═══ 1. File ═══ Select an item from the File menu to create classes or to perform file management tasks in Data Access Builder. Select from the following list to get information on the items in the File menu:  New...  Create classes...  Open...  Save  Save as... Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Creating Classes  Saving a Data Access Builder Session  Saving a Data Access Builder Session under Another Name  Opening a Previously Saved Data Access Builder Session ═══ 2. View ═══ Select an item from the View menu to change how objects are displayed in Data Access Builder. You can toggle between displaying table-to-class mappings in a horizontal (left-to-right) or a vertical (top-to-bottom) orientation. You can also change the size of the icons in the client area (small, medium, large). Select from the following list to get information on the items in the View menu:  Horizontal  Vertical  Icon size ═══ 3. Options ═══ Select an item from the Options menu to customize the way you interact with Data Access Builder and to specify the type of source code that you want Data Access Builder to generate by default. Select from the following list to get information on the items in the Options menu:  Startup window  Information line  Confirm on delete  Generate options... ═══ 4. Project Pulldown Menu Help ═══ The Project menu gives you direct access to all of the actions that you can perform from your current location. ═══ 5. Help ═══ Select an item from the Help menu to get online information about using Data Access Builder. Select from the following list to get information on the items in the Help menu:  Help index  General help  Using help  How do I...  Product information... Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Using Data Access Builder ═══ 6. New.../Create classes... ═══ Select New... from the File menu to end the current Data Access Builder session and start a new one. If there are unsaved changes in the current session, you will be prompted to save or discard them. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Open...  Save  Save as...  File menu  Create Classes window ═══ 7. New.../Create classes... ═══ Select Create classes... from the File menu to create new classes from tables or views in your database. Note that if a table or view is already mapped to a class in the client area, you should use Create class from the pop-up menu of that table or view to create another class from it. A table or view can only be represented by one object at a time in the client area. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Create Classes window  Help for Table or View pop-up menu.  Create class  File menu Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Creating Classes ═══ 8. Open... ═══ Select Open... from the File menu to retrieve a saved Data Access Builder session. If there are unsaved changes in the current session, you will be prompted to save or discard them. (Open does not append the saved session to the current session.) Select the following item to get information on the related menu:  File menu  Save  Save as... Select the following item to get related information from the online book:  Opening a Previously Saved Data Access Builder Session ═══ 9. Save ═══ Select Save from the File menu to save the current Data Access Builder session. The current session consists of all objects currently displayed in the client area, and the settings for those objects. If the session has been saved before, the current session is saved under the existing file name, and replaces the contents of the previous file. The current file name (if any) is displayed in the title bar. If the session has not been saved before, the Save as window displays, and you are prompted to specify a file name. Use .DAX as the file extension. Note: If you have a Class settings notebook open for a class that does not have at least one attribute mapped or one data identifier defined, you must do either of the following before saving:  Complete the mapping in the open notebook  Delete the class object from the client area. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Save as...  Open...  File menu  Delete Select the following item to get related information from the online book:  Saving a Data Access Builder Session ═══ 10. Save as... ═══ Select Save as... from the File menu to save the current Data Access Builder session under a new file name. The current session consists of all objects currently displayed in the client area, and the settings for those objects. Use Save as... to save a session that has not been saved before, or to save a session without overwriting the contents of an existing file. The current file name (if any) is displayed in the title bar. If you specify an existing file name, you are asked whether you want to overwrite the contents of the existing file. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Save  Open...  File menu Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Saving a Data Access Builder Session under Another Name ═══ 11. Exit ═══ Select Exit to close all windows and exit Data Access Builder. ═══ 12. Horizontal ═══ Select Horizontal to display the table objects mapped to their class objects from left to right. A check mark appears beside Horizontal when it is selected. To turn this selection off, select Vertical, the alternative mapping orientation. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Vertical  View menu ═══ 13. Vertical ═══ Select Vertical to display the table objects mapped to their class objects from top to bottom. A check mark appears beside Vertical when it is selected. To turn this selection off, select Horizontal, the alternative mapping orientation. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Horizontal  View menu ═══ 14. Icon size ═══ Select Icon size to change size of the icons. The icons can be either small, medium or large. The default is large. To override the default setting, select the Icon size arrow push button to see the three options in a cascade menu, and then click on the option you want. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Horizontal  Vertical ═══ 15. Startup window ═══ Select the Startup window item from the Options menu to control whether the Startup window appears in the client area each time you start Data Access Builder. A check mark appears beside Startup window when this option is selected. To turn this option on, select the menu item to display the check mark. The next time you start Data Access Builder, the Startup window is displayed. To turn this option off, do either of the following:  Select the Startup window item from the Options menu to remove the check mark  Click in the check box in the Startup window to remove the check mark. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Startup Window  Options menu ═══ 16. Information line ═══ Select Information line from the Options menu to control whether an information line appears at the bottom of the client area while you are using Data Access Builder. A check mark appears beside Information line when this option is on. The information line displays messages about using the Data Access Builder interface, and about the status of actions you initiate. To turn this option on, select Information Line to display the check mark. To turn it off, select Information Line to remove the check mark. Select the following item to get related online help:  Options menu ═══ 17. Generate options... ═══ Select Generate options... to see and change the options that appear in the Generate Options window. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Generate Options window  Generate  Help for Class pop-up menu Select the following item to get related information from the online book:  Generating Code Using Data Access Builder ═══ 18. Confirm on delete ═══ Select Confirm on delete from the Options menu to control whether you are asked to confirm each delete action before it is completed. A check mark appears beside Confirm on delete when this option is on. To turn this option off, select Confirm on delete to remove the check mark. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Delete (a Table or View)  Help for Table or View pop-up menu  Delete (a Class)  Help for Class pop-up menu  Options menu ═══ 19. Full path in title bar ═══ Select Full path in title bar from the Options menu to control whether the full path name appears in the window title bar while you are using Data Access Builder. A check mark appears beside Full path in title bar when this option is on. To turn this option on, select Full path in title bar to display the check mark. To turn it off, select Full path in title bar to remove the check mark. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Options menu ═══ 20. Help index ═══ Select Help index from the Help menu to display an alphabetical list of help topics for Data Access Builder. Select the following item to get related online help:  Help menu ═══ 21. General help ═══ Select General help from the Help menu to display information about the active Data Access Builder window. Select the following item to get related online help:  Help ═══ 22. Using help ═══ Select Using help from the Help menu to see information on using the online help facility. Select the following item to get related online help:  Help ═══ 23. How do I... ═══ Select How do I... from the Help menu to get help for a task you want to use Data Access Builder for. In the How Do I... help window, you can select from a list of task topics, or you can search for a task topic that you specify. Select the following item to get related online help:  Help Select the following item to get a general explanation of Data Access Builder, and to find out how you can use it in your development environment:  Using Data Access Builder ═══ 24. Help Menu Items ═══ The central portion of the Help PullDown menu is dedicated to all the online documentation that is shipped with VisualAge C++. Making a selection from any of these Cascade menus launches the VisualAge C++ documentation associated with the menu item. You can find the same documentation in the Information folder found in the VisualAge C++ Desktop folder. The Cascade menus are organized as follows: At A Glance  Provides general information on using VisualAge C++, such as what is new in this release, the overall tutorial, a description of all the sample programs, and answers to frequently asked questions. Using VisualAge C++  Provides direct access to the individual sections of the User's Guide. For example, if you are using the Browser, you would look in the Browsing section for more information. How Do I... Selections  Provides access to the How Do I... information for each component of VisualAge C++. Use How Do I... information to find out how to perform common tasks within VisualAge C++. C/C++  Provides access to the information that is specific to programming in C and C++. Class Libraries  Provides access to the documentation. Visual Programming  Provides access to the information that is specific to creating your programs visually. OS/2, PM, and Graphics  Provides access to the documentation for the key aspects of OS/2, Presentation Manager, and graphics programming. IPF, REXX, and Editing  Provides access to the IPF, REXX and Editor references. SOM and WorkPlace Shell  Provides access to the information specific to SOM and the WorkPlace Shell. Multimedia  Provides access to the information that is specific to creating multimedia applications. ═══ 25. Product information... ═══ Select Product information... from the Help menu to see the product information window for VisualAge C++. Select the following item to get related online help:  Help ═══ 26. Open settings ═══ Select Open settings from the Table or View pop-up menu to open the settings notebook for a table or view object in the client area. The settings notebook shows you details about the table or the view as it is defined in the database. The settings notebook for a table has three pages: Table, Columns, and Constraints. The settings notebook for a view has two pages: View, and Columns. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Help for Table or View pop-up menu  Delete  Create class ═══ 27. Help for Table or View pop-up menu ═══ Select an item from the Table or the View pop-up menu to perform actions on a table or view object in the client area. To display the Table or View pop-up menu, move the mouse pointer to the table or view object you want to work with, and then click mouse button 2. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Open settings  Delete  Create class  Table Notebook  View Notebook ═══ 28. Delete ═══ Select Delete from the Table or View pop-up menu to delete a table or view object from the client area. The object is removed from the Data Access Builder screen only; it is not dropped from the database you are connected to. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Help for Table or View pop-up menu  Delete (class)  Confirm on delete ═══ 29. Create class ═══ Select Create class from the Table or View pop-up menu to create a new class from an existing database table or view. The table or view to be used is the object you clicked mouse button 2 on to get the Table or View pop-up menu. The new class will be created with a default name and other settings. To view and change these settings, select Open settings from the pop-up menu of the new class, or double-click the new class object. If you create more than one class from the same table or view, they will have similar default names: for example, NAME, NAME1, NAME2, .... Select from the following list to get related online help:  Create classes...  Help for Table or View pop-up menu  Help for Class pop-up menu Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Creating Classes  Changing the Class Name  Changing the Mapping between a Table and a Class ═══ 30. Open settings ═══ Select Open settings from the Class pop-up menu to open the settings notebook for a class object in the client area. You can then see and change the information about a class. You can also change the mapping between a class and its table. The Class settings notebook has four pages: Names, Attributes, Part Methods, and IDL Methods. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Class Notebook Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Creating Classes  Changing the Class Name  Changing the Mapping between a Table and a Class  Generating Visual Builder Parts Using Data Access Builder  Generating IDL Using Data Access Builder  Viewing Files Generated by Data Access Builder ═══ 31. Help for Class pop-up menu ═══ Select an item from the Class pop-up menu to perform actions on a class object in the client area. To display the Class pop-up menu, move the mouse pointer to the class object you want to work with, and then click mouse button 2. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Open settings  Delete  Generate  View source Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Creating Classes  Changing the Class Name  Changing the Mapping between a Table and a Class  Generating Visual Builder Parts Using Data Access Builder  Generating IDL Using Data Access Builder  Viewing Files Generated by Data Access Builder ═══ 32. Delete ═══ Select Delete from the Class pop-up menu to delete a class object and all its settings from the client area. Any source files already generated for that class will not be erased. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Help for Class pop-up menu  Generate Options Window  Confirm on delete ═══ 33. Generate ═══ Select Generate from the Class pop-up menu to produce source code for a class in the client area. The class to be used is the object you clicked mouse button 2 on to get the Class pop-up menu. Note: A class must have at least one attribute mapped to a column, and at least one Data Identifier defined, before you can generate code for it. You can generate either Visual Builder parts or IDL source code. When Data Access Builder is installed, the default is set to generate Visual Builder parts. Clicking on the Generate menu item (without selecting the arrow push button to the right of the word) generates the default type of source code. To temporarily override the default setting, select the Generate arrow push button to see the two options in a cascade menu, and then click on the option you want. This selection holds for one generate action. To change the default setting, select Generate options... from the Options menu. In the Generate Options window, select the radio button you want, and then select Save as default. If you are using WorkFrame/2, the source files are saved in your project directory. Otherwise, the source files are saved in the current directory. For Visual Builder parts, the source files have the following file extensions: .CPP, .DEF, .HPP, .MAK, .SQC, and .VBE. For IDL, the source files have the following file extensions: .CPP, .IDL, .MAK, and .SQC. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Generate options...  Help for Class pop-up menu  View source... Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Generating Visual Builder Parts Using Data Access Builder  Generating IDL Using Data Access Builder  Using Visual Builder Programs  Using C++ Programs  Using SOM Programs ═══ 34. View source... ═══ Select View source... from the Class pop-up menu to see any of the files you generated from a class using Data Access Builder. Note: You can select View source... only after you have generated source code. Select from the following list to get related online help:  View Source window  Class pop-up menu  Generate  Generate options... Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Generating Visual Builder Parts Using Data Access Builder  Generating IDL Using Data Access Builder  Using Visual Builder Programs  Using C++ Programs  Using SOM Programs ═══ 35. Table Notebook ═══ Use the Table Notebook to see the following information about a database table in the client area:  Name of database that contains the table, and name and owner of the table  Primary and foreign keys associated with the table  Columns in the table  Constraints for the table You cannot change any information in the Table Notebook. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Table  Columns  Constraints  Help for Table or View pop-up menu ═══ 36. Table ═══ Use the Table page of the Table Notebook to see the following information about a table in the client area:  The name of the table  The name of the database that contains the table  The user ID of the creator of the table  Any comments that the creator included with the table. You can scroll up and down to see any comments that extend beyond the window boundaries. You cannot change any information on this page. Select the following item to get related online help:  Table Notebook  Help for Table or View pop-up menu ═══ 37. Columns ═══ Use the Columns page of the Table Notebook to see column and key information for a table in the client area. A right-pointing key icon indicates a primary key. A left-pointing key icon indicates a foreign key. To see information that may be hidden, you can:  Grab the vertical split bar with your mouse and drag it left or right.  Use the scroll bars to scroll the contents vertically or horizontally. Precision, in DB2/2 terminology, refers to the total number of digits in a decimal type column. The precision cannot be greater than 31. Scale, in DB2/2 terminology, refers to the number of digits in the fractional part of the number. The scale cannot be negative or be greater than the precision. You cannot change any information on the Columns page. Select the following item to get related online help:  Table Notebook  Help for Table or View pop-up menu ═══ 38. Constraints ═══ Use the Constraints page of the Table Notebook to see the following information for a table in the client area:  Constraints for the table  The delete rule for each constraint  The referenced table for each constraint  Referenced keys and matching columns for each constraint Click on the arrow in the Constraints list box to see and select from a list of all constraints that apply to this table. When you select a constraint, the page updates with information that applies to that constraint. You cannot change any information on the Constraints page. Select from the following list get related online help:  Table Notebook  Help for Table or View pop-up menu ═══ 39. View Notebook ═══ Use the View Notebook to see the following information about a view in the client area:  Database that contains the view  Columns in the view You cannot change any information in the View Notebook. Select from the following list to get related online help:  View  Columns ═══ 40. View ═══ Use the View page of the View Notebook to see the following information about a view in the client area:  The name of the view  The name of the database that contains the view  The user ID of the creator of the view  Any comments the creator included with the view You can scroll up and down to see any comments that extend beyond the window boundaries. You cannot change any information on the View page. Select from the following list to get related online help:  View Notebook  Help for Table or View pop-up menu ═══ 41. Columns ═══ Use the Columns page of the View Notebook to see column information for a view in the client area. To see information that may be hidden, you can:  Grab the vertical split bar with your mouse and drag it left or right.  Use the scroll bars to scroll the contents vertically or horizontally. You cannot change any information on the Columns page. Select the following item to get related online help:  View Notebook  Help for Table or View pop-up menu ═══ 42. Class Notebook ═══ Use the Class Notebook to see and change information about a class object in the client area. The notebook shows the following information about the class object - and about the code that can be generated from it:  Class name and file name  Attributes that map to columns in the table  Methods that will be included if you generate a Visual Builder part  Methods that will be included if you generate IDL code The class object starts out with default settings, which you can then change to suit your needs. You can open the notebook for a class by double-clicking on the class object, or by selecting Open settings from the Class pop-up menu. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Names  Attributes  Part Methods  IDL Methods  Help for Class pop-up menu  Generate Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Changing the Class Name  Changing Attribute Names  Mapping Tables without Primary Keys  Adding a Mapping  Deleting a Mapping  Deleting the Table Mapping ═══ 43. Names ═══ Use the Names page of the Class Notebook to see or change the name of the class, and the name of the files that will be generated if you select Generate from the Class pop-up menu. To change the Class name or the File stem, type your changes in the entry fields. The class name, by default, is the same as the name of the table it was created from. And the file stem, by default, is the same as the class name. The file-name extensions for a class generated as a Visual Builder part will be: .CPP, .HPP, .SQC, and .VBE. The file-name extensions for a class generated as IDL source will be: .CPP, .IDL, and .SQC. Classes for views on remote databases are Read Only by default. For views on local databases, the default is the local database setting. Tables are always writable. The read only checkbox allows you to force all instances of your class to be read only. If your class is generated as read only and a write access is attempted, an exception will be thrown. The list boxes shows all the C++ file names and SOM file names that will be generated if you select Generate from the Class pop-up menu. Check the C++ Target Libray checkbox if you want the #pragma library ("filename.lib") generated in the class header to indicate that you will be linking this generated code from the specified library. To change the C++ Target Library, type your changes in the entry field (without the .lib extension). The C++ Target library name, by default, is the same as the name of the generated class file name with an appended "V". Check the SOM dllname checkbox if you want the SOM "dllname" statement generated within your SOM definition file. To change the SOM dllname, type your changes in the entry field. The SOM dllname, by default, is the same as the class file name. Reset changes both names back to what they were when you last closed the notebook. Select the following item to get related online help:  Class Notebook Select the following item to get related information from the online book:  Changing the Class Name ═══ 44. Attributes ═══ Use the Attributes page of the Class Notebook to see and change details about how the class maps to the table it was created from. By default, each column in the table is mapped to one attribute in the class. And each primary key in the table becomes a Data Identifier in the Class. A right-pointing key icon indicates a primary key. A left-pointing key icon indicates a foreign key. You can make the following changes:  Change the names of attributes. Select the attribute, and type a new name in the Attribute Name field.  Add or delete mappings from columns to attributes. Select Add or Delete when the desired attribute is highlighted.  Apply the Data Identifier label to, or remove it from, an attribute. Click in the Data Identifier check box when the desired attribute is highlighted. (Note that there must be at least one Data Identifier for each class.)  Undo all your changes for this page since you last closed the notebook. Select Reset. To see any information that may be hidden, you can:  Grab the vertical split bar with your mouse and drag it left or right to show more of one side.  Use the scroll bars to scroll the contents vertically or horizontally. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Class Notebook  Help for Class pop-up menu Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Changing Attribute Names  Mapping Tables without Primary Keys  Adding a Mapping  Deleting a Mapping ═══ 45. Part Methods ═══ Use the Part Methods page of the Class Notebook to see which data manipulation methods will be included for a class in the client area if you generate a Visual Builder part from it. This page also shows the Manager class methods, which you use to manipulate multiple instances of the class. indicates a generic method that applies to all attributes by substituting the attribute name for . You cannot change any information on the Part Methods page. Select the following item to get related online help:  Class Notebook  IDL Methods  Help for Class pop-up menu  Generate  Generate options... Select the following item to get related information from the online book:  Generating Visual Builder Parts Using Data Access Builder ═══ 46. IDL Methods ═══ Use the IDL Methods page of the Class Notebook to see which data manipulation methods will be included for a class in the client area if you generate IDL source code from it. This page also shows the Factory class methods, which you use to manipulate multiple instances of the class. indicates a generic method that applies to all attributes by substituting the attribute name for . You cannot change any information on the IDL Methods page. Select the following item to get related online help:  Class Notebook  Part Methods  Help for Class pop-up menu  Generate  Generate options... Select the following item to get related information from the online book:  Generating IDL Parts Using Data Access Builder ═══ 47. Data Access Builder Window ═══ The Data Access Builder product is an application development tool and a class library that allow you object-oriented access to relational databases. Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Creating Classes from Existing Tables or Views  Generating Code Using Data Access Builder  Viewing Files Generated by Data Access Builder  Using Visual Builder Programs  Using C++ Programs  Using SOM Programs ═══ 48. Data Access Builder Startup ═══ The Startup window introduces Data Access Builder and prompts you how to proceed: you can start new work from existing DB2/2 database tables or views, or you can resume work on a saved Data Access Builder session. To start new work from a database table or view, select Create classes..., and then select the one (or ones) you want to work with. To resume work on a saved session, select Open.., and then select the one you want to work with. To close this window and work directly from the menu bar, select Cancel. To turn off the Startup window (so it does not appear each time you start Data Access Builder), do either of the following:  Click in the 'Display this window on startup' check box in the Startup window, to remove the check mark.  Select Startup window from the Options menu to remove the check mark. To turn this option on, select Startup window to display the check mark. The next time you start Data Access Builder, the Startup window is displayed. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Startup window  Options menu Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Creating Classes  Opening a Previously Saved Data Access Builder Session ═══ 49. Create Classes ═══ Use the Create Classes window to create new classes based on existing DB2/2 database tables. In that window, you select the database and then the tables or views in the database to work with. Databases lists all databases currently accessible. Select a database from the list of available databases, and then select Connect to connect to the database. (Double-clicking on the database name does the same thing.) Tables then lists the names of available tables and views in that database. Names are shown as USERID.TABLE, where USERID is the creator of the table, and TABLE is the table or view name. Select one or several names from the list. To select all names at once, use Select all. Select Create classes to create a new class for each table or view you selected. Select Cancel to close the Create Classes window. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Create class  Help for Table or View pop-up menu  Create classes...  File menu Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Creating Classes  Changing the Class Name  Changing the Mapping between a Table and a Class ═══ 50. Generate Options ═══ Use the Generate Options window to set the default type of source code that will be generated by Data Access Builder. Select either a Visual Builder part or IDL, and then select Save as default. This default setting is used when you select Generate from the Class pop-up menu (without using the conditional cascade). You can temporarily override this default setting by using the Generate conditional cascade (the right arrow button) from the Class pop-up menu. This selection holds for one generate action. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Generate options...  Options menu  Generate  Help for Class pop-up menu. Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Generating Visual Builder Parts Using Data Access Builder  Generating IDL Using Data Access Builder  Using Visual Builder Programs  Using C++ Programs  Using SOM Programs ═══ 51. Open ═══ Use the Open window to retrieve a previously saved Data Access Builder session: 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Select a file name from the File list, or type in a file name. (Saved Data Access Builder sessions have a file extension of .DAX.) 5. Select OK. The name of the retrieved session will appear in the title bar. To close the Open window without retrieving a session, select Cancel. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Open...  File menu Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Opening a Previously Saved Data Access Builder Session ═══ 52. Save As ═══ Use the Save As window to save the current Data Access Builder session under a new file name. The current session consists of all objects currently displayed in the client area, and the settings for those objects. 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Select a file name from the File list, or type a file name in the Save as filename entry field. Use a file extension of .DAX. 5. Select OK. If you specify an existing file name, you are asked whether you want to overwrite the contents of the existing file. Select Cancel to cancel the Save As action and close the window. Select from the following list to get related online help:  Save as...  File menu Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Saving a Data Access Builder Session under Another Name ═══ 53. View Source ═══ Use the View Source window to view in browse mode any of the source files generated by Data Access Builder. If you did not specify another text editor to use (through WorkFrame/2), the selected file will appear in an LPEX window: This window shows you a list of all the source files generated by Data Access Builder for the class. Select the file or files you want to look at, and then select View. Visual Builder parts have the following file extensions: .CPP, .DEF, .HPP, .MAK, .SQC, and .VBE. IDL source files have the following file extensions: .CPP, .IDL, .MAK, and .SQC. To close the View Source window without viewing any files, select Cancel. Warning: Do not edit the source code generated by VisualAge C++. You should always generate source code directly from the information in the class notebook. If you edit a source file directly, your changes will be lost if you use the tool to generate code again for the same class. Select from the following list to get related online help:  View source...  Generate  Help for Class pop-up menu Select from the following list to get related information from the online book:  Generating Code Using Data Access Builder  Viewing Code Generated by Data Access Builder