═══ 1. PM Developer ═══ PM Developer provides a presentation manager interface for building and testing programs. PM Developer interfaces with existing compilers and debuggers. It is important to note that the build and test processes operate solely within the environments specified within PM Developer. That is, environments defined in the config.sys are not used. (Except for LIBPATH, of course) This is to facilitate easier switching between development environments. Each development environment is stored in a user named profile. Within each profile, there is an environment for the build process and another for testing. This allows the developer to quickly imitate other environments for testing purposes. PM Developer Windows: Build Window Test Window Status Window Setup Window PM Developer Hints: Setup Problems Building Programs ═══ 2. PM Developer Configuration ═══ This dialog configures the overall behavior and process wide variables used by PM Developer. Output text editor specifies the editor to be used in reviewing the output results file from the build interface. Review build results output text upon completion automaticaly invokes the output text editor with the results of a build upon it's completion. Delete build results output text on exit causes all results files accumulated during the current PM Developer process to be deleted upon termination of PM Developer. Note that only files created while this option is enabled are deleted. Delete entry from status list upon completion removes the record of the build from the status window when the build is completed. Save window aesthetics on exit remembers the size and position of all windows when PM Developer is terminated. Upon the next invocation, these sizes and positions will be restored. ═══ 3. Build Configuration ═══ This dialog configures the variables and environment used in the build process. Build utility name specifies the executable or command file invoked for building programs. For example, MAKE for IBM C/2. Specify only the file name. This file must reside along the PATH environment variable specified in the Environment dialog. Note: Since only output directed to stdout is collected by PM Developer, any build utility options that re-direct stderr to stdout should be used. (Parameters) Ship are passed to the build utility when the Ship button is pressed on the Build Window. This parameter is normally used to define build utility macros with non-debugging values. (Parameters) Debug are passed to the build utility when the Debug button is pressed on the Build Window. This parameter is normally used to define build utility macros with debugging values. For example, "lflag=/CO". Input build control directory specifies the directory PM Developer will search for files to populate the Build Window. Build control file extension specifies the search mask PM Developer will use to determine which files are make files. Output text directory specifies the directory in which PM Developer will place build results files. Environment is used to configure the environment in which the build utility will run. ═══ 4. Test Configuration ═══ This dialog configures the variables and environment used in the testing process. Debugger specifies the debugger to be invoked. For example, CVP for IBM C/2. Specify only the file name. This file must reside along the PATH environment variable specified in the Environment dialog. Debugger parameters are passed to the debugger for debugger specific functions. Executable parameters are passed to the specified program. These are passed in both debugging and non-debugging runs. Executable directory specifies the directory PM Developer will search for files to populate the Test Window. Only files with an extension of EXE are selected. Environment is used to configure the environment in which the program will run. ═══ 5. Environment Configuration ═══ This dialog configures the variables and environment used in the testing process. It displays all of the environment names defined for the Build or Test sessions. Note that no validation is performed on the values of these variables. Note that all environment changes are commited when an OK button is pressed. Edit is used change the value of an existing variable. Add is used to add a variable. It should then be edited to define it's value. Delete deletes a variable. ═══ 6. PM Developer Profiles ═══ This dialog manages the development profiles. There will usually be one for each source "directory" used for development. Open resets all environment configurations. Copy copies the open profile to one specified by the user. Delete deletes a profile. ═══ ═══ The Build window provides a list of make files eligible for building. These are provided based on the parameters specified in the build configuration accessed from the PM Developer control panel. ═══ ═══ The Test window provides a list of executable files that can be started from the PM Developer. These are provided based on the parameters specified in the build configuration accessed from the PM Developer control panel. ═══ ═══ Status provides a list of active and completed build sessions. From this window, sessions may be stopped, output from the build may be reviewed and deleted. ═══ ═══ Setup is used to configure the PM Developer processes. This is the brains of PM Developer. ═══ ═══ The most common problem in setting up PM Developer for the first time or configuring new environments is the PATH environment variable. If a build session ends and the results output is either empty or ends suddenly, PM Developer couldn't find a program specified in either the make file or the PM Developer set up. ═══ ═══ Code the /BATCH parameter on the link statement. If the linker can't find something it will fail rather than sit in the background waiting for you to type a response.