MKMSGF DDE44.MSG fatal error recoverable information warning %1: Not enough memory is available. %1: Error occurred in intermediate file. %1: A type mismatch was found between declarations of symbol %2 in files %3 and %4. %1: The definitions of symbol %2 in file %3 and file %4 are not consistent. %1: The value of the /R option must be consistent across source files when the intermediate code linker is used. %1: The value of the /G3, /G4, /G5 option must be consistent across source files when the intermediate code linker is used. %1: The value of the /%2 option must be consistent across source files when the intermediate code linker is used. %1: The value of the /O option must be consistent across source files when the intermediate code linker is used. %1: A second #pragma entry was detected in file %2. %1: The declarations of function %2 in file %3 and file %4 have inconsistent calling conventions. %1: The declarations of function %2 in file %3 and file %4 have inconsistent numbers of parameters. %1: The declarations of function %2 in file %3 and file %4 have inconsistent variable argument properties. %1: The command line passed to the intermediate code linker is not correct. %1: Unknown error. %1: Error in .DEF file %1. %1: Error occurred while opening intermediate file %2. %1: Error occurred while writing to intermediate file. %1: Error occurred while reading from intermediate file. %1: Error occurred while closing intermediate file. %1: Error occurred while creating name. %1: Source files containing conflicting language indicators were linked; debugging may be restricted.