OS/2 2.x Pointer Device Drivers - Course OS2DD304 Enabling pointer support for OS/2 2.0 Objective ====================== To expedite Independent Hardware Vendors (IHV) support of OS/2 2.x by writing Physical Device Drivers (PDD) to support PC hardware. This will permit the pointer hardware (mice, pens, etc.) to be used by multiple OS/2 applications. This class will identify the protocol on how to communicate with the other device drivers kernel using the DevHlp interface. Installation and debug techniques will also be covered. Target audience ====================== IBM or IHV programmers who code device drivers for... a. Pointer devices (mice, pens, etc.) b. For various I/O interfaces (Serial, bus, etc.) Attendee prerequisites ====================== a. Programming expertise: C and/or MASM b. Knowledge of OS/2 2.x Physical DD (attend OS2DD101 or equivalent) c. Knowledge of OS/2 2.x Virtual DD (attend OS2DD201 or equivalent) d. Have written other device drivers for IHV hardware DOS, ROM BIOS code, utilities e. Intimate knowledge of IHV hardware & programming protocol f. Purchased development software (OS/2 2.1, DDK, MSC 6.0, MASM 5.1) Course length: 3 days Outline ****************************** OS/2 Structure Device Driver types Pointer device driver model Character Elements: Physical, Virtual Device dependent code vs. device independent code Swappable/Resident Physical vs. logical FG/BG/Detached request processing Required functions Collision check Pointer positioning logic Queue processing IOCtl Support Request handler structure Error handling IDC to other modules Monitor processing Lab: Developing OS/2 Pointer Device Driver