═══ 1. Help for PMTESTER Help ═══ Use these choices to find out how to use help, to get extended help, to go to a list of keys, or to go to the help index. Help for help Provides detailed information on the kinds of help available and how to use help. Extended help Displays general help. Keys help Displays a list of keys. Help index Displays the help index. ═══ 2. Help for Help ═══ Use this choice to obtain information on how to use the Help facility. ═══ 3. Help for Extended Help ═══ Use this choice to obtain general information on the tasks you can perform while you are viewing a help window. ═══ 4. Help for Help Index ═══ Use this choice to display the help index. The help index lists the titles of the help information that is available. ═══ 5. Help for Keys ═══ Use this choice to see a list of keys and a description of the function of the keys. ═══ 6. Extended Help for PMTESTER ═══ The PMTESTER program is an automated regression test tool. Help is available any time you press the F1 key from anywhere within the program. Because this is a context sensitive help, the help information that is displayed depends on where in the program F1 was selected. For instance, you receive help for the Product-Level pull-down on the action bar when you highlight Product-Level and press F1. However, this is not the same help that is displayed when you press F1 while the Open ... choice in the Product-Level pull-down is highlighted. Press Esc at any time to view the previous help window or to return to the main PMTESTER window if there are no other help windows. ═══ 7. Help for Product Level ═══ A product is an applicatin that you wish to test. A level, sometimes classified as version, is a development phase of the application. A product level is at the top of the hierarchy. Without it, test groups and test cases cannot be created. There can be more than one level in a product. For example, this product is called PMTESTER, the level is 2.00. When you need to input the product level, you would type Product name: PMTESTER "p. Level name: 2.00 All the characters on a standard keyboard are acceptable. The level name can be numbers or letters. The default field sizes are: Product name: 40 Level name: 40 Use the directional keys on the key pad to view these fields. The Product Level Menu consists of these functions: * Open... * Save * Quit * Save and Quit * Display Log * About * Resume The Open... selection provides the Open, Create and Delete functions used on product levels. There are two ways to bring up the "Operate on Product Levels" form window in this menu. First is when you begin PMTESTER. The second way is to select this menu on the Menu Bar while you are in the Main window. ═══ 8. Help for Manipulating Product Levels ═══ The Open... function is used to: * Open an existing Product Level or * Create a new Product Level or * Delete an existing Product Level Open a Product Level To open a product level, select the product level to be opened then Double click on the product level OR Choose the "Open" radio button in the "Operate" box then click on the "Open" button or press . Create a Product Level You must have a product level created before proceeding to create test groups and test cases. To create a product level, select the Open... function in the Product Level Menu, then 1 Choose the "Create" radio button in the "Operation" box 2 Enter the product and level names 3 Click on the "Create" button or press A new product level will be listed in the "Product Levels" box and new Main window will appear. Delete a Product Level The Delete function applies to product levels only. When you delete a product level, you are also deleting all its test groups and test cases. The product level name will be removed from the "Product Levels" box in the "Operate on Product Levels" window. To delete a product level, 1 Select the product level to be deleted 2 Choose the "Delete" radio button in the "Operation" box 3 Single click on the "Delete" button A confirmation window will prompt for your input. ═══ 9. Help for Saving Product Levels ═══ This function allows you to save your changes for the current Product Level which includes all of its test groups and test cases. It is recommendated that you save your work periodically during the PMTESTER session. ═══ 10. Help for Quiting PMTESTER ═══ The Quit function enables you to exit the PMTESTER application. It does not automatically save your work for you. You must select the Save function to save the file or the Save and Quit function to do both. To quit without saving, Select the Product Level Menu then choose Quit OR Press F3 ═══ 11. Help for Saving and Quiting PMTESTER ═══ This two-in-one function allows you to save your changes for the current Product Level and to exit the PMTESTER application at the same time. To do so, 1 Select the Product Level Menu 2 Choose Save and Quit ═══ 12. Help for Importing into PMTESTER ═══ This function allows you to import test groups and their associated test cases into the current Product Level. The 'EXPORT' subdirectory in the PMTESTER directory must contain previously exported test groups for this function to operate. To do so, 1 Select the Product Level Menu 2 Choose Import ═══ 13. Help for Exporting from PMTESTER ═══ This function allows you to export test groups and their associated test cases from the current Product Level. The 'EXPORT' subdirectory in the PMTESTER directory will then contain the exported test groups. To do so, 1 Select the Product Level Menu 2 Choose Export ═══ 14. Help for Displaying the PMTESTER Log ═══ The log file in PMTESTER is used to store test case results by assigning "success" or "Failure" to each test case. The Display Log function will execute the OS/2 system editor and contains all the outcomes of executed test cases for this PMTESTER session. It also includes the date, time, product level, test group and test case names. The log file is cleared when you start PMTESTER. To display the log file, 1 Select the Product Level Menu 2 Choose Display Log To exit the editor, press the F3 key. ═══ 15. Help for Information about PMTESTER ═══ PMTESTER Product identification. Copyright 1989,1990 by Princeton Windowing Systems. ═══ 16. Help for Resuming to PMTESTER ═══ Selection of this function returns you to the PMTESTER Main window. The key can also be used to cancel menu listings and exit form windows. ═══ 17. Help for Object ═══ The Object Menu is consist of functions that are performed on an object, such as a test group or a test case. The menu includes the following functions: * Create... * Modify * Record * Run * Resume Not all of these functions can be performed on all the object types. ═══ 18. Help for Creating an Object ═══ A test group can be created at any time, however, a test case can be created only when its test group exists. You must select a test group before you can create a test case. Only one test group or test case can be created at a time. The new test group or test case will be placed before a selected group or case name. If none has been selected, the new group or case name will be placed at the end of the list in their respective "Product Level Groups" or "Test Group" window. When more than one group or case has been selected, the new group or case will be placed before the first selected one. To create an object, 1 Select the Object Menu then choose Create... OR Press F5 2 Select either the "Test Group" or "Test Case" radio button in the "Object Type" box 3 Enter the object name and description For test groups, 4 Select the "Create" button or press The test group name will appear in the "Product Level Groups" window. For test cases, 4 Select the "Create..." button or press , the "Create a Case Confirmation Routine" form window will appear For case confirmation routine, 5 Enter the program name OR Enter the DLL and function names For programs, enter the file name and its extension. For DLL routines, specify the file and function name. 6 If you select the "Create" button, both test case and case confirmation routine will be created. 7 If you select the "Create and Record" button, PMTESTER will hide its window and start recording all the mouse and keyboard events immediately. To stop recording, press the key or the new hotkey. Default field sizes are: Product name: 40 Level name: 40 Object name: 80 Description: 255 Program file name: 12 DLL routine-File name: 8 -Function name: 31 To view these fields, press the directional keys on the key pad. All the characters on a standard keyboard are acceptable. ═══ 19. Help for Renaming a Test Group or Test Case ═══ To rename a test group, 1 Select the test group to be renamed 2 Select the Object Menu then choose Rename... As soon as this function is selected, PMTESTER will show a form window which prompts you for the new test group name. Select the 'Change' button to rename the test group. To rename a test case, 1 Select the test case to be renamed 2 Select the Object Menu then choose Rename... As soon as this function is selected, PMTESTER will show a form window which prompts you for the new test case name. You must select either the 'Local' or 'Global' rename button before proceeding. Local renaming acts upon only the selected test case, global renaming acts upon all test cases in the current Product Level. Select the 'Change' button to rename the test case. ═══ 20. Help for Recording a Test Case ═══ In order to record the test case correctly, read the Preparation for Testing in the Appendix section of the User's Manual before proceeding. Only test cases can be recorded one at a time. To record a test case, 1 Select the test case to be recorded 2 Select the Object Menu then choose Record OR Press F7 As soon as this function is selected, PMTESTER will hide its window and record all mouse and keyboard events hereafter. To stop recording, press the key or the new hotkey. ═══ 21. Help for Properties of an Object ═══ This function allows the user to view and modify information pertaining to a test group or a test case and its confirmation routine. The following items can be modified: * Description of the test group * Description of the test case * Program, DLL and function names of the case confirmation routine To do so, select the test group or test case then 1 Press F7 OR Select the Object Menu then choose Properties... OR Press the key For test groups, 2 Enter the new description 3 Select the "Change" button or press For test cases and confirmation routines, 2 Enter the new description 3 Select the "Test Confirmation..." button or press 4 Enter the new program, DLL or function name and/or the screen comparison type then select The "Change" button or press to return to the Main window OR The "Edit Recording..." button shows a window which lists the entire recording file by events. You can insert, delete events or modify text string events. ═══ 22. Help for Run ═══ There are several ways to choose the frequency of running recorded objects. The Run Submenu contains the following functions: * Run Once(F8)-selected test group(s) and test case(s) * Run Forever-selected test group(s) and test cases(s) * Run All Groups Once(F9)-all test groups and their test cases * Run All Groups Forever-all test groups and their test cases Before running any object, read the Preparation for Testing section in the Appendix of the User's Manual. ═══ 23. Help for Run Once ═══ If you only want to run a selected list of test group(s) or test case(s) once, choose this function. Each test group will be run in the order they appear in the "Product Level Groups" window and each test case will run in the order they appear in the "Test Group" window. To run object(s) once, 1 Select one or multiple test groups or test cases 2 Select the Object Menu then Run 3 Choose Run Once OR Press F8 As soon as this function is selected, the Main window will hide itself and the selected object(s) will run once. To stop running, press the key or the new hotkey. To change the beeping sound, see Run Beeping in the Setup Menu. ═══ 24. Help for Run Forever ═══ When a list of selected test groups or test cases need to run more than once, choose the Run Forever function. The selected test groups within a product level will run forever in the order they appear in the "Product Level Groups" window. The selected test cases within a test group will run forever in the order they appear in the "Test Group" window. It will start at the top of the list, proceed to the bottom then return to the top again. To run continuously, 1 Select one or multiple test groups or test cases 2 Select the Object Menu then choose Run 3 Choose Run Forever in the submenu As soon as the function is selected, the Main window will be hidden and the selected objects will run forever. To stop running, press the key or the new hotkey. Beeping sound can be adjusted, see Run Beeping in the Setup Menu for details. ═══ 25. Help for Run All Groups Once ═══ This function enables you to run all of the test groups once. No selection is needed. Test groups will run in the order they appear in the "Product Level Groups" and "Test Group" windows. To execute this function, select the Object Menu then choose Run, then either Press the F9 key OR Choose Run All Groups Once in the submenu This will start playing back each test case one by one. To stop running, press the key or the new hotkey. Beeping sound can be adjusted, refer to the Run Beeping function in the Setup Menu. ═══ 26. Help for Run All Groups Continuously ═══ The Run All Groups Forever will run all of the test groups in this product level continuously. Test Groups will run in the order they appear in the "Product Level Groups" window and test cases within each test group will run in the order they appear in their "Test Group" windows. To run all groups forever, 1 Select the Object Menu then Run 2 Choose Run All Groups Forever in the submenu This will start playing back all the recorded test cases in this product level. To stop running, press the key or the new hotkey. Beeping sound can be adjusted, refer to the Run Beeping function in the Setup Menu. ═══ 27. Help for Edit ═══ PMTESTER has an Edit Menu selection that includes the following functions: * Cut * Copy * Paste These functions operate much the same as other standard editors. However, the user must understand some limitations and conditions associated with the testing environment. As a recommendation, read the Clipboard and Special Note on Cut and Copy portions in the User's Manual. ═══ 28. Help for Cut an Object ═══ The Cut function in PMTESTER is executed differently on a test group and a test case. When this function is applied to a test group, the test group is "deleted" from the "Product Level Groups" window. In other words, the test group is erased from the database. When this function is applied to a test case, the test case is cut from its "Test Group" window and transfered to the "Clipboard Cases" window. You can later paste this test case to another "Test Group" window. To cut one or multiple test groups or test cases within a defined group, 1 Select one or more test groups or cases to be cut 2 Select the Edit Menu 3 Choose Cut A confirmation window will prompt for your input. ═══ 29. Help for Copy an Object ═══ The Copy function is used for copying test cases only. More than one test case can be copied at a time. All the test cases selected will be copied from the "Test Group" window to an internal "Clipboard Cases" window. Test cases exist in the clipboard until the next Cut or Copy function is performed. Once you save and exit PMTESTER, all of the test cases currently or previously in the clipboard are erased. To copy one or more test cases, 1 Select the test case(s) to be copied 2 Select the Edit Menu 3 Choose Copy ═══ 30. Help for Paste an Object ═══ The Paste function is applicable to test cases only. PMTESTER uses an internal clipboard to temporarily hold test cases that have been cut or copied from their test groups. When this function is selected, all of the test cases currently in the clipboard will be transfered to the selected "Test Group" window. The position of pasting depends on the position of the focus in the select "Test Group" window. Incoming cases will be pasted before the first selected case. If no position has been selected, the new test cases will be pasted at the end of the list. To do so, 1 Select the "Test Group" window and the paste position in this window 2 Select the Edit Menu 3 Choose Paste ═══ 31. Help for Windows ═══ The Windows Menu consists of two functions: * Minimize All Groups * Cascade All Groups These two functions will rearrange your windows in the format you desire. ═══ 32. Help for Minimize All Groups ═══ This function converts all the "Test Group" and the "Clipboard Cases" windows into icons. The "Product Level Groups" window does not change. To minimize, Press the F11 key OR Select the Windows Menu then choose Minimize All Groups To restore each "Test Group" window, double click on the icon or select the Cascade All Groups function in the Windows Menu. ═══ 33. Help for Cascade All Groups ═══ This function will rearrange all the "Test Group" windows into a cascaded format. The "Product Level Groups" window does not change. To do so, Select the Window Menu then choose Cascade All Groups OR Press F12 All of the "Test Group" windows, whether in icon state or not, will be cascaded. ═══ 34. Help for Window Items ═══ This function will restore and place the focus upon, the selected "Test Group" window To do so, Select the Window Menu then choose the window entry corresponding to the test group you wish to surface A "Test Group" window is surfaced whether in the icon state or not. ═══ 35. Help for Window Items ═══ This function will restore and place the focus upon, the selected "Test Group" window To do so, Select the Window Menu then choose the window entry corresponding to the test group you wish to surface A "Test Group" window is surfaced whether in the icon state or not. ═══ 36. Help for Window Items ═══ This function will restore and place the focus upon, the selected "Test Group" window To do so, Select the Window Menu then choose the window entry corresponding to the test group you wish to surface A "Test Group" window is surfaced whether in the icon state or not. ═══ 37. Help for Window Items ═══ This function will restore and place the focus upon, the selected "Test Group" window To do so, Select the Window Menu then choose the window entry corresponding to the test group you wish to surface A "Test Group" window is surfaced whether in the icon state or not. ═══ 38. Help for Window Items ═══ This function will restore and place the focus upon, the selected "Test Group" window To do so, Select the Window Menu then choose the window entry corresponding to the test group you wish to surface A "Test Group" window is surfaced whether in the icon state or not. ═══ 39. Help for Window Items ═══ This function will restore and place the focus upon, the selected "Test Group" window To do so, Select the Window Menu then choose the window entry corresponding to the test group you wish to surface A "Test Group" window is surfaced whether in the icon state or not. ═══ 40. Help for Window Items ═══ This function will restore and place the focus upon, the selected "Test Group" window To do so, Select the Window Menu then choose the window entry corresponding to the test group you wish to surface A "Test Group" window is surfaced whether in the icon state or not. ═══ 41. Help for Window Items ═══ This function will restore and place the focus upon, the selected "Test Group" window To do so, Select the Window Menu then choose the window entry corresponding to the test group you wish to surface A "Test Group" window is surfaced whether in the icon state or not. ═══ 42. Help for Window Items ═══ This function will restore and place the focus upon, the selected "Test Group" window To do so, Select the Window Menu then choose the window entry corresponding to the test group you wish to surface A "Test Group" window is surfaced whether in the icon state or not. ═══ 43. Help for Window Items ═══ This function will restore and place the focus upon, the selected "Test Group" window To do so, Select the Window Menu then choose the window entry corresponding to the test group you wish to surface A "Test Group" window is surfaced whether in the icon state or not. ═══ 44. Help for Setup ═══ All of the functions in this menu are modifiable by the user. These functions have the following default settings: * Record Beeping - OFF * Run Beeping - OFF * Hotkeys - key * Run Speed - Normal * Resume - All the settings can be changed except the Resume key. ═══ 45. Help for Record Delay ═══ In order to provide enough time to prepare your application before recording begins, you can set a delay to the predetermined number of seconds in this submenu. The default is 'No Delay'. ═══ 46. Help for No Delay ═══ Provides no delay before recording commences. This is the default. ═══ 47. Help for No Delay ═══ Provides a 5 second delay before recording commences. ═══ 48. Help for No Delay ═══ Provides a 10 second delay before recording commences. ═══ 49. Help for No Delay ═══ Provides a 15 second delay before recording commences. ═══ 50. Help for No Delay ═══ Provides a 30 second delay before recording commences. ═══ 51. Help for No Delay ═══ Provides a 60 second delay before recording commences. ═══ 52. Help for Record Beeping ═══ The default setting is OFF. When it is turned ON, repeated beeping will play during the recording session. To turn it ON or OFF, 1 Select the Setup Menu 2 Choose Record Beeping A check mark next to the function indicates that it is ON. Repeat both steps to turn it OFF. ═══ 53. Help for Play Beeping ═══ The default setting is OFF. When it is turned ON, repeated beeping will play during any run session. To turn it ON or OFF, 1 Select the Setup Menu 2 Choose Run Beeping A check mark next to the function indicates that it is ON. Repeat both steps to turn it OFF. ═══ 54. Help for Logging ═══ Use this choice to toggle logging to the PMTESTER the outcomes of test case executions and their corresponding confirmation routine results. PMTESTER automatically logs all of the test case outcomes. To turn it OFF, 1 Selet the Setup Menu 2 Choose Logging A check mark preceeding the function indicates that the option is in effect. Repeat both steps to turn it ON. ═══ 55. Help for Hotkeys ═══ The Hotkeys Submenu contains functions that allow the users to configure their own keys to best suit their keyboard configuration. The default setting is the key. The two hotkeys are the Stop Record Hotkey and the Stop Run Hotkey which are used during either the record or run session. Most of the characters on a standard keyboard are acceptable, however keep in mind that certain keys are recommendated to avoid. Such as, * F1, F10 * Alt Keys, , * "\" key Only a single key is permitted in the entry. And as a note of precaution, if you use the , or key, remember that they might change your keyboard configuration. In order for the test case to run correnctly, the keyboard must be in the same state as when the test case was recorded. ═══ 56. Help for Stop Record Hotkey ═══ You can choose your own key to stop a recording session. The default setting is the key. By pressing this key, PMTESTER will abort the Record function and the Main window will reappear. Most of the characters on a standard keyboard are acceptable except keys noted below. Only a single key is permitted in the entry. To change the default setting, 1 Select the Setup Menu 2 Select Hotkeys... 3 Choose Stop Record Hotkey... in the submenu A box will display the current stop record key. Any key you press now will become the new Stop Record Hotkey. Another window will display the new hotkey. You can press to cancel your entry and return to the default setting. 4 Press the to save Avoid the following keys used in PM and PMTESTER applications, * F1, F10 * Alt Keys, , * "\" key Be careful when you use the , or key. ═══ 57. Help for Stop Run Hotkey ═══ You can choose your own key to stop a run session. The dafualt setting is the key. By pressing this key, PMTESTER will abort the Run function and return to the Main window. Most of the characters on a standard keyboard are acceptable except key noted below. Only a single key is permitted in the entry. To change the default setting, 1 Select the Setup Menu 2 Select Hotkeys... 3 Choose Stop Run Hotkey... in the submenu A box will display the current stop run key. Any key you press now will become the new Stop Run Hotkey. Another window will display the new hotkey. You can press the key to cancel your entry and return to the default setting. 4 Press the to save Avoid the following keys used in PM and PMTESTER applications, * F1, F10 * Alt Keys, , * "\" key Be careful when you use the , or key. ═══ 58. Help for Run Speed ═══ The Run Speed Submenu has functions that can specify the speed at which test cases are run. There are three speeds you can choose to run your test cases, * Normal- the default speed * Slower * Faster Selecting Slower or Faster repeatedly is additive. ═══ 59. Help for Slower ═══ Use this function to further slow down the test case execution speed. 1 Select Run Speed in the Setup Menu 2 Choose Slower in the submenu You can choose it repeatedly. ═══ 60. Help for Normal ═══ This function resets the test case execution speed to that which it was recorded at. This is the default speed. 1 Select Run Speed in the Setup Menu 2 Choose Normal in the submenu You only need to select this function once to resume to the "normal" setting. ═══ 61. Help for Faster ═══ Use this function to further accelerate the test case execution speed. 1 Select Run Speed in the Setup Menu 2 Choose Faster in the submenu You can choose it repeatedly. ═══ 62. Help for Tune... ═══ Use this function to tune the test case execution speed. 1 Select Run Speed in the Setup Menu 2 Choose Tune... in the submenu Normal speed is represented by '5'. ═══ 63. Help for Hide Mode ═══ Use this function to hide PMTESTER and allow PMTESTER batch commands to be executed. 1 Select Hide Mode in the Setup Menu ═══ 64. Help for Key Assignments ═══ The list of keys is arranged in groups. ACCELERATOR KEYS F2 Save the current Product-Level F3 Exit the PMTESTER application F4 Save the current Product-Level and exit the PMTESTER application F5 Create an object under the current Product-Level F6 Record the first selected test case in the currently selected test group F7 Modify the first selected test case in the currently selected test group F8 Run the selected test group(s) or case(s) in the currenly selected window F9 Run all of the selected test group(s) or case(s) in the currenly selected window F11 Minimize all of the test group windows F12 Surface and cascade all of the test group windows HELP KEYS F1 Get help F2 Get extended help (from within any help window) Alt+F4 End help F9 Go to a list of keys (from within any help window) F11 Go to the help index (from within any help window) Esc Previous Help Panel, or End help if only one panel Alt+F6 Go to/from help and programs Shift+F10 Get help for help SYSTEM KEYS Alt+F6 Switch to the next windowed program Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List WINDOW KEYS F3 Close a window F10 Go to/from the action bar Arrow keys Move among choices End Go to the last choice in a pull-down Esc Cancel a pull-down or the system menu Home Go to the first choice in a pull-down PgUp Scroll the contents of the window up one page PgDn Scroll the contents of the window down one page Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs Alt+F10 Go to/from the action bar Alt+F4 or F3 Close the window Alt+F5 Restore the window Alt+F7 Move the window Alt+F8 Size the window Alt+F9 Minimize the window Alt+F10 Maximize the window Ctrl+PgDn or Shift+F8 Scroll the contents of the window right one page Ctrl+PgUp or Shift+F7 Scroll the contents of the window left one page Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Go to/from the system menu Shift+Esc or Alt Go to/from the system menu of a text window