMAP container attribute of the CNRINFO data structure is set. ═══ hbmMiniBitmap ═══ hbmMiniBitmap (HBITMAP) Mini-bit map. Bit map that is displayed when the CV_MINI style bit is specified. This field is used when the CA_DRAWBITMAP container attribute of the CNRINFO data structure is set. ═══ pTreeItemDesc ═══ pTreeItemDesc (PTREEITEMDESC) Pointer. Pointer to a TREEITEMDESC structure, which contains the icons and bit maps used to represent the state of an expanded or collapsed parent item in the tree name view. ═══ pszText ═══ pszText (PSZ) Text view text. Text for the text view (CV_TEXT). ═══ pszName ═══ pszName (PSZ) Name view text. Text for the name view (CV_NAME). ═══ pszTree ═══ pszTree (PSZ) Tree view text. Text for the tree view (CV_TREE). ═══ SIZEL ═══ SIZEL Size structure. typedef struct _SIZEL { LONG cx; /* Width */ LONG cy; /* Height */ } SIZEL; ═══ cx ═══ cx (LONG) Width. ═══ cy ═══ cy (LONG) Height. ═══ TREEITEMDESC ═══ TREEITEMDESC Structure that contains icons and bit maps used to represent the state of an expanded or collapsed parent item in the tree name view of a container control. typedef struct _TREEITEMDESC { HBITMAP hbmExpanded; /* Expanded bit-map handle */ HBITMAP hbmCollapsed; /* Collapsed bit-map handle */ HPOINTER hptrExpanded; /* Expanded icon handle */ HPOINTER hptrCollapsed; /* Collapsed icon handle */ } TREEITEMDESC; ═══ HAB ═══ HAB Anchor-block handle. typedef LHANDLE HAB; ═══ hbmExpanded ═══ hbmExpanded (HBITMAP) Expanded bit-map handle. The handle of the bit map to be used to represent an expanded parent item in the tree name view. ═══ hbmCollapsed ═══ hbmCollapsed (HBITMAP) Collapsed bit-map handle. The handle of the bit map to be used to represent a collapsed parent item in the tree name view. ═══ hptrExpanded ═══ hptrExpanded (HPOINTER) Expanded icon handle. The handle of the icon to be used to represent an expanded parent item in the tree name view. ═══ hptrCollapsed ═══ hptrCollapsed (HPOINTER) Collapsed icon handle. The handle of the icon to be used to represent a collapsed parent item in the tree name view. ═══ HWND ═══ HWND Window handle. typedef LHANDLE HWND; ═══ UCHAR ═══ UCHAR Unsigned integer in the range 0 through 255. typedef unsigned char UCHAR; ═══ ulData ═══ ulData (ULONG) User-defined value. ═══ ULONG ═══ ULONG Unsigned integer in the range 0 through 4 294 967 295. typedef unsigned long ULONG; ═══ ulNotify ═══ The following is a list of possible values for these events: LVI_WND_ATTR - Window Bidi attributes changed. LVI_WND_STAT - Window Bidi status changed. LVI_FOCUS_CHANGED - The focus window has changed. LVI_KBD_LAYER - The system keyboard layer has changed. LVI_ALL - All information in the viewer must be updated. LVI_HIDE - This value is used when the system notifies the viewer to hide itself (such as when another viewer is the active one). ═══ ulPageId ═══ ulPageId (ULONG) Page identifier. Page identifier used for placement of the inserted page. ═══ ulPageId ═══ ulPageId (ULONG) Page id Page identifier of the page whose tab text is requested. ═══ ulPageId ═══ ulPageId (ULONG) Page id Page identifier of the page whose Status line text is requested. ═══ USHORT ═══ USHORT Unsigned integer in the range 0 through 65 535. typedef unsigned short USHORT; ═══ CM_SHORTRECORD ═══ PLEASE REFER TO THE PM REFERNCE. ═══ WM_PRESPARAMCHANGED ═══ PLEASE REFER TO THE PM REFERNCE. ═══ CM_PAINTBACKGROUND ═══ PLEASE REFER TO THE PM REFERNCE. ═══ WinGetLastError ═══ PLEASE REFER TO THE PM REFERNCE. ═══ ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH ═══ PLEASE REFER TO THE PM REFERNCE. ═══ BIDI_STAT_VALUES ═══ Possible value for Bidi Status : #define BDS_HKFLAG_ENG_LAYER 0x00010000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_NAT_LAYER 0x00020000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_PUSH 0x00040000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_END_PUSH 0x00080000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_AUTO_PUSH 0x00100000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_FIELD_REV 0x00200000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_SCREEN_REV 0x00400000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_BIDI_POPUP 0x02000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_AUTOMATIC 0x04000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_INITIAL 0x08000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_MIDDLE 0x10000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_FINAL 0x20000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_ISOLATED 0x40000000UL #define BDS_FAUTOPUSH_RTL_ON 0x00000001UL #define BDS_FAUTOPUSH_LTR_ON 0x00000002UL #define BDS_FPUSH_ON 0x00000004UL #define BDS_FKBD_LAYER_IS_NL 0x00000010UL ═══ LI_BD_CLIP_ATTR ═══ When ulEffect is set to LI_BD_CLIP_ATTR the ulMask value is ignored and ulData may be set to the following attributes that describe the text in the clipboard: o uldata #define BDA_LEVEL 0x30000000UL #define BDA_INIT 0x80000000UL #define BDA_DATATYPE_VISUAL 0x00000000UL #define BDA_DATATYPE_IMPLICIT 0x01000000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR 0x00000000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_RTL 0x00010000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_CONTEXT 0x00020000UL #define BDA_WND_ORIENT_LTR 0x00000000UL #define BDA_WND_ORIENT_RTL 0x00100000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_ARABIC 0x00000000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_WESTERN 0x00000000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_PASSTHRU 0x00001000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_HINDI 0x00002000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_CONTEXT 0x00003000UL #define BDA_WORDBREAK_OFF 0x00000000UL #define BDA_WORDBREAK_ON 0x00000200UL #define BDA_SYM_SWAP_OFF 0x00000000UL #define BDA_SYM_SWAP_ON 0x00000100UL #define BDA_CSD_ON 0x00000000UL #define BDA_CSD_PASSTHRU 0x00000001UL #define BDA_CSD_BASE 0x00000010UL #define BDA_CSD_INITIAL 0x00000011UL #define BDA_CSD_MIDDLE 0x00000012UL #define BDA_CSD_FINAL 0x00000013UL #define BDA_CSD_ISOLATED 0x00000014UL ═══ LI_BD_CLIP_CONV_ATTR ═══ When ulEffect is set to LI_BD_CLIP_CONV_ATTR the ulMask value is ignored and ulData may be set to the following attributes of the window that queries text data from the clipboard: o uldata #define BDA_LEVEL 0x30000000UL #define BDA_INIT 0x80000000UL #define BDA_DATATYPE_VISUAL 0x00000000UL #define BDA_DATATYPE_IMPLICIT 0x01000000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR 0x00000000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_RTL 0x00010000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_CONTEXT 0x00020000UL #define BDA_WND_ORIENT_LTR 0x00000000UL #define BDA_WND_ORIENT_RTL 0x00100000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_ARABIC 0x00000000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_WESTERN 0x00000000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_PASSTHRU 0x00001000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_HINDI 0x00002000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_CONTEXT 0x00003000UL #define BDA_WORDBREAK_OFF 0x00000000UL #define BDA_WORDBREAK_ON 0x00000200UL #define BDA_SYM_SWAP_OFF 0x00000000UL #define BDA_SYM_SWAP_ON 0x00000100UL #define BDA_CSD_ON 0x00000000UL #define BDA_CSD_PASSTHRU 0x00000001UL #define BDA_CSD_BASE 0x00000010UL #define BDA_CSD_INITIAL 0x00000011UL #define BDA_CSD_MIDDLE 0x00000012UL #define BDA_CSD_FINAL 0x00000013UL #define BDA_CSD_ISOLATED 0x00000014UL ═══ LI_BD_PROCESS_ATTR ═══ When ulEffect is set to LI_BD_PROCESS_ATTR the ulMask value is ignored and ulData may be set to the following process attributes: o uldata #define BDA_LEVEL 0x30000000UL #define BDA_INIT 0x80000000UL #define BDA_DATATYPE_VISUAL 0x00000000UL #define BDA_DATATYPE_IMPLICIT 0x01000000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR 0x00000000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_RTL 0x00010000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_CONTEXT 0x00020000UL #define BDA_WND_ORIENT_LTR 0x00000000UL #define BDA_WND_ORIENT_RTL 0x00100000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_ARABIC 0x00000000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_WESTERN 0x00000000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_PASSTHRU 0x00001000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_HINDI 0x00002000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_CONTEXT 0x00003000UL #define BDA_WORDBREAK_OFF 0x00000000UL #define BDA_WORDBREAK_ON 0x00000200UL #define BDA_SYM_SWAP_OFF 0x00000000UL #define BDA_SYM_SWAP_ON 0x00000100UL #define BDA_CSD_ON 0x00000000UL #define BDA_CSD_PASSTHRU 0x00000001UL #define BDA_CSD_BASE 0x00000010UL #define BDA_CSD_INITIAL 0x00000011UL #define BDA_CSD_MIDDLE 0x00000012UL #define BDA_CSD_FINAL 0x00000013UL #define BDA_CSD_ISOLATED 0x00000014UL ═══ LI_BD_PROCESS_STAT ═══ When ulEffect is set to LI_BD_PROCESS_STAT the ulMask value is ignored and ulData may be set to the following process status: o uldata #define BDS_HKFLAG_ENG_LAYER 0x00010000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_NAT_LAYER 0x00020000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_PUSH 0x00040000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_END_PUSH 0x00080000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_AUTO_PUSH 0x00100000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_FIELD_REV 0x00200000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_SCREEN_REV 0x00400000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_BIDI_POPUP 0x02000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_AUTOMATIC 0x04000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_INITIAL 0x08000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_MIDDLE 0x10000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_FINAL 0x20000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_ISOLATED 0x40000000UL #define BDS_FAUTOPUSH_RTL_ON 0x00000001UL #define BDS_FAUTOPUSH_LTR_ON 0x00000002UL #define BDS_FPUSH_ON 0x00000004UL #define BDS_FKBD_LAYER_IS_NL 0x00000010UL ═══ LI_BD_WND_ATTR ═══ When ulEffect is set to BD_WND_ATTR the possible values of uldata and ulMask are set to the following: o uldata #define BDA_LEVEL 0x30000000UL #define BDA_INIT 0x80000000UL #define BDA_DATATYPE_VISUAL 0x00000000UL #define BDA_DATATYPE_IMPLICIT 0x01000000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR 0x00000000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_RTL 0x00010000UL #define BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_CONTEXT 0x00020000UL #define BDA_WND_ORIENT_LTR 0x00000000UL #define BDA_WND_ORIENT_RTL 0x00100000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_ARABIC 0x00000000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_WESTERN 0x00000000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_PASSTHRU 0x00001000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_HINDI 0x00002000UL #define BDA_NUMERALS_CONTEXT 0x00003000UL #define BDA_WORDBREAK_OFF 0x00000000UL #define BDA_WORDBREAK_ON 0x00000200UL #define BDA_SYM_SWAP_OFF 0x00000000UL #define BDA_SYM_SWAP_ON 0x00000100UL #define BDA_CSD_ON 0x00000000UL #define BDA_CSD_PASSTHRU 0x00000001UL #define BDA_CSD_BASE 0x00000010UL #define BDA_CSD_INITIAL 0x00000011UL #define BDA_CSD_MIDDLE 0x00000012UL #define BDA_CSD_FINAL 0x00000013UL #define BDA_CSD_ISOLATED 0x00000014UL o ulmask #define BDAM_INIT 0x80000000UL #define BDAM_DATATYPE 0x01000000UL #define BDAM_TEXT_ORIENTATION 0x00030000UL #define BDAM_WND_ORIENTATION 0x00100000UL #define BDAM_NUMERALS 0x00003000UL #define BDAM_SYM_SWAP 0x00000100UL #define BDAM_CSD 0x000000FFUL #define BDAM_ALL (BDAM_DATATYPE | BDAM_TEXT_ORIENTATION | BDAM_WND_ORIENTATION | BDAM_NUMERALS | BDAM_SYM_SWAP | BDAM_CSD ) ═══ LI_BD_WND_STAT ═══ When ulEffect is set to LI_BD_WND_STAT the possible values of uldata and ulMask are set to the following: o uldata #define BDS_HKFLAG_ENG_LAYER 0x00010000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_NAT_LAYER 0x00020000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_PUSH 0x00040000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_END_PUSH 0x00080000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_AUTO_PUSH 0x00100000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_FIELD_REV 0x00200000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_SCREEN_REV 0x00400000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_BIDI_POPUP 0x02000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_AUTOMATIC 0x04000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_INITIAL 0x08000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_MIDDLE 0x10000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_FINAL 0x20000000UL #define BDS_HKFLAG_ISOLATED 0x40000000UL #define BDS_FAUTOPUSH_RTL_ON 0x00000001UL #define BDS_FAUTOPUSH_LTR_ON 0x00000002UL #define BDS_FPUSH_ON 0x00000004UL #define BDS_FKBD_LAYER_IS_NL 0x00000010UL o ulMask #define BDSM_HKFLAGS 0x7E7F0000UL #define BDSM_AUTOPUSH_RTL 0x00000001UL #define BDSM_AUTOPUSH_LTR 0x00000002UL #define BDSM_PUSH_ON 0x00000004UL #define BDSM_KBD_LAYER 0x00000010UL #define BDSM_ALL 0x7E7F0017UL ═══ ulMask ═══ ulMask (ULONG) Contains one of the following Bidi attribute mask values: #define BDAM_DATATYPE 0x01000000UL #define BDAM_TEXT_ORIENTATION 0x00030000UL #define BDAM_WND_ORIENTATION 0x00100000UL #define BDAM_NUMERALS 0x00003000UL #define BDAM_SYM_SWAP 0x00000100UL #define BDAM_CSD 0x000000FFUL #define BDAM_ALL (BDAM_DATATYPE | BDAM_TEXT_ORIENTATION | BDAM_WND_ORIENTATION | BDAM_NUMERALS | BDAM_SYM_SWAP | BDAM_CSD ) ═══ ulMask ═══ ulMask (ULONG) Contains one of the following Bidi status mask values: #define BDSM_HKFLAGS 0x7E7F0000UL #define BDSM_AUTOPUSH_RTL 0x00000001UL #define BDSM_AUTOPUSH_LTR 0x00000002UL #define BDSM_PUSH_ON 0x00000004UL #define BDSM_KBD_LAYER 0x00000010UL #define BDSM_ALL 0x7E7F0017UL ═══ BIDIFLAGS ═══ ulFlags (ULONG) Contains one of the following flag values: #define LIF_NO_SENDMSG 0x00000001UL #define LIF_CHILD_INHERIT 0x00000002UL #define LIF_WND_REFRESH 0x00000004UL ═══ BIDIFLAGS ═══ ulFlags (ULONG) Contains one of the following flag values: OL When this is specified the function sends (internally) a WM_QUERYBIDIATTR (or WM_QUERYBIDISTAT) message to the return value procedure. If the return value of the message is other than zero this is the value Returned. LIF_NO_SENDMSG When this value is specified, the WinQueryBidiInfo function, does not send a WM_QUERYBIDIATTR (or WM_QUERYBIDISTAT) message to the window procedure of hwnd. Instead, it returns the Bidi attributes/status as it is stored in the window internal strucrure. ═══ ulBD_ATTR ═══ ulBD_ATTR can take any of the values in the BIDIATTR. ═══ ulBD_STAT ═══ ulBD_STAT can take any of the values in the BIDI_STAT. ═══ ulBD_Mask ═══ ulBD_Mask can take any of the following values When used in the WM_LANGVIEWINFOCHANGED message. #define BDAM_DATATYPE 0x01000000UL #define BDAM_TEXT_ORIENTATION 0x00030000UL #define BDAM_WND_ORIENTATION 0x00100000UL #define BDAM_NUMERALS 0x00003000UL #define BDAM_SYM_SWAP 0x00000100UL #define BDAM_CSD 0x000000FFUL #define BDAM_ALL (BDAM_DATATYPE | BDAM_TEXT_ORIENTATION | BDAM_WND_ORIENTATION | BDAM_NUMERALS | BDAM_SYM_SWAP | BDAM_CSD ) ═══ usColumn ═══ usColumn (USHORT) Column index The index of the column over which the direct manipulation action occurred. ═══ usRow ═══ usRow (USHORT) Row index The index of the row over which the direct manipulation action occurred. ═══ ulData ═══ ulData (ULONG) Contains one of the values inBIDIATTR. ═══ ulData ═══ ulData (ULONG) Contains one of the values inBIDI_STAT. ═══ 13.11. BOOKPAGEBIDIINFO ═══ BOOKPAGEBIDIINFO The BOOKPAGEBIDIINFO structure contains the Bidi attributes of the notebook major and minor tabs and of the status line. typedef struct _BOOKPAGEBIDIINFO { BD_ATTR_MASK bamMajorTab; BD_ATTR_MASK bamMinorTab; BD_ATTR_MASK bamStatusLine; } BOOKPAGEBIDIINFO; ═══ 13.12. PBOOKPAGEBIDIINFO ═══ PBOOKPAGEBIDIINFO Pointer to BOOKPAGEBIDIINFO. typedef BOOKPAGEBIDIINFO * PBOOKPAGEBIDIINFO; ═══ PVSCDATA ═══ PVSCDATA Pointer to VSCDATA. typedef VSCDATA *PVSCDATA; ═══ VSCDATA ═══ VSCDATA Structure that contains information about the value set control. typedef struct _VSCDATA { ULONG cbSize; /* Data length */ USHORT usRowCount; /* Number of rows */ USHORT usColumnCount; /* Number of columns */ } VSCDATA; ═══ cbSize ═══ cbSize (ULONG) Data length. Length of the control data in bytes. ═══ usRowCount ═══ usRowCount (USHORT) Number of rows. The number of rows in the value set control. The minimum number of rows is 1 and the maximum number of rows is 65,535. ═══ usColumnCount ═══ usColumnCount (USHORT) Number of columns. The number of columns in the value set control. The minimum number of columns is 1 and the maximum number of columns is 65,535. ═══ USHORT ═══ USHORT Unsigned integer in the range 0 through 65 535. typedef unsigned USHORT UUSHORT; ═══ IPT ═══ IPT Insertion point for multi-line entry field. typedef LONG IPT; ═══ PBUFFER ═══ PBUFFER Pointer to PBYTE. typedef BUFFER *PBUFFER; ═══ PFATTRS ═══ PFATTRS Pointer to FATTRS typedef FATTRS *PFATTRS; ═══ PIPT ═══ PIPT Pointer to IPT typedef IPT *PIPT; ═══ PIX ═══ PIX Pel count for multi-line entry field. typedef LONG PIX; ═══ PMLE_SEARCHDATA ═══ PMLE_SEARCHDATA Pointer to an MLE_SEARCHDATA data structure. typedef LONG *PMLE_SEARCHDATA; ═══ PPOINTL ═══ PPOINTL Pointer to a POINTL data structure. typedef POINTL *POINTL; ═══ 14. Message Processing ═══ Window Messages in the PM Bidirectional environment are processed by window and dialog procedures. Please refer to the explanation of message processing in the PM reference. ═══ 14.1. Container Control ═══ Processing of the Container control messages in the PM Bidirectional environment is the same as in the Non-Bidirectional PM environment. However, the Container control is sensitive to its Bidirectional attributes and handles formatting and presentation accordingly. The container supports all text Bidi attributes. This support is done in a hierarchy so that every level (class) of container sub-levels inherits the container attributes by default. These defaults attributes may be overridden by a Bidi-Aware application. The bidi attributes hierarchy of the container controls works as follows: The Container Field bidi attributes can be set by sending a CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR message to the container. If the field bidi attributes word is not specifially set by sending the message - the field uses its (parent) record bidi attributes. The Container Record bidi attributes can be set by sending the CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR message. If the record bidi attributes are not specifically set by sending the message - the record uses the container window bidi attributes. The above inheritance chain defines the effective bidi attribute that is used in processing of a container object. ═══ 14.1.1. CM_QUERYFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - CM_QUERYFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Default Processing ═══ MAIN - CM_QUERYFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message queries the bidirectional attributes of a specific Container Field. Parameters: param1 PFIELDINFO pFieldInfo Pointer. param2 PULONG pBidiAttr Pointer. returns BOOL fSuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - CM_QUERYFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ pFieldInfo (PFIELDINFO) Pointer. Pointer to the FIELDINFO data structure. pBidiAttr (PULONG) Pointer. Pointer to the values of the Bidi attributes that are returned. Possible values are in the BIDIATTR data structure. ═══ pFieldInfo ═══ pFieldInfo (PFIELDINFO) Pointer. Pointer to the FIELDINFO data structure. ═══ pBidiAttr ═══ pBidiAttr (PULONG) Pointer. Pointer to the values of the Bidi attributes that are returned. Possible values are in the BIDIATTR data structure. ═══ RETURN VALUES - CM_QUERYFIELDBIDIINFO ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the container bidi information succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the container bidi information succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - CM_QUERYFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ This is the main expl.of cm NOTES ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - CM_QUERYFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.1.2. CM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - CM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Default Processing ═══ MAIN - CM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message queries the bidirectional attributes of a specific Container Item (record). Parameters: param1 PRECORDCORE precordcore Pointer. param2 PULONG pBidiAttr Pointer. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - CM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ pRecordCore (PRECORDCORE) Pointer. Pointer to the RECORDINFO data structure. pBidiAttr (PULONG) Pointer. Pointer to the values of the Bidi attributes that are returned. Possible values are in the BIDIATTR data structure. ═══ pRecordCore ═══ pRecordCore (PRECORDCORE) Pointer. Pointer to the RECORDINFO data structure. ═══ pBidiAttr ═══ pBidiAttr (PULONG) Pointer. Pointer to the values of the Bidi attributes that are returned. Possible values are in the BIDIATTR data structure. ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the bidi item information succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ RETURN VALUES - CM_QUERYITEMBIDIINFO ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the bidi item information succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - CM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ This is the main expl.of cm NOTES ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - CM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.1.3. CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Default Processing ═══ MAIN - CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message sets the bidirectional attributes of a specific Container Field. Parameters: param1 PFIELDINFO pFieldInfo Pointer. param2 PBD_ATTR_MASK pBD_Attr_Mask Pointer. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ pFieldInfo (PFIELDINFO) Pointer. Pointer to the FIELDINFO data structure. pBD_Attr_Mask (PBD_ATTR_MASK) Pointer. Pointer to the BD_ATTR_MASK data structure. ═══ pFieldInfo ═══ pFieldInfo (PFIELDINFO) Pointer. Pointer to the FIELDINFO data structure. ═══ pBD_Attr_Mask ═══ pBD_Attr_Mask (PBD_ATTR_MASK) Pointer. Pointer to the BD_ATTR_MASK data structure. ═══ RETURN VALUES - CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the field bidi attribute succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the field bidi attribute succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ This is the main expl.of cm NOTES ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - CM_SETFIELDBIDIATTR ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.1.4. CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Default Processing ═══ MAIN - CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message sets the bidirectional attributes of a specific Container Item (record). Parameters: param1 PRECORDCORE precordcore Pointer. param2 PBD_ATTR_MASK pBD_Attr_Mask Pointer. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ pRecordCore (PRECORDCORE) Pointer. Pointer to the RECORDCORE data structure. pBD_Attr_Mask (PBD_ATTR_MASK) Pointer. Pointer to the BD_ATTR_MASK data structure. ═══ pRecordCore ═══ pRecordCore (PRECORDCORE) Pointer. Pointer to the RECORDCORE data structure. ═══ pBD_Attr_Mask ═══ pBD_Attr_Mask (PBD_ATTR_MASK) Pointer. Pointer to the BD_ATTR_MASK data structure. ═══ RETURN VALUES - CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the bidi item attributes succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the bidi item attributes succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ This is the main expl.of cm NOTES ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - CM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.2. Multi-Line Entry Field Control ═══ Processing of Multi-Line Entry Field control messages in the PM Bidirectional environment is the same as in the non-bidirectional PM environment. However, the Multi-Line Entry Field control is sensitive to its Bidirectional attributes and handles formatting and presentation accordingly. ═══ 14.2.1. MLM_CLEAR ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_CLEAR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_CLEAR ═══ Cause: This message clears the currently selected text. When the text type of the MLE is implicit, the characters affected may not necessarily be adjacent in the text buffer : the action is taken on the visually selected text which is continous on the screen. Parameters: param1 ULONG param1 Reserved. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns ULONG ulClear Number of bytes deleted, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ Notes - MLM_CLEAR ═══ The multi-line entry field control window procedure responds to this message by clearing the current visual selection and returning the number of bytes cleared. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_CLEAR ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set ulClear to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_CLEAR ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ Return Values - MLM_CLEAR ═══ ulClear (ULONG) Number of bytes deleted, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ param1 ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ ulClear ═══ ulClear (ULONG) Number of bytes deleted, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ 14.2.2. MLM_COPY ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_COPY ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_COPY ═══ Cause: This message copies the currently selected text to the clipboard. When the text type of the MLE is implicit, the characters affected may not necessarily be adjacent in the text buffer : the action is taken on the visually selected text which is continous on the screen. Parameters: param1 ULONG param1 Reserved. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns ULONG ulCopy Number of bytes transferred, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ Notes - MLM_COPY ═══ The multi-line entry field control window procedure responds to this message by copying the visually selected text to the clipboard. The text is translated to standard clipboard format, which is the same as exporting with MLE_CFTEXT format. The text is placed on the clipboard as a single contiguous data segment. This restricts the amount to the maximum segment size (64KB). This may cause an overflow, see MLN_OVERFLOW. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_COPY ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set ulCopy to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_COPY ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ Return Values - MLM_COPY ═══ ulCopy (ULONG) Number of bytes transferred, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ param1 ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ ulCopy ═══ ulCopy (ULONG) Number of bytes transferred, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ 14.2.3. MLM_CUT ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_CUT ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_CUT ═══ Cause: This message copies the text that forms the currently selected text to the clipboard and then deletes it from the MLE control. When the text type of the MLE is implicit, the characters affected may not necessarily be adjacent in the text buffer : the action is taken on the visually selected text which is continous on the screen. Parameters: param1 ULONG param1 Reserved. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns ULONG ulCopy Number of bytes transferred, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ Notes - MLM_CUT ═══ The multi-line entry field control window procedure responds to this message by copying the selected text to the clipboard and then deleting it. The text is translated to standard clipboard format, which is the same as exporting with MLE_CFTEXT format. The text is placed on the clipboard as a single contiguous data segment. This restricts the amount to the maximum segment size (64KB). This may cause an overflow, see MLN_OVERFLOW. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_CUT ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set ulCopy to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_CUT ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ Return Values - MLM_CUT ═══ ulCopy (ULONG) Number of bytes transferred, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ param1 ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ ulCopy ═══ ulCopy (ULONG) Number of bytes transferred, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ 14.2.4. MLM_DELETE ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_DELETE ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_DELETE ═══ Cause: This message deletes text based on the VISUAL selection. Parameters: param1 IPT iptBegin VISUAL Starting point of deletion. param2 ULONG ulDel Number of bytes to delete. returns ULONG ulSuccess Number of bytes successfully deleted. ═══ Notes - MLM_DELETE ═══ This message takes an insertion point and a length, and deletes that number of characters from the text. If the insertion point is -1, the selection is used and the effect is identical to the MLM_CLEAR message. This may cause an overflow, see MLN_OVERFLOW. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_DELETE ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set ulSuccess to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_DELETE ═══ iptBegin (IPT) Visual starting point of deletion. ulDel (ULONG) Number of bytes to delete. ═══ Return Values - MLM_DELETE ═══ ulSuccess (ULONG) Number of bytes successfully deleted. ═══ iptBegin ═══ iptBegin (IPT) Visual starting point of deletion. ═══ ulDel ═══ ulDel (ULONG) Number of bytes to delete. ═══ ulSuccess ═══ ulSuccess (ULONG) Number of bytes successfully deleted. ═══ 14.2.5. MLM_EXPORT ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_EXPORT ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_EXPORT ═══ Cause: This message exports VISUALLY selected text to a buffer. Parameters: param1 PIPT pBegin Visual starting point. param2 PULONG pCopy Number of bytes being exported. returns ULONG ulSuccess Number of bytes successfully exported. ═══ Notes - MLM_EXPORT ═══ This message takes a visual insertion point and length as parameters, and copies text, starting from that insertion point, into the buffer set by MLM_SETIMPORTEXPORT. Text is in the format set by MLM_FORMAT. If the insertion point is -1, the selection is used for both pBegin and pCopy. On return, pBegin is updated to follow the last byte exported, and the number of bytes to be exported is decremented by the number actually exported. This is done to prepare those parameter values for the next export. The return value indicates the number of bytes actually put into the buffer. This number is less than, or equal to, the buffer size (see MLM_SETIMPORTEXPORT). Note: All exports are done in full characters. Therefore, if either the length of the buffer or the number of bytes to be exported result in the last byte transferred being only half of a DBCS character, the MLE will not transfer that byte. It returns the number of bytes placed in the export buffer. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_EXPORT ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set ulSuccess to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_EXPORT ═══ pBegin (PIPT) Visual starting point. Updated to follow the last character exported. pCopy (PULONG) Number of bytes being exported. Decremented by the number of bytes actually exported. ═══ Return Values - MLM_EXPORT ═══ ulSuccess (ULONG) Number of bytes successfully exported. ═══ pBegin ═══ pBegin (PIPT) Visual starting point. Updated to follow the last character exported. ═══ pCopy ═══ pCopy (PULONG) Number of bytes being exported. Decremented by the number of bytes actually exported. ═══ ulSuccess ═══ ulSuccess (ULONG) Number of bytes successfully exported. ═══ 14.2.6. MLM_IMPORT ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_IMPORT ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ 14.2.7. MLM_INSERT ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_INSERT ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_INSERT ═══ Cause: This message deletes the currently selected text and replaces it with a text string. When the text type of the MLE is implicit, the characters affected may not necessarily be adjacent in the text buffer : the action is taken on the visually selected text which is continous on the screen. Parameters: param1 PSTRL pText Null-terminated text string. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns ULONG ulCount Number of bytes actually inserted. ═══ Notes - MLM_INSERT ═══ This message inserts the text string at the currently selected text, visually deleting that selection. Unlike in the English mode, deletion does not occur in the same manner as typing at the keyboard would. This is because typing Arabic in overwrite mode would replace characters in logical order not visual order. The text string must be in CF_TEXT format (or one of the formats acceptable to MLM_IMPORT) and null-terminated. The line-break (CR LF, LF, and so on) is counted as one byte, regardless of the number of bytes occupied in the buffer, and the null terminator is not counted. This interacts with the format rectangle and text limits, and a return of less than the full count can be the result. If so, a notification message is sent. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_INSERT ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set ulCount to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_INSERT ═══ pText (PSTRL) Null-terminated text string. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ Return Values - MLM_INSERT ═══ ulCount (ULONG) Number of bytes actually inserted. ═══ pText ═══ pText (PSTRL) Null-terminated text string. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ ulCount ═══ ulCount (ULONG) Number of bytes actually inserted. ═══ 14.2.8. MLM_LINEFROMCHAR ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_LINEFROMCHAR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_LINEFROMCHAR ═══ Cause: This message returns the line number corresponding to a given VISUAL insertion point. Parameters: param1 IPT iptFirst VISUAL insertion point of interest param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns LONG lLineNum Line number of insertion point. ═══ Notes - MLM_LINEFROMCHAR ═══ For any visual insertion point, the corresponding line number is returned. If the insertion point is -1, the number of the line containing the first insertion point of the visual selection is returned. The term line means a line on the display after the application of word-wrap. It does not mean a line as defined by the CR LF line-break sequence. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_LINEFROMCHAR ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set lLineNum to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_LINEFROMCHAR ═══ iptFirst (IPT) Visual insertion point of interest. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ Return Values - MLM_LINEFROMCHAR ═══ lLineNum (LONG) Line number of visual insertion point. ═══ iptFirst ═══ iptFirst (IPT) Visual insertion point of interest. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ lLineNum ═══ lLineNum (LONG) Line number of visual insertion point. ═══ 14.2.9. MLM_PASTE ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_PASTE ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_PASTE ═══ Cause: This message replaces the text that forms the current VISUAL selection, with text from the clipboard. When the text type of the MLE is implicit, the characters affected may not necessarily be adjacent in the text buffer : the action is taken on the visually selected text which is continous on the screen. Parameters: param1 ULONG param1 Reserved. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns ULONG ulCopy Number of bytes transferred, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ Notes - MLM_PASTE ═══ The multi-line entry field control window procedure responds to this message by replacing the selected text with text from the clipboard. The text is translated from standard clipboard format, which is the same as importing with MLE_CFTEXT format. The text is assumed to be in the clipboard as a single contiguous data segment. This restricts the amount to the maximum segment size (64Kb). This can cause an overflow, see MLN_OVERFLOW. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_PASTE ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set ulCopy to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_PASTE ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ Return Values - MLM_PASTE ═══ ulCopy (ULONG) Number of bytes transferred, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ param1 ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ ulCopy ═══ ulCopy (ULONG) Number of bytes transferred, counted in CF_TEXT format. ═══ 14.2.10. MLM_QUERYFORMATLINELENGTH ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_QUERYFORMATLINELENGTH ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_QUERYFORMATLINELENGTH ═══ Cause: This message returns the number of bytes to end of line after formatting has been applied. Parameters: param1 IPT iptStart VISUAL insertion point to count from. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns IPT iptLine Count of bytes to end of line. ═══ Notes - MLM_QUERYFORMATLINELENGTH ═══ For any insertion point, the number of bytes between that insertion point and the end of the line is returned, after the current formatting is applied. This is done visually not logically. If the insertion point is -1, the cursor position is used. This message differs from MLM_QUERYLINELENGTH in that the byte count returned reflects the effects of the current formatting set by MLM_FORMAT. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_QUERYFORMATLINELENGTH ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set iptLine to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_QUERYFORMATLINELENGTH ═══ iptStart (IPT) Insertion point to count from. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ Return Values - MLM_QUERYFORMATLINELENGTH ═══ iptLine (IPT) Count of bytes to end of line. ═══ iptStart ═══ iptStart (IPT) Visual insertion point to count from. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ iptLine ═══ iptLine (IPT) Count of bytes to end of line. ═══ 14.2.11. MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH ═══ Cause: This message returns the length of a specified range of characters after the current formatting has been applied. Parameters: param1 IPT iptStart VISUAL insertion point to start from. param2 ULONG ulScan Number of characters to convert to bytes. returns ULONG ulText Count of bytes in text after formatting. ═══ Notes - MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH ═══ This message returns the length in bytes of a range of characters after the current formatting is applied. This is done visually not logically. This differs from MLM_QUERYTEXTLENGTH in that: o A range of insertion points can be queried. o The byte count returned reflects the effects of the current formatting set by MLM_FORMAT. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set ulText to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH ═══ iptStart (IPT) Insertion point to start from. ulScan (ULONG) Number of characters to convert to bytes. 0xFFFFFFFF Convert until end of line other Convert specified number of characters. ═══ Return Values - MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH ═══ ulText (ULONG) Count of bytes in text after formatting. ═══ iptStart ═══ iptStart (IPT) Insertion point to start from. ═══ ulScan ═══ ulScan (ULONG) Number of characters to convert to bytes. 0xFFFFFFFF Convert until end of line other Convert specified number of characters. ═══ ulText ═══ ulText (ULONG) Count of bytes in text after formatting. ═══ 14.2.12. MLM_QUERYLINELENGTH ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_QUERYLINELENGTH ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_QUERYLINELENGTH ═══ Cause: This message returns the number of bytes between a given insertion point and the end of line. Parameters: param1 IPT iptStart VISUAL insertion point to count from. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns IPT iptLine Count of bytes to end of line. ═══ Notes - MLM_QUERYLINELENGTH ═══ For any insertion point, the number of bytes between that insertion point and the end of the line is returned. The visual, not logical, insertion point is used. If the insertion point is -1, the cursor position is used. If the line contains a hard line-break, it is counted as one byte. The term line means a line on the display after the application of word-wrap. It does not mean a line as defined by the CR LF line-break sequence. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_QUERYLINELENGTH ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set iptLine to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_QUERYLINELENGTH ═══ iptStart (IPT) Insertion point to count from. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ Return Values - MLM_QUERYLINELENGTH ═══ iptLine (IPT) Count of bytes to end of line. ═══ iptStart ═══ iptStart (IPT) Insertion point to count from. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ iptLine ═══ iptLine (IPT) Count of bytes to end of line. ═══ 14.2.13. MLM_QUERYSEL ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_QUERYSEL ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_QUERYSEL ═══ Cause: This message returns the location of the VISUAL selection. Parameters: param1 USHORT usQueryMode Query Mode. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns SHORT sMinSel Minimum visual insertion point of selection. SHORT sMaxSel Maximum visual insertion point of selection. IPT iptipt Requested visual insertion point. ═══ Notes - MLM_QUERYSEL ═══ This message returns the location of the visual selection in several different forms. The insertion points lie between characters, and start at a zero origin before the first character in the MLE. Subtracting the minimum from the maximum gives the number of characters in the selection. This is not necessarily the number of bytes of ASCII. The line-break character is a CR LF (2 bytes) and all DBCS characters are 2 bytes. To determine the number of bytes, use MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH, being sure that the format choice set by MLM_FORMAT is set to what is used when the data is exported from the MLE (for example, MLE_CFTEXT for MLM_QUERYSELTEXT). Note the following: o If anchor point > cursor point, minimum point = cursor point and maximum point = anchor point. o If anchor point < cursor point, minimum point = anchor point and maximum point = cursor point. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_QUERYSEL ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set reply to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_QUERYSEL ═══ usQueryMode (USHORT) Query Mode. MLFQS_MINMAXSEL Return both minimum and maximum visual points of selection in a format compatible with the EM_QUERYSEL message. MLFQS_MINSEL Return minimum visual insertion point of selection. MLFQS_MAXSEL Return maximum visual insertion point of selection. MLFQS_ANCHORSEL Return visual anchor point of selection. MLFQS_CURSORSEL Return visual cursor point of selection. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ Return Values - MLM_QUERYSEL ═══ sMinSel (SHORT) Minimum visual insertion point of selection. This value is rounded down to 65 535, if necessary. sMaxSel (SHORT) Maximum visual insertion point of selection. This value is rounded down to 65 535 if necessary. For usQueryMode = MLFQS_MINSEL, MLFQS_MAXSEL, MLFQS_ANCHORSEL, or MLFQS_CURSORSEL: iptipt (IPT) Requested visual insertion point. ═══ usQueryMode ═══ usQueryMode (USHORT) Query Mode. MLFQS_MINMAXSEL Return both minimum and maximum visual points of selection in a format compatible with the EM_QUERYSEL message. MLFQS_MINSEL Return minimum visual insertion point of selection. MLFQS_MAXSEL Return maximum visual insertion point of selection. MLFQS_ANCHORSEL Return visual anchor point of selection. MLFQS_CURSORSEL Return visual cursor point of selection. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ sMinSel ═══ sMinSel (SHORT) Minimum visual insertion point of selection. This value is rounded down to 65 535, if necessary. ═══ sMaxSel ═══ sMaxSel (SHORT) Maximum visual insertion point of selection. This value is rounded down to 65 535 if necessary. For usQueryMode = MLFQS_MINSEL, MLFQS_MAXSEL, MLFQS_ANCHORSEL, or MLFQS_CURSORSEL: ═══ iptipt ═══ iptipt (IPT) Requested visual insertion point. ═══ 14.2.14. MLM_QUERYSELTEXT ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_QUERYSELTEXT ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_QUERYSELTEXT ═══ Cause: This message copies the currently VISUALLY selected text into a logical buffer. Parameters: param1 PSTRL pBuff Logical buffer for text string. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns ULONG ulCount Number of bytes to put into text string. ═══ Notes - MLM_QUERYSELTEXT ═══ This message copies the current VISUALLY selected text into the logical buffer pointed to by pBuff. The text string is null-terminated. The byte count includes the text in CF_TEXT format (CR LF) and the null terminator. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_QUERYSELTEXT ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set ulCount to 0. ═══ Parameters - MLM_QUERYSELTEXT ═══ pBuff (PSTRL) Logical buffer for text string. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ Return Values - MLM_QUERYSELTEXT ═══ ulCount (ULONG) Number of bytes to put into text string. ═══ pBuff ═══ pBuff (PSTRL) Logical buffer for text string. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ ulCount ═══ ulCount (ULONG) Number of bytes to put into text string. ═══ 14.2.15. MLM_SEARCH ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_SEARCH ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_SEARCH ═══ Cause: This message searches for a specified text string. Parameters: param1 ULONG ulStyle Style flags. param2 PMLE_SEARCHDATA pse Search specification structure. returns BOOL fSuccess Success indicator. ═══ Notes - MLM_SEARCH ═══ This message searches the MLE text for a specified string, starting at a specified insertion point and continuing until the second specified insertion point has been reached, or the requested string has been matched. When an MLM_SEARCH message is sent, the text is scanned starting with the character that follows the insertion point indicated in the iptStart field of the MLE_SEARCHDATA structure. The search proceeds until the point indicated in the iptStop field, until a match is found, or until TRUE is returned from MLN_SEARCHPAUSE notification (see WM_CONTROL (in Multiline Entry Fields)). If a negative value is specified for the iptStart, the current cursor point is used. If a negative value is specified for iptStop, the end of the text is used. If iptStop, is less than or equal to iptStart, after performing the two indicated substitutions, the search wraps from the end of the text to the beginning of the text. If the MLFSEARCH_CASESENSITIVE option is specified, the bytes of the search string must exactly match those in the text. If MLFSEARCH_CASESENSITIVE is not specified, the WinUpperChar of the search string must match the WinUpperChar of the text. When a match is found, the iptStart field of the search specification structure is set to indicate the insertion point immediately preceding the first character of the match, and the cchFind field is set to indicate the number of characters in the match. The cursor selection is not altered unless MLFSEARCH_SELECTMATCH is specified. If it is, an MLM_SETSEL is done with the anchor point at iptStart and the cursor at iptStart + cchFind. While searching, the MLE occasionally sends an MLN_SEARCHPAUSE notification message. If the owner responds to this message with the value TRUE, the MLE stops the search. When a search is stopped from MLN_SEARCHPAUSE, iptStart is set to the point where the search terminated. If the response is FALSE, the search continues (see also the definition of MLN_SEARCHPAUSE). The interval at which MLN_SEARCHPAUSE notifications are sent is implementation-dependent, but must not exceed reasonable user-response thresholds, nor should it be so often as to introduce undue messaging overhead. Sending this notification every half second is a reasonable compromise. When no match is found the iptStart value is unchanged. If the application needs to continue the search, the proper way is to change the iptStart value to be the point following the string found, adjusting for any text changes done after the search that may have moved the relative location of the point. Applications using this message are advised to change the system pointer to the wait icon (clock face) if it is expected that the search will take some time. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_SEARCH ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set fSuccess to FALSE. ═══ Parameters - MLM_SEARCH ═══ ulStyle (ULONG) Style flags. MLFSEARCH_CASESENSITIVE If set, only exact matches are considered a successful match. If not set, any case-combination of the correct characters in the correct sequence is considered a successful match. MLFSEARCH_SELECTMATCH If set, the MLE selects the text and scrolls it into view when found, just as if the application had sent an MLM_SETSEL message. This is not done if MLFSEARCH_CHANGEALL is also indicated. MLFSEARCH_CHANGEALL Using the MLE_SEARCHDATA structure specified in pse, all occurrences of pchFind are found, searching from iptStart to iptStop, and replacing them with pchReplace. If this style is selected, the cchFound field has no meaning, and the iptStart value points to the place where the search stopped, or is the same as iptStop because the search has not been stopped at any of the found strings. The current cursor location is not moved. However, any existing selection is deselected. pse (PMLE_SEARCHDATA) Search specification structure. ═══ Return Values - MLM_SEARCH ═══ fSuccess (BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE The search was successful. FALSE The search was unsuccessful. ═══ ulStyle ═══ ulStyle (ULONG) Style flags. MLFSEARCH_CASESENSITIVE If set, only exact matches are considered a successful match. If not set, any case-combination of the correct characters in the correct sequence is considered a successful match. MLFSEARCH_SELECTMATCH If set, the MLE selects the text and scrolls it into view when found, just as if the application had sent an MLM_SETSEL message. This is not done if MLFSEARCH_CHANGEALL is also indicated. MLFSEARCH_CHANGEALL Using the MLE_SEARCHDATA structure specified in pse, all occurrences of pchFind are found, searching from iptStart to iptStop, and replacing them with pchReplace. If this style is selected, the cchFound field has no meaning, and the iptStart value points to the place where the search stopped, or is the same as iptStop because the search has not been stopped at any of the found strings. The current cursor location is not moved. However, any existing selection is deselected. ═══ pse ═══ pse (PMLE_SEARCHDATA) Search specification structure. ═══ fSuccess ═══ fSuccess (BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE The search was successful. FALSE The search was unsuccessful. ═══ 14.2.16. MLM_SETFIRSTCHAR ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_SETFIRSTCHAR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_SETFIRSTCHAR ═══ Cause: This message sets the first visible character. Parameters: param1 IPT iptFVC Visual insertion point to place in top left-hand corner. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns BOOL fSuccess Success indicator. ═══ Notes - MLM_SETFIRSTCHAR ═══ This message scrolls the text to place the character following the insertion point into the upper left-hand corner of the window. If the insertion point specified is beyond the end of a line, or the end of the file, it is resolved in the same way as it is for a mouse click. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_SETFIRSTCHAR ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set fSuccess to FALSE. ═══ Parameters - MLM_SETFIRSTCHAR ═══ iptFVC (IPT) Visual insertion point to place in top left-hand corner. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ Return Values - MLM_SETFIRSTCHAR ═══ fSuccess (BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Successful completion FALSE An error occurred. ═══ iptFVC ═══ iptFVC (IPT) Visual insertion point to place in top left-hand corner. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ fSuccess ═══ fSuccess (BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Successful completion FALSE An error occurred. ═══ 14.2.17. MLM_SETSEL ═══ ═══ Topics - MLM_SETSEL ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ Main - MLM_SETSEL ═══ Cause: This message sets a VISUAL selection. Parameters: param1 IPT iptAnchor Visual insertion point for new visual anchor point. param2 IPT iptCursor Visual insertion point for new visual cursor point. returns BOOL fSuccess Success indicator. ═══ Notes - MLM_SETSEL ═══ This message sets the visual anchor and visual cursor points. The screen display is updated appropriately, ensuring that the cursor point is visible (which may involve scrolling). Note that the text cursor and inversion are not displayed if the MLE window does not have the input focus. A negative value for a point leaves that point alone. ═══ Default Processing - MLM_SETSEL ═══ The default window procedure takes no action on this message, other than to set fSuccess to FALSE. ═══ Parameters - MLM_SETSEL ═══ iptAnchor (IPT) Visual insertion point for new visual anchor point. iptCursor (IPT) Visual insertion point for new visual cursor point. ═══ Return Values - MLM_SETSEL ═══ fSuccess (BOOL) Success indicator. ═══ iptAnchor ═══ iptAnchor (IPT) Visual insertion point for new visual anchor point. ═══ iptCursor ═══ iptCursor (IPT) Visual insertion point for new visual cursor point. ═══ fSuccess ═══ fSuccess (BOOL) Success indicator. ═══ 14.3. Notebook control ═══ Processing of Notebook control messages in the PM Bidirectional environment is the same as in the non-bidirectional PM environment. However, the Notebook control is sensitive to its Bidirectional attributes and handles formatting and presentation accordingly. When the notebook control has right to left window orientation, the page arrows have their roles reversed: the left arrow turns the pages forward, whereas the right one turns them backwards. The text of tabs is converted according to their bidi attributes. The WM_SETBIDIATTR dynamicaly modifies the bidi attributes (and as a result - the appearance) of the notebook control. It will also send appropriate messages to the user-defined page windows. ═══ 14.3.1. BKM_QUERYSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - BKM_QUERYSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Default Processing ═══ MAIN - BKM_QUERYSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message queries the bidi attribute of the status line text. Parameters: param1 ULONG ulPageId Page ID. param2 PULONG pBidiAttr Pointer. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - BKM_QUERYSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ ulpageID (ULONG) Page ID. Page identifier of the page whose status line text is requested. pBidiAttr (PULONG) Pointer. Pointer to a BIDIATTR data structure where the statusline bidi attributes are returned. ═══ ulpageID ═══ ulpageID (ULONG) Page ID. Page identifier of the page whose status line text is requested. ═══ pBidiAttr ═══ pBidiAttr (PULONG) Pointer. Pointer to a BIDIATTR data structure defining the status line text. ═══ RETURN VALUES - BKM_QUERYSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the notebook status line succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the notebook status line succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - BKM_QUERYSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ This is the main expl.of cm NOTES ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - BKM_QUERYSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.3.2. BKM_QUERYTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - BKM_QUERYTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ MAIN - BKM_QUERYTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message queries the bidi attribute of the tab text. Parameters: param1 ULONG ulPageID Page ID. param2 PULONG pBidiAttr Pointer. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - BKM_QUERYTABTEXTBIDIATTRR ═══ ulpageID (ULONG) Page ID. Page identifier of the page whose tab text is queried for Bidi attributes. pBidiAttr (PULONG) Pointer. Pointer to a BIDIATTR data structure where the bidirectional attributes of the tab text are returned. ═══ ulpageID ═══ ulpageID (ULONG) Page ID. Page identifier of the page whose tab text is queried for bidirectional attributes. ═══ pBidiAttr ═══ pBidiAttr (PULONG) Pointer. Pointer to a BIDIATTR data structure where the bidirectional attributes of the tab text are returned. ═══ RETURN VALUES - BKM_QUERYTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the notebook tab text bidirectional attributes succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the notebook tab text bidirectional attributes succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - BKM_QUERYTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ The mnemonic specified should treat all Arabic shapes in the same way. They should normalize both the typed key and the character in the TAB text to their "base shapes". This processing should be the same as done in the menu control. ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - BKM_QUERYTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.3.3. BKM_SETSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - BKM_SETSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Default Processing ═══ MAIN - BKM_SETSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message sets the bidi attribute for a specific status line. Parameters: param1 ULONG ulPageID Page ID. param2 PBD_ATTR_MASK pBD_Attr_Mask Pointer. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - BKM_SETSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ ulpageID (ULONG) Page ID. Page identifier of the page with which to associate the text string. pBD_Attr_Mask (PBD_ATTR_MASK) Pointer. Pointer to the BD_ATTR_MASK data structure defining the bidirectional attributes to be set. ═══ ulpageID ═══ ulpageID (ULONG) Page ID. Page identifier of the page whose status line text is assigned with the new bidirectional attributes. ═══ pBD_Attr_Mask ═══ pBD_Attr_Mask (PBD_ATTR_MASK) Pointer. Pointer to the BD_ATTR_MASK data structure containing the bidirectional attributes. ═══ RETURN VALUES - BKM_SETSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the notebook status line bidirectional attributes succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the notebook status line bidirectional attributes succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - BKM_SETSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - BKM_SETSTATUSLINEBIDIATTR ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.3.4. BKM_SETTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - BKM_SETTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ MAIN - BKM_SETTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message sets the bidi attribute for a specific tab text. Parameters: param1 ULONG ulPageID Page ID. param2 PBD_ATTR_MASK pBD_Attr_Mask Pointer. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - BKM_SETTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ ulpageID (ULONG) Page ID. Page identifier of the page whose tab text is assigned with new bidirectional attributes. pBD_Attr_Mask (PBD_ATTR_MASK) Pointer. Pointer to the BD_ATTR_MASK data structure containing the new bidirectional attributes. ═══ ulpageID ═══ ulpageID (ULONG) Page ID. Page identifier of the page whose tab text is assigned with the new bidirectional attributes. ═══ pBD_Attr_Mask ═══ pBD_Attr_Mask (PBD_ATTR_MASK) Pointer. Pointer to the BD_ATTR_MASK data structure containte the new bidirectional attributes. ═══ RETURN VALUES - BKM_SETTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the notebook tab text bidirectional attributes succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the notebook tab text bidirectional attributes succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - BKM_SETTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ The mnemonic specified should treat all Arabic shapes in the same way. They should normalize both the typed key and the character in the TAB text to their "base shapes". This processing should be the same as done in the menu control. ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - BKM_SETTABTEXTBIDIATTR ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.3.5. BKM_QUERYPAGEINFO ═══ The mp2 parameter of this message points to a BOOKPAGEINFO data structure. The pBidiInfo field in this data structure points to the BOOKPAGEBIDIINFO structure. The "fl" field of the BOOKPAGEINFO structure must have the BFA_BIDIINFO flag set to indicate that Bidi Attributes of the MajorTab/MinorTab/Status line text (as indicated by the other flags in the "fl" field) are queried. ═══ 14.3.6. BKM_SETPAGEINFO ═══ The mp2 parameter of this message points to a BOOKPAGEINFO data structure. The pBidiInfo field in this data structure points to the BOOKPAGEBIDIINFO structure. The "fl" field of the BOOKPAGEINFO structure must have the BFA_BIDIINFO flag set to indicate that Bidi Attributes contained in the BOOKPAGEBIDIINFO structure are to be set for the Major Tab/Minor Tab/Status Line as indicated by the other flags set in this field. ═══ 14.4. Value Set control ═══ Processing of the Value-Set control messages in the PM Bidirectional environment is the same as in the non-bidirectional PM environemnt. However, the Value-Set control is sensitive to its Bidirectional attributes and handles formatting and presentation accordingly. ═══ 14.4.1. VM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - VM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ MAIN - VM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message queries the bidi attributes for each text item in an application. Parameters: param1 USHORT usRow Row index. USHORT usColumn Column index. param2 PULONG pBidiAttr Pointer. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - VM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ usRow (USHORT) Row index. Row index of the items to be queried. Rows have a value from 1 to usRowCount field. This value, which is the total number of rows in the value set, is specified in the VSCDATA data structure when the value set control is created. usColumn (USHORT) Column index. Column index of the items to be queried. Columns have a value from 1 to usColumnCount field. This value, which is the total number of columns in the value set, is specified in the VSCDATA data structure when the value set control is created. pBidiAttr(PULONG) Pointer. pointer to the BIDIATTR structure. ═══ PARAMETERS - VM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ usRow (USHORT) Row index. Row index of the items to be queried. Rows have a value from 1 to usRowCount field. This value, which is the total number of rows in the value set, is specified in the VSCDATA data structure when the value set control is created. ═══ PARAMETERS - VM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ usColumn (USHORT) Column index. Column index of the items to be queried. Columns have a value from 1 to usColumnCount field. This value, which is the total number of columns in the value set, is specified in the VSCDATA data structure when the value set control is created. ═══ param2 ═══ pBidiAttr(PULONG) Pointer. pointer to the BIDIATTR structure. ═══ RETURN VALUES - VM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the item bidi attributes succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the item bidi attributes succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - VM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ If item bidi attribute is not set (BDA_INIT is 0) the behavior is defined (inherited) from the bidi attributes of the valueset. ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - VM_QUERYITEMBIDIATTR ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.4.2. VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ MAIN - VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message sets the bidi attributes for each text item in an application. Parameters: param1 USHORT usRow Row index. USHORT usColumn Column index. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ usRow (USHORT) Row index. Row index of the value set item for which information is being specified. Rows have a value from 1 to usRowCount field. This value, which is the total number of rows in the value set, is specified in the VSCDATA data structure when the value set control is created. usColumn (USHORT) Column index. Column index of the value set item for which information is being specified. Columns have a value from 1 to usColumnCount field. This value, which is the total number of columns in the value set, is specified in the VSCDATA data structure when the value set control is created. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ PARAMETERS - VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ usRow (USHORT) Row index. Row index of the value set item for which information is being specified. Rows have a value from 1 to usRowCount field. This value, which is the total number of rows in the value set, is specified in the VSCDATA data structure when the value set control is created. ═══ PARAMETERS - VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ usColumn (USHORT) Column index. Column index of the value set item for which information is being specified. Columns have a value from 1 to usColumnCount field. This value, which is the total number of columns in the value set, is specified in the VSCDATA data structure when the value set control is created. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ RETURN VALUES - VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the bidi attribute succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the bidi attribute succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ If item bidi attribute is not set (BDA_INIT is 0) the behavior is defined (inherited) from the bidi attributes of the valueset. ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - VM_SETITEMBIDIATTR ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.5. General Bidi Window Messages ═══ Processing of general window messages in the PM Bidirectional environment is the same as in the non-bidirectional PM environemnt. ═══ 14.5.1. WM_LANG_OPTIONS_DIALOG ═══ ═══ Topics - WM_LANG_OPTIONS_DIALOG ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ MAIN - WM_LANG_OPTIONS_DIALOG ═══ Cause: This message is posted to the viewer to notify it that the language options configuration dialog for a certain window should be invoked. Parameters: param1 HWND Whwnd Window handle. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - WM_LANG_OPTIONS_DIALOG ═══ Whwnd (HWND) Window handle. This contains the window handle of the window whose language options are to be configured. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 1 Reserved value, 1, for bidi. ═══ Whwnd ═══ Whwnd (HWND) This contains the window handle of the window whose language options are to be configured. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ RETURN VALUES - WM_LANG_OPTIONS_DIALOG ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Changes in the bidi viewer succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Changes in the bidi viewer succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - WM_LANG_OPTIONS_DIALOG ═══ This message may be posted when the user wishes to invoke the languages option dialog using bidi key combinations. ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - WM_LANG_OPTIONS_DIALOG ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.5.2. WM_LANGVIEWINFOCHANGED ═══ ═══ Topics - WM_LANGVIEWINFOCHANGED ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ MAIN - WM_LANGVIEWINFOCHANGED ═══ Cause: This message is sent by the system to notify the active language viewer window of the changes in the 'Bidi stat'. Parameters: param1 ULONG ulnotify Type definition. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - WM_LANGVIEWINFOCHANGED ═══ ulnotify (ULONG) Type definition. This contains the value of the type of event that has taken place and which is notified to the viewer. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ param2 ═══ ulnotify (ULONG) This contains the value of the type of event that has taken place and which is notified to the viewer. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ RETURN VALUES - WM_LANGVIEWINFOCHANGED ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Changes in the bidi viewer succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Changes in the bidi viewer succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - WM_LANGVIEWINFOCHANGED ═══ The first parameter of this message defines the type of event that has taken place and which is notified to the bidi viewer. ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - WM_LANGVIEWINFOCHANGED ═══ The Default window procedure does not expect to receive this message and therefore takes no action on it other than to return FALSE ═══ 14.5.3. WM_QUERYBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - WM_QUERYBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ MAIN - WM_QUERYBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message is sent to a window procedure to query its bidi attributes. Parameters: param1 ULONG param1 Reserved. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - WM_QUERYBIDIATTR ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ RETURN VALUES - WM_QUERYBIDIATTR ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the bidi attribute succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ param1 ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the bidi attribute succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - WM_QUERYBIDIATTR ═══ This message is sent to a window procedure to query it's bidi attributes. This is done as part of WinQueryLangInfo processing. ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - WM_QUERYBIDIATTR ═══ The Default window procedure returns the window bidi attributes, whose values are contained in the BIDIATTR. ═══ 14.5.4. WM_QUERYBIDISTAT ═══ ═══ Topics - WM_QUERYBIDISTAT ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ MAIN - WM_QUERYBIDISTAT ═══ Cause: This message is sent to a window procedure to query its bidi status. Parameters: param1 ULONG param1 Reserved. param2 ULONG param2 Reserved. returns BOOL fsuccess Success indicator. ═══ PARAMETERS - WM_QUERYBIDISTAT ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ RETURN VALUES - WM_QUERYBIDISTAT ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the bidi status succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ param1 ═══ param1 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ param2 ═══ param2 (ULONG) Reserved. 0 Reserved value, 0. ═══ fsuccess ═══ fSuccess(BOOL) Success indicator. TRUE Query of the bidi status succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLastError function may return the following error: o PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ═══ NOTES - WM_QUERYBIDISTAT ═══ This message is sent to a window procedure to query it's bidi status (these values are contained in the BIDI_STAT). This is done as part of WinQueryLangInfo processing. ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - WM_QUERYBIDISTAT ═══ The Default window procedure returns the window Bidi status (these values are contained in the BIDI_STAT). ═══ 14.5.5. WM_SETBIDIATTR ═══ ═══ Topics - WM_SETBIDIATTR ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ MAIN - WM_SETBIDIATTR ═══ Cause: This message is sent to a window procedure to notify it that the bidi attributes of that window are about to be changed. Parameters: param1 ULONG ulData Attribute data. param2 ULONG ulMask Value mask. returns ULONG fresult Result value. ═══ PARAMETERS - WM_SETBIDIATTR ═══ ulData (ULONG) Attribute data. The value of the specified fields to be set in the Bidi attributes. These values are contained in the BIDIATTR. ulMask (ULONG) Value Mask. A mask value that is used to indicate which fields, in the Bidi attributes structure have to be set. Only the bits that are set in ulMask (see BIDIATTRM), are enabled for update by the values in ulData. ═══ param1 ═══ ulData (ULONG) Attribute data. The value of the specified fields to be set in the Bidi attributes. These values are contained in the BIDIATTR. ═══ param2 ═══ ulMask (ULONG) Value mask. A mask value that is used to indicate which fields, in the Bidi attributes structure have to be set. Only the bits that are set in ulMask (see BIDIATTRM), are enabled for update by the values in ulData. ═══ RETURN VALUES - WM_SETBIDIATTR ═══ fresult(ULONG) Result indicator. SBI_MSG_NOT_PROCESSED: This message notifies the sender that the message has NOT been processed by the window procedure. This is returned from the default window procedure. SBI_MSG_PROCESSED: This message notifies the sender that the message has been processed by the window procedure. SBI_MSG_PROCESSED_SELF: This message notifies the sender that the window procedure has processed the message for itself, but it leaves it for the sender to determine the processing that has to be done for children. ═══ fresult ═══ fresult(ULONG) Result indicator. SBI_MSG_NOT_PROCESSED: This message notifies the sender that the message has NOT been processed by the window procedure. This is returned from the default window procedure. SBI_MSG_PROCESSED: This message notifies the sender that the message has been processed by the window procedure. SBI_MSG_PROCESSED_SELF: This message notifies the sender that the window procedure has processed the message for itself, but it leaves it for the sender to determine the processing that has to be done for children. ═══ NOTES - WM_SETBIDIATTR ═══ The message gives the window procedure a chance to ignore the request, set the attributes itself, or let the system default processing handle the operation for it. It is optionaly sent to a window procedure when the bidi attributes of this window are about to be changed (the value is the BIDIATTR). This is done as part of WinQueryLangInfo processing. ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - WM_SETBIDIATTR ═══ When the WinSetLangInfo function sends this message, the default window returns SBI_MSG_NOT_PROCESSED which causes WinQueryLangInfo to set the Bidi Attributes by itself (the value is contained in the BIDIATTR). ═══ 14.5.6. WM_SETBIDISTAT ═══ ═══ Topics - WM_SETBIDISTAT ═══ Select an item: Main Panel Parameters Return Values Notes Default Processing ═══ MAIN - WM_SETBIDISTAT ═══ Cause: This message is sent to a window procedure to notify it that the bidi status of that window is about to be changed. Parameters: param1 ULONG ulData Attribute data. param2 ULONG ulMask Value mask. returns ULONG fresult Result value. ═══ PARAMETERS - WM_SETBIDISTAT ═══ ulData (ULONG) Attribute data. The value of the specified fields to be set in the Bidi status. These values are contained in the BIDISTAT. ulMask (ULONG) Value Mask. A mask value that is used to indicate which fields, in the Bidi status structure have to be set. Only the bits that are set in ulMask (see BIDISTATM), are enabled for update by the values in ulData. ═══ param1 ═══ ulData (ULONG) Attribute data. The value of the specified fields to be set in the Bidi status. These values are contained in the BIDISTAT. ═══ param1 ═══ ulMask (ULONG) Value mask. A mask value that is used to indicate which fields, in the Bidi status structure have to be set. Only the bits that are set in ulMask (see BIDISTATM), are enabled for update by the values in ulData. ═══ RETURN VALUES - WM_SETBIDISTAT ═══ fresult(ULONG) Result indicator. SBI_MSG_NOT_PROCESSED: This message notifies the sender that the message has NOT been processed by the window procedure. This is returned from the default window procedure. SBI_MSG_PROCESSED: This message notifies the sender that the message has been processed by the window procedure. SBI_MSG_PROCESSED_SELF: This message notifies the sender that the window procedure has processed the message for itself, but it leaves it for the sender to determine the processing that has to be done for children. ═══ fresult ═══ fresult(ULONG) Result indicator. SBI_MSG_NOT_PROCESSED: This message notifies the sender that the message has NOT been processed by the window procedure. This is returned from the default window procedure. SBI_MSG_PROCESSED: This message notifies the sender that the message has been processed by the window procedure. SBI_MSG_PROCESSED_SELF: This message notifies the sender that the window procedure has processed the message for itself, but it leaves it for the sender to determine the processing that has to be done for children. ═══ NOTES - WM_SETBIDISTAT ═══ The message gives the window procedure a chance to ignore the request, set the status itself, or let the system default processing handle the operation for it. It is optionaly sent to a window procedure when the bidi status of this window are about to be changed (the value is contained in the BIDI_STAT). This is done as part of WinQueryLangInfo processing. ═══ DEFAULT PROCESSING - WM_SETBIDISTAT ═══ When the WinSetLangInfo function sends this message, the default window procedure returns SBI_MSG_NOT_PROCESSED which causes WinSetLangInfo to set the Bidi Status by itself. (the value is contained in the BIDI_STAT). ═══ 15. Bidirectional Support Window Functions ═══ This section contains an alphabetical list of the functions which are available for controlling windows. These functions enable an application to create, size, move, and control windows and their contents in the Bidirectional programming environment. See the OS/2 Programming Guide, Volume II for details on commom programming techniques for managing the window environment, in general. ═══ Win_BD_ClassifyCodepage ═══ ═══ Topics - Win_BD_ClassifyCodepage ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Example ═══ Syntax - Win_BD_ClassifyCodepage ═══ /********************************************/ /* This function returns a flag to classify */ /* the given codepage. */ /********************************************/ #define INCL_PMBIDI #include ULONG codepage; /* Codepage value */ ULONG cp; /* Return value */ cp = Win_BD_ClassifyCodepage ( codepage ); ═══ Parameters - Win_BD_ClassifyCodepage ═══ codepage (ULONG) - input code page. The value of the code page to be classified. ═══ Return Values - Win_BD_ClassifyCodepage ═══ cp (ULONG) - return Code page indicator. OL A none Bidi code page. CP_IS_BIDI The code page is bidi. The following are possible values: CP_IS_ARABIC The code page is Arabic. CP_IS_ARABIC2 The code page is Arabic 2. ═══ Errors - Win_BD_ClassifyCodepage ═══ ═══ Notes - Win_BD_ClassifyCodepage ═══ ═══ Example - Win_BD_ClassifyCodepage ═══ to be added ═══ Related Functions - Win_BD_ClassifyCodepage ═══ Related Functions o There are no related functions. ═══ Win_BD_IsStringAllBidi ═══ ═══ Topics - Win_BD_IsStringAllBidi ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Notes Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - Win_BD_IsStringAllBidi ═══ /******************************************/ /* This function checks if a string is an */ /* 'AllBidi' string. */ /******************************************/ #define INCL_PMBIDI #include PCHAR pch; /* Input string */ ULONG ulMaxlen; /* Number of characters */ ULONG allBidi; /* Return value */ allBidi = Win_BD_IsStringAllBidi ( pch, ulMaxlen ); ═══ Parameters - Win_BD_IsStringAllBidi ═══ pch (PCHAR) - input Input string. The input string to be checked. ulMaxlen (ULONG) - input Number of characters. The number of characters in the string to be checked. ═══ Return Values - Win_BD_IsStringAllBidi ═══ allBidi (ULONG) - return All Bidi indicator. TRUE The string contains one or more National Language Characters. FALSE The string does not contain any National Language characters. ═══ Errors - Win_BD_IsStringAllBidi ═══ ═══ Notes - Win_BD_IsStringAllBidi ═══ The string is an "allBidi" string if all the characters in the string are only Bidi characters (i.e. no LATIN characters) ═══ Example - Win_BD_IsStringAllBidi ═══ to be added ═══ Related Functions - Win_BD_IsStringAllBidi ═══ Related Functions o Win_BD_IsStringBidi ═══ Win_BD_IsStringBidi ═══ ═══ Topics - Win_BD_IsStringBidi ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Notes Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - Win_BD_IsStringBidi ═══ /******************************************/ /* This function checks if a string is a */ /* Bidi string. */ /******************************************/ #define INCL_PMBIDI #include PCHAR pch; /* Input string */ ULONG ulMaxlen; /* Number of characters */ ULONG Bidistr; /* Return value */ Bidistr = Win_BD_IsStringBidi ( pch, ulMaxlen ); ═══ Parameters - Win_BD_IsStringBidi ═══ pch (PCHAR) - input Input string. The input string to be checked. ulMaxlen (ULONG) - input Number of characters. The number of characters in the string to be checked. ═══ Return Values - Win_BD_IsStringBidi ═══ Bidistr(BOOL) - return Bidi string indicator. TRUE String contains ONLY National Language Characters. FALSE String contains some LATIN characters. ═══ Errors - Win_BD_IsStringBidi ═══ ═══ Notes - Win_BD_IsStringBidi ═══ A Bidi string is a string that contains at least one of the characters that are NATIONAL LANGUAGE characters in the appropriate codepage. ═══ Example - Win_BD_IsStringBidi ═══ to be added ═══ Related Functions - Win_BD_IsStringBidi ═══ Related Functions o Win_BD_IsStringAllBidi ═══ 15.1. WinQueryKbdLayer ═══ ═══ Topics - WinQueryKbdLayer ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Notes Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - WinQueryKbdLayer ═══ /****************************************/ /* This function queries the current */ /* or system keyboard layer. */ /****************************************/ #define INCL_PMBIDI #include HWND hwnd; /* Window handle */ ULONG ulLayerID; /* Return value */ ulLayerID = WinQueryKbdLayer( hwnd ); ═══ Parameters - WinQueryKbdLayer ═══ hwnd (HWND) - input Window handle. The window handle of the window for which the keyboard layer is queried, or HWND_DESKTOP. ═══ Return Values - WinQueryKbdLayer ═══ ulLayerID(ULONG) - return Result indicator. Returns the value of the current keyboard layer. KBDLAYER_0 The default/base layout used for the codepage. KBDLAYER_1 The first country/language keyboard layout. ═══ Errors - WinQueryKbdLayer ═══ ═══ Notes - WinQueryKbdLayer ═══ The current keyboard layer queried is the one maintained for the window. ═══ Example - WinQueryKbdLayer ═══ This example queries the keyboard layer and draws a message box saying whether it was national language (Arabic/Hebrew) or Latin. #define INCL_PMBIDI #define INCL_WINDIALOGS #include #include ULONG QueryKbdLayer(HWND hwnd) { ULONG KbdLayer; KbdLayer = WinQueryKbdLayer (hwnd); /* Window handle of the window whose */ /* keyboard layer is queried */ if (KbdLayer) WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "The keyboard layer is National", "Result", 0, MB_OK); else WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "The keyboard layer is Latin", "Result", 0, MB_OK); } ═══ Related Functions - WinQueryKbdLayer ═══ Related Functions o WinSetKbdLayer ═══ 15.2. WinQueryLangInfo ═══ ═══ Topics - WinQueryLangInfo ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Notes Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - WinQueryLangInfo ═══ /*******************************************/ /* This function returns the Bidirectional */ /* information of the data specified by */ /* ulEffect. */ /*******************************************/ #define INCL_PMBIDI #include HWND hwnd; /* Window handle */ ULONG ulEffect; /* Specifies type of Bidi information to be queried */ ULONG ulFlags; /* Flag to determine optional behavior */ ULONG ulReserved; /* Reserved and must be zero */ ULONG uldata; /* Return value */ ulData = WinQueryLangInfo ( hwnd, ulEffect, ulFlags, ulReserved ); ═══ Parameters - WinQueryLangInfo ═══ hwnd (HWND) - input Window handle. Handle of the window to be queried. This parameter should be NULLHANDLE when the information being queried is not window-related. ulEffect (ULONG) - input Specifies type of Bidi information to be queried. It determines which type of Bidi-information is queried Depending on its value. LI_BD_CLIP_ATTR Clipboard bidirectional attributes. LI_BD_CLIP_CONV_ATTR The clipboard conversion bidirectional attributes. LI_BD_PROCESS_ATTR The process bidirectional attributes. LI_BD_WND_ATTR The window Bidi attributes. LI_BD_WND_STAT The window Bidi status. ulFlags (ULONG) - input Flag to determine optional behavior. This is a word of bit flags that determines optional behavior of this function. Possible values are: LIF_NO_SENDMSG No message is sent to the window to inform it of change. This value is valid only when the operation is related to windows. ulReserved (ULONG) Reserved. Is reserved and must be Zero. ═══ Return Values - WinQueryLangInfo ═══ ulData (ULONG) - return Bidirectional value indicator. BIDIATTR Bidi attribute information. BIDISTAT Bidi status information. NULL Query of the bidi attributes was unsuccessful. ═══ Errors - WinQueryLangInfo ═══ ═══ Notes - WinQueryLangInfo ═══ The interpertation of this function is dependent on the value of ulEffect. This function is considered "window related" when ulEffect is LI_BD_WND_ATTR or LI_BD_WND_STAT. When ulEffect is not window related then the value of hwnd must be NULL. On the other hand, when ulEffect is window related, the function optionally sends a WM_QUERYBIDIATTR or WM_QUERYBIDISTAT message to the window procedure whose information is being queried. The window procedure which is queried for bidi information can take some action and/or perform any additional processing that is required at this time. When LIF_NO_SENDMSG flag is specified no window message is sent by the function. This can be used by the window procedure itself when it queries its own window-related bidirectional information (so that it does not receive a recursive message). It is recommended that the LIF_NO_SENDMSG flag is not turned on when the function is called from outside the window procedure whose attributes are being queried. Applications should generally use the default (send the message to the window procedure), so that the bidi aware window procedures can take the appropriate actions when the request to query their bidi attributes is made. ═══ Example - WinQueryLangInfo ═══ This example queries the Staus bits of a window. If these indicated the characters to be FINAL, a message is printed saying so else it says that they are not final characters #define INCL_PMBIDI #include #include VOID QueryLangInfo(HWND hwnd) { ULONG BidiStat; BidiStat = WinQueryLangInfo(hwnd, /* Window handle of the window whose */ /* status is queried */ LI_BD_WND_STAT, /* The window status is queried */ LIF_NO_SENDMSG, 0L); /* Reserved to be 0L */ if ( QUERY_BD_VALUE (BidiStat,BDSM_HKFLAGS) == BDS_HKFLAG_PUSH) WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "Push Hotkey is disabled", "Result", 0, MB_OK); else WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "Push Hotkey is enabled". "Result", 0, MB_OK); } ═══ Related Functions - WinQueryLangInfo ═══ Related Functions o WinSetLangInfo ═══ 15.3. WinQueryLangViewer ═══ ═══ Topics - WinQueryLangViewer ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - WinQueryLangViewer ═══ /*******************************************/ /* This function queries the current */ /* 'Language Viewer' window, registered */ /* by the system for a specific codepage. */ /*******************************************/ #define INCL_PMBIDI #include HAB hab; /* Anchor block */ ULONG Codepage; /* Codepage value */ HWND hwnd; /* Return value */ hwnd = WinQueryLangViewer( hab, Codepage ); ═══ Parameters - WinQueryLangViewer ═══ hab (HAB) - anchor block Anchor block. The anchor block handle of the application. Codepage (ULONG) - input Window codepage. The codepage for which the "Language Viewer" window is queried. The following codepage values are supported: 864 Arabic PC. 862 Hebrew PC. ═══ Return Values - WinQueryLangViewer ═══ hwnd (HWND) - return Result indicator. Returns the handle of the current language viewer. NULLHANDLE No language viewer is registered for this codepage. Other Handle of the current language viewer. ═══ Errors - WinQueryLangViewer ═══ ═══ Notes - WinQueryLangViewer ═══ None. ═══ Example - WinQueryLangViewer ═══ This example queries the Language Viewer window handle registered currently in the system for the currently used code page. #define INCL_PMBIDI #include #include HAB hab; HWND hwnd; HMQ hmq; ULONG cp; VOID QueryLanguageViewerWindow(VOID) { cp = WinQueryCp(hmq); /* Query current code page */ if (hwnd = WinQueryLangViewer(hab, /* Anchor block handle of the application */ /* that registered the Language Viewer */ cp)) /* Current code page */ WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "The Language Viewer handle was queried correctly", "Result", 0, MB_OK); else WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "No Language Viewer has been registered for this code page", "Error", 0, MB_OK); } ═══ Related Functions - WinQueryLangViewer ═══ Related Functions o WinSetLangViewer ═══ 15.4. WinSetKbdLayer ═══ ═══ Topics - WinSetKbdLayer ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - WinSetKbdLayer ═══ /****************************************/ /* This function sets the keyboard */ /* layer. */ /****************************************/ #define INCL_PMBIDI #include HWND hwnd; /* Window handle */ ULONG ulLayerID; /* Specifies the keyboard layer */ ULONG flFlags; /* impact flages */ BOOL fsuccess; /* Return value */ fsuccess = WinSetKbdLayer ( hwnd, ulLayerID, flFlags); ═══ Parameters - WinSetKbdLayer ═══ hwnd (HWND) - input Window handle. Window handle of the window for which the keyboard layer is set, or HWND_DESKTOP. ulLayerID (ULONG) - input Keyboard layer. ID of the keyboard layer being set. KBDLAYER_0 This corresponds to the default/base layout used for the codepage. KBDLAYER_1 This corresponds to the first country/language keyboard layout. Usually, this maps to the specific language (e.g. Arabic or Hebrew layout) flFlags (ULONG) - input Impact flags. Flags which impact the way WinSetKbdLayer works. bit 0 = 0: Post the WM_KBDLAYERCHANGED message. bit 0 = 1: Do not post the WM_KBDLAYERCHANGED message. ═══ Return Values - WinSetKbdLayer ═══ fSuccess (BOOL) - return Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the keyboard layer succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLAstError function may return the following errors: o PMERR_INVALID_HWND o PMERR_INVALID_VALUE ═══ Errors - WinSetKbdLayer ═══ ═══ Notes - WinSetKbdLayer ═══ The system maintains one global keyboard layer variable. This variable is updated according to the layer information of the window that has the keyboard focus. WinSetKbdLayer saves the keyboard layer specified as an input parameter in an area maintained by the system on behalf of the window. If the window has the focus, the system keyboard layer is also set. When the value of hwnd is HWND_DESKTOP, only the system keyboard layer is updated. ═══ Example - WinSetKbdLayer ═══ This example sets the keyboard layer to National and posts the message WM_KBDLAYERCHANGED through setting the impact flags bit to zero. #define INCL_PMBIDI #include #include VOID SetKbdLayer(HWND hwnd) { if (WinSetKbdLayer(hwnd, KL_NATIONAL, /* First country/language layout */ SKLF_SENDMSG)) /* Post the WM_KBDLAYERCHANGED message */ WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "Setting keyboard layer succeeded", "Result", 0, MB_OK); else WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "Setting keyboard layer failed", "Error", 0, MB_OK); } ═══ Related Functions - WinSetKbdLayer ═══ Related Functions o WinQueryKbdLayer ═══ 15.5. WinSetLangInfo ═══ ═══ Topics - WinSetLangInfo ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Notes Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - WinSetLangInfo ═══ /*******************************************/ /* This function sets the window Bidi */ /* attributes and status. */ /*******************************************/ #define INCL_PMBIDI #include HWND hwnd; /* Window handle */ ULONG ulEffect; /* Specifies type of Bidi information to be set */ ULONG ulData; /* Data to be set in specified attribute */ ULONG ulMask; /* Mask value indicating attribute/status fields to be updated */ ULONG ulFlags; /* Flag to determine optional behavior */ ULONG ulReserved; /* Reserved */ ULONG fsuccess; /* Return value */ fsuccess = WinSetLangInfo ( hwnd, ulEffect, ulData, ulMask, ulFlags, ulReserved ); ═══ Parameters - WinSetLangInfo ═══ hwnd (HWND) - input Window handle. Handle of the window whose attributes or status is to be set. This parameter should be NULLHANDLE when the information being queried is not window-related. ulEffect (ULONG) - input Specifies the type of Bidi information to be set. It determines which type of Bidi-information is set Depending on its value. LI_BD_CLIP_ATTR Clipboard bidirectional attributes. LI_BD_CLIP_CONV_ATTR The clipboard conversion bidirectional attributes. LI_BD_PROCESS_ATTR The process bidirectional attributes. LI_BD_WND_ATTR The window Bidi attributes. LI_BD_WND_STAT The window Bidi status. ulData (ULONG) - input Data to be set in specified attribute. The value of the specified fields to be set in the Bidi attributes or the Bidi status. These values are contained in the BIDIATTR and the BIDISTAT. ulMask (ULONG) - input Mask value indicating attribute or status fields to be updated. This is a bit value that is used to mask the uldata value when the effect is related to a window (LI_BD_WND_ATTR or LI_BD_WND_STAT). Only the bits that are set in ulMask, are enabled for update by the values in ulData. Depending on the value of ulEffect, ulMask can have one or more of the values in either the Bidi status (see BIDISTATM) or the Bidi attributes (see BIDIATTRM). ulFlags (ULONG) Flag to determine optional behavior. These are flags that determine optional behavior of this function. The following are possible values: LIF_NO_SENDMSG No message is sent to the window to inform it of change. This value is valid only when the operation is related to windows. LIF_CHILD_INHERIT The operation is performed for the window whose handle is specified and all his child windows. This value is valid only when the operation is related to windows. LIF_WND_REFRESH Refresh all the windows whose bidirectional information is being set. This value is valid only when the operation is related to windows. ulReserved (ULONG) Is reserved and must be Zero. ═══ Return Values - WinSetLangInfo ═══ fSuccess (ULONG) - return Success indicator. TRUE Setting of the Bidi attribute succeeded. FALSE An error occurred. The WinGetLAstError function may return the following errors: o PMERR_INVALID_HWND o PMERR_INVALID_VALUE ═══ Errors - WinSetLangInfo ═══ ═══ Notes - WinSetLangInfo ═══ The interpertation of the parameters is dependent on the value of ulEffect. This function is considered "window related" when ulEffect is LI_BD_WND_ATTR or LI_BD_WND_STAT. When ulEffect is not window related then the value of hwnd must be NULL and the ulMask value is ignored (ie no mask is used, the value provided in ulData is used to set the information). When ulEffect is window related, the function optionally sends a WM_SETBIDIATTR or WM_SETBIDISTAT message to the window procedure whose information is being set. The window procedure can set the bidi information by itself, and/or perform any additional processing that is required when its bidirectional information is set. When LIF_NO_SENDMSG flag is specified no window message is sent by the function. This can be used by the window procedure itself when it updates its own window-related bidirectional information (so that it does not receive a recursive message). It is recommended that the LIF_NO_SENDMSG flag is not turned on when the function is called from outside the window procedure whose attributes are being set. Applications should generaly use the default (send the message to the window procedure), so that the bidi aware window procedures can take the appropriate actions when the request to change their bidi attributes is made. There may be cases where the LIF_WND_REFRESH and/or the LIF_CHILD_INHERIT flags are ignored. This can happen when a window procedure processes any of the messages sent by this function (i.e when the LIF_NO_SENDMSG flag is not specified). In these cases, it is up to the window procedure code to determine whether a redraw operation is requiered and whether child windows should process the message or not. It is recommended that the LIF_NO_SENDMSG flag is NOT turned on, when the code executes outside the window procedure whose attributes are set. Applications should generally use the default (send the messege to the window procedure), so that Bidi-aware window procedures can take the appropriate actions when the request to change their Bidi attributes/status is made. ═══ Example - WinSetLangInfo ═══ This example sets the window attributes and those of its children to make their WND and TEXT orientations RTL. #define INCL_PMBIDI #include #include VOID SetWindowBidiAttributes(HWND hwnd) { if (WinSetLangInfo(hwnd, LI_BD_WND_ATTR, /* Type of information to be set is window attributes */ BDA_WND_ORIENT_RTL | /* Data to be set is RTL Wnd and Text orientations */ BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_RTL, BDAM_WND_ORIENTATION | /* Masks indicating which attributes to modify */ BDAM_TEXT_ORIENTATION, LIF_CHILD_INHERIT, /* Flag to indicate that the operation is to be */ /* performed for that window and its children */ 0L)) /* Reserved to 0 */ WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "Operation succeeded", "Result", 0, MB_OK); else WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "Operation failed", "Error", 0, MB_OK); } ═══ Related Functions - WinSetLangInfo ═══ Related Functions o WinQueryLangInfo ═══ 15.6. WinSetLangViewer ═══ ═══ Topics - WinSetLangViewer ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Notes Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - WinSetLangViewer ═══ /****************************************/ /* This function is used to register */ /* a 'Language Viewer' window with the */ /* system. */ /****************************************/ #define INCL_PMBIDI #include HAB hab; /* Anchor block */ HWND hwnd; /* Window Handle */ ULONG Codepage; /* window codepage */ HWND hwndPrev; /* return value */ hwndPrev = WinSetLangViewer( hab, hwnd, Codepage ); ═══ Parameters - WinSetLangViewer ═══ hab (HAB) - anchor block Anchor block. The anchor block handle of the application that registers the Language Viewer. hwnd (HWND) - input Window handle. The window handle of the new Language Viewer window. Codepage (ULONG) - input Window codepage. The codepage for which the "Language Viewer" window is registered. The following codepage values are supported: 864 Arabic PC. 862 Hebrew PC. ═══ Return Values - WinSetLangViewer ═══ hwnd (HWND) - return Result indicator. Returns the previous Language Viewer handle for this codepage. NULLHANDLE No Language Viewer was previously registered for this codepage. Other Previous Language Viewer handle for this codepage. ═══ Errors - WinSetLangViewer ═══ ═══ Notes - WinSetLangViewer ═══ The "Language Viewer" window displays control and status information that is useful for users of a specific language. The "Language Viewer" window is sent WM_LANG_INFO_CHANGED notification message by the system to inform it of significant events that are relevent to users of a specific language. ═══ Example - WinSetLangViewer ═══ This example registers a new Language Viewer window for the system. The current code page is used. #define INCL_PMBIDI #include #include HAB hab; HMQ hmq; ULONG cp; VOID SetLangViewerWindow(HWND hwnd) { cp = WinQueryCp(hmq); /* Query current code page */ if (WinSetLangViewer(hab, /* Anchor block handle of the application */ /* that registers the Language Viewer */ hwnd, /* Window handle of the new language */ /* viewer window */ cp)) /* Current code page */ WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "Setting Language Viewer window succeeded.", "Replacing previous Lang Viewer window", 0, MB_OK); else WinMessageBox (HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "Setting Language Viewer window succeeded." "No previous Lang Viewer window", 0, MB_OK); } ═══ Related Functions - WinSetLangViewer ═══ Related Functions o WinQueryLangViewer ═══ 16. Bidirectional Support GPI Functions ═══ This section contains the functions that are related to GPI bidirectional text processing. See the OS/2 Programming Guide, Volume II for details on commom programming techniques for managing GPI, in general. ═══ 16.1. GpiQueryBidiAttr ═══ ═══ Topics - GpiQueryBidiAttr ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - GpiQueryBidiAttr ═══ /*******************************************/ /* This function queries the bidirectional */ /* of a GPI presentation space. */ /*******************************************/ #define INCL_PMBIDI #include HPS hps; /* Presentation space handle */ ULONG ulBidiAttr; /* Bidirectional Attributes word */ ulBidiAttr = GpiQueryBidiAttr ( hps ); ═══ Parameters - GpiQueryBidiAttr ═══ hps - input Presentation Space handle. Handle of the GPI presentation space whose bidirectional attributes are being set. ═══ Return Values - WinSetKbdLayer ═══ ulBidiAttr (ULONG) Bidirectional Attributes word. ═══ Errors - GpiQueryBidiAttr ═══ ═══ Notes - GpiQueryBidiAttr ═══ ═══ Example - GpiQueryBidiAttr ═══ This example Queries the Bidirectional Attributes of the presentation space, modifed the BDA_TEXTTYPE parameter and sets the new value to be the new bidirectional attributes word of the presentation space. #define INCL_PMBIDI #include #include VOID SetBidiAttr(VOID) { HPS hps; ULONG ulBidiAttr; ULONG fSuccess; hps = WinGetPS(hwnd); if (hps) ulBidiAttr = GpiQueryBidiAttr (hps); ulBidiAttr &= ~BDAM_TEXTTYPE; ulBidiAttr |= BDA_TEXTTYPE_VISUAL; fSuccess = GpiSetBidiAttr (hps, ulBidiAttr); WinReleasePS(hps); } ═══ Related Functions - GpiQueryBidiAttr ═══ Related Functions o GpiSetBidiAttr ═══ 16.2. GpiSetBidiAttr ═══ ═══ Topics - GpiSetBidiAttr ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - GpiSetBidiAttr ═══ /****************************************/ /* This function sets the Bidirectional */ /* attributes of a presentation space. */ /****************************************/ #define INCL_PMBIDI #include HPS hps; /* Presentation space handle */ ULONG ulBidiAttr; /* Bidirectional Attributes word */ BOOL fsuccess; /* Return value */ fsuccess = GpiSetBidiAttr ( hps, BidiAttr); ═══ Parameters - GpiSetBidiAttr ═══ hps - input Presentation Space handle. Handle of the GPI presentation space whose bidirectional attributes are being set. ulBidiAttr (ULONG) - input Bidirectional Attributes word BIDIATTR The Bidirectional Attributes being set. ═══ Return Values - WinSetKbdLayer ═══ fSuccess (BOOL) - return Success indicator. TRUE Sucessful. FALSE An error occurred. ═══ Errors - GpiSetBidiAttr ═══ ═══ Notes - GpiSetBidiAttr ═══ The default bidirectional attributes word of the presentation space is set at the time the PS is created by inheriting the process bidirectional attributes word. Note that for normal and micro presentation spaces, the process bidirectional attributes are inherited when the device context is created, so setting the process bidirectional attribute must be done before the device context is created in order to affect the presentation space which is associated with it. This function is used to dynamically change the setting of the bidirectional attributes of a GPI PS, thus affecting the Bidirectional text conversions that are performed by GPI. ═══ Example - GpiSetBidiAttr ═══ This example sets the Bidirectional Attributes of the presentation space to the set of attributes in ulBidiAttr. flags bit to zero. #define INCL_PMBIDI #include #include HWND hwnd; VOID SetBidiAttr(VOID) { HPS hps; ULONG ulBidiAttr = BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR | BDA_TEXTTYPE_VISUAL ; ULONG fSuccess; hps = WinGetPS(hwnd); if (hps) fSuccess = GpiSetBidiAttr (hps, ulBidiAttr); WinReleasePS(hps); } ═══ Related Functions - GpiSetBidiAttr ═══ Related Functions o GpiQueryBidiAttr ═══ 17. Bidirectional Text Conversions ═══ OS/2 provides a set of functions to manage the conversion of bidirectional text between different formats. The text is assumed to be in a form/representation that is described by a set of input values and is converted to another form described by a set of output values. In order to perform a text conversion, the caller must first call LayoutCreateObject to create a layout object. The layout object is automatically associated with a set of default values, known as layout values, that depend on the locale used to create it. Currently, the following locale is supported: o Locale_Arabic o Locale_Hebrew Using the handle to the layout object created, the caller can query the current values using LayoutQueryValues and set them, using LayoutSetValues, to the values required for the text transformation. The section Layout Values describes the standard set of layout values that are supported. It also describes which layout values may be changed after creation of the layout object. The actual text transformation is done by the LayoutTransformText function, which converts its input buffer according to the values associated with the layout object. LayoutTransformText can also optionally provide some additional information about the transformation performed, such as mappings of the input buffer to the output buffer. LayoutEditShape is a more specialized text conversion function that allows an application to do Arabic character shape editing in and around a specific location in a buffer. When an application has finished its text conversions, it can release the resources used by the layout object using LayoutDestroyObject. ═══ 17.1. Layout Values ═══ The following layout values are associated with a layout object when the locale used with LayoutObjectCreate is Locale_Arabic or Locale_Hebrew. Value Name Value Type Set/Get ___________ ___________ _____ ActiveBidirection BOOL G ActiveShapeEditing BOOL G ShapeContextSize LAYOUT_EDIT_SIZE G Cellsize ULONG SG InputMode BOOL SG CallerAllocMem BOOL SG QueryValueSize ULONG SG InOutTextDescrMask ULONG SG InOnlyTextDescr ULONG SG OutOnlyTextDescr ULONG SG Orientation LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG TypeOfText LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG Swapping LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG Numerals LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG TextShaping LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG WordBreak LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR SG ActiveBidirection (BOOL) If ActiveBidirection is set to True then the layout object includes knowledge of directional code elements and proper rendering of text will require reordering of directional code elements. Otherwise the layout object does not require any reordering of directional code elements and all code elements will be classified as left_to_right. The ActiveBidirection value is guaranteed not to change for the life of the layout object. For Locale_Arabic and Locale_Hebrew, ActiveBidirection is always True. Active Shape Editing (BOOL) If ActiveShapeEditing is set to True, then the layout object includes knowledge of context dependent code elements (i.e. an Automatic Shape Determination algorithm) that requires shaping for presentation. If True, the user of a layout object is required to perform some transformation and/or edit shaping prior to rendering the text. Otherwise, the layout object does no shaping and all code elements may be presented independent of the surrounding characters. The ActiveShapeEditing value is guaranteed not to change for the life of the layout object. For Locale_Arabic, ActiveShapeEditing is always True. For Locale_Hebrew, ActiveShapeEditing is always False. ShapeContextSize (LAYOUT_EDIT_SIZE) The ShapeContextSize specifies the size of the context (surrounding code elements) that needs to be accounted for when performing ActiveShapeEditing. The ShapeContextSize is defined as a structure of type LAYOUT_EDIT_SIZE, which defines the number of surrounding code elements that need to be considered when performing edit shaping, i.e., calling the LayoutEditShape function. When a substring is inserted into a string, the front and back elements define the number of code elements after the substring and the number of code elements before the substring, respectively, that need to be considered when performing edit shaping. If both front and back elements are set to zero, then no additional context needs to be considered for edit shaping. When ActiveShapeEditing is not set (False), the front and back are guaranteed to be zero (0). The ShapeContextSize value is guaranteed not to change for the life of the layout object. For Locale_Arabic, ShapeContextSize.front = ShapeContextSize.back = 3. For Locale_Hebrew, ShapeContextSize is not relevant. CellSize (ULONG) The size of each character cell (is > 1 when each character is followed by one or more attributes; 'CellSize' is 1 when characters occupy consecutive positions in memory). The default value of CellSize is 1. InputMode (BOOL) This value defines whether the implicit algorithm should produce text in its final form (InputMode=FALSE), or if the text should be considered incomplete, as if it is still being input from the keyboard (InputMode=TRUE). The default value of InputMode is FALSE. The following values are related to the memory allocation convention used when calling LayoutQueryValues. CallerAllocMem (BOOL) If the descriptor CallerAllocMem is set to TRUE, when calling LayoutQueryValues function, it is the responsibility of the caller to allocate storage to store the actual data and freeing this data. If the descriptor CallerAllocMem is set to FALSE, then LayoutQueryValues allocates storage to store the actual data and the caller is responsible for freeing this data. For example, if the value of the Orientation text descriptor is being queried, LayoutQueryValues will allocate the memory for the LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR structure and the caller must free the pointer returned using DosFreeMem. The default value for CallerAllocMem is FALSE; QueryValueSize (ULONG) This name is used to query the size of any of the layout values by ORing it with the name of the layout value. In this case the value field will be a pointer to allocation where the size of the layout value will be stored. Currently, all structures used in OS/2 are of known size, so applications will not need to use this option. The remaining layout values are all related to describing the format of the input and output buffers. These values define the behaviour of the LayoutTransformText APIs. Two functionally equivalent methods are provided for setting these attributes/descriptors. InOutTextDescrMask, InOnlyTextDescr and OutOnlyTextDescr These are three values that allow the caller to use the same bidi attribute masks and bidi attributes that are used in the WinSetLangInfo APIs. InOutTextDescrMask (ULONG) This is a bit value that is used to mask the InOnlyTextDescr and OutOnlyTextDescr values. Only the bits that are set in InOutTextDescrMask are enabled for Set/Query of the InOnlyTextDescr and OutOnlyTextDescr values. InOnlyTextDescr can have one or more of the following values: o BDAM_TEXTTYPE o BDAM_TEXT_ORIENTATION o BDAM_NUMERALS o BDAM_SYM_SWAP o BDAM_TEXT_SHAPE o BDAM_WORD_BREAK o BDAM_ALL The default value of InOnlyTextDescr is BDAM_ALL InOnlyTextDescr (ULONG) This is the data that is to be used (masked using the InOutTextDescrMask value) to describe the format of the input text. Possible values are: o BDA_TEXTTYPE_VISUAL o BDA_TEXTTYPE_IMPLICIT o BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR o BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_RTL o ORIENTATION_CONTEXT_LTR o ORIENTATION_CONTEXT_RTL o BDA_NUMERALS_NOMINAL o BDA_NUMERALS_HINDI o BDA_NUMERALS_CONTEXTUAL o o BDA_SYM_SWAP_OFF o BDA_SYM_SWAP_ON o BDA_WORDBREAK_OFF o BDA_WORDBREAK_ON o BDA_TEXT_DISPLAY_SHAPED o BDA_TEXT_NOMINAL o BDA_TEXT_INITIAL o BDA_TEXT_MIDDLE o BDA_TEXT_FINAL o BDA_TEXT_ISOLATED For Locale_Arabic, the default value of InOnlyTextDescr is : BDA_TEXTTYPE_IMPLICIT | BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR | BDA_NUMERALS_NOMINAL | BDA_SYM_SWAP_OFF | BDA_WORDBREAK_OFF | BDA_TEXT_NOMINAL For Locale_Hebrew, the default value of InOnlyTextDescr is : BDA_TEXTTYPE_IMPLICIT | BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_CONTEXT | BDA_NUMERALS_NOMINAL | BDA_SYM_SWAP_OFF | BDA_WORDBREAK_OFF | BDA_TEXT_SAVE_SHAPED OutOnlyTextDescr (ULONG) This is the data that is to be used (masked using the InOutTextDescrMask value) to describe the format of the output text. Possible values are the same as for InOnlyTextDescr described above. For Locale_Arabic and Locale_Hebrew, the default value of OutOnlyTextDescr is : BDA_TEXTTYPE_VISUAL | BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR | BDA_NUMERALS_NOMINAL | BDA_SYM_SWAP_OFF | BDA_WORDBREAK_OFF | BDA_TEXT_DISPLAY_SHAPED The following code fragment shows how an application would set the orientation and type of text using this method: LAYOUT_VALUES layout[4]; ULONG ulMask,ulInAttr,ulOutAttr; . . . /* Set mask */ ulData = BDAM_TEXTTYPE | BDAM_TEXT_ORIENTATION; layout[0].name = InOutTextDescrMask; layout[0].value = &ulData; /* Set input descriptor */ ulInAttr = BDA_TEXTTYPE_IMPLICIT | BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_RTL; layout[1].name = InOnlyTextDescr; layout[1].value = &ulInAttr; /* Set output descriptor */ ulOutAttr = BDA_TEXTTYPE_VISUAL | BDA_TEXT_ORIENT_LTR; layout[2].name = OutOnlyTextDescr; layout[2].value = &ulOutAttr; /* Last value in array */ layout[3].name = 0; /* Set the values in the layout object */ RC = LayoutSetValues(hlo,layout,&index); Using LayoutTextDescriptors Using the following values, which are of type LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR, the caller can set the input and output values of one or more descriptors. This has exactly the same effect as using the previous method : the choice of which method to use is a matter of style. Orientation (LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR) The descriptor Orientation specifies the global directional text orientation: ORIENTATION-LTR-left-to-right global orientation ORIENTATION-RTL-right-to-left global orientation ORIENTATION-CONTEXTUAL-contextual global orientation When ORIENTATION-CONTEXTUAL is set, the Orientation setting is determined according to the direction of the first significant code element. TypeOfText (LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR) The TypeOfText descriptor specifies the directional ordering of the directional text in the buffer: TEXT-VISUAL-code elements are stored in visually ordered segments which can be rendered as is. Bidirectional code elements will have to be previously reordered for a specific orientation. TEXT-IMPLICIT-code elements are stored in logically ordered segments. Swapping (LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR) The Swapping descriptor specifies whether symmetric swapping is applied to the text: SWAPPING- The text conforms to symmetric swapping NO_SWAPPING- The text does not conform to symmetric swapping Numerals (LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR) The Numerals descriptor specifies the shaping of numerals recognized by the layout object: NUMERALS_NOMINAL - Nominal shaping of numerals using the portable character set (i.e. Arabic numerals). NUMERALS_NATIONAL - National shaping of numeral based on the script of the locale associated with the layout object (i.e. for Arabic, Hindi numerals are used). NUMERALS_CONTEXTUAL - Contextual shaping of numeral, depending on the context (script) of surrounding text (e.g. Hindi numbers in Arabic text and Arabic numbers otherwise). Contextual shaping of numerals can only be done if TypeOfText is TEXT_IMPLICIT. Text shaping (LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR) TextShaping: specifies the characteristics of the in/out text TEXT_SHAPED - The text contains presentation form shapes as defined by the locale TEXT_NOMINAL - The text has no presentation form shapes as defined by the locale. TEXT_INITIAL - The visual text has only initial shapes. TEXT_MIDDLE - The visual text has only middle shapes. TEXT_FINAL - The visual text has only final shapes. TEXT_ISOLATED - The visual text has only isolated shapes. WordBreak (LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR) The WordBreak descriptor specifies whether bidirectional should factor word recognition or not. BREAK _ WordBreak on, word by word reordering (i.e. the text reordering is dependent on the level (per the bidirectional algorithm) of word separators). NO_BREAK _ word break off, segment reordering. This descriptor is significant only if TypeOfText is TEXT_IMPLICIT. The following code fragment shows how an application would set the orientation and type of text using this method. This has exactly the same effect as the previous example : LAYOUT_VALUES layout[2]; LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR descr; . . . /* Put the descr record in the layout array */ layout[0].name = TypeOfText | Orientation; layout[0].value = &descr; /* Last value in array */ layout[1].name = 0; /* Initialize the input value */ descr.in = TEXT_IMPLICIT | ORIENTATION_RTL; /* Initialize the output value */ descr.out = TEXT_VISUAL | ORIENTATION_LTR; /* Set the values in the layout object */ RC = LayoutSetValues(hlo,layout,&index); ═══ 17.2. Layout Functions ═══ Bidirectional applications use bidirectional text. The bidirectional text is identified by the bidirectional attributes. Since applications use different sets of bidirectional attributes (and thus, different representations of bidirectional text), it is necessary to convert this text among representation forms. The most common case is when an application converts the text from the internal (storage) representation to the external (presentation) form. OS/2 provides a set of Layout functions to manage the conversion of bidirectional text between different formats. The text is assumed to be in a form/representation that is described by a set of input values and is converted to another form described by a set of output values. ═══ 17.2.1. LayoutCreateObject ═══ ═══ Topics - LayoutCreateObject ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Notes Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - LayoutCreateObject ═══ /********************************************/ /* This function creates and initializes a */ /* layout object associated with the locale */ /* specified by locale_name. */ /********************************************/ #define INCL_LAYOUT #include PUCHAR locale_name; /* Name of the locale used */ PLAYOUT_OBJECT plh; /* Pointer to a valid layout object */ APIRET RC; /* Return value */ RC = LayoutCreateObject ( locale_name, plh ); ═══ Parameters - LayoutCreateObject ═══ locale_name (PUCHAR) - input Name of the locale used. This argument specifies the type of locale used, the following are possible values: Locale_Arabic for Arabic support. Locale_Hebrew for Hebrew support. plh (PLAYOUT_OBJECT) - input Pointer to a valid layout object. The value of this argument points to a valid layout object that may be used by other layout functions. The returned layout object is initialized to an initial state that defines the behavior of the layout functions. The default initial state is described in the layout values section. ═══ Return Values - LayoutCreateObject ═══ RC(APIRET) - return Success indicator. 0 layout object points to a valid handle. Other An error occurred. ═══ Errors - LayoutCreateObject ═══ none. ═══ Notes - LayoutCreateObject ═══ The layout object is an opaque object containing all the data and methods necessary to perform the layout operations on context dependent/directional characters of the locale name. When the LayoutCreateObject function completes without errors, the value of the layout object argument points to a valid layout object that may be used by other layout functions. The returned layout object is initialized to a default state that defines the behavior of the layout functions. The initial state is locale dependent and is described by the layout values that may be queried using the LayoutQueryValues function. The layout values of the layout object may be changed using the LayoutSetValues function. ═══ Example - LayoutCreateObject ═══ This example creates a layout object. #include LAYOUT_OBJECT plh; ULONG RC; RC= LayoutCreateObject (Locale_Arabic,&plh); /* or: Locale_Hebrew */ if (RC) { printf("Create Error! !!\n"); exit(0);} ═══ Related Functions - LayoutCreateObject ═══ Related Functions o LayoutDestroyObject o LayoutEditShape o LayoutQueryValues o LayoutSetValues o LayoutTransformText ═══ 17.2.2. LayoutDestroyObject ═══ ═══ Topics - LayoutDestroyObject ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - LayoutDestroyObject ═══ /*******************************************/ /* This function releases all the resources*/ /* of a layout object obtained by the */ /* LayoutCreateObject function. */ /*******************************************/ #define INCL_LAYOUT #include LAYOUT_OBJECT plh; /* Layout object handle */ APIRET RC; /* Return value */ RC = LayoutDestroyObject ( plh ); ═══ Parameters - LayoutDestroyObject ═══ plh (LAYOUT_OBJECT) - input Layout object handle. This argument specifies a layout object returned by the LayoutCreateObject function. ═══ Return Values - LayoutDestroyObject ═══ RC(APIRET) - return Success indicator. 0 All resources associated with layout object were successfully deallocated. Other An error occurred. ═══ Errors - LayoutDestroyObject ═══ ═══ Notes - LayoutDestroyObject ═══ none. ═══ Example - LayoutDestroyObject ═══ This example creates and then destroys a layout object. #include LAYOUT_OBJECT plh; ULONG RC; RC= LayoutCreateObject (Locale_Arabic,&plh); /* or: Locale_Hebrew */ if (RC) { printf("Create Error! !!\n"); exit(0);} RC = LayoutDestroyObject(plh); if (RC) { printf(" DESTROY Error!!!\n"); exit(0);} ═══ Related Functions - LayoutDestroyObject ═══ Related Functions o LayoutCreateObject o LayoutEditShape o LayoutQueryValues o LayoutSetValues o LayoutTransformText ═══ 17.2.3. LayoutEditShape ═══ ═══ Topics - LayoutEditShape ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Notes Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - LayoutEditShape ═══ /*******************************************/ /* This function edits the shapes of */ /* the characters pointed to by the */ /* index parameters. */ /*******************************************/ #define INCL_LAYOUT #include LAYOUT_OBJECT plh; /* Layout object handle */ BOOL EditType;/* Type of editing */ PULONG index; /* Cursor position - in bytes units */ PUCHAR InpBuf; /* Input text */ PULONG InpSize; /* Size of InpBuf - number of bytes */ PVOID OutBuf; /* Output text */ PULONG OutSize; /* Size of OutBuf - number of bytes */ APIRET RC; /* Return value */ RC = LayoutEditShape ( plh, EditType, index, InpBuf, InpSize, OutBuf, OutSize); ═══ Parameters - LayoutEditShape ═══ plh (LAYOUT_OBJECT) - input Layout object handle. This argument specifies a layout object returned by the LayoutCreateObject function. EditType (BOOL) - input Type of editing. The EditType argument specifies the type of edit shaping that is desired. The following are possible values: EditInput When EditType specifies EditInput, it will read the current code element as defined by index and any preceding (front) code elements as defined by ShapeContextSize layout value. EditReplace When EditType specifies EditReplace, it will read the current code element as defined by index and any surrounding (front and/or back) code as defined by ShapeContexSize layout value. Note: the direction of the editing (i.e. layout values - Orientation and TypeOfText is what determines which are the preceding and which are the succeeding code elements. When ActiveShapeEditing is set (True) the layout object maintains an "EditInput state" that may affect subsequent calls to the LayoutEditShape function with EditInput EditType. The EditInput state is not affected when EditType is set to EditReplace. To reset the EditInput state to its initial state these functions should be called with InpBuf set to NULL. The EditInput state is not affected if any error occurs within the LayoutEditShape is EditInput. index (PUCHAR) - input Cursor position - in bytes units. On input the index argument specifies an offset to the start of a code element in InpBuf that will be the base for the editing. In addition, the context of surrounding code elements may be considered where the minimum set of code elements needed for the specific context dependent script(s) is identified by the ShapeContextSize layout value. If the set of surrounding code elements as defined by index, InpBuf and InpSize is less then the size of front/back of the ShapeContextSize, the LayoutEditShape functions will assume there is no additional context available. It is the caller's responsibility to provide the minimum context if available. The index argument is in units associated with type of InpBuf, i.e. bytes for LayoutEditShape InpBuf (PVOID) - input Input text. The InpBuf argument specifies the source to be processed. A NULL value with EditInput EditType indicates a request to reset the EditInput state to its initial state. InpSize (PULONG) Size of InpBuf - number of bytes. On input, the InpSize argument specifies the number of code elements to be processed in units associated with the type , i.e. bytes for LayoutEditShape. A value of - 1 indicates that input is delimited by a NULL code element. On return, the value is modified to the actual number of code elements that needed shaping in InpBuf. A value of zero(0) when EditType is EditInput indicates that the EditInput state should be reset to its initial state. OutBuf (PVOID) - output Output text. The OutBuf argument contains the shaped output text. This argument can be specified as a NULL pointer to indicate that no transformed text is required. If NULL, the functions will still return the index and InpSize that specify the amount of text required to be redrawn. OutSize (PULONG) - output Size of OutBuf - number of bytes. On input, the OutSize argument specifies the size of the output buffer in number of bytes. Only the code elements required to be shaped are written into OutBuf. The Output buffer should be large enough to contain the shaped result; otherwise, only partial shaping will be performed. If the ActiveShapeEditing layout value is set(True) the OutBuf should be allocated to contain at least: number of InpBuf code element On return, the OutSize argument is modified to the actual number of bytes placed in OutBuf. When the OutSize argument is specified as zero,the function will calculate the size of an output buffer large enough to contain the transformed text from the input buffer, and the result will be returned in this field. The content of the buffers specifies by InpBuf and OutBuf, and the value of InpSize, will remain unchanged. ═══ Return Values - LayoutEditShape ═══ RC(APIRET) - return Success indicator. 0 The function completed without errors. LAYOUT_E2BIG The output buffer is too small and the source text was not processed. Index and InpSize are not guaranteed on return. ═══ Errors - LayoutEditShape ═══ ═══ Notes - LayoutEditShape ═══ The LayoutEditShape provides the shapes of the code element pointed to by index along with any surrounding code elements as defined by the ShapeContextSize layout value of the layout object defined by layout_object. the LayoutEditShape functions are intended to be used when performing editing operations on a single code element, e.g. insertion or deletion of a single code element. The LayoutTransform function should be used when doing string shaping. The LayoutEditShape function does not affect any state maintained by the LayoutTransform functions. When the LayoutEdiShape funtions completes without errors a zero is returned, index and InpSize return the minimum set of code elements required to be redrawn, and if OutBuf is not NULL the respective shaped code elements are written into OutBuf. Any portion of the the InpBuf may be indicated as needing to be redrawn/shaped. Otherwise, if an error occurs a non-zero value is returned and any output values depend on the error code. ═══ Example - LayoutEditShape ═══ This example shows how to use the LayoutEditShape function to reshape the input characters. #include LAYOUT_OBJECT plh; UCHAR InpBuf[30]; UCHAR OutBuf[30]; ULONG InpSize = 30; ULONG OutSize = 30 ; LAYOUT_VALUES layout[2]; LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR Descr; ULONG index ; ULONG RC; RC= LayoutCreateObject (Locale_Arabic,&plh); /* or: Locale_Hebrew */ if (RC) { printf("Create Error! !!\n"); exit(0);} /* Define the LayoutValues that will need changing */ layout[0].name= TypeOfText|Orientation; layout[0].value=descr; /* using the OR operator, we set the bits in the Layout Descriptor * to describe the orientation of the buffer and the Type of Text * that we want for the output */ descr.in=TEXT_VISUAL|ORIENTATION_LTR; descr.out=TEXT_VISUAL|ORIENTATION_LTR; layout[1].name=0; /* End of change */ /* Set the LayoutValues */ RC=LayoutSetValues(plh,layout,&index); if (RC) { printf("SetValue Error at index %d !!!\n",index); exit(0); } /* Here we point to the character were we want to shape */ index = 4L; RC=LayoutEditShape(plh, TRUE, &index, InpBuf, &InpSize, OutBuf, &OutSize); RC = LayoutDestroyObject(plh); if (RC) { printf(" DESTROY Error!!!\n"); exit(0);} ═══ Related Functions - LayoutEditShape ═══ Related Functions o LayoutCreateObject o LayoutDestroyObject o LayoutQueryValues o LayoutSetValues o LayoutTransformText ═══ 17.2.4. LayoutQueryValues ═══ ═══ Topics - LayoutQueryValues ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Notes Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - LayoutQueryValues ═══ /****************************************/ /* This function queries the current */ /* setting of Layout values within a */ /* layout object. */ /****************************************/ #define INCL_LAYOUT #include LAYOUT_OBJECT plh; /* Layout object handle */ LAYOUT_VALUES values[3]; /* Array of layout values to be queried */ PULONG index_returned; /* Value causing the error */ APIRET RC; /* Return value */ RC = LayoutQueryValues ( plh, values, index_returned); ═══ Parameters - LayoutQueryValues ═══ plh (LAYOUT_OBJECT) - input Layout object handle. This argument specifies a layout object returned by the LayoutCreateObject function. values (PLAYOUT_VALUES) - input Array of layout values to be queried. The name field contains the name of the layout value to be queried, and the value field is a pointer to a location where the layout value is to be stored. index_returned (PULONG) - output Value causing the error. If any values can not be queried, then the value of the one causing the error is returned in the index and a non-zero value is returned. ═══ Return Values - LayoutQueryValues ═══ RC(APIRET) - return Success indicator. 0 All layout values were successfully queried. index_returned The layout value specified by index_returned is unknown or the argument Layout_Object is invalid. ═══ Errors - LayoutQueryValues ═══ ═══ Notes - LayoutQueryValues ═══ Each value element of a LAYOUT_VALUES record must contain a pointer to the type of the layout value that is being set or get. That is, if the layout value is for type T, the arguement must be of type T*. If CallerAllocMem is FALSE (default), LayoutQueryValues will allocate storage for the returned data. It is the caller's responsibility to free the allocated memory with DosFreeMem. If CallerAllocMem is TRUE, LayoutQueryValues will assume that the layout value points to allocated memory. I.e. the caller is responsible for allocating and freeing the memory for the queried data. ═══ Example - LayoutQueryValues ═══ This example first sets the values of an existing layout object then queries these values using the LayoutQueryValues function. #include LAYOUT_OBJECT plh; LAYOUT_VALUES layout[3]; LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR Descr; PLAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR Pdescr ; BOOL CallerAllocate; ULONG index; ULONG RC; layout[0].name= CallerAllocMem; layout[0].value=&CallerAllocate; CallerAllocate = TRUE ; layout[1].name = 0 ; /* Set the LayoutValues */ RC=LayoutSetValues (plh,layout,&index); if (RC) { printf("SetValue Error at index %d !!!\n",index); exit(0); } Pdescr = (PLAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR)malloc(sizeof (LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR)); layout[0].name = Orientation; layout[0].value = Pdescr; layout[1].name=0; /* End of change */ RC = LayoutQueryValues(plh,layout,&index); if (RC) { printf("QueryValue Error at index %d !!!\n",index); exit(0); } printf("Orientation in = %lx out = %lx",Pdescr->in,Pdescr->out); free(Pdescr); RC = LayoutDestroyObject(plh); if (RC) { printf(" DESTROY Error!!!\n"); exit(0);} ************************************************************ ═══ Related Functions - LayoutQueryValues ═══ Related Functions o LayoutCreateObject o LayoutDestroyObject o LayoutEditShape o LayoutSetValues o LayoutTransformText ═══ 17.2.5. LayoutSetValues ═══ ═══ Topics - LayoutSetValues ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Notes Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - LayoutSetValues ═══ /*******************************************/ /* This function is used to change the */ /* layout values of a layout Object. */ /*******************************************/ #define INCL_LAYOUT #include LAYOUT_OBJECT plh, /* Layout object handle */ PLAYOUT_VALUES values, /* Array of layout values to be set */ PULONG index_returned /* Value causing the error */ APIRET RC; /* Return value */ RC = LayoutSetValues ( plh, values, index_returned ); ═══ Parameters - LayoutSetValues ═══ plh (LAYOUT_OBJECT) - input Layout object handle. This argument specifies a layout object returned by the LayoutCreateObject function. values (PLAYOUT_VALUES) - input Array of layout values to be set. The name field contains the name of the layout value to be set, and the value field is a pointer to a location where the layout value is to be stored. index_returned (PULONG) - output Value causing the error. If any values can not be set, then the value of the one causing the error is returned in the index and a non-zero value is returned. ═══ Return Values - LayoutSetValues ═══ RC(APIRET) - return Success indicator. 0 All layout values were successfully set. index_returned The layout value specified by index_returned is unknown or its value is invalid or the argument Layout_Object is invalid. ═══ Errors - LayoutSetValues ═══ ═══ Notes - LayoutSetValues ═══ The values are written into the layout object and may affect the behavior of subsequent layout functions. Some layout values do alter internal states maintained by a layout_object. When the LayoutSetvalues function completes without errors all values will have been set in the Layout_Object and a zero is returned. ═══ Example - LayoutSetValues ═══ This example creates then sets the values for a layout object. #include LAYOUT_OBJECT plh; LAYOUT_VALUES layout[2]; LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR Descr; ULONG index; ULONG RC; RC= LayoutCreateObject (Locale_Arabic,&plh); /* or: Locale_Hebrew */ if (RC) { printf("Create Error! !!\n"); exit(0);} layout[0].name = TypeOfText ; layout[0].value = &Descr ; Descr.in = TEXT_IMPLICIT; Descr.out = TEXT_VISUAL; layout[1].name = 0 ; /* Set the LayoutValues */ RC=LayoutSetValues (plh,layout,&index); if (RC) { printf("SetValue Error at index %d !!!\n",index); exit(0); } RC = LayoutDestroyObject(plh); if (RC) { printf(" DESTROY Error!!!\n"); exit(0);} ═══ Related Functions - LayoutSetValues ═══ Related Functions o LayoutCreateObject o LayoutDestroyObject o LayoutEditShape o LayoutQueryValues o LayoutTransformText ═══ 17.2.6. LayoutTransformText ═══ ═══ Topics - LayoutTransformText ═══ Select an item: Function Syntax Parameters Return Values Notes Example Related Functions ═══ Syntax - LayoutTransformText ═══ /*******************************************/ /* This function transforms the Inpbuf */ /* text according to the current layout */ /* values. */ /*******************************************/ #define INCL_LAYOUT #include LAYOUT_OBJECT plh; /* Layout Object handle */ PUCHAR InpBuf; /* Input text */ PULONG InpSize; /* Size of InpBuf-number of bytes */ PVOID OutBuf; /* Output text */ PULONG OutSize; /* Size of outBuf-number of bytes */ PULONG InpToOut; /* Source to target index array */ PULONG OutToInp; /* Target to source index array */ PUCHAR BidiLevel; /* Bidirectional levels array */ APIRET RC; /* Return value */ RC = LayoutTransformText ( plh, InpBuf, InpSize, OutBuf, OutSize, InpToOut, OutToInp, BidiLevel); ═══ Parameters - LayoutTransformText ═══ plh (LAYOUT_OBJECT) - input Layout object handle. The plh argument specifies a layout object returned by the LayoutCreateObject function. InpBuf (PUCHAR) - input Input text. The InpBuf argument specifies the source text to be processed. The InpBuf may not be NULL. InpSize (PULONG) - input Size of InpBuf-number of bytes. The InpSize argument specifies the number of code elements to be processed in units associated with the type, i.e. bytes for LayoutTransform. A value of-1 indicates that input is delimited by a NULL code element. On return, the value is modified to the actual number of code elements processed in InBuf (unless the value in OutSize is zero, in which case, the value of InpSize is not changed). OutBuf (PVOID) - output Output text. The OutBuf argument contains the transformed data. This argument can be specified as a Null pointer to indicate that no transformed data is required. Outsize (PULONG) - output Size of outBuf-number of bytes. On input, the OutSize argument specifies the size of the output buffer in number of bytes. The output buffer should be large enough to contain the transformed result; otherwise, only a partial transformation will be performed. If the ActiveShapeEditing layout value is set (True) the OutBuf is recommended to be allocated to contain at least. number of code element On return, the OutSize argument is modified to the actual number of bytes placed in OutBuf. When the OutSize argument is specified as zero, the function will calculate the size of an output buffer large enough to contain the transformed text, and the result will be returned in this field. The content of the buffers specified by InpBuf and OutBuf, and a value of InpSize, will remain unchanged. InpToOut (PULONG) Source to target index array. If the InpToOut argument is not a Null pointer, it represents an array of values with the same number of code elements as InpBuf. On output, the nth value in InpToOut corresponds to the nth code element in InpBuf. OutToInp (PULONG) - input Target to source index array. If the OutTolnp argument is not a NULL pointer, it represents an array of values with the same number of code elements as contained in OutBuf. On output, the nth value in OutTolnp corresponds to the nth element in OutBuf. This value is the index in InpBuf which identifies the original code element of the nth element in OutBuf. OutTolnp may be specified as NULL if no index array from OutBuf to InpBuf is desired. BidiLevel (PUCHAR) - input Bidirectional level array. If the BidiLevel argument is not a NULL pointer, it represents an array of values with the same number of elements as the source text. The nth value in BidiLevel corresponds to the nth code element in InpBuf. This value is the level of this code element as determined by the bidirectional algorithm. BidiLevel may be specified as NULL if a levels array is not desired. ═══ Return Values - LayoutTransformText ═══ RC(APIRET) - return Success indicator. 0 The function completed without errors. LAYOUT_E2BIG The output buffer is full and the source text was not entirely processed. ═══ Errors - LayoutTransformText ═══ ═══ Notes - LayoutTransformText ═══ The LayoutTransform function transforms the InpBuf text according to the current layout values in layout object. Any layout value whose value type is LayoutTextDisriptor describes the attributes of the InpBuf and OutBuf. If the attributes are the same of both InpBuf and OutBuf then a null transformation is done with respect to that specific layout avalue. The output of this functions may be one or more of the following depending on the setting of the respective arguments: OutBuf/Outsize any transform data is stored into OutBuf. InpToOut a cross reference from each InpBuf code element to the transformed data. OutToInp a cross reference to each InpBuf code element from the transformed data. BidiLevel a weighted value that represents the directional level of each InpBuf code element. The level is dependent on the internal directional algorithm of the layout object. Each of these output arguments maybe NULL to specify that no output is desired for the specific argument, but at least one of them should be set to non-NULL to perform any significant work. When the size of OutBuf is not large enough to contain the entire transformed text, the input text state at the end of the error condition LAYOUT_E2BIG is returned. To resume the transformation on the remaining text, the application should call the LayoutTransform function with the same layout object, the same InpBuf, and Inpsize is set to zero (0). ═══ Example - LayoutTransformText ═══ This example creates a layout object then defines the values that need to be changed and uses the LayoutTransformText function to change them. #include LAYOUT_OBJECT plh; UCHAR InpBuf[30]; UCHAR OutBuf[30]; UCHAR BidiLvl[30]; ULONG ToOutBuf[30]; ULONG ToInpBuf[30]; ULONG InpSize = 30 ; ULONG OutSize = 30 ; LAYOUT_VALUES layout[2]; LAYOUT_TEXT_DESCRIPTOR Descr; ULONG index; ULONG RC; RC= LayoutCreateObject (Locale_Arabic,&plh); /* or: Locale_Hebrew */ if (RC) { printf("Create Error! !!\n"); exit(0);} /* Define the LayoutValues that will need changing */ layout[0].name= TypeOfText|Orientation|Numerals|TextShaping; layout[0].value = &Descr ; /* using the OR operator, we set the bits in the Layout Descriptor, * to describe the input string attributes, it is RTL, contains * Arabic numerals, and it is in Base shapes */ Descr.in=TEXT_IMPLICIT|ORIENTATION_RTL|NUMERALS_NOMINAL|TEXT_NOMINAL; /* Now let's compose the Text Descriptor for the output string to be * LTR, Hindu numeral, and Shaped (Automatic Shape Determination) */ Descr.out=TEXT_VISUAL|ORIENTATION_LTR| NUMERALS_CONTEXTUAL|TEXT_SHAPED; layout[1].name = 0 ; /* Set the LayoutValues */ RC=LayoutSetValues (plh,layout,&index); /* calling the function.. to convert the string */ RC=LayoutTransformText (plh, InpBuf, &InpSize, OutBuf, &OutSize, ToOutBuf, ToInpBuf, BidiLvl); if (RC) { printf("Transform Error %d!!!\n",RC); exit(0);} RC = LayoutDestroyObject(plh); if (RC) { printf(" DESTROY Error!!!\n"); exit(0);} ************************************************************ ═══ Related Functions - LayoutTransformText ═══ Related Functions o LayoutCreateObject o LayoutDestroyObject o LayoutEditShape o LayoutQueryValues o LayoutSetValues