═══ 1. Using SQLPREP ═══ SQLPREP translates an application source file containing embedded SQL statements into a modified source file containing Database Manager run-time services API calls. SQLPREP can optionally bind the application to a database during the precompile process. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. ═══ 1.1. SQLPREP Options ═══ These options may be used with the SQLPREP action. Database Name If blank, and/or the database name cannot be determined from the input file (when generated by ICSDATA), the user will be prompted for input. Otherwise, this is the default name used for this action. ICSDATA generated database names will override this default. Prompt For Name The user will be prompted to enter the database to be associated with this SQC file if it was not generated by ICSDATA. Ignore Generated Name This will cause the SQLPREP action to ignore database information generated by the ICSDATA tool, and determine the database name using the prompt and/or default name, depending on the other settings. Output Options Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Create Package Selects the PACKAGE option and creates a package using the program name with the .c extension. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Create Bind File Creates a bind file using the program name with the .BND extension. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Both Create both a package and a bind file. Neither (Syntax Check Only) Selects the SYNTAX option. This option does not create a package or a bind file. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Date/Time Format Determines the date and time format used when date/time fields are assigned to string representations. If this option is not specified, the default format is used as determined by the country code. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Isolation Level Determines isolation level. If no isolation level option is specified, Database Manager uses the isolation level selected at precompile time. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Blocking Type Specifies the type of record blocking to be used and how ambiguous cursors are to be treated. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Compliance Level Specifies the standards compliance level requested. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Suppress #Lines Macro Suppress #line macros. Specify this option if you intend to step through your program with a symbolic debugger. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Enable Optimization Specifies SQLDA optimization. This causes SQLDA initialization to be optimized for SQL statements that use host variables. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. ═══ 1.2. SQLPREP Prompt ═══ The user may request that each invocation of the action query for the database name. File Name Name of the file upon which this action is to be performed. Database Name Name of the database to which this action applies. ═══ 2. Using SQLBIND ═══ A .BND file produced by SQLPREP is bound to the specified database. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. ═══ 2.1. SQLBIND Options ═══ These options may be used with the SQLBIND action. Database Name If blank the user will be prompted for input. Otherwise, this is the default name used for this action. Authorization ID / Grant Specification Specifies that EXECUTION and BIND privileges are granted to the specified ID. Valid values are PUBLIC or and authorization ID representing a user or goup. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Date/Time Format Determines the date and time format used when date/time fields are assigned to string representations. If this option is not specified, the default format is used as determined by country code. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Isolation Level Determines isolation level. If no isolation level option is specified, Database Manager uses the isolation level selected at precompile time. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Blocking Type Specifies the type of record blocking to be used and how ambiguous cursors are to be treated. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details. Input is file list The input is a list of .BND files to bind with the specified database. Prompt The user will be prompted to enter the parameters to be used for SQLBIND. ═══ 2.2. SQLBIND Prompt ═══ The user may request that each invocation of the action query for the input parameters. File Name Name of the file upon which this action is to be performed. Input is file list The input is a list of .bnd files to bind with the specified database. Database Name Name of the database to which this action applies. Authorization ID / Grant Specification Specifies that EXECUTION and BIND privileges are granted to the specified ID. Valid values are PUBLIC or and authorization ID representing a user or goup. Consult the DB/2 OS/2 Programming Guide for more details.