MKMSGF cppfilt.msg WUnrecognized flag '%c' ignored.WCannot open file "%s", it is ignored. C++ Symbol Mapping demangled: mangled: WWidth expected following -w option.WAll text mode options are/will be ignored.EInternal error. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM IBM C/C++ Tools Version 2.0 - C++ Filter Utility (C) Copyright IBM Corp., 1993, All Rights Reserved US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. (duplicate of previous symbol) ;PUBDEFs (Symbols available from object file): ;EXTDEFs (Symbols used by object file): ;EXPDEFs (Symbols marked to be exported from object file): ;From object file: ;COMDATs (Symbols available from object file): ;COMDEFs (Symbols available from object file): Syntax: 1) binary mode: an object file is searched and its symbols are dumped in a format that can be used in a .DEF file CPPFILT -b [-x] [-r] [-p] [-o [nnn]] [-n] [-s] [-q] 2) text mode: acts as a filter to translate mangled names to demangled names CPPFILT [-m] [-t] [-w nnn] [-c] [-s] [-q] [] where: /x - dump exported symbols /r - dump external references /p - dump public symbols /o - generate ordinals (starting at nnn if specified) /n - generate NONAME at the end of the line /s - demangle special symbols too /q - don't display the logo /m - generate a symbol map at the end /t - display both the mangled and demangled names /w - specify the width in which demangled names are printed /c - demangle special class names /h or /? - display this help Option letters are NOT case sensitive