MKMSGF * V Y \ f r z DDE46.MSG Etask: object::delete(): has chainEtask: object::delete(): on chainEtask: qhead::get(): emptyEtask: qtail::put(): object on other queueEtask: qtail::put(): fullEtask: qhead::putback(): object on other queueEtask: qhead::putback(): fullEtask: sched::setclock(): clock!=0Etask: sched::schedule(): clock_task not idleEtask: sched::insert(): cannot schedule terminated schedEtask: sched::schedule(): runningEtask: sched::schedule(): clock<0Etask: sched::schedule(): task or timer on other queueEtask: histogram::histogram(): bad argumentsEtask: task::restore() or task::task(): stack overflowEtask: new: free store exhaustedEtask: task::task(): bad modeEtask: task::~task(): not terminatedEtask: task::preempt(): not runningEtask: timer::~timer(): not terminatedEtask: sched::schedule(): runchain corrupted: bad timeEtask: sched object used directly (not as base)Etask: queue ::~queue(): not emptyEtask: task::result(): thistask->result()Etask: task::wait(): wait for selfEtask: FrameLayout::FrameLayout(): function startEtask: FrameLayout::FrameLayout(): frame sizeEtask: task::fudge_return(): unexpected register maskEtask: task::fudge_return(): frame too bigEtask: sigFunc - no handler for signalEtask: illegal signal numberEtask: Interrupt_handler::~Interrupt_handler(): signal handler not on chainEtask: task returns without calling task::resultis(int)Etask: illegal mode passed to qhead::qhead(), qtail::qtail(), qhead::setmode() or qtail::setmode()Etask: attempt to set the maximum size of a queue to a value less than or equal to 0Etask: urand::urand(int,int) receives bad arguments? Interrupt handler object: id=%d, got_interrupt=%d, old=%p%1 Chain of Interrupt_handlers:%1 %2Empty%1 %1 Unidentified object %2object: this=%x%1 %2No tasks remembered%1 %2Next task on this=%x remember chain is:%1 %1? thistask: runchain:%1 qhead%3 mode=%d, max=%d, count=%d, tail=%d%1 %2tail of queue:%1 %2no tail%1 %2object on queue :%1 %1 qtail%3 mode=%d, max=%d, space=%d, head=%d%1 head of queue :%1 %2no head%1 naked sched (object not part of class derived from sched) %2sched: this=%x%1 run chain is empty%1 run chain is:%1 end of run chain.%1 Next sched object on run chain is:%1 [%d:%d] : %d%1 task%1 task %s%3 (is thistask, %s)%3 (%s)%3 (state==%d CORRUPTED)%3 %2this = %x:%1 %2mode=%s t_alert=%x t_next=%x %3result=%d%1 s_time=%d%1 %2stack: deleted. hwm size=%d, hwm address=%x %1 %2sizes:%2 max=%d, current=%d , hwm=%d %1%2%2addresses:%2 t_basep=%x, t_framep=%x%1 %2%2%2%2max=%x , current=%x , hwm=%x %1 %1Chain of all tasks:%1 Next task on chain of all tasks is:%1 timer %ld == clock+%ld%1