═══ 1. About Style ═══ The Style application is a sample Presentation Manager application which demonstrates the basic functionality of a PM application. The application allows a user to edit and save basic text files. It also has some dialogs which demonstrate the various control windows and message boxes. ═══ 2. File Menu ═══ The File menu contains commands that you use to create, open, save, and print data files. In addition, it also contains the command that you use to exit the Sample application. The following commands appear in the File menu: New Creates a new untitled file Open Opens an existing file Save Saves any changes to current file Save As Saves the current file using a new name Print Prints a file Page Setup Displays various page-design options Print Setup Helps you set up your printer for use with the Sample application Exit Quits the Sample application ═══ 3. New ═══ You can create a new file in the Sample application window by using the New command. To create a new file, do the following: o Select the File menu and choose the New command. The word "Untitled" appears in the title bar of the new file. ═══ 4. Open ═══ You can open a file that exists on any drive or in any directory by using the Open command. To open a file, do the following: o Select the File menu and choose the Open command. A dialog box appears, showing you a list of files in the current directory. ═══ 5. Save ═══ You use the Save command to save changes you've made to your file. To save changes to the current file, do the following: o Select the File menu and choose the Save command. ═══ 6. Save As ═══ You use the Save As command to name and save a new file. Follow these steps to save a new file: 1. Select the File menu and choose the Save As command. A dialog box appears, prompting you for a new filename. ═══ 7. Print ═══ You use the Print command to print a Sample application file. Follow these steps to print a file: 1. Select the File menu and choose the Print command. 2. ═══ 8. PageSetup ═══ You use the Page Setup command to format the page layout used when a file is printed. Such formats include: 1. Paper margins. 2. Maximum paper margins. 3. Header and footer text. Follow these steps to select the page setup for a file: 1. Select the File menu and choose the Page Setup command. ═══ 9. PrintSetup ═══ You use the Print Setup command to set options that control how a file is printed. Such options include: 1. Specifying which pages to print. 2. Number of copies to print. Follow these steps to select print options for a file: 1. Select the File menu and choose the Print Setup command. ═══ 10. Exit ═══ You quit the Sample application by using the Exit command. To quit the Sample application, do the following: 1. Select the File menu and choose the Exit command. ═══ 11. Edit Menu ═══ Enter text for the main Edit Menu help screen here. ═══ 12. Undo ═══ Place information for the Edit Undo menu item here. ═══ 13. Cut ═══ Place information for the Edit Cut menu item here. ═══ 14. Copy ═══ Place information for the Edit Copy menu item here. ═══ 15. Paste ═══ Place information for the Edit Paste menu item here. ═══ 16. Clear ═══ Place information for the Edit Clear menu item here. ═══ 17. Help Menu ═══ Insert standard Help menu text here. ═══ 18. Help For Help ═══ Place information for the Help Help for Help menu here. ═══ 19. Extended ═══ Place information for the Help Extended menu item here. Note: This screen will usually be handled by the default. ═══ 20. Keys ═══ Place information for the Help Keys menu item here. ═══ 21. Index ═══ Place information for the Help Index menu item here. ═══ 22. About ═══ Place information for the Help About menu item here. ═══ 23. Options Menu ═══ The Options menu allows you to change the appearance of the text in the MLE. The following commands appear in the Options menu: Foreground Color Sets the text color Background Color Sets the color of the window background Font Sets the font used for the text ═══ 24. Foreground Color ═══ You can change the color of the text in the Style application window by using the Foreground Color command. To change the text color, do the following: o Select the Options menu and choose the Foreground Color command. A dialog box appears, allowing you to select a new text color. ═══ 25. Background Color ═══ The Background Color menu allows you to change the color of the window background of the Style application. The following commands appear in the Background Color menu: Yellow Sets the window color to yellow Pink Sets the window color to pink Cyan Sets the window color to cyan Default Sets the window color to the default window color ═══ 26. Background Color Yellow ═══ You can change the color of the window background of the Style application to yellow by using the Background Color Yellow command. To change the background color to yellow, do the following: o Select the Options menu and choose the Background Color menu. o Select the Yellow command. ═══ 27. Background Color Pink ═══ You can change the color of the window background of the Style application to pink by using the Background Color Pink command. To change the background color to pink, do the following: o Select the Options menu and choose the Background Color menu. o Select the Pink command. ═══ 28. Background Color Cyan ═══ You can change the color of the window background of the Style application to cyan by using the Background Color Cyan command. To change the background color to cyan, do the following: o Select the Options menu and choose the Background Color menu. o Select the Cyan command. ═══ 29. Background Color Default ═══ You can change the color of the window background of the Style application to the default window color by using the Background Color Default command. To change the background color to the default, do the following: o Select the Options menu and choose the Background Color menu. o Select the Default command. ═══ 30. Font ═══ You can change the font of the text in the Style application window by using the Font command. To change the font, do the following: o Select the Options menu and choose the Font command. A dialog box appears, allowing you to select a new font. ═══ 31. Demo Menu ═══ The Demo menu contains some dialog boxes that demonstrates the various controls available in Presentation Manager, as well as samples of the various types of Message Boxes. The following commands appear in the Demo menu: Dialog Controls Dialog boxes that demonstrate the dialog controls Message Boxes Samples of the different types of Message Boxes ═══ 32. Dialog Controls ═══ The Dialog Controls menu allows you to view a dialog which demonstrates some of the dialog control windows. The following commands appear in the Dialog Controls menu: Buttons Demonstrates the various types of button controls List Boxes Demonstrates the various types of list box controls Combo Boxes Demonstrates the various types of combo box controls Entry Fields Demonstrates the various types of entry field controls Static Demonstrates the various types of static controls Presentation Parameters Demonstrates how to set the presentation parameters of a control Container Demonstrates a container control Valueset Demonstrates a valueset control Sliders Demonstrates a horizontal and vertical slider controls Spinbuttons Demonstrates a master and servant spin button controls Notebook Demonstrates a notebook control ═══ 33. Buttons ═══ This command displays a dialog demonstrating the various types of button controls available in Presentation Manager. To view the button dialog, do the following: o Select the Dialog Controls menu and choose the Buttons command. ═══ 34. ListBoxes ═══ This command displays a dialog demonstrating the various types of list-box controls available in Presentation Manager. To view the list-box dialog, do the following: o Select the Dialog Controls menu and choose the List Boxes command. ═══ 35. ComboBoxes ═══ This command displays a dialog demonstrating the various types of combo-box controls available in Presentation Manager. To view the combo-box dialog, do the following: o Select the Dialog Controls menu and choose the Combo Boxes command. ═══ 36. EntryFields ═══ This command displays a dialog demonstrating the various types of entry field controls available in Presentation Manager. To view the entry field dialog, do the following: o Select the Dialog Controls menu and choose the Entry Fields command. ═══ 37. Static ═══ This command displays a dialog demonstrating the various types of static controls available in Presentation Manager. To view the static dialog, do the following: o Select the Dialog Controls menu and choose the Static command. ═══ 38. Presentation Parameter Demo ═══ This command displays a dialog demonstrating the method for setting presentation parameters on some dialog controls. To view the presentation parameter dialog, do the following: o Select the Dialog Controls menu and choose the Presentation Parameters command. ═══ 39. Container ═══ This command displays a dialog demonstrating the container control available in Presentation Manager. To view the container dialog, do the following: o Select the Dialog Controls menu and choose the Container command. ═══ 40. Notebook ═══ This command displays a dialog demonstrating the notebook control available in Presentation Manager. To view the notebook dialog, do the following: o Select the Dialog Controls menu and choose the Notebook command. ═══ 41. Slider ═══ This command displays a dialog demonstrating the slider control available in Presentation Manager. To view the slider dialog, do the following: o Select the Dialog Controls menu and choose the Slider command. ═══ 42. Valueset ═══ This command displays a dialog demonstrating the valueset control available in Presentation Manager. To view the valueset dialog, do the following: o Select the Dialog Controls menu and choose the Valueset command. ═══ 43. Spinbutton ═══ This command displays a dialog demonstrating the spinbutton control available in Presentation Manager. To view the spinbutton dialog, do the following: o Select the Dialog Controls menu and choose the Spinbutton command. ═══ 44. Message Boxes ═══ The Message Boxes menu allows you to view a examples of each type of Message Box available. The following commands appear in the Dialog Controls menu: Ok Button Example of a Message Box with only an Ok button Ok/Cancel Buttons Example of a Message Box with Ok and Cancel buttons Yes/No Buttons Example of a Message Box with Yes and No buttons Yes/No/Cancel Buttons Example of a Message Box with Yes, No, and Cancel buttons Retry/Cancel Buttons Example of a Message Box with Retry and Cancel buttons Abort/Retry/Ignore Buttons Example of a Message Box with Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons Enter Button Example of a Message Box with only an Enter button Enter/Cancel Buttons Example of a Message Box with Enter and Cancel buttons Query Icon Example of a Message Box with a Query icon Warning Icon Example of a Message Box with a Warning icon Information Icon Example of a Message Box with a Information icon Critical Icon Example of a Message Box with a Critical icon Application Modal Example of a Message Box that is application modal System Modal Example of a Message Box that is system modal Moveable Example of a Message Box that is moveable Help Example of a Message Box that has a help button ═══ 45. Ok Button ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains only an Ok button. To view the Ok Button Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Ok Button command. ═══ 46. Ok/Cancel Buttons ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains Ok and Cancel buttons. To view the Ok/Cancel Button Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Ok/Cancel Buttons command. ═══ 47. Yes/No Buttons ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains Yes and No buttons. To view the Yes/No Button Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Yes/No Buttons command. ═══ 48. Yes/No/Cancel Buttons ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. To view the Yes/No/Cancel Button Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Yes/No/Cancel Buttons command. ═══ 49. Retry/Cancel Buttons ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains Retry and Cancel buttons. To view the Retry/Cancel Button Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Retry/Cancel Buttons command. ═══ 50. Abort/Retry/Ignore Buttons ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons. To view the Abort/Retry/Ignore Button Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Abort/Retry/Ignore Buttons command. ═══ 51. Enter Button ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains only an Enter button. To view the Enter Button Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Enter Button command. ═══ 52. Enter/Cancel Buttons ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains Enter and Cancel buttons. To view the Enter/Cancel Button Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Enter/Cancel Buttons command. ═══ 53. Query Icon ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains a Query icon. To view the Query Icon Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Query Icon command. ═══ 54. Warning Icon ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains a Warning icon. To view the Warning Icon Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Warning Icon command. ═══ 55. Information Icon ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains a Information icon. To view the Information Icon Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Information Icon command. ═══ 56. Critical Icon ═══ This command displays a Message Box which contains a Critical icon. To view the Critical Icon Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Critical Icon command. ═══ 57. Application Modal ═══ This command displays a Message Box which is modal to the application. To view the Application Modal Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Application Modal command. ═══ 58. System Modal ═══ This command displays a Message Box which is modal to the system. To view the Application Modal Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the System Modal command. ═══ 59. Moveable ═══ This command displays a Message Box which is moveable. To view the Moveable Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Moveable command. ═══ 60. Help Message Box ═══ This command displays a Message Box which has a Help button. To view the Help Message Box, do the following: o Select the Message Boxes menu and choose the Help command. ═══ 61. Demo Message Box ═══ This dialog demonstrates the different attributes of a Message Box created with the WinMessageBox() function. ═══ 62. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 63. Help ═══ This button calls the help screen for the selected item. ═══ 64. Button Demo Dialog ═══ This dialog demonstrates the differnt styles of button controls. ═══ 65. Radio ═══ This button is an example of a radio button. Only one radio button in a group of buttons can be selected at one time. When this button is selected, all other radio buttons in the same group are automatically unselected. ═══ 66. Check Box ═══ A check box is a small square window that is empty when it is unselected, and contains an "x" when selected. Check box text is displayed to the right of the check box. ═══ 67. Three State ═══ Similar to a check box, except that it toggles between selected, unselected, and halftone states. ═══ 68. Push Button ═══ A push button. The button posts a WM_COMMAND message to its owner window when selected. ═══ 69. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 70. Help ═══ This button calls the help screen for the selected item. ═══ 71. List Box Demo Dialog ═══ This dialog demonstrates the different styles of list boxes. ═══ 72. Single Entry ═══ This listbox is an example of a single entry list box. Only one item at a time can be selected. ═══ 73. Multiple Entry ═══ This listbox is an example of a multiple entry list box. More than one item can be selected at a time. ═══ 74. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 75. Help ═══ This button calls the help scre`en for the selected item. ═══ 76. ComboBox Demo Dialog ═══ This dialog demonstrates the different styles of combo boxes. ═══ 77. Simple Combo Box ═══ This combo box is an example of a Simple combo box. Simple combo boxes are made up of a listbox control and an entry field control that are visible at all times. ═══ 78. Drop-down ═══ This combo box is an example of a drop-down combo box. A drop-down combo box is made up of an entry field control and a button. When the user selects the button, a listbox control appears. ═══ 79. Drop-down List ═══ This combo box is an example of a Drop-down List combo box. A Drop-down List combo box is similar to a Drop-down combo box, but the user cannot enter or edit text in the entry field. ═══ 80. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 81. Help ═══ This button calls the help screen for the selected item. ═══ 82. Entry Field Demo Dialog ═══ This dialog demonstrates the different styles of entry fields. ═══ 83. Entry Field ═══ This entry field is an example of a Single line entry field. The entry field only accepts a single line of text but will scroll horizontally should the text length be longer than the visible area of the control. ═══ 84. Multiple Line Entry Field ═══ This entry field is an example of a multiple line entry field (MLE). An MLE is a very sophisticated control window that users use to view and edit multiple lines of text. An MLE plrovides all the text- editing capability of a simple text editor, making these features readily available to applications. ═══ 85. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 86. Help ═══ This button calls the help screen for the selected item. ═══ 87. Static Demo Dialog ═══ This dialog demonstrates the different styles of static controls. ═══ 88. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 89. Help ═══ This button calls the help screen for the selected item. ═══ 90. Pres. Param. Demo Dialog ═══ This dialog demonstrates how to use Presentation Parameters with control windows. Presentation Parameters are used to set display attributes of a particular control window. Such attributes include foreground and background color as well as the font the control uses to display its text. This dialog allows you to set the foreground color, background color, and font for two controls. The two controls used, a static text box and a check box button, are on the left side of the center dividing line of the dialog. On the right side of the dialog are three combo boxes, which are used to set the three attributes. To set an attribute for the controls, select the value desired from the appropriate combo box. For example, to set the foreground color of the controls to blue, select blue from the Foreground combo box. Select the Ok button when you have set all the attributes you want. The foreground color, background color, and font presentation parameters of both controls will be set to the values you specified. When finished with the dialog, select the Apply button. ═══ 91. Foreground Color List ═══ This combo box allows you to set the foreground color of the controls. Simply select the foreground color desired and select the Ok button. ═══ 92. Background Color List ═══ This combo box allows you to set the background color of the controls. Simply select the background color desired and select the Ok button. ═══ 93. Font List ═══ This combo box allows you to set the font for the text of the controls. Simply select the font desired and select the Ok button. ═══ 94. Test Button ═══ This button is used to show the effect of changing the presentation parameters of a check box button. The button's foreground color, background color, and font can be changed by selecting the appropriate attribute and selecting the Ok button. ═══ 95. Apply ═══ This button causes the presentation parameters of the two test controls to be set to the values selected. ═══ 96. Cancel ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 97. Help ═══ This button calls the help screen for the selected item. ═══ 98. About Box ═══ This dialog displays the version number, copyright notice, and any other pertinent information for the application. ═══ 99. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 100. Container Demo Dialog ═══ This dialog demonstrates the container control. To display other other views of the container, double click mouse button two and select the desired view. ═══ 101. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 102. CANCEL ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 103. HELP ═══ This button calls the help screen for the selected item. ═══ 104. Notebook Demo Dialog ═══ This dialog demonstrates the notebook control. To change the page displayed in the control, select the arrow in the corner of the notebook page. ═══ 105. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 106. CANCEL ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 107. HELP ═══ This button calls the help screen for the selected item. ═══ 108. Vertical Slider ═══ This is an example of a vertical slider control. Move the slider arm or click on the up or down arrows to change the output of the slider. ═══ 109. Horizontal Slider ═══ This is an example of a horizontal slider control. Move the slider arm or click on the up or down arrows to change the output of the slider. ═══ 110. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 111. CANCEL ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 112. HELP ═══ This button calls the help screen for the selected item. ═══ 113. Valueset Demo Dialog ═══ This dialog demonstrates a valueset control. ═══ 114. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 115. CANCEL ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 116. HELP ═══ This button calls the help screen for the selected item. ═══ 117. Master spinbutton ═══ This is an example of a master spinbutton control. Values in the control may be changed by pressing the up or down arror keys or by mouse selecting the up or down arrow buttons of the spinbutton. ═══ 118. Servant spinbutton ═══ This is an example of a servant spinbutton control. Values in the servant control may be changed by pressing the up or down arror keys or by mouse selecting the up or down arrow buttons of the spinbutton ═══ 119. OK ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 120. CANCEL ═══ This button closes the dialog. ═══ 121. HELP ═══ This button calls the help screen for the selected item. ═══ 122. Unknown Dialog Box ═══ This panel is displayed for any dialog box that does not have a help panel created for it. Make sure you have a help panel created for this dialog. ═══ 123. Unknown Dialog Item ═══ This panel is displayed for any dialog box item that does not have a help panel created for it. Make sure that you have a help panel created for all dialog box items.