═══ 1. Gpf Installation Aid ═══ Installing Gpf This INSTALL program performs these functions: creates a directory structure on your hard drive transfers all files to those directories modifies the CONFIG.SYS file (you are given the choice of direct or indirect modification) installs Gpf into the Group Main TaskList prompts you to remove your diskette and conduct a Shutdown/Re-boot To start the procedure, select the Installation- Setup menu option. Further HELP is available for each screen (use F1.) ═══ 2. MainWindow ═══ This window is used to start the installation, monitor progress, and then exit. Installation Contains two options: Setup Goes to an options screen, primarily for source and target drive definitions. Exit Leave the application, now or when done. Help Contains entry points to application and system Help panels. PullDownInstall PullDownInstall Text PullDownExit PullDownExit Text ═══ 3. Window Src Dst ═══ This window is used to define: 1. the diskette (source) drive 2. the destination (target) drive 3. the destination directory. Gpf will create this directory, if required, and several sub-directories below it. 4. a choice of direct CONFIG.SYS modification, to the existing file, or changes are made to a re-named version. The latter procedure is recommended, so that you can verify proper edits to your CONFIG.SYS The CONFIG.SYS which will be installed or appended to are: 1. the LIBPATH variable 2. the PATH variable 3. the HELP variable 4. the BOOKSHELF variable (non-DEMO versions) 5. the LIB variable (nonDEMO versions) 6. the INCLUDE variable (non-DEMO versions) 7. a SET GPF= variable, set to the drive/directory you specify Pressing Ok means all choices are acceptable (as is or edited by you) and Installation will begin. Pressing Cancel returns you to the main screen without initiating an Install. ═══ 3.1. SrcDst Ok ═══ Starts the Installation process. You will be returned to the previous screen, from which you can monitor directory and file transfer progress. ═══ 3.2. SrcDst Cancel ═══ The Cancel key will return you to the entry screen without initiating an installation. You will then have the option of a restart or an exit. ═══ 3.3. Button Drive A ═══ Click here if the Gpf distribution diskette is in Drive 'A:' ═══ 3.4. Button Drive B ═══ Click here if the Gpf distribution diskette is in Drive 'B:' ═══ 3.5. ComboBox Output Drive ═══ Scroll and click to select the destination drive for the Gpf directory tree. Ensure the drive has at least 1MB free space. ═══ 3.6. EntryField OutPut Path ═══ Designate the 'root' directory for Gpf files and sub-directories. This tree will be created if necessary. A leading '\' character is optional, and assumed to be present if you choose not to write one. ═══ 3.7. ConfigSys ═══ Selecting this option will permit Gpf to modify your existing CONFIG.SYS. This is usually successful if your file is written in a manner consistent with the original OS/2 installation; this may fail if "strangenesses" exist. Note: For example, Gpf assumes there are no embedded carriage returns in an environment variable definition, i.e the entire defintion occupies one and only one line. The safe method is the other, that of placing all changes into a copy of your CONFIG.SYS This file is called CONFIG.NEW, which you are expected to visually verify with a text editor, then copy it to CONFIG.SYS if all is well. Note: A copy operation over-writes the destination file if it exists. ═══ 3.8. ConfigNew ═══ All Gpf modifications are made to a copy of the current CONFIG.SYS. This is the recommended option. Inspect this file with an editor after you exit the Install program. Once satisfied additions are correct, copy this file to CONFIG.SYS and conduct a shutdown/reboot to make these changes active. ═══ 4. Messages ═══ Messages Msg001 Insert GPF diskette 1 then press Enter. Msg002 Remove GPF diskette 1 , Insert GPF diskette 2 then press Enter. Msg003 Diskette in drive is not GPF diskette 1 - Retry or Cancel ? Msg004 Diskette in drive is not GPF diskette 2 - Retry or Cancel ? Msg005 Invalid Output Path Msg006 Do you wish to exit the 'Installation Aid' at this time? Msg007 Invalid parameters